Champagne, m., champagne. chanzoneta, f., jest, joke, nonsense. chapar (en), to plate (with); to cover (with). chapÍn, m., clog, patten, chopine. charla, f., gossip, chat. charlar, to gossip, chat. chasquido, f., crackling, lashing, dashing, cracking, creaking, rustling. chico, -a, small; subst. m. or f., little one; child. chirrido, m., grating, rubbing, friction rattle, sound, squeak, swish, rasping. chispa, f., spark. chispeante, sparkling, dazzling. chispear, to sparkle. chisporrotear, to crackle. chisporroteo, m., hissing, crackling. chiste, m., joke, jest. chocar, to clang, rattle, clatter, strike, knock. chopera, f., forest (or grove) of black poplars. chopo, m., black poplar. choque, m., shock, clang. choza, f., hut, hovel. |