5414-h@45414-h-29.htm.html#xd21e4896">167 Marriage or Cohabitation with a Sister Denounced. Abraham Married his Sister, and God Blessed the Union. A Man May Marry His Brother’s Widow. A Man May Not Marry his Brother’s Widow. Hatred to Kindred Enjoined. Hatred to Kindred Condemned. Intoxicating Beverages Recommended. Intoxicating Beverages Discountenanced. It is Our Duty to Obey Rulers, Who are God’s Ministers and Punish Evil Doers Only. It is Not Our Duty Always to Obey Rulers, Who Sometimes Punish the Good, and Receive Damnation Therefor. Woman’s Rights Denied. Woman’s Rights Affirmed. Obedience to Masters Enjoined. Obedience Due to God Only. There is an Unpardonable Sin. There is No Unpardonable Sin. HISTORICAL FACTS. - Man was Created After the Other Animals.
- Man was Created Before the Other Animals.
- Noah, by God’s Command, Took Into the Ark Clean Beasts by Sevens.
- Noah, by God’s Command, Took Into the Ark Clean Beasts by Twos.
- Seed Time and Harvest were Never to Cease.
- Seed Time and Harvest Did Cease for Seven Years.
- God Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart.
- Pharaoh Hardened His Own Heart.
- All the Cattle and Horses in Egypt Died.
- All the Horses of Egypt did Not Die.
- Abraham had but One Son.
- Keturah was Abraham’s Wife.
- Keturah was Abraham’s Concubine.
- Abraham Begat a Son when he was a Hundred Years Old, by the Interposition of Providence.
- Abraham Begat Six Children More After he was a Hundred Years Old, Without any Interposition of Providence.
- Jacob Bought a Sepulcher of the Sons of Hamor.
- Abraham Bought it of the Sons of Emmor.
- God Promised the Land of Canaan to Abraham and his Seed.
- Abraham and his Seed Never Received the Promised Land.
- Baasha Died in the Twenty-sixth Year of Asa.
- Baasha did Not Die in the Twenty-sixth Year of Asa.
- Ahaziah was the Youngest Son of Jehoram.
- Ahaziah was Not the Youngest Son of Jehoram.
- Ahaziah was Twenty-two Years Old when he Began to Reign, being Eighteen Years Younger than his Father.
- Ahaziah was Forty-two Years Old when he Began to Reign, being Two Years Older than his Father.
- Michal had No Child.
- Michal had Five Children.
- David was Tempted by the Lord to Number the People.
- David was Tempted by Satan to Number the People.
- There were 800,000 Warriors of Israel and 500,000 of Judah.
- There were 1,100,000 of Israel and 470,000 of Judah.
- David Sinned in Numbering the People.
- David Never Sinned except in the Matter of Uriah.
- David Slew 700 Syrian Charioteers and 40,000 Horsemen.
- David Slew 7,000 Syrian Charioteers and 40,000 Footmen.
- David Paid for a Threshing Floor Fifty Shekels of Silver.
- David Paid for it Six Hundred Shekels of Gold.