Caliph. This title amongst the Mahometans comprehends the concrete character of prophet, priest, and king; and is used to signify the Vicar of God on earth.—Habesci’s State of the Ottoman Empire, p. 9. Herbelot, p. 985. One of his eyes became so terrible. The author of Nighiaristan hath preserved a fact that supports this account; and there is no history of Vathek, in which his terrible eye is not mentioned. Omar Ben Abdalaziz. This Caliph was eminent above all others for temperance and self-denial; insomuch, that he is believed to have been raised to Mahomet’s bosom, as a reward for his abstinence in an age of corruption. Herbelot, p. 690. Samarah. A city of the Babylonian Irak, supposed to have stood on the site where Nimrod erected his tower. Khondemir relates, in his life of Motassem, that this prince, to terminate the disputes which were perpetually happening between the inhabitants of Bagdat and his Turkish slaves, withdrew from thence; and, having fixed on a situation in the plain of Catoul, there founded Samarah. He is said to have had in the stables of this city a hundred and thirty thousand pied horses; each of which carried, by his order, a sack of earth to a place he had chosen. By this accumulation, an elevation was formed that commanded a view of all Samarah, and served for the foundation of his magnificent palace. Herbelot, p. 752, 808, 985. Anecdotes Arabes, p. 413. Houris. The Virgins of Paradise, called, from their large black eyes, Hur al oyun. An intercourse with these, according to the institution of Mahomet, is to constitute the principal felicity of the faithful. Not formed of clay, like mortal women, they are deemed in the highest degree beautiful, and exempt from every inconvenience incident to the sex. Al Koran; passim. Genii. Genn or Ginn, in the Arabic, signifies a Genius or Demon—a being of a higher order, and formed of more subtile matter than man. According to Oriental mythology, the Genii governed the world long before the creation of Adam. The Mahometans regarded them as an intermediate race between angels and men, and capable of salvation: whence Mahomet pretended a commission to convert them. Consonant to this, we read that, “When the servant of God stood up to invoke him, it wanted little but that the Genii had pressed on him in crowds, to hear him rehearse the Koran.” Herbelot, p. 357. Al Koran ch. 72. Accursed Giaour. Dives of this kind are frequently mentioned by Eastern writers. Consult their tales in general, and especially those of “The Fisherman,” “Aladdin,” and “The Princess of China.” Bababalouk, the Chief of his Eunuchs. As it was the employment of the black eunuchs to wait upon, and guard the sultanas, to the general superintendence of the Harem was particularly committed to their chief. Habesci’s State of the Ottoman Empire, p. 155–6. The Divan. This was both the supreme council, and court of justice, at which the Caliphs of the race of the Abassides assisted in person to redress the injuries of every appellant. Herbelot, p. 298. The Prime Vizier. Vazir, Vezir, or as we express it, Vizier, literally signifies a porter; and by metaphor, the minister who bears the principal burden of the state. Gian Ben Gian. By this appellation was distinguished the monarch of that species of beings, whom the Arabians denominate Gian or Ginn, that is, Genii; and the Tarik Thabari, Peres, Feez, or Faeries. Rocnabad. The stream thus denominated flows near the city of Schiraz. Its waters are uncommonly pure and limpid, and their banks swarded with the finest verdure. Moullahs. Those among the Mahometans who were bred to the law had this title; and from their order the judges of cities and provinces were taken. Bababalouk almost sunk with confusion, whilst, etc. The heinousness of Vathek’s profanation can only be judged of by an orthodox Mussulman; or one who recollects the ablution and prayer indispensably required on the exoneration of nature. Sale’s Prelim. Disc. p. 139. Al Koran, ch. 4. Habesci’s State of the Ottoman Empire, p. 93. Horrible Kaf. This mountain, which in reality is no other than Caucasus, was supposed to surround the earth, like a ring encompassing a finger. The sun was believed to rise from one of its eminences (as over Octa, by the Latin poets) and to set on the opposite; whence “from Kaf to Kaf,” signified from one extremity of the earth to the other. The Simurgh. This is that wonderful bird of the East concerning which so many marvels are told. It was not only endowed with reason, but possessed also the knowledge of every language. This creature relates of itself, that it had seen the great revolution of seven thousand years, twelve times, commence and close; and, that in its duration, the world had been seven times void of inhabitants, and as often replenished. The Simurgh is represented as a great friend to the race of Adam, and not less inimical to the Dives. Afrits. These were a kind of Medusa, or Lamia, supposed to be the most terrible and cruel of all the orders of the Dives. Herbelot, p. 66. Deggial. This word signifies properly a liar and imposter, but is applied by Mahometan writers to their Antichrist. He is described as having but one eye and eyebrow, and on his forehead the radicals of cafer, or infidel, are said to be impressed. Calenders. These were a sort of men amongst the Mahometans who abandoned father and mother, wife and children, relations and possessions, to wander through the world, under a pretence of religion, entirely subsisting on the fortuitous bounty of those they had the address to dupe. Herbelot, Suppl. p. 204. Santons. A body of religionists who were also called Abdals, and pretended to be inspired with the most enthusiastic raptures of divine love. They were regarded by the vulgar as saints. Olearius, Tom. I. p. 971. Herbelot, p. 5. Dervises. The term dervise signifies a poor man, and is the general appellation by which a religious sect amongst the Mahometans is named. Brahmins. These constituted the principal caste of the Indians, according to whose doctrines Brahma, from whom they are called, is the first of the three created beings by whom the world was made. This Brahma is said to have communicated to the Indians four books, in which all the sciences and ceremonies of their religion are comprised. Faquirs. This sect were a kind of religious anchorites, who spent their whole lives in the severest austerities and mortification. Peries. The word Peri, in the Persian language, signifies that beautiful race of creatures which constitutes the link between angels and men. Balkis. This was the Arabian name of the Queen of Sheba, who went from the South to hear the wisdom and admire the glory of Solomon. The Koran represents her as a worshipper of fire. Solomon is said not only to have entertained her with the greatest magnificence, but also to have raised her to his bed and his throne. Al Koran, ch. 27, and Sale’s notes. Herbelot, p. 182. Ouranabad. This monster is represented as a fierce flying hydra, and belongs to the same class with the Rakshe, whose ordinary food was serpents and dragons; the Soham, which had the head of a horse, with four eyes, and the body of a flame-coloured dragon; the Syl, a basilisk with a face resembling the human, but so tremendous that no mortal could bear to behold it; the Ejder, and others. See these respective titles in Richardson’s Dictionary, Persian, Arabic and English.