PART I—WILD FLOWERS | CHAPTER | PAGE | I. | Daisies | 1 | II. | Jack-in-the-Pulpit | 5 | III. | Red and White Clovers | 8 | IV. | Clover Designs | 12 | V. | Other Wild-Flower Designs | 19 | VI. | Pussy-Willows | 24 | VII. | Arrangement of Flowers | 33 | PART II—GRASSES | VIII. | Fairy-Trees Made of Grasses | 40 | IX. | A House Made of Grass | 45 | X. | Grass Dress and Grass Head-Dress | 56 | PART III—GREEN LEAVES | XI. | Oak-Leaves | 61 | XII. | Grape-Leaf Drinking-Cup | 68 | XIII. | Green-Leaf Designs | 71 | | PART IV—CULTIVATED FLOWERS | XIV. | Phlox | 76 | XV. | Cultivated Foxglove | 81 | XVI. | Miss Hollyhock's Garden-Party | 88 | XVII. | Daffodils | 92 | PART V—SEED-VESSELS | XVIII. | Seed-Vessel Playthings | 96 | XIX. | Buckeye Horse and Buckeye Rider | 103 | XX. | Burdock-Burrs | 108 | XXI. | Things to Make of English-Walnut Shells | 117 | PART VI—VEGETABLES | XXII. | Things You can Make of Lima Beans | 123 | XXIII. | Sweet-Potato Alligator and What to Make of a Radish | 130 | XXIV. | Green-Pea Toys and a Green-Pea Design | 136 | XXV. | Corn-Husks and Corn-Cobs | 148 | PART VII—FRUIT | XXVI. | The Funny Orange-Head | 163 | XXVII. | Apples and Apple Fun | 171 |
Mother Nature's Toy-Shop