For convenience in ordering please use number at right of title AUTHOR | TITLE AND NUMBER | AIKEN, CONRAD | A Comprehensive Anthology of American Verse 101 | AIKEN, CONRAD | Modern American Poetry 127 | ANDERSON, SHERWOOD | Poor White 115 | ANDERSON, SHERWOOD | Winesburg, Ohio 104 | ANDREYEV, LEONID | The Seven That Were Hanged, and the Red Laugh 45 | APULEIUS, LUCIUS | The Golden Ass 88 | BALZAC | Short Stories 40 | BAUDELAIRE | Prose and Poetry 70 | BEARDSLEY, AUBREY | 64 Reproductions 42 | BEEBE, WILLIAM | Jungle Peace 30 | BEERBOHM, MAX | Zuleika Dobson 116 | BIERCE, AMBROSE | In the Midst of Life 133 | BLAKE, WILLIAM | Poems 91 | BRONTË, EMILY | Wuthering Heights 106 | BROWN, GEO. DOUGLAS | The House with the Green Shutters 129 | BUTLER, SAMUEL | Erewhon 136 | BUTLER, SAMUEL | The Way of All Flesh 13 | CABELL, JAMES BRANCH | Beyond Life 25 | CABELL, JAMES BRANCH | The Cream of the Jest 126 | CARPENTER, EDWARD | Love's Coming of Age 51 | CARROLL, LEWIS | Alice in Wonderland, etc. 79 | CASANOVA, JACQUES | Memoirs of Casanova 165 | CELLINI, BENVENUTO | Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini 3 | CERVANTES | Don Quixote 174 | CHAUCER | The Canterbury Tales 161 | CHESTERTON, G. K. | Man Who Was Thursday 35 | CRANE, STEPHEN | Men, Women and Boats 102 | D'ANNUNZIO, GABRIELE | Flame of Life 65 | D'ANNUNZIO, GABRIELE | The Triumph of Death 112 | DAUDET, ALPHONSE | Sappho 85 | DEFOE, DANIEL | Moll Flanders 122 | DOSTOYEVSKY, FYODOR | Poor People 10 | DOUGLAS, NORMAN | Old Calabria 141 | DOUGLAS, NORMAN | South Wind 5 | DOWSON, ERNEST | Poems and Prose 74 | DREISER, THEODORE | Free, and Other Stories 50 | DREISER, THEODORE | Twelve Men 148 | DUMAS, ALEXANDRE | Camille 69 | DUMAS, ALEXANDRE | The Three Musketeers 143 | DUNSANY, LORD | A Dreamer's Tales 34 | ELLIS, HAVELOCK | The Dance of Life 160 | ELLIS, HAVELOCK | The New Spirit 95 | FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE | Madame Bovary 28 | FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE | Salammbo 118 | FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE | Temptation of St. Anthony 92 | FRANCE, ANATOLE | Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard 22 | FRANCE, ANATOLE | The Queen Pedauque 110 | FRANCE, ANATOLE | The Red Lily 7 | FRANCE, ANATOLE | The Revolt of the Angels 11 | FRANCE, ANATOLE | Thais 67 | GAUTIER, THEOPHILE | Mlle. De Maupin 53 | GEORGE, W. L. | A Bed of Roses 75 | GILBERT, W. S. | The Mikado, Iolanthe, etc. 26 | GILBERT, W. S. | Pinafore and Other Plays 113 | GISSING, GEORGE | New Grub Street 125 | GISSING, GEORGE | Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft 46 | GONCOURT, E. AND J. DE | Renee Mauperin 76 | GORKY, MAXIM | Creatures That Once Were Men and Other Stories 48 | GOURMONT, REMY DE | A Night in the Luxembourg 120 | GOURMONT, REMY DE | A Virgin Heart 131 | HARDY, THOMAS | Jude the Obscure 135 | HARDY, THOMAS | The Mayor of Casterbridge 17 | HARDY, THOMAS | The Return of the Native 121 | HAUPTMANN, GERHART | The Heretic of Soana 149 | HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL | The Scarlet Letter 93 | HEARN, LAFCADIO | Some Chinese Ghosts 130 | HECHT, BEN | Erik Dorn 29 | HEMINGWAY, ERNEST | The Sun Also Rises 170 | HOMER | The Iliad 166 | HOMER | The Odyssey 167 | HUDSON, W. H. | Green Mansions 89 | HUDSON, W. H. | The Purple Land 24 | HUNEKER, JAMES G. | Painted Veils 43 | HUXLEY, ALDOUS | A Virgin Heart 131 | IBSEN, HENRIK | A Doll's House, Ghosts, etc. 6 | IBSEN, HENRIK | Hedda Gabler, Pillars of Society, The Master Builder 36 | IBSEN, HENRIK | The Wild Duck, Rosmersholm, The League of Youth 54 | JAMES, HENRY | Daisy Miller, etc. 63 | JAMES, HENRY | The Turn of the Screw 169 | JAMES, WILLIAM | The Philosophy of William James 114 | JOYCE, JAMES | Dubliners 124 | JOYCE, JAMES | A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 145 | KIPLING, RUDYARD | Soldiers Three 71 | KOMROFF, MANUEL | Oriental Romances 55 | LAWRENCE, D. H. | The Rainbow 128 | LAWRENCE, D. H. | Sons and Lovers 109 | LEWISOHN, LUDWIG | Upstream 123 | LOTI, PIERRE | Mme. Chrysantheme 94 | MACY, JOHN | The Spirit of American Literature 56 | MAUPASSANT, GUY DE | Une Vie 57 | MAUPASSANT, GUY DE | Love and Other Stories 72 | MAUPASSANT, GUY DE | Mademoiselle Fifi, and Twelve Other Stories 8 | MENKEN, H. L. | Selected Prejudices 107 | MELVILLE, HERMAN | Moby Dick 119 | MEREDITH, GEORGE | Diana of the Crossways 14 | MEREDITH, GEORGE | The Ordeal of Richard Feverel 134 | MEREJKOWSKI, DMITRI | The Death of the Gods 153 | MEREJKOWSKI, DMITRI | Peter and Alexis 175 | MEREJKOWSKI, DMITRI | The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci 138 | MISCELLANEOUS | An Anthology of American Negro Literature 163 | | A Modern Book of Criticism 81 Best Ghost Stories 73 Best American Humorous Short Stories 87 Best Ghost Stories 73 Best American Humorous Short Stories 87 Best Russian Short Stories 18 Four Famous Greek Plays 158 Fourteen Great Detective Stories 144 Great Modern Short Stories 168 Edited by Grant Overton and including stories by Joseph Conrad, D. H. Lawrence, Katherine Mansfield, Sherwood Anderson, Glenway Westcott, E. M. Forster, etc. Outline of Abnormal Psychology 152 Outline of Psychoanalysis 66 | MOLIERE | Plays 78 | MOORE, GEORGE | Confessions of a Young Man 16 | MORRISON, ARTHUR | Tales of Mean Streets 100 | NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH | Beyond Good and Evil 20 | NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH | Ecce Homo and the Birth of Tragedy 68 | NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH | Genealogy of Morals 62 | NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH | Thus Spake Zarathustra 9 | O'NEILL, EUGENE | The Emperor Jones and The Straw 146 | O'NEILL, EUGENE | Seven Plays of the Sea 111 | PAINE, THOMAS | Writings 108 | PATER, WALTER | The Renaissance 86 | PATER, WALTER | Marius the Epicurean 90 | PEPYS, SAMUEL | Samuel Pepys' Diary 103 | PETRONIUS ARBITER | The Satyricon 156 | POE, EDGAR ALLAN | Best Tales 82 | PREVOST, ANTOINE | Manon Lescaut 85 | PROUST, MARCEL | Swann's Way 59 | PROUST, MARCEL | Within A Budding Grove 172 | RABELAIS | Gargantua and Pantagruel 4 | RENAN, ERNEST | The Life of Jesus 140 | RODIN | 64 Reproductions 41 | ROSTAND, EDMOND | Cyrano de Bergerac 154 | RUSSELL, BERTRAND | Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell 137 | SALTUS, EDGAR | The Imperial Orgy 139 | SCHNITZLER, ARTHUR | Anatol, Green Cockatoo, etc. 32 | SCHNITZLER, ARTHUR | Bertha Garlan 39 | SCHOPENHAUER | The Philosophy of Schopenhauer 52 | SCHOPENHAUER | Studies in Pessimism 12 | SCHREINER, OLIVE | The Story of an African Farm 132 | SHAW, G. B. | An Unsocial Socialist 15 | SMOLLETT, TOBIAS | Humphrey Clinker 159 | SPINOZA | The Philosophy of Spinoza 60 | STENDHAL | The Red and the Black 157 | STERNE, LAURENCE | Tristram Shandy 147 | STRINDBERG, AUGUST | Married 2 | SUDERMANN, HERMANN | Dame Care 33 | SUDERMANN, HERMANN | The Song of Songs 162 | SWINBURNE, CHARLES | Poems 23 | SYMONDS, JOHN A. | The Life of Michelangelo 49 | TCHEKOV | Rothschild's Fiddle, etc. 31 | TCHEKOV | Sea Gull, Cherry Orchard, Three Sisters, etc. 171 | THOMPSON, FRANCIS | Complete Poems 38 | TOLSTOY, LEO | Anna Karenina 37 | TOLSTOY, LEO | Redemption and Other Plays 77 | TOLSTOY, LEO | The Death of Ivan Ilyitch and Four Other Stories 64 | TOMLINSON, H. M. | The Sea and The Jungle 99 | TURGENEV, IVAN | Fathers and Sons 21 | TURGENEV, IVAN | Smoke 80 | VAN LOON, HENDRIK W. | Ancient Man 105 | VAN VECHTEN, CARL | Peter Whiffle 164 | VILLON, FRANCOIS | Poems 58 | VOLTAIRE | Candide 47 | WELLS, H. G. | Ann Veronica 27 | WHISTLER, J. McNEIL | The Art of Whistler with 32 Reproductions 150 | WHITMAN, WALT | Leaves of Grass 97 | WILDE, OSCAR | An Ideal Husband, A Woman of No Importance 84 | WILDE, OSCAR | De Profundis 117 | WILDE, OSCAR | Dorian Gray 1 | WILDE, OSCAR | Poems 19 | WILDE, OSCAR | Fairy Tales, Poems in Prose 61 | WILDE, OSCAR | Salome, The Importance of Being Earnest, etc. 83 | WILDER, THORNTON | The Cabala 155 | WOOLF, VIRGINIA | Mrs. Dalloway 96 | YEATS, W. B. | Irish Fairy and Folk Tales 44 | ZOLA, EMILE | Nana 142 | Transcriber's Note: Spelling and punctuation inaccuracies were silently corrected. 017.png has been omitted as it was totally repetitive and insignificant in an HTML version. Hyphenation and accented words were standardized. Archaic and variable spelling is preserved. Author's punctuation style is preserved. |