P. on the House of Yvery, 158. p. on Flatman and Pope, 355. Paget (Rev. John), notices of, 133. Painters' anachronisms, 150. 369. Painting, symbols in, 443. Palestrina's violin, distich on, 593. Pallant, its meaning, 442. Pallavicino (Ferrante), notices of, 13. Panelling inscription at South Lynn, 407. Panorama, the first, 21. 54. 118. Panslavic literature, 306. 364. Papal bulls, 189. Paragraph sign ¶, its meaning, 57. 394. Parallel passages, 435. Paris' (Matthew) Historia Minor, 209. 328. Parish registers, 232. 473. 490. Parishes, names first given to, 153. Parkes (Wm.), notice of, 134. Parliamentary debates of 1768 to 1774, 368. Paslam (Charles) on the badger, 474. Pasquinade on Pius IX., 292. 437. ---- on Cardinal Bona, 381. Passellew family, 73. Patrick (St.), had he a wife? 190. Paul (St.), works on his life, 198. Pauper's badge, its meaning, 294. 372. P. (C. A.) on General James Wolfe, 480. P. (C. H.) on written sermons, 8. ---- on Jonah and the whale, 45. Peace illumination in 1802, 23. 77. Peacock (E.) on Lincolnshire folk lore, 470. Peacock, jun. (E.) on John Lilburne, 134. Peal of bells, definition of peal, 243. Peel (Jonathan) on deodands, 484. Pegs and thongs for rowing, 423. Pendulum demonstration of the earth's rotation, 129. 177. 235. 277. Penn (Wm.) his residence in England, 273. ---- his family, 93. ---- No Cross no Crown, origin of the title, 423. Perceval (Hon. Spencer), singular dream respecting his assassination, 4. Peregrinus on quotation from Bacon, 208. ---- on Lord Strafford and Abp. Ussher, 290. Perrot (John), a MS. by him, 28. Petre's (Lady) monument, 22. 74. 182. Petro-Promontoriensis on Caxton memorial, 385. Petworth parish register, 27. 125. Petty cury, its origin, 24. 120. 194. P. (G.) on the meaning of hernshaw, 76. P*** (G.) on plant in Texas, 332. Pharetram de Tutesbit, its meaning, 316. Ph*** (C. P.) on cachecope bell, 299. F. on decretorum doctor, 191. ---- on date of a charter, 215. ---- on places in Westminster Hall, 344. Philibeg or kilt, 107. 170. 445. Philo on Shelley's children, 40. ---- on a Life of Cromwell by R. B., 41. Philosophus on testing a bow, 210. Photographer on the collodian, 443. Physiological query, 233. Pic nic, its derivation, 152. Picton (J. A.) on passage in Geo. Herbert, 329. Pigeons, medical use of, 228. 291. Pilgrim, effigy of one in the church of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 345. Pinkerton (W.) on the introduction of reptiles into Ireland, 12. ---- on pseudo MSS., 122. ---- on the od force, 150. Pirog, the custom of, 175. Pitt (Wm.), statement respecting his death, 232. 329. Pius V., justice to Pope, 421. P. (J.) jun. on Tennyson's Lord of Burleigh, 13. ---- on the family of Kyme, 76. P. (J. P.) on death omen by bees, 436. P. (J. W.) on the word abacot, 176. ---- on the meaning of ruell, 189. Plagiarism, supposed instances of, 36. 93. Plaids and tartans, 7. 77. 107. 170. Plancius' map of the world wanted, 383. Planets of the months, their names, 21. 164. Plant in Texas, 208. 332. Plants, their provincial names, 175. Plowden or Ployden (Sir Edmond), 58. 164. 319. Ploydes, its meaning, 501. P. (M. M.) on Surrey folk-lore, 291. Poetical coincidences, 291. 310. Political economy, the first Italian writer on, 175. 356. Pollini, L'Historia Ecclesiastica, noticed, 25. Pope and Flatman, 132. 165. 259. 262. 283. 355. 505. Pope's "honest factor," inquiry respecting, 7. 71. 244. 284. ---- imitation of Horace, 58. 122. 139. 237. 284. Porculus on Bacon, a poet, 506. Portrait, an engraved one, 443. 491. Portraits, privately engraved, 17. Possession nine points of the law, origin of this expression, 23. ????? on Count Maurice Taner de Lacy, 382. Poulster, or upholsterer, 153. 198. P. (P.) on paragraph sign ¶, 57. ---- on the derivation of Stonehenge, 57. ---- on erroneous Scripture quotations, 131. ---- on anachronisms of painters, 150. Praed's charade, 368. ---- works, 256. 327. 452. Premises, its incorrect use, 483. Presant family, information wanted, 191. Print meaning of the expression "in print," 12. Printers, are they privileged to wear a sword? 232. Printing, accuracy of, 250. ---- hint for celebrating its invention, 148. 276. ---- in 1449 and Shakspeare, 344. Prints, how to clean, 175. 326. Priscian on stanzas in Childe Harold, 324. Proem on Chesterfield's lines on Queen Caroline, 444. Prog, its derivation, 315. Prophecy respecting France, 471. ---- respecting 1837, 473. Protectorate, compositions during the, 406. 490. Proverb, what constitutes one, 191. 239. Proverbs: "A little bird told me," 232. 284. 394. ---- "As lazy as Ludlam's dog," 165. ---- "Call a spade a spade," 274. 456. ---- "Going the whole hog," 240. ---- "Green eyed monster," 501. ---- "He must go to Tiverton, and ask Mr. Able," 24. ---- "Mad as March hare," 208. ---- "Tace is Latin for a candle," 456. ---- "To learn by heart,"--apprendre par coeur, 75. ---- "Worse than a crime," 274. 455. Proverbial philosophy, 81. P. (R. S. V.) on the punishment of Prince Edward, 410. P.'s and Q.'s, "mind your P.'s and Q.'s," 11. Public house, a reason for keeping one, 114. P. (W.) on the derivation of mews, 20. P. (W. H.) on East Norfolk folk-lore, 251. |