B. on a Kelso convoy, 176. ---- on Cardinal Wolsey in the stocks, 176. ---- on Royal Registers, 474. ---- on house at Welling, 502. B. (A.) on the Winchester execution, 317. ---- on descendants of John of Gaunt, 343. B. (A. F.) on prenzie, in Measure for Measure, 63. ---- on the word rack, in the Tempest, 121. ---- on the pendulum demonstration, 129. 277. ---- on Bede's Mental Almanack, 201. 341. 436. ---- on Martial's distribution of hours, 273. ---- on MS. note in Liber Sententiarum, 326. ---- on the Aneroid barometer, 356. ---- on Shakspeare's league and log-ship, 379. ---- on the Rev. Richard Farmer, 428. Bacon, a poet, 474. 506. Bacon (Lord), poet referred to by him, 257. Badger, is it amphibious? 474. Baily's Annuities, spurious edition of, 19. Baker's daughter becomes an owl, 269. Banks family, notices of, 71. Bannel (K.) on meaning of nervous, 7. Banstead Downs, wells near, 315. 492. Barnwell (George), notice of a play by, 483. Baroner, its meaning, 232. Baronette, or banneret, 44. 164. Barrister, its etymology, 472. Bartanus on pregnant women taking an oath, 214. ---- on early muster rolls, 367. Barton (Catharine), her maiden name, 11. Barton (Wm.), notices of Wm. Hone, 25. ---- on Pope and Flatman, 132. Baskerville the printer, notices of, 40. 123. 211. Basnet family, notices of, 77. Bathurst (Dominus), who was he? 345. Bay on Banks family, 71. Bayley (Wm. D'Oyly) on Domingo Lomelyne, 194. B. (B.) on colonies in England, 371. ---- on Roman Index Expurgatorius, 487. ---- on perpetual lamp, 501. B. (C.) on the meaning of prenzie, 11. ---- on BicÊtre, or Vincestre, 13. ---- on Jonah and the whale, 45. ---- on sardonic smiles, 72. ---- on "Heu quanto minus," 73. ---- on Dryden and Oldham, 93. ---- on the Cagots and Cretins, 331. ---- on Lycian inscriptions, 488. B. (C. H.) on the derivation of spon, 29. B. (C. W.) on the expression "In print," 12. ---- on a sketch of Bogatsky, 44. ---- on Lady Hopton, 97. ---- on Ussher's works, 110. ---- on Lady Elizabeth Horner, 131. ---- on the late William Hone, 241. Bealby (H. M.), notes on newspapers, 98. 418. Beaumont (Wm.) on Grimesditch, 331. Beaumont and Jeremy Taylor, 154. Bed, lines on, 175. Bede's Mental Almanack, 201. 341. 436. Bees informed of a death, 270. 308. 436. B. (E. H.) on curious facts in natural history, 189. ---- on mazer-wood and sin-eaters, 211. B. (E. I.) on verses presented to General Monck, 421. Bellarmin's monstrous paradox, 45. 103. Bell-house, a Saxon, 102. 178. Bells in churches, 165. 241. B. (E. M.) on Spenser's portraits, 101. ---- on Spenser's Faerie Queene, 133. Benbow on the cycle of the moon, 102. Bene't Fink (St.), its monumental inscriptions, 407. 491. Bensleys of Norwich, 115. 241. Berlin mean time, how reckoned, 256. 355. Bernard (St.), passage in, 133. Berth, its etymology, 83. 212. Berwick and Alva (Duke de), 133. 244. Beuno (St.), notices of, 424. Beville on portrait of Dryden, 59. B. (F.) on parochial names, 153. B. (F. J.) on armorial bearings, 58. ?. on locusts of the New Testament, 351. ---- on cross-legged effigies, 458. B. (H. A.) on Dictionary of Hackneyed Quotations, 405. ---- on frontispiece to Hobbes' Leviathan, 487. Bhaugulpore, round towers at, 442. B. (H. H.) on inscription on an oak-board, 109. ---- on churches decorated at Christmas, 109. ---- on the mistletoe, 110. ---- on curfew-bell at Charleston, 240. Bible divination in Suffolk, 148. ---- lines on the, attributed to Byron, 473. Bibliophilus (Periergus) on carmagnoles, 489. Bibliothecarius Chethamensis on written sermons, 237. BicÊtre, or Vincestre, 13. Biographical dictionary, a new one suggested, 483. Birds, the hollowness of their bones, 294. ---- care for the dead, 131. Bishops, can they vacate their sees? 293. Bishops, their marriage, 57. 125. 194. 196. 298. 346. 427. B. (J.) on registry of British subjects abroad, 7. ---- on payments for destroying vermin, 208. ---- on parish registers and briefs, 232. ---- on the word ?de?f??, 458. B. (J.), Manchester, on the genealogy of the Tonges, 384. B (J. N.) on "Alterius orbis papa," 75. ---- on inscription on a pair of spectacles, 407. B. (J. O.) on "Heu quanto minus," &c., 21. ---- on curious monumental inscription, 88. B. (J. S.) on parish register of Petworth, 27. ---- on John Bodley, 240. ---- on parish registers, 490. ---- on clekit house, 506. Blessing by the hand, 74. 214. Bl. (J.) on locusts, 352. Blood, circulation of the, 110. Bloodhound, its scent, 368. 455. Blowen, on the meaning of Bummaree, 39. ---- on plaids and tartans, 107. ---- on an Irish halfpenny, 138. ---- on salmon fishery in the Thames, 141. ---- on the Tradescants, 182. ---- on pun by William Oldys, 206. ---- on epitaph in Dalkeith churchyard, 230. ---- on the ball that killed Nelson, 471. B. (M. W.) on the death of the Hon. Spencer Perceval, 4. ---- on an anecdote of Curran, 173. ---- on execution under singular circumstances, 191. ---- on portrait of Edmund Burke, 271. ---- on quotation from an old ballad, 391. ---- on ducks and drakes, 502. Bne, on Jacobus de Voragine, 23. Bockett (Julia R.), notices of the Basnet family, 77. ---- on noble and workhouse names, 198. ---- on monumental symbolism, 209. ---- on Upton Court, 493. Bodley (John), notices of, 59. 117. 240. Bogatsky, a sketch of him, 44. Bohun (Edmund), particulars of, 484. Bold on the family of Kyme, 23. Book plates, 46. 93. 354. Books, notices of new-- ---- Agassiz and Gould's Outlines of Comparative Physiology, 510. ---- Allport's Kits Coty House, 30. ---- Andrews' Latin-English Lexicon, 199. ---- ArchÆologia Cambrensis, No. VII., 14. ---- Book of English Songs, 302. ---- Boswell's Life of Johnson, 302. ---- British Museum, list of autograph letters, charters, &c., 183. ---- Buckley's Canons of the Council of Trent, 46. ---- Buff's Letters on the Physics of the Earth, 413. ---- Calmet's Dictionary abridged, 333. ---- Carlile's Manual of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Mind, 29. ---- Chase, the, by Nimrod, 286. ---- Chatelaine's Rambles through Rome, 245. ---- Chronological New Testament, 357. ---- Cicero's Orations, translated by Yonge, 510. ---- Cockerell's Iconography of Wells Cathedral, 245. ---- Comical Creatures from Wurtemberg, 124. ---- D'Anton's History of Drogheda, 493. ---- De Lamartine's Stone Mason of St. Pont, 126. ---- Denarius--Shall we keep the Crystal Palace? 14. ---- Ellis's Map of various Public Clocks, 493. ---- Ely Cathedral, ArchÆological Guide to, 199. ---- Eothen, in Traveller's Library, 460. ---- Essays from The Times, 286. ---- Family Almanack and Educational Register, 478. ---- Foss's Judges of England, 13. ---- Foulke's Manual of Ecclesiastical History, 332. ---- Fouque's Undine, 478. ---- Gesammtabentheuer. By Von der Hagen, 263. ---- Grant's Memoirs of Sir J. Hepburn, 357. ---- Gregory's Letters on the Evidences, 166. ---- Guizot's Iconographie ChrÉtienne, 286. ---- ---- Monk's Contemporaries, 126. ---- Gutch's Literary and Scientific Register for 1852, 510. ---- Halle's (Dr.) Letters Historical and Botanical, 143. ---- Halliwell's Catalogue of Proclamations, &c., 493. ---- Hand Atlas of Physical Geography, 429. ---- Haydn's Book of Dignities, 429. ---- Henry's Unripe Windfalls, 509. ---- Heywood's Golden and Silver Ages, 29. ---- Hunt's Elementary Physics, 429. ---- James's Life and Times of Louis XIV., 215. ---- Kelke's Churchyard Manual, 199. ---- Kirchhoff's BeitrÄge zur Geschichte des Deutschen Buchhandels, 46. ---- Laing's Journal of a Residence in Norway, 182. ---- Lamartine's History of the Restoration of the Monarchy in France, 142. ---- Lansdowne Shakspeare, 509. ---- Latham's Germania of Tacitus, 477. ---- ---- Handbook of the English Language, 357. ---- Layard's Nineveh, abridged, 373. ---- Lebahn's Self-Instructor in German, 478. ---- Literature of the Rail, 183. ---- Lucretius on the Nature of Things, translated, 395. ---- Mantell's Handbook to the Organic Remains in the British Museum, 413. ---- Mayhew's London Labour and the London Poor, 413. ---- Merlet's Dictionary of French Difficulties, 478. ---- Mitchel's Orbs of Heaven, 303. ---- Mormons, or Latter-day Saints, 303. ---- Murray's Handbook of Modern London, 125. ---- Neander's General History of the Christian Religion, 126. ---- ---- Planting of the Christian Church, 303. ---- NotÆ Ferales, a few Words on the Modern System of Interment, 14. ---- Official Catalogue of the Great Exhibition, 459. ---- Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated, 303. ---- Pauli's KÖnig Ælfred und seine Stelle in der Geschichte Englands, 166. ---- Pfeiffer's (Madame) Voyage round the World, 373. ---- PlanchÉ's Pursuivant of Arms; or Heraldry founded upon Facts, 459. ---- Redding's The Stranger in London, 166. ---- Redding's History of Modern Wines, 395. ---- Salisbury Volume of the ArchÆological Institute, 395. ---- Scott's Antiquarian Gleanings in the North, 332. ---- Smith's Address before the Royal Geographical Society, 166. ---- StÖckhardt's Principles of Chemistry, 333. ---- Todd's Three Treatises by John Wycklyffe, 46. ---- Traveller's Library, 94. 460. ---- Tregelles' History of the Jansenists, 215. ---- Ullman's Life of Gregory of Nazianzum, 357. ---- Vasari's Lives of Painters, Sculptors, &c., 143. 395. ---- Vaux's Handbook to the Antiquities in the British Museum, 126. 413. ---- Walker's Cab Fare of London, 396. ---- Welsh Ecclesiastical Sketches, 413. ---- Whitaker's Clergyman's Diary and Ecclesiastical Directory, 478. ---- Williams' Glossary of British Dress and Armour, 29. ---- Wilson's Little Earnest Book upon a Great Old Subject, 357. ---- Wolf's BeitrÄge zur Deutschen Mythologie, 493. Books, privately printed, 17. Bootikins described, 232. Borderer on the Latin termination "aster," 59. ---- on Childe Harold, Canto iv. st. li. lii., 83. ---- on the Lay of the Last Minstrel, 134. ---- on plaids and tartans, 445. ????a? on the locusts of the New Testament, 255. ---- on anonymous works, 293. ---- on a History of Anglesey, 317. Borough English, 133. 214. 235. 259. Borrow's Bible in Spain, 101. Boswell's Tour in the Hebrides, a misquotation in, 474. 506. Botfield (Beriah) On the Caxton Memorial, 69. 289. Bourchier family, their monuments, 233. 329. 392. Bourne (Rev. Henry), notices of, 23. Bow, test of strength of, 56. 210. 392. B. (P.) on Joceline's Legacy, 454. Braham Moor, account of, 270. Bramhall (Bishop) and Milton, 341. Bray (Dr.), his portrait wanted, 382. Braybrooke (Lord) on Horace Walpole at Eton, 206. ---- on the song Winifreda, 238. ---- on Cooper's miniature of Cromwell, 368. ---- on the locality of Grimsditch, 372. Breen (Henry II.) on the proverb, "Les Anguilles de Melun," 20. ---- on the phrase "Kiss the hare's foot," 21. ---- on the etymology of Fontainebleau, 38. ---- on La MÈre Jeane, 40. ---- on Histoire des SÉvÉrambes, 43. ---- on the meaning of fort une, 57. ---- on Queen BrunÉhaut, 86. ---- on cockroach, 151. ---- on Sir Walter Raleigh in Virginia, 190. ---- on anagrams, 226. ---- on Aubrey de Montdidier's dog, 231. ---- on lines on Cagliostro, 368. ---- on the aborigines of St. Domingo, 433. ---- on Latin verse on Franklin, 443. ---- on a passage in Goldsmith, 482. ---- on "Hell paved with priests' skulls," 484. ---- on Pope and Flatman, 505. Brentford, the two kings of, 369. Briefs for collections, 232. Bristol tables, 406. 454. Briwingable, its meaning, 22. 212. Broad Halfpenny Down, 133. 197. Broctuna on the Earl of Derwentwater, 133. Broom, hanging out the, at mast-heads, 76. Brown (J.), jun. on Oldys on London libraries, 176. Brown (T. R.) on the word ?de?f??, 339. 487. Bruce (J.) on written sermons, 8. Brunanburgh, battle of, 249. 327. BrunÉhaut (Queen), 86. 136. 193. Brunswick mum, why so called, 177. B. (R. W.), lines on a bed, 175. ---- on fees for inoculation, 231. B. (T.) on planets of the month, 23. Buckhounds, master of the, 422. Buckley (Theodore) on Pope and Flatman, 210. ---- a hint to catalogue makers, 340. ---- on verses in classical prose, 455. Buckton, (T. J.) on blessing by the hand, 74. ---- on the whale of Jonah, 178. ---- on Nineveh inscriptions, 220. ---- on language of ancient Egypt, 240. ---- on linteamina and surplices, 262. ---- on Arabic inscriptions, 266. ---- on the Indian origin of gypsies, 471. Bull (John) on the pronunciation of Cowper, 138. Bummaree, its meaning, 39. 74. 93. Bunche's (Mother) Fairy Tales, 209. Bunting's Irish Melodies, 452. Bunyan and the Visions of Hell, 139. Burghley, the Lord of, a play, 12. Buriensis on Gen. Moyle, 443. ---- on clekit house, 473. ---- on the origin of turnpikes, 503. Burke (Edmund), portraits of, 271. 332. Burke's "mighty boar of the forest," 391. Burn, how to cure a, 500. Burns and Propertius, parallel between, 54. Burton family, notices of, 22. 124. Burton's Life of Cromwell, 41. Burtt (Joseph) on the punishment of Edward of Caernarvon, 409. Bute (Marchioness of) on Lady Flora Hastings' bequest, 109. Butler (Bp.), his MS. Sermons, 316. Butler's Analogy, Latin translation of, 85. Butterfly, its various transformations, 27. Butts of Norwich, their genealogy, 501. Buxtorf's translation of Elias Levita's Treatise, 272. 328. 391. Bw. (F.) on Aulus Gellius' dimple, 285. Byng (Adm.), lines attributed to him, 403. Byron's Childe Harold, cant. iv. st. li. lii., 83. Byron's Childe Harold, "Son of the Morning," 209. 330. 391. |