To say that the whole spectacle that I had just witnessed startled me would be stating it mildly indeed. The strange appearance of this big, powerful, smooth shaven man in a buckskin hunting costume with a retinue of black wolves and a trained eagle, the mysterious manner of his hunting and his coming and going, aroused in me great interest and curiosity and I could realize the effect it evidently had upon Big Pete’s superstitious mind in spite of the fact that the big fellow was accustomed to facing almost any sort of danger. As for me, I could not myself prevent the creeping chills from running down my spine whenever I thought of the wild man. Could it be possible that this strange, half-wild man of the mountains, this killer, this master of a wolf pack, could be in any way connected with my father? I wondered, Recovering somewhat from my astonishment and surprise, I realized that what I had witnessed, strange though it appeared, was not a supernatural occurrence. I knew that it was a real gun I had heard, real smoke I had seen, real man, real bird, real elk, and real wolves. “But, Pete,” I exclaimed, as a sudden thought struck me, “what’s become of our dogs?” “Better ask them black fiends up the mountains. I reckon you won’t see them tha’ hounds of yours agin.” “Reckon we had better swipe some of that elk before the coyotes get at it,” growled Pete. “The wild mountainman knows the good parts, but an elk is an elk, and one wild man, even if he is a giant, can’t carry off all the good meat, not by a long shot.” “He may come back,” I suggested. “Not he,” said Pete. “He’s too stuck up for that. When he wants more, them tha’ black demons and that voodoo bird of his’n will get ’em for him, and he’s a hanging his long legs off’ner a rock some whar smoking a long cigar.” “Dod rot him,” growled Pete. “Why With a good square meal of the locoed hunter’s elk under our belts and a rousing camp fire before which to toast our shins, both the big westerner and I felt a little more natural and comfortable, but our conversation turned again to this wild hunter of the mountains. I could see that the mysterious old man with his wolf pack and eagle aroused almost every possible form of superstition in Big Pete and I confess that I was not free from some of it myself. The guide was certain that the man was either a ghost or a reincarnated devil, and he displayed no uncertain signs of awe. “I tell you,” said Pete, “he’s a devil. He’s over a hundred years old, for my dad “Why, young feller,” he went on, “that ol’ man shoots gold bullets out o’ a real Patrick Mullen gun.” “A Mullen gun, Pete?” I cried, “how do you know, man; speak for goodness sake!” “I don’t know it’s a Patrick Mullen and guess it tain’t one ’cause a Patrick Mullen rifle would cost a thousand or more. But the old Injun, Beaver Tail, says, someone told his father and his father told him that et is a Patrick Mullen gun an’ is a special make inlaid with gold and silver, an’ all ornamented up, an’ built for an ol’ muzzle-loadin’ flint-lock. Now Mullen never made no flint-lock “Unless the wild Hunter might be a relative of old Patrick Mullen,” I said, thinking aloud, and gasping at the thought, for the description of the rifle somehow impressed me again with the possibility that this wild man of the mountains might himself be Donald Mullen, and my own father! “Why do you say that, kid?” asked Big Pete with a queer look in his eyes. “Oh, I don’t know, I was just wondering to myself. But what makes you think he’s a supernatural being, and, Pete, does this wild loony hunter look at all like me?” “Super what? Say when did you swallow a dictionary?—Oh, you mean what makes me think he’s a devil. No, he don’t favor you none,” he added with a grin, “he’s a handsome devil, although he’s done terrified every white man, an’ Injun, in these parts half t’ death, so most of ’ems afeared to come back here at |