PART I | HANDICRAFT | CHAPTER I. | | PAGE | Spinning | 3 | The Spinning-Wheel, 4; The Spindle, 5; The Distaff, 7; Thoroughly Cleaned, 8; The Band, 8; To Adjust the Band, 9; The Flax, 10; Practice, 11; How to Spin, 12; When the Thread Breaks, 12. | CHAPTER II. | Weaving on a Home-made Loom | 15 | The Pin Loom, 16; The Heddles, 17; The Shuttle, 19; To Adjust the Warp, 19; The Woof, 20; How to Weave a Miniature Navajo Blanket, 20; Blankets for Dolls' Beds, 26. | CHAPTER III. | A Ball of Twine and What May Be Made of It | 27 | Making a Little Hammock, 27; How to Tie the Twine, 29; A School-Bag, 31; Twine Curtains, 34. | CHAPTER IV. | An Armful of Shavings, and What to Do with Them | 36 | Selecting the Shavings, 36; A Soft Little Basket, 36; How to Prepare the Shavings, 37; How to Weave the Shavings, 39; Bind the Edges, 40; The Handle, 40; A Handkerchief Case, 41. | | CHAPTER V. | Primitive Reed Curtains | 43 | The Reeds, 43; Raw Material, 43; The Twine-Stick Weave, 44; The Finished Curtain, 46; Curtain-Bee Frolic, 48; Door-way Screens, 49. | CHAPTER VI. | Things to Make of Common Grasses | 53 | A Grasshopper House, 53; A Doll's Hammock, 56; A Bouquet-Holder, 58; Weaving a Napkin-Ring, 59. | CHAPTER VII. | Possibilities of a Clothes Line | 62 | Adapted to Decoration, 62; Rope Wood-Basket, 62; Rope Net Fringe, 65; The Tassels, 65. | CHAPTER VIII. | How to Weave a Splint Basket | 68 | | 264 | Magic in India, 264; A Jumping Frog, 264; The Hungry Birds, 267; To make the Children Talk, 268; Moving Faces, 269; The High Note, 270. | CHAPTER XXIV. | Finger Plays for Little Folk | 273 | The Teeter, 273; Church, 275; Steeple, 275; Open Door, 276; The People, 276; The Preacher, 277; Man Chopping Wood, 277; My Mother's Knives and Forks, 279; My Father's Table, 280; My Sister's Looking-Glass, 280; The Little Black Birds, 280; The Baby's Cradle, 281; Chin Chopper Chin, 282; Build the Tower, 282; The Five Little Pigs, 285; Little Heads for Little Fingers, 285. | CHAPTER XXV. | How to Arrange Fresh Flowers | 289 | Selecting the Flowers, 289; A Number of Nasturtiums, 290; Do not Crowd the Flowers, 290; Green Leaves with Flowers, 291; Color Schemes, 291; The Vases, 292; Colorless Transparent Vases, 292; Arrangement, 293; Flower Lifter, 294; Symmetry, 295; Wild Flowers, 295. | | CHAPTER XXVI. | Open Air Playhouses | 298 | A Florida Playhouse, 298; Palm Decorations, 298; Other Decorations, 298; An Umbrella Playhouse, 299; A Real Teepee, 302; An African Hut, 306; The Floral Tent, 307. | CHAPTER XXVII. | Keeping Store | 308 | The Counter, 308; The Scales, 309; Groceries, 312; Vegetables, 312; Candy, 313; Wrapping Paper, 313; Money, 314; Paper Pocket-Books, 314; Keeping Accounts, 316; Bars of Soap, 319; Butter Clay, 319. | CHAPTER XXVIII. | A Frolic with the Roses | 320 |