

Year of Election Candidates for President States Political Party Popular Vote Plurality Electoral Vote Candidates for Vice President States Political Party Electoral Vote
1876 Samuel J. Tilden N. Y. Dem. 4,284,885 250,935 184 T. A. Hendricks Ind. Dem. 184
Rutherford B. Hayes* O. Rep. 4,033,950 185 William A. Wheeler* N. Y. Rep. 185
Peter Cooper N. Y. Gre'nb 81,740 Samnuel F. Cary O. Gre'nb
Green Clay Smith Ky. Pro. 9,522 Gideon T. Stewart O. Pro.
James B. Walker Ill. Amer. 2,636 D. Kirkpatrick N. Y. Amer.
1880 James A. Garfield* O. Rep. 4,449,053 7,018 214 Chester A. Arthur* N. Y. Rep. 185
W. S. Hancock Pa. Dem. 4,442,035 155 William H. English Ind. Dem. 155
James B. Weaver Iowa Gre'nb 307,306 B. J. Chambers Tex. Gre'nb
Neal Dow Me. Pro. 10,305 H. A. Thompson O. Pro.
John W. Phelps Vt. Amer. 707 S. C. Pomeroy Kan. Amer.
1884 Grover Cleveland* N. Y. Dem. 4,911,017 62,683 219 T. A. Hendricks* Ind. Dem. 219
James G. Blaine Me. Rep. 4,848,334 182 John A. Logan Ill. Rep. 182
John P. St. John Kan. Pro. 151,809 William Daniel Md. Pro.
Benjamin F. Butler Mass. Gre'nb 133,825 A. M. West Miss. Gre'nb
P. D. Wigginton Cal. Amer.
1888 Grover Cleveland N. Y. Dem. 5,440,216 168 Allen G. Thurman O. Dem. 168
Benjamin Harrison* Ind. Rep. 5,538,235 98,017 233 Levi P. Morton* N. Y. Rep. 233
Clinton B. Fisk N. J. Pro. 249,907 John A. Brooks Mo. Pro.
Alson J. Streeter Ill. U. L. 148,105 C. E. Cunningham Ark. U. L.
R. H. Cowdry Ill. U'd L. 2,808 W. H. T. Wakefield Kan. U'd L.
James L. Curtis N. Y. Amer. 1,591 James B. Greer Tenn. Amer.
1892 Grover Cleveland* N. Y. Dem. 5,556,918 380,810 277 Adlai E. Stevenson* Ill. Dem. 277
Benjamin Harrison Ind. Rep. 5,176,108 145 Whitelaw Reid N. Y. Rep. 145
James B. Weaver Iowa Peop. 1,041,028 22 James G. Field Va. Peop. 22
John Bidwell Cal. Pro. 264,133 James B. Cranfill Tex. Pro.
Siimon Wing Mass. Soc L. 21,164 Charles H. Matchett N. Y. Soc L.
1896 William McKinley* O. Rep. 7,104,779 601,854 271 Garret A. Hobart* N. J. Rep. 271
William J. Bryan Neb. Dem. 6,502,925 } 170 Arthur Sewall Me. Dem. 149
William J. Bryan Neb. Peop. } Thomas E. Watson Ga. Peop. 27
Joshua Levering Md. Pro. 132,007 Hale Johnson Ill. Pro.
John M. Palmer Ill. N Dem. 133,148 Simon Buckner Ky. N Dem.
Charles H. Matchett N. Y. Soc L. 30,274 Matthew Maguire N. J. Soc L.
Charles E. Bentley Neb. Nat. 13,969 James H. Southgate N. C. Nat.
1900 William McKinley* O. Rep. 7,207,923 849,790 292 Theodore Roosesvelt* N. Y. Rep. 292
William J. Bryan Neb. Dem P. 6,358,133 155 Adlai E. Stevenson Ill. Dem P. 155
John G. Woolley Ill. Pro. 208,914 Henry B. Metcalf O. Pro.
Wharton Barker Pa. MP. 50,373 Ignatius Donnelly Minn. MP.
Eugene V. Debs Ind. Soc D. 87,815 Job Harriman Cal. Soc D.
Jos. F. Malloney Mass. Soc L. 39,739 Valentine Rommel Pa. Soc L.
J. F. R. Leonard Ia. UC. 1,059 John G. Woolley Ill. UC.
Seth H. Ellis O. UR. 5,698 Samuel T. Nicholson Pa. UR.
1904 Theodore Roosevelt* N. Y. Rep. 7,623,486 2,545,515 336 Charles W. Fairbanks Ind. Rep. 336
Alton B. Parker N. Y. Dem. 5,077,911 140 Henry G. Davis W. Va. Dem. 140
Eugene V. Debs Ind. Soc. 402,283 Benjamin Hanford N. Y. Soc.
Silas C. Swallow Pa. Pro. 258,536 George W. Carroll Tex. Pro.
Thomas E. Watson Ga. Peop. 117,183 Thomas H. Tibbles Neb. Peop.
Charles H. Corrigan N. Y. Soc L. 31,249 William W. Cox Ill. Soc L.
1908 William H. Taft* O. Rep. 7,678,908 1,269,804 321 James S. Sherman* N. Y. Rep. 321
William J. Bryan Neb. Dem. 6,409,104 162 John W. Kern Ind. Dem. 162
Eugene V. Debs Ind. Soc. 420,793 Benjamin Hanford N. Y. Soc.
Eugene W. Chafin Ariz. Pro. 253,840 Aaron S. Watkins O. Pro.
Thomas E. Watson Ga. Peo. 29,100 Samuel Williams Ind. Peo.
August Gillhaus N. Y. Soc L. 13,825 Donald L. Munro Va. Soc L.
Thos. L. Hisgen Mass. Ind. 82,872 John Temple Graves Ga. Ind.
1912 Woodrow Wilson* N. J. Dem. 6,292,718 2,235,289 435 Thomas R. Marshall Ind. Dem. 435
William H. Taft O. Rep. 3,369,221 15 Herbert S. Hadley Mo. Rep. 15
Theodore Roosevelt N. Y. Prog. 4,057,429 81 Hiram W. Johnson Cal. Prog. 81
Eugene V. Debs Ind. Soc. 812,731 Emil Seidel Wis. Soc.
Eugene W. Chafin Ariz. Pro. 170,626 Aaron S. Watkins O. Pro.
Arthur E. Reimer Mass. Soc L. 17,312 August Gillhaus N. Y. Soc L.
* The candidates starred were elected. This table is from the World Almanac. The figures are in some cases slightly different from those used in the text, which are taken from Stanwood, History of the Presidency.


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