
Page 6 tenour as in original

Pages 8, 37, 38, 207, 291: Inconsistent spelling of Praepositors/PrÆpositors/Prepositors/prepositors as in original

Page 10, 220 Variable capitalisation of Sub-Target as in original

Page 20 School-masters standardised to Schoolmasters

Page 25 Chapter title 1553-1592. as in original, differs from table of contents 1553-1599.

Page 59, 193 Variable spelling of summarised/summarized as in original

Page 63 ninteenth corrected to nineteenth

Page 105 twenth-ninth corrected to twenty-ninth

Page 107 philsophical corrected to philosophical

Page 135 rebuilding standardised to re-building

Page 137 Duplicate of removed in Fellows of of Queen's College

Page 146 he corrected to be in And it may be that money was taken

Page 147: Hyphenation of Kay-Shuttleworth in illustration caption as in original, inconsistent with text

Page 148 rebuilt standardised to re-built

Page 161 aud corrected to and in "the boarding arrangements, and he condemned"

Page 166 responsibilites corrected to responsibilities

Page 209 School-yard standardised to Schoolyard

Page 239 tenemcnta corrected to tenementa in Terre et tenementa dicte nuper

Page 243 Gugernatores corrected to Gubernatores in Et quod iidem Gugernatores

Page 249 successsoribus corrected to successoribus in heredibus et successsoribus nostris

Page 250 , as in original in eorundem ut prefertur, Ac

Page 266 Variable hyphenation of herein(-)after as in original

Page 272 if he is admitted as a border as in original

Page 288 Hasebrig corrected to Haselrig in index entry for Haselrig, Sir Arthur

Page 289 lemyng not capitalised, as in original


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