| PAGE | The True Ideal in Diet | 13 | A Plea for the Simple Life | 22 | A Plea for Moderation | 26 | Artistic Cookery | 28 | What to do when Travelling | 32 | Advice for Beginners | 36 | Commercial Dietetic Inventions | 38 | How to Regulate our Diet | 41 | A Simple Food-Chart | 45 | A Table of Food Values | 46 | Vegetarian Soups | 48 | Substitutes for Fish | 55 | Substitutes for Meat Dishes | 58 | Simple Savoury Dishes | 69 | Cold Luncheon Dishes | 86 | Gravies and Sauces | 94 | Puddings and Sweets | 99 | Bread and Cakes | 112 | Summer and Winter Drinks | 117 | How to Feed Invalids | 119 | What to do at Christmas | 126 | Breakfast, Luncheon and Dinner Menus | 128 | Hints to Housekeepers | 131 | Unfired and Vital Foods | 133 | Some Suggestive Menus | 135 | Useful Domestic Information | 137 | Scientific Cooking of Vegetables | 140 | Labour-Saving Appliances | 144 | Medicinal and Dietetic Qualities of Foods | 146 | Hygienic Information | 152 | How to accumulate Physical Vitality | 155 | For Synopsis of Recipes, see next page. (Index, 159.)