PART I. | FAIR WEATHER IDEAS. | CHAPTER I. | | PAGE | Tree-Top Club Houses | 3 | The River Rats, 5; A Tree-top Retreat, 6; The Secret Grape-vine Route, 7; A Club-house in the Tree-tops, 8; A Two-tree House, 9; How to Build the Foundation, 14; The One-tree House, 16; A Three- and Four-tree Foundation, 18. | CHAPTER II. | Hunting Without a Gun | 19 | How to Capture and Trap Small Live Animals, 19; Rodents or Gnawers, 21; A Smudge, 22; Flying Squirrels, 23; White-footed Mice, 25; Short-tailed Meadow-rats, 26; Jumping Mice, 27; Woodchucks, 27; A Box Trap, 30; Musk-rats, 31. | CHAPTER III. | The Back-yard Zoo | 33 | The Study of Living Animals, 33; Size of Lot, 35; Galvanized Iron Wire Cloth or Netting, 36; The Mesh, 36; To Make a Cage of Galvanized Wire Netting, 39; The Door, 40; The Doors for the Runway, 40; Toads, 43; Frogs, 44; Peepers, 44; The Tree-frog, 45; The Anderson Frog, 45; Lizards, 45. | CHAPTER IV. | A Back-yard Fish-pond | 48 | How to Make a Fish-pond, 48; By Sinking a Wooden Tank in the Ground, 49; Best Form for Such a Tank, 49; To Prevent Wood from Decay, 50; When to Stock, 52; Fresh-water Clams, 53. | CHAPTER V. | Pigeon Lofts and Bantam Coops | 54 | A Pigeon Loft and Bantam Coop, 55; Lumber, 56; Pigeon-loft Floor, 56; Shutter Frames, 56; Roofing Material, 57; Doors, 58; The Shutters, 59; Cleanliness, 59; The Hen’s Nest, 59; The Pigeon’s Nest, 60; For a Hen Roost, 60; Drinking Troughs, 61; Flying Cage, 62. | CHAPTER VI. | How to Make a Back-yard Aviary | 63 | 225; Size of Board, 226; Height of Easel, 226; The Drawings Themselves, 227; How to Begin, 227; A Stationary Object, 229; Motion, 230; Evolution of the Ape, 234. | CHAPTER XX. | A Christmas Novelty for Boys | 237 | How to Build and Decorate a Fireplace for Santa Claus, 237; The First Start, 237; Back of the Chimney, 238; The Front Frame, 240; The Covering, 243; To Line the Inside of the Fireplace, 243; Our American St. Nicholas, 243; Costume for Santa Claus, 245; How to Put on the Clothes, 246. | CHAPTER XXI. | How to Make Two Boys into One Santa Claus | 248 | How the Legs are Made, 249; The Wig and Beard, 249; The Curtains, 249; The Sleigh, 250; The Signal for Legs, 251; The Distribution of the Presents, 251. | CHAPTER XXII. | A Circus in the Attic | 253 | How to Make the Horses and Other Animals, and How to Make the Costumes, 253; The Goat, 253; The Arab Steed, 254; The Neck-bones, 255; The Ribs, 255; The Frame, 256; The Reins, 256; To Make the Giant Bird of New Zealand, 257; The Manicora, 257; The Ring-master and his Costume, 259; Making Up, 262. | CHAPTER XXIII. | A Boys’ Stag-party | 263 | Target Shooting, 263; To Make the Target, 263; Carpet Tacks as Darts for the Blow-gun, 264; Vegetable Bonbon Boxes, 265; A “Fake” Cake, 266; The Shooting, 267; The Spread, 268; The Explosion of the “Fake” Cake, 268. | CHAPTER XXIV. | A Wild West Show in the House | 270 | How to Reproduce the Patterns, 270; Making the Cowboy, Horse, and Indian, 273; For a Bridle, 274; The Indian Horseman, 275; The Buffalo, 276; The Stage, 277. | CHAPTER XXV. | How to Have a Panorama Show | 278 | Choice of Subject, 278; Hunting Suitable Pictures, 279; Colo
The Jack of All Trades.
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