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c@vhost@g@html@files@53876@53876-h@53876-h-10.htm.html#Page_350" class="pginternal">350. Dawes, Rufus, 84, 91, 92. Day, Jeremiah, 35. De Forest, Mrs., 58. Dewey, Dr. O. P., 308, 310. Diary, Passages from Willis’s, 165-169. Dickens, Charles, Willis’s acquaintance with, 264. Disraeli, Benjamin, 138, 237, 252, 253. Doane, G. W., 81. Dollar Magazine, The, Willis’s editorship of, 260. D’Orsay, Count Alfred, 75, 138, 158, 166, 237, 251. Douglas, Francis, 8. Douglas, Lucy, 6, 55. Down Town Bard, lyrics by, 267. Drake, J. R., 217, 292. Duganne, A. J. H., his Parnassus in Pillory, 298. Durant, Henry, Willis’s room-mate at Yale, 31, 40. Duyckinck, Evert A., 293. Dwight, Louis, 27, 28. Dwight, Louisa. See Louisa Willis. Eastern Argus, The, 8. Edinburgh, visit to, 150. Edinburgh Review, The, 118, 194. Eglintoun Tournament, 244. Emerson, R. W., 16, 345. England, Willis’s arrival in, 130; residence in, 135-179; liking for, 135-137; second visit to, 243-259; third visit to, 276, 283-286. English, T. D., 275. Erie Canal, the trip along, 60, 61. Europe, Willis’s life in, 107-179; influence of, on his character and writings, 107-110. Everett, Edward, 16, 18, 167; Inklings dedicated to, 206. Fable for Critics, A, passage from, 302. Fane, Lady Georgiana, 246, 343, 344. “Fanny Fern.” See 350; story of her escape from slavery, 284, 285. Jeffrey, Lord, a dinner with, 150; 194. Jenkins, Joseph, 28, 93; marries Mary Willis, 30. Johnson family, The, of Stratford, Conn., 55. Kemble, Charles, 246. Kennedy, J. P., letter from, 318; 332, 342. Killinger, Freiherr Von, letter from, 217, 218. Knickerbocker Magazine, The, 292. Knickerbocker School, The, 290-293. Ladies’ Companion, The, 157, 261. Lafayette, Marquis of, 110. Lamb, Charles and Mary, a breakfast with, 141. Landon, Miss L. E., 80, 86, 184, 197, 237, 238. Landor, W. S., Willis’s relations with, 131-135; letter from, 134; 141, 271. Langdon, Octavus, entertains Willis at Smyrna, 128, 129. Ledger, The, 66. Leech, John, 165. Legendary, The, edited by Willis, 72, 75, 80, 81. Leigh, Augusta, 164. Leipsic, The great fair at, 286. Lennox, Lady Sophia, 151. Lincoln, Mrs. Abraham, 342, 343; letter from, 344. Linonian Society, The, 37, 41, 51; poem before 271. Literati of New York, The, 274, 293. Livingston, Miss Adele, visit to at Skaneateles, 62. Lockhart, J. G., 77; his attack on Pencillings, 185-190, 193, 196, 199. London, residence in, 137-149, 154-169. London Literary Souvenir, 77. London Morning Herald, 129. London Morning Chronicle, 286, Stace, Gen. Wm., 170, 171, 243, 262. Stanhope, Sir Leicester and Mrs., 141, 165, 166. Staunton, Sir Geo., 156. Stepney, Lady, 156, 246. Steventon, Vicarage, 283, 284. Stoddard, R. H., visits Glenmary, 228. Stone, W. L., 81, 306. Storm King, named by Willis, 327, 331. Storrs, Dr. R. S., 351. Stuart, Isaac, 28, 30. Stuart, Lady Dudley, 159. Sumner, Charles, 220, 343. Susquehanna, rafting on the, 227. Talfourd, Serjeant, 174, 249. Taylor, Bayard, 117, 119; befriended by Willis, 298; 299, 331. Telegraph, The, 49. Thackeray, W. M., 215; writes for the Corsair, 253-256; his notices of Willis, 256-259; 352. Thought Blossom, The, 82. Throckmorton, Sir Chas., visit to, 170, 172. Token, The, 49; edited by Willis, 72-74, 77, 80, 81. Trenton Falls, first visit to, 62; described, 76; letters from, 322-324. Truth: a New Tear’s Gift for Scribblers, lampooning Willis, 89. Tupper, M. F., 165. Undercliff, 247. Unitarians, 11, 16, 17, 18, 32, 93. United Brothers, Society of, poem before, 104. United Service Gazette, The, 205. United States, the, cruise of, 125, 129. Upper ten thousand, the, 256, 341. Utica, N. Y., visit to, 277. Bianca Visconti, 231, 334-337. Wilson, John, 52; breakfast with, 150; reviews Melanie, 180, 181; 185, 189. Winthrop, Theodore, 58, 343. Woodworth, Samuel, 100. Woolwich, 170, 172. Woolsey, T. D., 35, 42. Yale College, 17; Willis’s career at, 31-70; condition of, in 1827, 35-37; poem before, 271. Youth’s Companion, The, established by Nathaniel Willis, 9; 49. Youth’s Keepsake, The, 82.