

F. on Mallet's second wife, 191.

---- on the Winchester execution, 284.

Faber-Ferrarius On Dryden and Oldham, 93.

Fairlight church, description of, 57. 160.

Fairy dances, 173.

Fanny on a fragment, "The Abbey," 372.

---- on Isabel, queen of the Isle of Man, 423.

Farlieu, its meaning, 317.

Farmer (Rev. Richard), his character, 379. 407. 428.

Fasciculus temporum, 148. 276.

F. (E.) on thread the needle, 140.

F. (E. D. C.) on the spelling of Orinoco, 24.

Fell (Leonard), was he brother of the judge? 256.

Felton, where is the letter found in his hat? 152.

Fennell (Wm.) on portrait of Whiston, 21.

Fenton (John) on Nao, ship, 28.

Fermilodum, was it a city? 345. 395.

Fest sittings, 42.

F. (F. F.) on the word repudiate, 163.

F. (H.) on the privileges of the Durham See, 425.

---- on compositions during the Protectorate, 490.

---- on dial motto at Karlsbad, 507.

"Fiat justitia, ruat coelum," origin of the apothegm, 91.

"Fides Carbonaria," origin of the phrase, 233. 283.

Finavdis (Father), an anagram by him, 405.

Finger pillories in churches, 315. 395. 458.

Fire unknown in certain islands, 209. 283. 331.

Fishes, Greek names in the Vespae, 501.

Fits, cure for, 53.

Fitzgerald, Lord Edw., the house of, 173. 230. 411.

Flemish account, origin of the expression, 504.

Fm. on Mary Anne Clarke, 493.

Folietani, or leaf-eaters, 256.

Folk lore, 3. 52. 98. 148. 227. 251. 291. 308. 380. 404. 436. 470. 500.

---- Cheshire, 405. 506.

---- Devonshire superstitions, 98. 309.

---- East Norfolk, 53. 251.

---- Lincolnshire, 470.

---- Shetland, 500.

---- Somersetshire, 149.

---- Suffolk, 148.

---- Surrey, 291.

Fontainebleau, its etymology, 38. 193.

Forbes (C.) on kiss the hare's foot, 74.

---- on curious omen at marriage, 142.

---- on "A posie of other men's flowers," 211.

---- on visiting cards, 243.

---- on story referred to by Jeremy Taylor, 326.

---- on "A little bird told me," 394.

---- on "Call a spade a spade," 456.

Forbes' poem, The Don, 441.

Foreign ambassadors, list of, 442. 477.

---- English, 130.

Form for receiving converts, 189.

Fort une, its meaning, 57. 142. 328. 476.

Foss (Edw.) on collar of SS., 147.

---- on judges styled Reverend, 198.

Fourth fare, its meaning, 39.

Fox, its cunning illustrated, 295.

Frampton (Tregonwell), particulars of, 474.

Francis on Moore's Almanack, 74.

Francis (St.), the Vine of, 89.

Franciscus on the locality Gillingham, 28.

---- on Broad Halfpenny Down, 197.

---- on Borough-English, 214.

---- on "Dieu et mon droit," 299.

---- on payments for destroying vermin, 389. 447.

Franklin, Latin verse on, 443.

Fraser (W.), on three estates of the realm, 115. 278.

---- on Borough-English, 133.

---- on "But very few have seen the devil," 133.

---- on scurvy ale, 162.

---- on the term Milesian, 175.

---- on cycle of Cathay, 181.

---- on hand giving the benediction, 214.

---- on an archbishop of Spalatro, 257.

---- on "Call a spade a spade," 274.

---- on Merlin and the electric telegraph, 341.

---- on printing in 1449, and Shakspeare, 344.

---- on the custom of souling, 506.

---- on rural and urban deans, 502.

---- on legend of the robin redbreast, 506.

Freemasons, works on their origin, 234.

French refugees, treaty of compensation, 423.

Frere (G. E.) on the death of Cervantes, 116.

Frescheville (John Lord) noticed, 441.

Friends, a member of the society of, on Quaker expurgated Bible, 412.

Frogs in Ireland, 75.

Fuller (Dr. Thomas), his autograph, 474.

Funeral in Hamburgh, 269.

Funerals, music at, 404.

F. (W. H.) on sculptured stones in Scotland, 350.

---- on the introduction of Christianity into Orkney, 439.

---- on names of places in Normandy and Orkney, 501.

F. (Y. G.) on the authorship of "Racked by pain, by shame confounded," 7.



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