- Aeanthodrilinae, 14, 78, 80, 82, 84, 87, 102
- Acanthodrilus, 129
- Aeolosoma, 34-36
- Aeolosomatidae, 33, 34
- African earthworms, 74
- Agriodrilus, 31
- Allolobophora, 62, 85, 111, 117-119, 128
- Alluroides, 40, 41
- Alluroididae, 40
- Allurus, 45
- Alma, 24, 49, 50, 60, 61, 95, 135
- Alpine earthworms, 123
- Alvania, 75, 115
- American earthworms, 71
- Amphichaeta, 37
- Anachaeta, 42
- Anatomy of earthworms, 1
- Andiodrilus, 72, 74
- Andiorrhinus, 72
- Anteoides, 72
- Anteus, 72
- Antarctic earthworms, 86, 138
- Aptodrilus, 72
- Aquatic earthworms, 44
- Aquatic families of worms, 30
- Arctic earthworms, 88
- Argilophilus, 93, 133
- Asiatic earthworms, 80
- Astacopsidrilus, 37, 38
- Athecospermia, 39
- Aulophorus, 36
- Aurantina, 39
- Australian earthworms, 83
- Barriers to migration, 124
- Beddardiella, 76, 95, 115
- Benhamia, 72, 92
- Bettonia, 76, 115
- Bimastos, 117
- Bogertia, 75, 114
- Books and Memoirs upon earthworms, 115
- Helodrilus, 79, 85, 90, 91, 103, 108, 112, 117
- Henlea, 41
- Hesperodrilus, 38
- Hesperoscolex, 23, 58, 72, 73
- Holoscolex, 72, 76
- Hoplochaetella, 80, 87, 93, 137
- Hormogaster, 24, 85, 131, 142
- Hormogastrinae, 24, 85
- Howascolex, 78
- Hyperiodrilus, 30, 75, 115, 117, 129
- Hypogaeon, 111
- Ilyodrilus, 38
- Ilyogenia, 22, 73
- Iridodrilus, 76, 115
- India, earthworms of, 79
- Japan, earthworms of, 131
- Kerguelen, earthworms of, 139
- Kaffania, 75, 115
- Kerria, 18, 73, 99
- Kynotus, 23, 24, 29, 78, 95, 97, 131, 136
- Lampito, 78, 80
- Lamprodrilus, 39, 40
- Leptodrilus, 86, 111, 112, 138
- Libyodrilus, 28, 75, 115
- Light, influence of, 67
- Limicolae, 30, 47, 58
- Limnodriloides, 31, 111, 133, 134, 136, 137
- Polytoreutus, 25, 26, 58, 76
- Pontodrilus, 50, 51, 125
- Pontoscolex, 20, 22, 23, 66, 72-74, 78, 79, 82, 83, 96, 97, 98, 101, 102, 104, 105, 111
- Preussiella, 75, 115
- Pristina, 37
- Psammoryctes, 38
- PygmÆodrilus, 76
- Reithrodrilus, 75, 114
- Rhinodrilus, 72, 73
- Rhizodrilus, 39
- Rhododrilus, 86, 111, 138
- Rhynchelmis, 39
- Ripistes, 86
- Rosadrilus, 75, 115
- Sea-shore, worms of, 50
- Sea as a barrier, 124
- Schmardaella, 36
- Senses of worms, 65
- Sparganophilus, 24, 47, 85, 92, 132
- Spenceriella, 80, 84, 87
- Structure (see Anatomy)
- Stuhlmannia, 75, 114, 117
- Stylaria, 37
- Stylodrilus, 39
- Sutroa, 39
- Systematic arrangement, 14