

T. on Quaker expurgated Bible, 87. 412.

---- on the meaning of eisell, 156.

Table-book, specimens of, 212.

Talbot (Peter), the pseudo Lominus, 193. 240. 458. 506.

Tale of a Tub, origin of the phrase, 101. 242.

Talented, Sterling's objection to its use, 405.

Taylor (E. S.) on figures of Saints in Martham church, 7.

---- on East Norfolk folk lore, 53.

---- on a monumental inscription, 182.

---- on coins of Constantius II., 238.

---- on corpse passing making a right of way, 240.

---- on the coinage of Vabalathus, 255.

---- on the word Agla, 370.

---- on pasquinade on Pio, 437.

---- on Grimsdyke, 454.

---- on Voce populi halfpenny, 138.

Taylor (Jeremy) on a passage in his sermon, 435.

---- a sermon of his overlooked, 251. 354.

---- his story of the Greek, 208. 262. 326. 507.

Tee Bee, on the transformation of the butterfly, 27.

---- on Hampton Court, 40.

---- on Bensleys of Norwich, 115.

---- on Coke and Cowper, 138.

---- on printers' privilege, 232.

Templar, on lines on the Temple, 181.

Temple (Harry Leroy) on parallel passages, 435.

Temple, lines stuck on the, 76. 181.

Tennent (Sir J. Emerson) on the early use of the crucifix, 485.

Tennyson's Lord of Burleigh, its groundwork, 12.

---- use of the word cycle, 37. 181.

---- The Princess, passage in, 72.

T. (E. S.) on an inscription in Martham church, 20.

---- on Petty Cury, 24.

Texas, plant in, 208. 332.

Texts before sermons, their origin, 344. 387.

T. (F. G.) on the meaning of eisell, 155.

T. (F. W.) on fest sittings, 42.

---- on superstitions respecting bees, 308.

T. (H.) on cleanliness next to godliness, 491.

Theobald's notes on Shakspeare, 28.

Theodolite, its derivation, 383. 457.

Theophylact, on colonies in England, 272.

---- on fire unknown, 283.

---- on the derivation of poetaster, 301.

---- on Scythians blinding their slaves, 314.

---- on derivation of Stonehenge, 328.

---- on Martial's distribution of hours, 332.

---- on Maltese dialect, 383.

---- on Lycian inscriptions, 383.

---- on the Cagots and Cretins, 387.

---- on Coleridge's Christabel, 410.

---- on marriage of ecclesiastics, 427.

---- on races in which children are named after their mothers, 442.

---- on derivation of Æra, 454.

Thiriold (Charles) on repudiate, &c., 163.

---- on Cowper law, 242.

---- on rile, or royle, 317.

---- on naturalis proles, 327.

---- on the termination "-ship," 394.

Thoms (W. J.) on the Michaelmas goose, 230.

Thorns of Dauphine, meaning of the, 502.

Thread the needle, origin of the game, 39. 140.

Three estates of the realm, 115. 196. 278.

Thumb Bible, its history, 484.

Thurnam (John) on the battle of Brunanburgh, 249.

Tichborne (Sir Henry), his Journal, 442.

Tigernach, an Irish writer, 41.

Time, legal, what? 502.

Times newspapers, curious notices of, 98.

T. (J. H.) on Sancta Regum Majestas, 372.

T. (J. N.) on cure for ague, 111.

T. (L. H. J.) on modern Greek names of places, 470.

T. (M. E. C.) on the effects of moonlight, 355.

Tobacco used by Elizabethan ladies, 208.

Todd (Dr. J. H.) On Buxtorf's translation of Elias Levita's Treatise, 272. 391.

---- on epigram ascribed to Mary Queen of Scots, 385.

Tonbridge Castle, heraldic figures at, 115.

Tonges of Tonge, their genealogy, 384.

Toothache, cure for, 227.

Tory, its meaning, 57. 164. 281. 492.

Townley MSS., &c., 103.

Toxophilus, on the test of the strength of a bow, 56.

T. (P.) on suicides buried in cross-roads, 212.

Tr. on Laurentius MÜller, 175.

---- on Rhynsault and Sapphira, 191.

Tradescants, notice respecting, 182.

Traditions from remote periods through few hands, 113. 237. 484.

Transatlantic Reader, on Sir E. Ployden, 58.

Transparency, its cause, 406.

Trees, the age of, 401. 488.

Trelawney (Bp.), and a parliamentary decision, 484.

Trevelyan (W. C.) on blessing by the hand, 262.

Tripos, origin of the term, 484.

Trithemius (Johannes), character of his work, "Liber de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis," 442. 489.

T. (R. S.) on an early German Virgil, 57.

Trunnian or Tronion (St.) noticed, 179.

T. (S. P. H.) on language of ancient Egypt, 152.

---- on plants and their provincial names, 175.

---- on papal bulls, &c., 189.

---- on Francis Clerke, 192.

T. (T.) on Buxtorf's translation of Tub Taam, 328.

Tt. on dictionary of hackneyed quotations, 149.

---- on a story by Jeremy Taylor, 208.

Tudur Aled, a Welsh poet, 384.

Turnpikes, origin of, 503.

Tusser the husbandman, inquiry respecting, 152.

T. (W.) on Ackey trade, 142.

T. (W. J.) on Shakspeare in Sweden, 54.

---- on the Hethel Thorn, 488.

T. (W. S.) on Charles II. and written sermons, 394.

---- on damasked linen, 446.

Tyro on Bellarmin's monstrous paradox, 103.

---- on Marcus Ælius Antoninus, 152.

---- on "A little bird told me," 284.

---- on Sanford's Descensus, 328.

---- on Sacro-Sancta Regum Majestas, 372.

---- on "Truth is that which a man troweth," 455.



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