Abington, Mrs. Frances
iv 420
Adams, J.
vi 121, 421
Adamson, John
v 212
Albemarle, Christopher Monck, 2nd Duke of
i xlix
i 224
iii 485
Angel (actor),
i 220;
iv 121, 413
Antony and Cleopatra,
iv 415
Apple John,
iii 487
Apuleius, Lucius
vi 296
Araujo, J. de
v 211
Arconville, Marie-GeneviÈve-Charlotte Tiroux d'
v 212
Aretino, Pietro
i 449;
iii 497
Ariell, Mrs.
ii 98, 431
Arteida, A. Ray de
v 260
Arwaker, Edmund
i xlviii
ii 437
Aue, Harmann von
v 417
Ay and No (man),
iv 411
Bacon, Nathaniel
iv 218
Baggs, Zachary
i xlviii
Baker (actor),
iv 219
Balconies (stage),
i 441
Bandello, Matteo
i 219;
v 69, 417, 418
Banister, James
v 521
Banister, John
vi 164
Banks, John
ii 198;
v 515
iii 481
Barckley, Sir Richard
ii 103
Barlow, Francis
i xlix
Barnes (actor),
iv 219
iv 419
iv 7, 411, 413;
vi 397
Beale, Mary
i lxiii
ii 427
Beeston, William
i 334;
iv 419
v 75, 520
Bell (inn),
iv 412
Bellon, Peter
v 211
Bergerac, Cyrano de
iii 97, 496
ii 441;
iii 478;
iv 411;
vi 79
Berkeley, Lady Henrietta
i xliv
v 212
Bess (Queen Bess' night)
i 443
Bethel, Slingsby
vi 129, 241
Biancolelli, Dominique
i 445;
iii 386
Bickerstaffe, Isaac
iv 5
Blanket Fair,
vi 402
i 458;
iv 416
Boccaccio, Giovanni
i 5;
v 260
Boileau, Nicholas
vi 3
Bonnecorse, Balthazar de
iv 411;\
vi 3
Boutell, Mrs.
i 450;
v 516
Bowman, John
i lvii;
iii 419;
vi 383
Bracegirdle, Anne
iv 225;
v 515
Brillac, Mlle S. B. de
v 211
Brinvilliers, Marie-Marguerite, Marquisede
iv 411
Briscoe, Sam
i liii;
v 401
Brome, Richard
i xxxvi, xxxviii, 442;
iv 4
Brown, Tom
i xxxiii, lv, liv;
v 518
iii 479
Brydges Street,
v 515
iii 492
Burnet, Bishop Gilbert
i liii;
vi 407, 431, 438
Burt, Nicholas
iv 413
Burton, Robert
ii 103
Bushel, Brown
i 457
Butler, Charlotte
i xlii;
ii 435;
vi 398
Butler, Edward
i xxv-vi
Byam, William
v 521
v 417
Calderon, de la Barca
ii 102-3
CalprenÈde, Gautier de Costes, Seigneur de la
i xix, 449;
ii 102
CamÖens, Luis de
v 212
iv 415
Canons (cannons),
iii 496
v 519
Capel, Arthur Lord
i 457
iv 218-9
Castlemaine, Barbara Villiers, Lady
iv 314
iv 121, 413
v 417
Cenci, Francesco
i 219
Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles,
v 200
Cervantes, Miguel de
iv 120
Chamberlain, Dr. Hugh
iv 218
Chateaubriand, FranÇois Auguste de
v 127
Cheek, Thomas
iii 489
Cibber, Colley ii 5;
iv 5, 6, 220;
v 523
Cibber, Mrs. Susannah Maria
v 128, 212, 261
City Politics,
iii 483
iv 421
ii 102
vi 76, 419
Clifton, Sir William
vi 365, 431
Coach (glass),
iii 476
Codrington, Colonel Christopher
iv 316, 419
Colbert, Jean Baptiste
v 223
College, Stephen
i 335
Col- (cowl-) staff,
i 458
iii 496
Compton, Lady Mary
vi 350, 430
Congreve, William
iv 5
Convenient (a),
ii 433
i 454;
iii 478
Cooke, Mrs. Sarah
iii 462, 484;
vi 401, 436
Cooper, J.,
vi 119, 420
Corbet (Cobbet), Ralph
i 452
v 521
Corey, Mrs.
iv 413;
v 519
Cotton, Charles
vi 7, 417
iv 422
Coveras, FrancesÇo de las
i 218
Cowley, Mrs. Hannah
iii 181
ii 437
Creech, Thomas
i xlv, lii;
iv 419;
vi 123, 166, 421
Cromwell, Richard
i 333, 454
Cromwell, Mrs.
i 334, 452, 454
Cromwell, Oliver
i 453, 457
Cromwell (his funeral),
i 453;
iv 416
Crosby (actor),
i 439
Cross, Mrs.
v 128
Crowne, John
i 335;
iii 483, 492;
iv 5, 120;
v 515
Cudworth (actor),
iv 219
Currer, Mrs. Betty
i xl, 336;
ii 203, 307, 438;
iv 220
Cushion Dance, vide Sanderson, Joan
v 523
Daniel (Cromwell's porter),
i 456
Dalton, Michael
iv 417, 421
D'Avenant, Charles
iii 483
Davenport, Robert
iv 119
Desborough, John
i 451
Desborough, Lady
i 452
v 417
De-Wit (to),
iv 417
iii 493
ii 340;
iii 210, 481, 487
Doctor Baliardo,
iii 495
Doctor Faustus (Mountford),
iv 421
Doors (stage),
i 441
Dorset, Earl of
vi 350
Dove (Tom, a bear),
iii 476
Dryden, John
i xxx, xli, xlv, lii, 219, 335, 443, 444, 449;
ii 198, 433, 435;
iii 491, 496;
iv 8, 220, 223, 412, 413, 414, 421;
v 515, 523;
vi 400, 435
Duckingneld, Robert
i 452
Duffett, Thomas
i 444;
ii 438;
v 515
Duke of Guise, The
i xliv
Dumfound (to),
iii 482
D'Urfey, Tom
i 335, 456;
iii 481, 495;
iv 6, 314, 315, 415;
v 515
Eachward, John
i 222, 448
Edwardes, Richard
ii 103
Elephant and Castle,
iv 422
iii 478, 489
vi 297
Etheredge, Sir George
i 441
Evans, Thomas,
v 259
i 455, iv 412
Fairfax, General
i 333
Fane, Sir Francis
vi 343, 429
Farmer, Thomas
vi 191, 426
Farren, Elizabeth
i lx;
iii 181-2
Ferriar, J.
v 128
Field, Nathaniel
iv 120
Fielding, Henry
i lix
Fifth Monarchy,
i 453
Fitz-Roy, Henry
i 357, 450
i 445
iii 487
Flambeaux (as sing.),
iii 475;
iv 418
Fleetwood, Charles
i 333, 451, 453
Fleetwood (Lady),
i 452
Fletcher, John
i 4, 218;
ii 197;
iv 120, 418;
v 118, 261, 515
iv 422
ii 437
Ford, John,
i 219
Forde, Lord Grey
i lxiv
Fortune my Foe,
i 458
i 451;
ii 433
Friday Street,
iv 421
Frost, Walter,
i 455
Gabalis, Comte de
iii 497
iii 481, 488
Garrick, David
v 128, 212, 261
Garth, Dr. Samuel
i 438;
iv 419
Gentleman, Francis
v 128
George (inn),
iii 490
Gherardi, Evaniste
iii 386
Gibbons, Grinling
vi 75, 419
Gildon, Charles
i xxi, lviii;
iv 314;
v 259, 521;
vi 387, 390
Gloucester, Henry, Duke of
i 455
Godfrey, Sir Edmond Bury
i 443;
iv 417
Godfrey (to),
iv 417
Godwin, Bishop Francis
iii 497
Gordon, Sir Robert
vi 76, 419
Goulart, Simon
ii 103
Gould, Robert
i xli, 219;
iii 476
Gozzi, Carlo
iii 316
Granville, George, Lord Lansdowne
v 351, 522
Grapulo, T.
v 417
Greene, Robert
iv 119, 422
Greenhill, John
vi 151, 422
Griffith, Mrs. Elizabeth
v 137, 212
ii 103
iii 482
Groom Porter,
iv 416
Gun (inn),
v 524
i 209, 447;
iii 498
iv 422
Gwynne, Nell
i xl, 439, 456;
ii 305, 438;
iv 413, 414;
v 520
Halsall, James
i xxiii, xxvi
iv 219, 418
Hans in Kelder,
iii 487
i 112, 145, 187-9, 144;
iii 387-8, 496, 497, 498;
iv 421
Haroun al Raschid,
ii 103
Harris, Henry,
iv 413
Harsenet, Mrs. vide Lady Morland
Hart, Charles
iv 413;
v 516, 519
iv 314
Hawkesworth, Dr. John
v 128
HÉdelin (FranÇois),
iii 482
Henry IV (1),
i 224
Henry III (2),
ii 415
Henry VI (2),
v 515
Henry VIII,
iii 202, 485
i 219;
v 417, 418
Heroic (an),
i 453
Heselrige, Sir Arthur
i 453
Hewson, John
i 451, 454, 456
Higden, Henry
vi 403, 438
Holland, Earl of
i 457
Hopkins, John
iv 420
Hopkins, Matthew
i 448
iv 398
Howard, Lord of Esrick
iii 479
Howard, Edward
iii 477, 492, 493;
vi 204, 426
Howard, Moll
vi 395, 434
Howard, Sir Robert
i 335;
iv 417;
v 520
Hoyle, John
i xxxii-vi;
vi 153, 160, 200, 360, 361, 392
Hutchinson, Richard
i 455
Ibsen, Henrik
i 219
Ice (Isles), Stephen
i 455
J. G. (George Jenkins),
iv 222, 415, 418;
vi 9, 11
Jealous Lovers,
vi 382
Jermyn Street,
v 518
v 520
Jevon, Tom
i 444;
ii 436;
iii 188, 387, 393, 495
ii 477;
iv 414
Johnson, Charles
ii 197
Jolly, George
i 334
Jonson, Ben
i 4, 224;
iv 121, 413, 422;
vi 204
i 457
i lvii;
v 518
iii 480
iii 491
Kemble, J. P.,
i 6
Kendrick, Dr. Daniel
vi 298
Ketch, Jack,
iii 492
Kildare, Earle of
vi 395, 434
Killigrew, Charles
iii 483
Killigrew, Tom
i xxiii-vii, xxxvii, 4
Knip (to),
iv 416
Kynaston, Edward
iv 419;
v 516
Lacy, John
iv 5, 420;
v 516, 519
La Fontaine, Jean de,
v 261
Lambert, Major-General
i 333, 451
Lambert, Lady
i 333, 452
Lamb's wool,
iii 479
La motte,
v 212
Langbaine, Gerard
iv 218
Lauderdale, 4th Earl of
v 524
Laurence (lazy)
i 448
iii 498
Lee, John
i 438
Lee, Mrs. Mary vide Lady Slingsby
Lee, Nathaniel
i 219, 335, 443, 449;
iv 220;
v 515
Lee, Mrs. Rachel
i 439
Leigh, Antony
i 106, 336, 442;
ii 439;
iii 186, 387, 483;
iv 6;
vi 383
Leigh, Mrs. Elizabeth
i 9, 336, 439
Leigh, Mrs.
i 439
Leigh, Frank
i 439
Leigh, Michael
i 439
Lely, Sir Peter
i lxiii
Lennox, Mrs. Charlotte
iv 421
Le Roux,
v 418
L'Estrange, Sir Roger
iii 483;
v 260
Lewis, Mat
v 419
Lilly, William
i 458
v 516
London Cuckolds,
iii 483;
v 517
v 7
Loveday, Robert
ii 102
Lowther, Sir Gerard
i 456
Luiz, Nicolas
v 212
Luther, Martin
v 418
Macready, W. C.
ii 5
Maid's Tragedy,
iii 284, 484
Malespini, Celio
v 260
iii 484
Mallet, David
v 212
Manley, Mrs. Mary de la RiviÈre
i xxviii;
iv 418
Marillier, J. P.
vi 223
Marini, Gio. Ambrogio
ii 103
Marlowe, Christopher
ii 4
Marshall, Mrs. Rebecca
ii 4, 428;
v 516, 520
Marston, John
iv 422
Martin, George
iv 314;
v 180, 208, 521
Martin, Henry
i 457;
iv 314;
v 180, 521
Massinger, Philip
i 219;
ii 197
Masuccio, di Salerno
v 417
Maynard, Sgt.
i 335
Mayne, Jasper
i 457
Mazarine, Duchess of
v 521
Measure for Measure,
iii 485, 492
Medrano, Julio de
v 418
Melander, Otho
v 417
Melford, John Drummond, 1st Earl of
vi 428
Mercury (diurnal),
ii 436
Middle gallery,
iii 491
Middleton, Thomas
i xxxvi, 5, 457;
ii 197, 198
Miller, James
iv 5
Millin, Aubin Louis
v 418
Moders, Mary
i 450
Mohun, Michael
v 516, 519
MoliÈre, J. B. P. de
iii 97;
iv 4, 5, 421
Molina, Tirso de
v 260
Monmouth, James, Duke of
i xl-xliii
Montalvan, J. Perez de
v 260, 417
Morland, Lady
vi 175, 393, 424
Morland, Sir Samuel
vi 76, 419
Mosely (Mother),
v 519
Motteux, Peter
iv 420;
v 517
Mountford, William
i 5;
iii 477, 492, 495;
iv 421
Musset, Alfred de
iv 120
Mysterious Mother,
v 418
Names (Mrs. Behn, confusion of),
ii 439;
iii 476;
iv 6;
v 523
Needham, Marchmont
i 454
Neville, Edward
v 519
Nice, vide Sir Courtly Nice
i 456
Nokes, James
i 106, 336, 442;
iv 6, 121, 412, 413, 414
Norris, Mrs.
i 445
Norton, Richard
v 401, 522
ii 431
Oates, Titus
ii 433, 437
iii 483
Oldys, William
iv 218
Olivarez, Gaspar Guzman d'
i 449
Oroonoko (Southerne),
v 128, 421
v 520
iii 186, 484, 485, 494
Otway, Thomas
i xxxi, xxxvii, lii, 219, 443, 449;
ii 198, 210, 439;
iii 284;
v 515
iv 411, 412
iii 489
Pack, Captain
vi 189, 426
Pad (to),
iii 490
Paisible, James
vi 188, 425
Parsons, Mrs.
iv 5
Payne, Nevil
ii 198;
v 70, 519
Peer (Pierre), Will
v 518
Perkins, W.
v 419
Peters, Hugh
i 456, 457
v 523
Pit (brawls in),
ii 431
Pitts, Mr.
i xxxv-vi
Pix, Mrs. Mary
i xxxviii
Plymouth cloak,
i 447
Pope (City pope),
i 115, 443
Porridge (Book of Common Prayer),
ii 434
Powell, George
ii 5;
iv 319;
v 212, 521
Price, Mrs. Emily
i xxxvii;
vi 397
Price, Mrs. (actress)
i 445
Prior, Matthew
i liv
Prynne, William
i 454
iii 495
ii 440
Quests (nuns),
v 520
Quick, John
v 517
Quin, Mrs. Anne
i 439;
iv 115
iv 418
i 7, 438
Randolph, Thomas
v 515;
vi 177
Ravenscroft, Edward
i xxxii-iii, 220, 441, 445;
iii 94, 97;
iv 5;
v 515, 517;
vi 185
Rehersal, The
iii 477, 493;
iv 411, 413, 414-5
Reis, Quita Domingo dos,
v 212
Riley, John,
i lxiii
Ring (Hyde Park),
iii 485
Ritual murders,
iii 478
Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of,
i 446;
ii 436, 437;
iii 484;
vi 171, 368, 402
Rogers, Mrs.,
v 212
Romulus and Hersilia,
i xlii-iii;
vi 398-9
Rose (tavern),
iv 420;
v 517
Ros solis,
v 518
Royal Sovereign,
i 446
Rump (songs),
i xxxiii, 335
St. Albans, Charles Beauclerk, Duke of,
ii 438
St. Antholin (church),
Printed by A. H. Bullen, at the Shakespeare Head Press, Stratford-upon-Avon.
Transcriber's Notes:
Simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors in the prose were corrected.
Egregious errors were corrected in the poetry.