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idea, f., idea, thought, plan, fancy, imagination.

idÉntico, -a, identical.

idioma, m., language, idiom.

ido, -a, pp. of ir, gone; absent.

iglesia, f., church.

Ígneo, -a, of (or pertaining to) fire.

ignorancia, f., ignorance.

ignorantÓn, m., great fool.

ignorar, to be ignorant of; not to know; refl., to be unknown.

ignoto, -a, unknown.

igual, equal, like, steady, even, uniform; the same; subst. m., peer.

ijar, m., flank.

iluminar, to illuminate, light up; to enlighten.

ilusiÓn, f., illusion.

ilustre, illustrious.

imagen, f., statue, figure, form, image; vision.

imaginaciÓn, f., imagination, fancy.

imaginario, -a, imaginary.

imaginarse, to imagine.

imbÉcil, m., imbecile, fool.

imitar, to imitate.

impaciencia, f., impatience; con —, impatiently.

impaciente, impatient; adv., impatiently.

impasible, impassible, unmoved, motionless.

impÁvido, -a, dauntless, intrepid.

impedir, to hinder.

impeler, to impel, urge.

impenetrable, impenetrable.

imperceptible, imperceptible.

imperial, imperial.

impetuoso, -a, impetuous.

impiedad, f., impiety, irreligion.

impÍo, -a, impious.

implorar, to implore.

imponente, imposing, impressive.

imponer, to impose.

importancia, f., importance.

importante, important.

importar, to be of importance; no

importa, no matter.

importe, m., value, cost.

importuno, -a, importunate.

imposible, impossible.

impotencia, f., impotence; amenazas de —, impotent threats.

impracticable, impracticable.

imprecaciÓn, f., imprecation, curse.

impregnar, to impregnate, saturate, imbue.

impresiÓn, f., impression.

impreso, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of imprimir, imprinted, stamped.

improvisar, to improvise, extemporize.

improviso, -a, unexpected; de —, suddenly, unexpectedly.

impulsar, to impel.

impulso, m., impulse, power, force, motion, gust; Á —s de, moved by, overcome by.

inagotable, inexhaustible

inanimado, -a, inanimate, lifeless. incansable, indefatigable, tireless, unwearied; adv., tirelessly.

incendiar, to set on fire.

incertidumbre,f., uncertainty, hesitation.

incesante, incessant.

incidente, m., incident, event, episode.

incienso, m., incense.

incierto, -a, uncertain, wandering, restless.

incitar, to incite; to inspire.

inclinar, to incline, bend over; refl., to bend down, bow, lean.

incÓgnito, m., disguise, incognito.

incÓlume, safe, unharmed, in safety.

incomodar, to bother, disturb.

incomodidad,f., inconvenience.

incÓmodo, -a, comfortless, wretched; mÁs vale — que ninguno, better comfortless quarters than none at all.

incomparable, incomparable.

incomprensible, incomprehensible.

inconcebible, inconceivable.

incontestable, irresistible.

inconveniente, m., objection, inconvenience, impropriety; no tener —, not to consider improper; to have no objection.

incorporarse, to rise, get up, straighten up; Á medias, to sit up.

incorpÓreo, -a, incorporeal.

incorregible, incorrigible.

incredulidad, f., incredulity.

incrÉdulo, -a, incredulous.

increÍble, incredible.

indecible, unspeakable, ineffable.

indeciso, -a, uncertain, indefinite.

indefinable, indefinable.

indescriptible, indescribable.

indicar, to indicate.

indiferente, indifferent.

indignaciÓn, f., indignation.

indiscreciÓn, f., indiscretion.

indudablemente, indubitably, unquestionably.

inefable, ineffable, unspeakable.

inerte, inert, motionless, lifeless.

InÉs, f., Agnes, Inez.

inesperado, -a, unexpected.

inexplicable, inexplicable.

inextinguible, inextinguishable, perpetual.

infecto, -a, infected, stagnant.

infeliz, unhappy, unfortunate, wretched; weak-minded; subst., poor wretch, poor fellow.

infernal, infernal.

infiel, infidel; subst. m. pl., infidels, Moors, Saracens.

infiernos, m. pl., infernal regions; hell.

infinito, -a, infinite.

inflamarse, to catch fire, become inflamed.

influencia, f., influence.

influjo, m., influence.

informe, shapeless, formless.

infundir, to infuse, inspire, instill.

ingenio, m., ingenuity, cleverness, wit, mind.

ingenioso, -a, ingenious, clever.

ininteligible, unintelligible.

inmediato, -a, immediate, next, adjacent, very near.

inmensidad, f., immensity.

inmenso, -a, immense.

inmortal, immortal.

inmÓvil, motionless.

iumovilidad, f., immobility.

inocencia, f., innocence.

inocentada, f., (coll.) foolishness, foolish speech (or action).

inocente, innocent, simple.

inquietar, to trouble, disquiet, make anxious, disturb.

inquieto, -a, restless, shifting, anxious, disquieting.

inquietud, f., restlessness, anxiety.

inquirir, to inquire.

inscripciÓn, f., inscription.

insecto, m., insect.

inseguro, -a, unsteady.

insepulto, -a, unburied.

insignificante, insignificant.

insistencia, f., urgency, insistence.

insistir, to urge, persist, insist.

insolente, insolent.

insÓlito, -a, unusual, unaccustomed.

insomnio, m., insomnia.

insoportable, insufferable.

insostenible, indefensible, intolerable, unbearable.

inspiraciÓn, f., inspiration.

inspirar, to inspire.

instancia, f., entreaty.

instantaneamente, instantly.

instante, m., moment, instant; por—s, for some moments.

instintivamente, instinctively.

instrucciÓn, f., instruction, direction.

instrumento, m., instrument, tool.

insufrible, intolerable, insufferable.

insulso, -a, insipid, dull, flat.

insulto, m., insult.

intangible, intangible.

inteligencia, f., intelligence, comprehension.

inteligente, skillful; subst. m, clever man.

intemperie, f., inclemency (of the. weather).

intenciÓn, f., intention, meaning, allusion; con —, on purpose; purposely, designedly.

intensidad, f., intensity.

intenso, -a, intense.

intentar, to try, attempt, intend, mean, be about to.

interÉs, m., interest, concern.

interesar, to interest; — se con, to be interested in.

interior, m, interior.

interiormente, inwardly, to oneself.

interlocutor, m., questioner, interlocutor.

interminable, interminable, endless.

internarse, to enter, penetrate.

interno, -a, internal.

interpelado, subst. m., man (or one) interrogated (or questioned).

interpretar, to interpret, explain.

interrogaciÓn, f., question, interrogation.

interrumpir, to interrupt, break.

intersticio, m., interstice, crack.

intervalo, m., interval.

intimamente, intimately.

intimidar, to intimidate.

intranquilo, -a, restless, moving, shifting.

intrincado, -a, intricate, obscure.

introducciÓn, f, introduction.

introito, m., (eccl.) introit, a psalm or anthem sung immediately before the communion or mass.

intruso, m, intruder.

inundar, to inundate.

inÚtil, useless, needless, unnecessary.

inÚtilmente, uselessly, in vain.

invadir, to invade.

invencible, invincible, irresistible, unconquerable.

invierno, m., winter.

invisible, invisible.

invitaciÓn, f., invitation.

invocar, to invoke.

involuntariamente, involuntarily.

involuntario, -a, involuntary.

inyectar, to inject, fill.

ÍÑigo, m., Ignatius.

ir, to go; to be; -aproximando, to approach; —subiendo de, to increase, keep increasing; vamos, let us go; come, well, indeed; vaya! well! come! indeed! nonsense! refl., to go away, go off, escape.

ira, f., wrath, rage.

iris, m., iris; arco—, rainbow.

ironÍa, f., irony.

irrealizable, impossible (of realization).

irrecusable, irrefutable.

irresolute, -a, irresolute, undecided, wavering.

irritar, to irritate.

izquierdo, -a, left.



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