
jÁ! ha!

jabalÍ, m., wild boar.

jacinto, m., hyacinth.

jadeante, panting, out of breath.

jambs, never, ever.

jaramago, m., hedge-mustard.

jarana, f., scuffle, contest.

jardÍn, m., garden.

jaurÍa, f., hounds, pack of dogs.

jazmin, m., jasmine.

jefe, m., chief, leader.

jerarquÍa, f., hierarchy.

Jesucristo, m., Jesus Christ.

Jesus, m., Jesus; —! Lord! goodness!

jifero, m., butcher.

jilguero, m., linnet.

jinete, m., rider, horseman; used as adj., mounted (de, on), astride.

jirÓn, m., tatter, bit, scrap; flag, pennant.

jornada, f., day's march (or journey); journey; act.

Jose, m., Joseph.

joven, young; subst, m. and f., young man, young woman, boy, girl, youth.

joya, f., jewel, brooch, small ornament (usually worn about the neck).

jÚbilo, m., joy, rejoicing.

jubÓn, m., doublet.

juego, m., play, game, amusement, sport, trick.

juez, m., judge.

jugar, to play.

juglar, m., juggler, minstrel, conjurer.

juguete, m., toy, sport.

juguetear, to trifle, sport, dally, frolic.

juguetÓn, playful, sportive.

juicio, m., judgment, sense, trial.

junco, m., reed, rush.

juntar, to join, clasp, unite.

junto, -a, united, together, joined, (pl.) side by side; prep., —Á, near, near to, close, at the side of, beside.

juramento, m., oath.

jurar, to swear, vow.

justicia, f., justice; hacer—, to execute.

justillo, m., jacket, jerkin, doublet.

justo, -a, just, exact, holy, righteous.

juventud, f., youth.

juzgar, to judge, think, consider, believe.



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