Notes:— | Page | Party-Similes of the Seventeenth Century:—No. 1. "Foxes and Firebrands." No. 2. "The Trojan Horse" | 485 | Testimonials to Donkeys, by Cuthbert Bede, B.A. | 488 | Longevity in Cleveland, Yorkshire, by William Durrant Cooper | 488 | Rev. Josiah Pullen | 489 | Folk Lore:—Ancient Custom in Warwickshire—Nottinghamshire Customs | 490 | Minor Notes:—A Centenarian Couple—"Veni, vidi, vici"—Autumnal Tints—Variety is pleasing—Rome and the Number Six—Zend Grammar—The Duke's First Victory—Straw Paper—American Epitaph | 490 | Queries:— | Laurie (?) on Currency, &c. | 491 | "Donatus Redivivus" | 492 | Minor Queries:—Henry Scobell—The Court House—Ash-trees attract Lightning—Symbol of Sow, &c.—Passage in Blackwood—Rathband Family—Encaustic Tiles from Caen—Artificial Drainage—Storms at the Death of Great Men—Motto on Wylcotes' Brass—"Trail through the leaden sky," &c.—Lord Audley's Attendants at Poictiers—Roman Catholic Bible Society | 493 | Minor Queries with Answers—"Vox Populi Vox Dei"—"Lanquettes Cronicles"—"Our English Milo"—"Delights for Ladies"—Burton's Death—Joannes AudoËnus—Hampden's Death | 494 | Replies:- | Pinece with a Stink," by W. Pinkerton, &c. | 496 | Monumental Brasses abroad, by Josiah Cato | 497 | Milton's "Lycidas," by C. Mansfield Ingleby | 497 | School Libraries, by Weld Taylor and G. Brindley Acworth | 498 | Cawdray's "Treasurie of Similies," and Simile of Magnetic Needle, by Rev. E.C. Harington, &c. | 499 | "Mary, weep no more for me," by J. W. Thomas | 500 | Photographic Correspondence:—Clouds in Photographs—Albumenized Paper—Stereoscopic Angles—Photographic Copies of MSS. | 501 | Replies to Minor Queries:—Lord Cecil's "Memorials"—Foreign Medical Education—EncyclopÆdias—Pepys's Grammar—"Antiquitas SÆculi Juventus Mundi"—Napoleon's Spelling—Black as a mourning Colour—Chanting of Jurors—Aldress—Huggins and Muggins—Camera Lucida—"When Orpheus went down"—The Arms of De Sissone—Oaths of Pregnant Women—Lepel's Regiment—Editions of the Prayer Book prior to 1662—Creole—Daughter pronounced "Dafter"—Richard Geering—Island | 502 | Miscellaneous:- | Books and Odd Volumes wanted | 505 | Notices to Correspondents | 505 | Advertisements | 505 |