

S. on St. Irene, or Erini, 475.

Sacheverell (Dr.), his speech on his trial, 8.

Sacre Cheveux, the Halifax arms, 208. 262.

Sacro-Sancta Regum Majestas, 293. 372.

S. (A. F.) on derivation of pic-nic, 152.

---- on the origin of tripos, 484.

Saints, figures of, in Martham church, 7.

Sale by candle, the origin of, 383.

Salmon fishery in the Thames, 87. 141.

Salopian on Wyle Cop, 116.

---- on heel-rake, or ell-rake, 260.

---- on the granddaughter of John Hampden, 423.

Salter, its etymology, 382.

Salting the bodies of the dead, 6.

San Marino, the republic of, 64.

Sanderson and Taylor, 293. 411.

Sanford's Descensus, 232. 284.

Sanskrit elementary books, 103.

Sansom (J.) on scandal against Queen Elizabeth, 161.

---- on note in Liber Sententiarum, 282.

---- on Matthew Paris' Historia Minor, 209.

---- on the Archbishop of Spalatro, 295.

Sapphics, English, 45. 182.

Sardonic smiles, its meaning, 18. 72. 196.

Sarpi's Council of Trent, Latin translation of, 275.

Saxonicus on Milton being an Anglo-Saxon scholar, 181.

---- on the name Robert, 272.

---- on Sanford's Descensus, 284.

Sc. on derivation of London, 505.

Scandinavia, the want of English literature there, 39.

Scandinavian on the age of trees, 488.

Scandinavian literature, 59.

---- mythology, 161.

School of the Heart, its authorship, 141. 241.

School superstitions, 53.

S. (C. N.) on possession nine points of the law, 23.

Scotland, ancient MS. history of, 316.

---- conquest of, 165. 234.

Scott's Childe Harold, canto iv., st. 182., 223. 285. 323. 386. 508.

---- Lay of the Last Minstrel, 134.

---- Pirate, "Fire on the maintop," 99.

Scotus Octogenarius on conquest of Scotland, 234.

Scripture erroneously quoted, 131. 243.

S. (C. S. B.) on Cozens the painter, 368.

Sculptured stones in Scotland, 86. 350.

Scurvy ale, its components, 68. 162.

Scythians blind their slaves, 314.

S. (E.) on MS. book of Sentences, 243.

---- on the Winchester execution, 243.

---- on Rectitudines Singularum Personarum, 508.

Secant, its meaning in Virgil, Æneid viii. 96., 24.

Sedley, passage in, 327.

S. (E. J.) on derivation of Yankee, 13.

Seleucus on an allusion in Longfellow, 22.

---- on a passage in Tennyson, 72.

---- on John a Kent, 119.

---- on salting the dead, 163.

---- on marriages within ruined churches, 261.

---- on colonies in England, 371.

Selion, its derivation, 258.

Sempills of Beltrus, their poems, 343.

Senses, the saying, "Frightened out of his seven senses," 233.

Sermons, on written and extempore, 8. 41. 237. 394.

Serpent represented with a human head, 191. 331.

---- freedom from, 260.

Sept, its etymology, 344.

Serius, where situated, 124.

Serius Seriadesque, or Il Serio, 11.

SÉvÉrambes, Histoire des, 43.

S. (G. L.) on "Son of the morning," 330.

Shakspeare, his small Latin, 26.

---- his use of triple, 26.

---- his meaning of eisell, 36. 64. 68. 155. 193.

---- monumental bust of, 307.

---- nautical phrases, 379.

---- publication of his plays in Sweden, 54.

---- prenzie, in Measure for Measure, 63. 135.

---- the word rack in the Tempest, 37. 121. 158. 193.

---- quoted, "They that touch pitch," 292.

Shawls, their introduction into England, 7. 77.

Shelley's children, inquiry after, 40.

Ship, the termination, 153. 261. 394.

Shipmoney, satirical verses on, 437.

Shropshire, price of land in, 502.

Sibi, its use in monkish Latin, 327. 392.

Sidanen, the British, 83. 120. 424.

S??a on Stillingfleet's Sufferings of Christ, 274.

Simnel, its derivation, 212.

Sinage [Senage], its meaning, 6. 28.

Sinaitic inscriptions, 332. 382. 458.

Sin-eaters, notices respecting, 211.

Singer (S. W.) on an ancient engraving of Cebes, 12.

---- on Ferrante Pallavicino, 13.

---- on Gabriel Harvey's MS. notes, 169.

---- on a curious monumental inscription, 105.

---- on Richard Rolle, 159.

S. (J.) on Joceline's Legacy, 410.

S. (J. G.) on facts concerning Donizetti, 380.

S. (J. J.) on the island of Ægina, 508.

S. (J. M.) on early translation of Amadis de Gaule, 85.

S. (J. V.) on children named after mothers, 506.

S. (K.) on Gray's obligations to Jeremy Taylor, 262.

---- on bishops vacating their sees, 293.

---- on the marriage of ecclesiastics, 298.

Skeatta, its meaning, 346.

Skull-cups, their use, 231.

Slander, may it mean injury? 6.

S. (M.) on the designation Miss, 6.

Smith (T. C.) on poetical coincidences, 291.

Smith (W. J. Bernhard) on nightingale and thorn, 242.

---- on finger-stocks, 395.

S. (M. P.) on Sir Thomas Malory, 257.

Snakes' antipathy to fire, 131.

Sneck-up or hiccup, a stage direction, 28.

Souling, the custom of, in Shropshire, 381. 506.

Soul's Errand, its author, 274. 353.

Southampton brasses, 132.

Spalatro, archbishop of, 257. 295.

Spaniards in Peru, a play, 257. 456.

S. (P. C. S.) on broad arrow, 371.

Spec on Cromwell's grants of land, 123.

Spectacles, inscription on the rim of a pair, 407.

Speculative Difficulties, a work on, 198.

Spenser's age at his death, 74.

---- portraits, 101.

---- Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. ix. st. 22., 133. 165.

---- Shepherd's Calendar, stanzas on, 473.

Speriend, on De Foe's house at Stoke Newington, 256.

---- on the early use of Miss, 44.

---- on the salting of the dead, 48.

---- on the prophecies of Nostradamus, 86.

Spittal-hill tut, a sprite, 212.

Spon, its derivation, 39. 412.

S. (R. J.) on Bible divination in Suffolk, 148.

S. (R. S.) on "You friend drink to me," 197.

---- on "A posie of other men's flowers," 212.

S. (S.) on The Abridgment of the Assizes, 41.

---- on Townley MSS. &c., 103.

---- on the pronunciation of Tiverton, 164.

Ss. (J.) on derivation of prog, 315.

S. (S. S.) on armorial bearings, 330.

---- on John Bodley, 59.

---- on Bourchier family, 233.

---- on William III. at Exeter, 329.

Stallenge queries, 315.

Stanedge Pole, its locality, 123.

Stanton Drew, and its tradition, 3.

Statistics of all Christians, 445.

Statute fairs, 190.

Statute of Limitations abroad, 256.

S. (T. C.) on Pope's honest factor, 284.

---- on Pope and Flatman, 284.

Stella, was she Swift's sister? 110. 160.

Stephen's, St. Church, Walbrook, 267.

Stephens, (Geo.) on English literature in the North, 38.

Stephens, (T.) on the British Sidanen, 120.

---- on John a Cumber, 453.

---- on the antiquity of kilts, 170.

---- on the Kimmeron, Cimbri, Cymry, 444.

---- on the Gododin, 468.

Stevens (David) on testing a bow, 210.

---- on Stanton Drew, 3.

---- on the meaning of Whig and Tory, 281.

S. (T. G.) on Domesday book of Scotland, 213.

---- on History of Hawick, 329.

---- on Macfarlane manuscripts, 509.

---- on the Sempills of Beltrus, 343.

Stickle, its meaning, 209.

Stillingfleet on the Sufferings of Christ, 274. 392.

Stone (Dan.) Esquire, anagrams on Notes and Queries, 351.

Stonehaven on The Don, a poem, 441.

Stonehenge, its derivation, 57. 214. 328.

Strafford and Abp. Ussher, 290. 349. 365.

Streso's Commentarius, 192.

Student, on Tudur Aled, 384.

Suicides buried in cross roads, 116. 212. 329.

Sundays, on what days of the month, 134.

Surplices, on the different kinds, 192. 262. 301. 356.

Surrey folk lore, 291.

Sussex, religious houses in, 473.

Sutcliffe (Dr. Matthew), inquiry respecting, 152. 239.

S. (W.) on Margaret Maultasch, 122.

Swann (J.) on Pope's honest factor, 7.

Swearing by the English, 37.

---- on the horns at Highgate, 84.

---- the various modes of, 90.

Sweden, consecration of bishops in, 345. 412.

S. (W. F.) on Dr. Young's Narcissa, 22.

S. (W. H.) on coins of Constantius Gallus, 327.

---- on coins of Vabalathus, 427.

Swift, his inedited letters, 218.

Sword-blade note, 176. 213.

---- proof of one, 39. 109. 181.

Sylla, on Presant family, 191.

S. (Y. V.) on "Suum cuique tribuere," 28.

Sz. (S. S.) on the etymology of Berth, 83.



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