In the following references to the text the lines are numbered from the top of the page, including titles, acts, stage directions, &c., but not, of course, the headline or mere 'rules.' Where, as in the lists of Persons Represented, there are double columns, the right-hand column is numbered after the left. It has not been thought necessary to record the correction of every turned letter nor the substitution of marks of interrogation for marks of exclamation and vice versÂ. Full-stops have been silently inserted at the ends of speeches and each fresh speaker has been given the dignity of a fresh line: in the double-columned folio the speeches are frequently run on. Misprints in the Quartos and the First Folio are recorded when they appear to be interesting. A word or two from the printed text is attached to the variants recorded below in cases where the variant, by itself, would not be sufficiently clear. A WIFE FOR A MONTH. A = First Folio. B = Second Folio. - p. 1, ll. 3 ff. Not in A.
- p. 2, l. 22. A] Ex. Lords.
- p. 4, l. 23. B misprints] Your are.
- p. 7, l. 33. A here and sometimes elsewhere prints Mar. for Queen.
- p. 9, l. 24. A] God.
- l. 25. A] name him.
- l. 35. A comma has been taken away after Princess.
- p. 10, l. 18. A omits] and Podramo.
- l. 19. A. prints Pod. for Cam.
- l\. 26. A] mothers.
- p. 11, l. 12. A] feeles.
- l. 24. A] eyes.
- l. 36. A] had.
- p. 12, l. 12. A] At their.
- l. 34. A] all on.
- p. 13, l. 30. A] whipt there.
- p. 15, l. 29. A punctuates] him in death,
- p. 19, l. 18. A] vertues.
- p. 20, l. 1. A] conceive she has you.
- l. 31. A] dead on's.
- p. 22, l. 24. B] Cassander.
- l. 25. A] calls.
- l. 26. A] carin'd.
- p. 23, l. 1. A] a thy.
- p. 24, l. 1. A] Beside ... soules.
- l. 17. A] wings to our.
- l. 35. A] A the.
- p. 25, l. 1. A comma has been taken out after Tony. B reads Tony following, and Foole following.
- l. 4. A] vergis. B] Veriuyce.
- l. 17. A] curtall'd.
- l. 24. A] sweet-meats.
- p. 26, l. 26. A] a bed.
- p. 28, l. 8. A] for it.
- l. 13. A] Enanthe.
- l. 38. B] late.
- p. 29, l. 36. A omits the colon.
- p. 31, l. 8. A] much may it do ye with it my.
- l. 11. A omits] Exit.
- l. 12. After this line instead of the second Exit and the stage direction, A adds]
And when you please, and how allay my miseries.
Enter Frederick. To whom I kneele be mercifull unto me, Looke on my harmelesse youth Angels of pitty, And from my bleeding heart wipe off my sorrowes, The power, the pride, the malice and injustice Of cruell men are bent against mine innocence. You that controwle the mighty wills of Princes, And bow their stubborne armrs, look on my weaknesse, And when you please, and how, allay my miseries. [Exit.
Fred. Hast etc.
- l. 38. B misprints] speechs.
- p. 32, l. 22. A] minutes.
- p. 33, l. 2. B misprints] Soveragin.
- l. 20. B misprints] Can.
- p. 34, l. 18. A] goody.
- p. 35, l. 39. B] learn.
- p. 36, l. 17. A] credit yea.
- p. 37, l. 10. A] desire.
- p. 38, l. 25. A] honour'd.
- l. 27. B misprints] is
- p. 40, l. 1. A] my rulnes.
- l. 31. A omits] part.
- l. 37. B] Worship.
- p. 41, l. 8. A] it too.
- p. 42, ll. 14 and 15. A inserts stage direction Enter Cassandra here instead of on p. 43, ll. 20, 21.
- p. 43, l. 3. A transfers too from end of line to before grown.
- l. 14. A] has given.
- l. 23. A omits stage direction.
- l. 24. A omits Fred. and gives the line to Val.
- p. 44, l. 2. A] your face.
- l. 19. A] by her.
- l. 22. A] friends to tell.
- ll. 37, 38. A adds the following lines, repeated from p. 42,
- ll. 25-34 with slight differences:
Fred. You have the happinesse you ever aim'd at, The joy, and pleasure.
Val. Would you had the like, Sir.
Fred. You tumble in delights with your sweet Lady, And draw the minutes out in deare embraces, You lead a right Lords life.
Val. Would you had tryed it, That you might know the vertue but to suffer, If anger, though it be unjust and insolent Sits hansomer upon you then your scorne, Sir.
Fred. You cleerly, etc.
- p. 46, l. 5. A] to Valerio.
- l. 6. A] off,
- l. 31. A] excellence in honesty.
- p. 47, l. 5. A] ye.
- l. 6. A] ye.
- p. 48, l. 17. A] lyen.
- p. 49, l. 1. A] speak, is.
- p. 50, l. 27. A] dare.
- p. 51, l. 6. A] what is.
- p. 52, l. 9. A] vilde.
- p. 53, l. 6. A] Tameris.
- p. 54, l. 1. A] in a Coach.
- l. 8. A] Raines.
- l. 26. A] cold,
- p. 56, l. 17. A] juster then thine, in.
- l. 19. A omits] thee.
- l. 31. A] times.
- l. 37. A] mine.
- p. 57, l. 23. A] rights.
- p. 61, l. 29. A] a my.
- l. 36. A omits stage direction.
- p. 62, l. 8. A] Gallenatius.
- l. 11. A] Has.
- l. 15. A] an't.
- l. 38. A] flung i'th.
- p. 65, l. 12. B misprints] abilily.
- l. 16. A] Eason.
- l. 23. A] outsides.
- p. 66, l. 34. B misprints] me.
- p. 67, l. 22. A comma has been added at the end of the line.
- l. 34. A] Abidig.
- l. 35. Repeated twice in error in A.
- p. 69, l. 25. A] And woe.
- p. 71, l. 32. B] swell.
- p. 73, l. 1. B] Majors.
- l. 8. A] you have.
THE LOVERS PROGRESS. - p. 74, ll. 3 to end of page not in A.
- l. 10. A comma has been substituted for a full stop after Calista.
- l. 20. B] Lemeor.
- p. 75, l. 10. A comma has been supplied at the end of the line.
- l. 26. A] glister.
- p. 78, l. 24. A adds after Oratory] tickle her to the quick,
- p. 79, l. 31. A omits] as.
- p. 81, l. 4. B] knee'ld.
- l. 16. A] honour.
- l. 33. A] Oke. A superfluous t takes the place of the comma at the end of the line.
- p. 82, l. 9. B] Clender.
- p. 83, l. 21. B misprints] languishng.
- p. 85, l. 8. B misprints] Cla.
- l. 33. A adds his after of.
- p. 88, l. 4. A] mettle.
- p. 90, l. 25. A omits] is.
- p. 95, l. 6. B misprints] Cal.
- p. 97, l. 1. B misprints] as.
- p. 98, l. 24. A] it blowes.
- l. 32. A] a pieces.
- p. 99, l. 7. A] some cure.
- l. 35. A] feld'st.
- p. 101, l. 16. A] Ex. Manet. Cal. Clarin. Stayes Calist.
- l. 23. B misprints] Cla.
- l. 25. A] but you.
- p. 102, l. 22. A] with ye.
- l. 28. B misprints] Col.
- p. 103, l. 23. A] dranke.
- l. 34. A] he's.
- p. 105, l. 6. A] lock'd his graces.
- p. 106, l. 5. A] afflict you.
- p. 107, l. 5. A] burn.
- l. 6. A omits] it.
- l. 8. A] faith and dull.
- l. 34. A] never.
- p. 108, l. 13. A omits the second] do.
- l. 39. A omits] in.
- p. 110, l. 22. A] kill cow.
- p. 111, l. 21. B misprints] hyprocisie.
- p. 112, l. 17. A omits] doth.
- l. 23. B] loves.
- l. 31. A] hopes.
- p. 114, l. 6. B misprints] Dor.
- l. 39. A omits] Hark, a Song and inserts it after clean, p. 115, l. 20.
- p. 115, l. 6. A] beds ... downe.
- l. 18. A omits the second] welcom.
- p. 119, l. 4. B] coversation.
- l. 5. A] yon'd.
- l. 29. B] understand.
- p. 120, l. 2. A] wil'ing.
- l. 36. B misprints] net.
- p. 121, l. 5. A] your fathers.
- l. 18. A] kinsmen.
- l. 23. A and B] Chrysantes.
- p. 122, l. 16. B] Ghosty.
- p. 125, l. 20. B] Clorindon.
- p. 126, l. 3. A] Mistris.
- p. 131, l. 16. A] to a.
- p. 133, l. 30. A] Womens.
- p. 136, l. 8. A] sake.
- l. 21. A] misery's.
- p. 138, l. 5. A] ever.
- p. 142, l. 14. B misprints] dequeath.
- p. 147, l. 19. B misprints] you.
- l. 35. A] and I.
- p. 149, l. 20. A and B] Crysanthes.
- p. 150, l. 11. B] Leon.
- l. 29. A and B] Crysanthes.
- p. 151, l. 27. A and B] of.
- p. 152, l. 16. B] nor.
THE PILGRIM. - p. 153, ll. 3 to end of page not in A.
- p. 154, l. 2. A omits] and.
- p. 155, l. 32. A] family, I hate young. B misprints] Pearo.
- p. 156, l. 36. A] sort.
- p. 157, l. 28. A] tettish.
- p. 159, l. 5. A omits] and.
- l. 16. B misprints] 1 Beg.
- p. 160, l. 24. A] ye' are hartly.
- l. 36. A] knew.
- p. 161, l. 11. A omits] and.
- p. 162, l. 3. A] mediate.
- ll. 5 and 11. A] Are ye ... ye on.
- l. 35. A] ye have.
- l. 40. A] appeares.
- p. 163, l. 9. B misprints] calimities.
- l. 15. A] do ye.
- l. 20. A] you holy wounderers.
- l. 23. A] Have.
- l. 25. A] he is.
- l. 39. A omits stage direction.
- p. 164, l. 1. A] O' me.
- l. 8. A] Tis so too true.
- l. 9. A] engraved.
- l. 18. A omits] so.
- l. 26. A] ith ayre.
- l. 28. A] Ye amaze.
- l. 34. A] hang'em all.
- p. 165, l. 9. A] Her band.
- p. 166, l. 26. A] upwards.
- p. 167, l. 2. A] but ye.
- l. 6. B misprints] still.
- l. 17. A] Shalt.
- p. 168, l. 8. A] Teresse.
- l. 37. A] Jumping-Jone.
- l. 38. A] joggle.
- p. 169, l. 17. A] o' foot.
- l. 18. A] shall be.
- p. 170, l. 12. A] Ye.
- l. 13. A] flea.
- l. 23. A] Loper here and on p. 171, l. 8.
- l. 34. A] nor harshly.
- p. 171, l. 10. A] well what:
- p. 172, l. 34. A] upon me.
- p. 173, l. 25. A] as you.
- p. 174, l. 8. A and B] Loper.
- p. 175, l. 37. A] vildly.
- p. 176, l. 12. A] sue to thee.
- p. 177, l. 4. A] will.
- p. 178, l. 20. A] filde.
- p. 181, l. 24. A] Loper.
- p. 182, l. 29. A] O.
- p. 183, l. 1. A full stop has been added at the end of the line.
- l. 15. B] let.
- p. 184, l. 13. A mark of interrogation has been substituted for a colon.
- l. 25. A] Fastwes.
- p. 185, l. 1. B] me.
- l. 20. A] know.
- l. 34. B misprints] now.
- p. 186, l. 33. B punctuates] me; when ye see me,
- p. 187, l. 22. B misprints] Jap.
- p. 188, l. 6. B misprints] Alphoso.
- p. 190, l. 37. A] his corum.
- p. 191, l. 19. A] Goffer.
- p. 195, l. 18. B] shold.
- p. 196, l. 18. A omits] Mast. and continues speech as Ped.'s.
- p. 197, l. 35. A] Sigonia.
- p. 199, l. 8. A] yond ... scape.
- l. 30 A adds after Posie:] Prick me, and heale me.
- p. 200, l. 7. A] coxcomes.
- l. 30. A] a'.
- p. 201, l. 1. A] Is't it not.
- l. 19. A] I shall.
- p. 202, l. 17. A] shall be.
- l. 26. A omits the 2nd comma after heavier.
- p. 203, l. 1. A] content.
- l. 7. B misprints] 3.
- l. 33. A] Has been tormented.
- p. 204, l. 24. A] O'.
- l. 33. A] O'.
- l. 36. A] to guid.
- p. 205, l. 31. A] should now.
- l. 35. A] the mine.
- p. 206, l. 23. A] by th' word ... ye.
- l. 32. A] 'th as in (i.e. omits been).
- p. 207, l. 14. A] decarded.
- l. 26. A] where this.
- l. 27. A] scar.
- l. 34. A omits Rod. and gives both speeches in error to Ped.
- p. 208, l. 3. A] Keep us thus.
- p. 209, l. 7. A] mackrels.
- l. 32. A] shee-foole.
- p. 210, l. 7. A] do ye.
- l. 9. A] plumb.
- l. 27. A] cares.
- p. 211, l. 11. A] pig thy.
- l. 18. A] cod pice.
- l. 38. A] Heaven.
- p. 212, l. 13. A] like he.
- p. 214, l. 12. A omits] a.
- p. 216, l. 3. A] Segonia.
- p. 217, l. 11. A. omits] do.
- l. 22. A] stroke.
- l. 37. A] I see.
- l. 40. A] Simon.
- p. 218, l. 19. A] Segonia.
- p. 219, l. 7. A] gambals.
- l. 36. A and B punctuate] choice men,
- p. 221, l. 4. A] is as fine a place.
- l. 7. A] any away.
- p. 222, l. 28. A] Segonia.
- p. 223, l. 19. A] Segonia.
- p. 224, l. 2. A] For there.
- p. 225, l. 1. A full stop has been added at the end of the line.
- l. 6. A] ye.
- p. 227, l. 29. A] A semi-colon has been added after nothing.
- p. 228, l. 32. A] Segonia.
THE CAPTAIN. - p. 230, ll. 3 to end of page not in A.
- l. 9. B] Julia.
- l. 27. B] Clara.
- p. 232, l. 20. A] a war.
- l. 37. A] Oh God.
- p. 233, l. 3. A] not percell.
- p. 235, l. 3. A] for gods.
- l. 7. A] behold.
- l. 21. A gives from here to Fra.
- l. 23. A] O God what.
- l. 24. A] if were ... thank God.
- l. 36. A] decaid crare of.
- p. 236, l. 5. A] ya're.
- l. 7. A] as? she.
- l. 19. A omits] wench.
- l. 20. A omits Clo. and gives the line to Fran.
- p. 237, l. 22. A] If God had.
- p. 238, ll. 27-32. A divides thus] such ... will ... let.
- ll. 33-35. A divides into 2 ll. at] love.
- p. 239, l. 2. A] thank God.
- p. 240, l. 34. A] a'th.
- l. 35. A] good God.
- p. 241, l. 5. A] 'ath Cithron.
- l. 37. B] ought.
- p. 242, l. 21. A] swallows.
- p. 244, l. 26. A omits comma after] modest.
- l. 29. A] a conscience.
- l. 35. A] will you.
- p. 245, l. 5. A] deadly.
- l. 6. A] has held ... good God.
- l. 8. A] dare.
- l. 22. A] ye would.
- p. 246, l. 5. A] have strooke.
- l. 30. A adds at end] omnes.
- p. 247, l. 5. B misprints] up.
- l. 8. A] to God.
- l. 14. A] of my.
- l. 17. B misprints] that.<
- l. 31. A] Pox a.
- l. 34. A] make.
- l. 38. A] mischiefe.
- p. 248, l. 6. A] And seasons.
- l. 40. A] a'th.
- p. 249, l. 9. A here and often elsewhere] Jacamo.
- l. 24. A] Cat skins.
- p. 250, l. 29. A] heads.
- l. 32. A] suffering.
- p. 251, l. 8. A] are ye.
- l. 37. A] sinews.
- p. 252, l. 11. B] 'll.
- l. 13. A] yet 'a.
- p. 253, l. 19. A] he were.
- l. 20. A] He could.
- l. 22. A] of their.
- l. 37. A] opinions.
- p. 254, l. 4. A] in need.
- l. 13. A] yon.
- p. 255, l. 12. A] orethrow.
- p. 256, l. 13. A omits] have.
- p. 258, l. 9. A omits] and Jacomo.
- l. 22. A gives this line also to Fred.
- l. 23. A omits] Fred.
- p. 259, l. 10. A omits] will.
- l. 32. B misprints] Faih.
- p. 261, l. 24. A] purge your.
- p. 262, l. 16. A] thank God.
- l. 22. A here and often elsewhere prints Angilo.
- p. 263, l. 14. A] mongst.
- p. 264, l. 30. A] Pray God.
- p. 265, l. 34. A] God pardon.
- p. 266, l. 18. A] pottage.
- p. 268, l. 14. A] trucks.
- l. 34. B misprints] stavre.
- p. 270, l. 21. A] ha been.
- p. 271, l. 18. A] I, though you.
- l. 29. B] so be.
- l. 31. A] t'were.
- p. 272, l. 32. A omits] t'.
- p. 273, l. 31. A] Tyre-wench.
- l. 33. A] for Gods.
- p. 274, l. 33. A omits] O me.
- p. 275, l. 10. A] it has.
- l. 11. A] to Jove.
- l. 15. B] quamish.
- l. 29. A omits the comma after honest.
- l. 33. A] away for Gods sake Julio. B] away, Julio.
- p. 277, l. 2. A] you yet.
- p. 278, l. 16. A] I was.
- l. 21. A] When you.
- p. 279, l. 21. A] disgrace you.
- l. 38. A] Shart?
- p. 280, l. 21. A omits] a.
- l. 22. A] Codpeeece.
- p. 281, l. 19. B misprints] IV.
- l. 24. A] be he mine Host.
- l. 26. A] bitten.
- p. 282, l. 3. A punctuates] parcells here,
- l. 5. A] vellet.
- l. 7. A] sudd.
- l. 17. A] pray to God thou. B] pray thou.
- l. 37. A] yon.
- p. 284, l. 3. A] has.
- l. 35. A omits] all.
- p. 285, l. 20. A] Marry God bless. B] Marry bless
- p. 286, l. 13. A] pox a.
- l. 18. A] you too.
- l. 39. A] thank God.
- p. 287, l. 11. A] this way.
- l. 33. A] Pray God.
- p. 288, l. 23. A] Brother fly.
- l. 36. B misprints] A.
- p. 289, l. 7. A] gives this line to Jac.
- l. 16. A] to God.
- l. 20. A] please God.
- l. 26. A] 'a will.
- p. 290, l. 25. A adds] God, before I.
- l. 26. A] S'blood ye.
- l. 30. A] S'blood but.
- p. 291, l. 3. A omits] and Servants.
- l. 9. A] For heaven God sake.
- l. 23. A] for God.
- l. 31. A omits stage direction.
- p. 292, l. 17. A adds] Exeunt.
- p. 294, l. 16. A omits] not.
- p. 296, l. 36. B misprints] bead.
- p. 297, l. 21. A puts mark of interrogation after stone.
- p. 298, l. 33. A. gives That thou to previous line.
- p. End of Vol. V.
CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. Transcriber's Notes: Simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors were corrected. |
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