In a little back street not far from S. SÉverin is the old church of S. Julien, a fragment only of its former self, and all that remains of the ancient priory. Its locality is described in Guillot's Dict. des Rues de Paris, which gives a description Puis la rue de Saint-Julien Qui nous gart de mauvais lien, M'en revins À la Buscherie Et puis en la Poissonnerie. And it appears that "il y avait jadis, prÈs du Petit-Pont et la prison du Petit-ChÂtelet, une ruelle appelÉe ruelle du Carneaux, Some years ago, when S. Julien was used as the chapel of the HÔtel-Dieu, it formed a picturesque object from the hospital garden, and no doubt was often a great comfort to some of the patients, who found within its walls a peaceful spot where they could be alone, and out of turmoil of sick wards and their accompaniments. But when the old hospital was pulled down, the church's very existence was threatened, and for some years it seemed as if Paris would have one more vandalism to lament. Happily its demolition was prevented, and it has been restored to God's service, for the use of members of the Greek branch of the Church. Many were the Julians canonized by the Early Church, and it is difficult to say to which saint this edifice was dedicated, although the fact of the relics of S. Julien de Brioude, who was martyred in 304, having been placed upon the left-hand side of the High Altar, seems to point to him as the patron. CHAPEL OF THE SOUTH AISLE. Another S. Julien was a confessor, and first bishop of Mans. He was a Roman by birth, and upon being consecrated, was sent by Pope Clement to convert the Cenomans. He arrived at Suindinum (Le Mans) while the town was besieged and deprived of water. Entering it, he caused water to spring from the ground, and henceforth the well was called Sanct-nomius, or fountain of S. Julien. The bishop worked in his diocese over 40 years, and then retired to S. Marceau, where he died in 117, his decease being revealed in a vision to his first convert, a Gaul, surnamed Le DÉfenseur, who caused the Saint's body to be carried back to Le Mans, and buried with great pomp at Notre-Dame du PrÉ. In 840 it was translated to the cathedral, where many miracles were wrought. S. Julien is generally represented destroying a dragon, symbolizing paganism, or accompanied by a young girl carrying a pitcher of water, an allegory of the miraculous well. This connection of different Saints of the same name with wells is curious, and makes it difficult to decide the patronage of S. Julien le Pauvre; for there also are two wells, one the so-called "miraculous," just outside the eastern apse of the church, and another outside one of the windows of the 17th century faÇade. If, as many authorities think, the old 13th century west front occupied a space in advance of the present DUM SCANDUNT JUGA MONTIS ANHELO PECTORE NYMPHÆ, HIC UNA E SOCIIS VALLIS AMORE SEDET. Which is prettily rendered by d'Amaury Duval: "Tandis que les nymphes, haletantes, montent vers le sommet de la montagne, l'une d'elles, Éprise de la beautÉ du vallon, y fixe sa demeure." The third saint who disputes the patronage of this particular church is S. Julian Hospitator, who watches over travellers, ferrymen, boatmen and travelling minstrels. He was a nobleman much given to the chase, and one day, while pursuing a deer, the frightened creature turned round, and cried out, "Thou followest me, thou who wilt one day kill thy father and mother." BAS-RELIEF OF THE FERRY. There can be little doubt that the church was originally dedicated to Julian the Martyr, as recorded by GrÉgoire de Tours, and that later the culte of the other two Julians was added; particularly as we find upon one of the houses of the Rue Galande, which abuts upon one side of the church, a curious 13th century bas-relief of this very legend of the ferry. S. Julien was also invoked by travellers: was a rhyme of the Moustiers de Paris, written in 1270; and a document of 1325 upon the Churches and Monasteries of Paris thus confirms the usefulness of S. Julien-le-Pauvre: Or m'en iray outre le pont Pour des autres moustiers trouver Que l'on ne puisse rÉprouver, Quar s'en mon dit faille de rien, Premiers trouverez saint Julien Le Povre, et bien ai regardÉ Que maint compagnon a gardÉ De mort, ce n'est pas mesprison Et d'estre en vilainne prison; Il les hÉberge et si les tence De hÉberger a la poissance. The early history of S. Julien is similar to that of all the other churches of Paris. Destroyed in 886 by the Normans, The 13th and 14th centuries were periods of great intellectual activity. Students flocked to Paris from all parts of Europe, and the left bank of the Seine became a colony of colleges. According to Victor Hugo, there were no less than forty-two in 1465. Essa la luce eterna de Sigieri Che, leggendo nel vico degli Strami, Sillogizo' invidiosi veri. (Il Paradiso, canto x.) The poet also bears witness to the violent discussions which took place in the street, and adds that he found comfort in going to S. Julien to say his prayers. Ambroise-Firmin Didot speaks of Dante living in the Rue du Fouarre, in vico stramineo; and MÉziÈres adds his testimony: "Il est allÉ chercher la science À Bologne et entendre À Paris, dans la Rue du Fouarre, de la bouche de Sigier, ces leÇons hardies qui effrayaient ces contemporains." The colleges and dwelling-houses of the students, together with the buildings of the priory, formed a small town. In an old plan of the church, and its dependencies in the precincts, For several centuries the old church was the seat of the general assemblies of the University; and by a decree of Philippe le Bel, the Provost of Paris was obliged to go there every two years, to take an oath to observe the privileges of the students, who were under his jurisdiction. He bore the title of Conservateur de l'UniversitÉ with much pride; but he must have had a troublous life, for the students were always quarrelling with the citizens; and in the reign of Charles VI., the then Provost, Hugues Aubriot, rebuilt the Petit-ChÂtelet (which was close to S. Julien), in order to defend the city against the nocturnal incursions of the scholars. To such a pass had matters come in 1601, that the Parliament issued the following decree: "La court a faict inhibitions et dÉfences aux dicts escolliers porter espÉes et dagues sur le quay de la Tournelle ny commettre aucune insolence." There were several classes of students, Boursiers and Pensionnaires (Convicteurs ou Portionnistes) living with the masters; CamÉristes, rich young men who lived without The University of Paris was established in 1200, but the word was not commonly used until the time of S. Louis. In the time of Philippe Auguste there were three schools in Paris, at Notre-Dame, and at the abbeys of S. Victor and S. GeneviÈve. Naturally to keep so many students in order was no easy task, and we can easily understand that upon every excuse, every small discontent of the citizens, the scholars were only too glad to help in the scrimmage. They were at first classified in nations, or SociÉtÉ de MaÎtres; thus in 1169 we read of la nation de France, surnamed Honoranda; la nation de Picardie, Fidellissima; la nation Normande, Veneranda; and la nation d'Angleterre, Constantissima. In the "town and gown" rows between students and citizens, the members of the University were only amenable to the Provost of Paris, who gloried in the title of Conservateur de l'UniversitÉ; and when this gentleman found the gownsmen in the wrong, the University suspended its lectures. But S. Julien was not simply the centre of the University; it was also the head-quarters of many guilds and corporations, such as the Confraternity of Notre-Dame-des-Vertus, the Paper-makers, the Ironfounders, and Roof-tilers. Even before the Revolution, church property was not entirely exempt from taxation. The abbeys and other ecclesiastical communities possessed enormous privileges; but they were not enjoyed without certain obligations, as witness requisitions The church was in a parlous state when prior MÉliand began his repairs. The roof was in a miserable condition, In 1655 the priory and its possessions were made over to the HÔtel-Dieu; and thenceforth, until the demolition of the old building a few years ago, it was used as the hospital chapel. But previous to this, Cardinal Mazarin had turned over an annual payment of 2,500 livres to the HÔtel-Dieu from the revenue of his abbey of Saint-Étienne at Caen, and in his capacity of abbot in chief of the order of Cluny, he made a bargain which put an end to the independence of S. Julien. The prior was to resign, and all the revenues of the convent were to go to the establishment of a convalescent hospital; the HÔtel-Dieu undertaking, in return, to carry on Divine service in the church, and to fulfil the conditions of the different foundations belonging to it. At this time, 1660, the property of S. Julien consisted of thirty-eight houses and gardens in the neighbouring streets, besides certain lands in the Faubourg S. Jacques, at Montmartre, at Vitry, Villeneuve and Versailles, together with revenues in kind—corn and fodder, and donations made at burials; altogether amounting to about 2,400 livres. It appears that the misfortunes of S. Julien were not over when it lost its independence, for Louis Roche required payment for his various "improvements," and so the poor church had to sell its plate. Nor could services be held there without the permission of the archbishop, as the curÉ of S. SÉverin seems to have objected: "DÉfense lui (the chaplain of S. Julien) est faite de cÉlÉbrer des messes hautes, de faire l'eau bÉnite, la bÉnÉdiction du pain, de reÇevoir offrande, faire quÊte, chanter l'office et le salut, ni mÊme exposer le Saint-Sacrament en ladite Église, sans la permission de Son Eminence." In 1705 an inventory of the furniture, vestments, and plate EXTERIOR OF SAINT-JULIEN. At the Revolution, the revenues passed over to the State, and God's House was converted into the "House of Humanity." The old church became a salt warehouse, the asile was pulled down, and it was only in 1826 that S. Julien was restored to its right use. The first time I visited the church was before the Franco-German war, when I was taken over the hospital by one of the Augustinian sisters. Two or three patients were there pouring out their sorrows, or giving thanks for mercies received. Outside, in the garden, were a few more sitting about among the trees, making a charming picture, such as Fred Walker would have delighted in. All this is now changed, and the sisters are gone with the old hospital buildings The Miraculous Well and some of the foundations are all that remain of the first Carlovingian church; the arcades of the nave and some of the columns date back to the commencement of the 12th century, but the rest of the building belongs to the end of that period. The tower, like the portal, was improved away by Master Bernard Roche, and the old bell has at present to content itself with a little pointed roof as a covering. Its inscription is dated, and is in French: ? The plan of the church was originally a nave and aisles of six bays, each terminating in an apse, but in 1675 two bays were demolished with the entire west end, to make room for a forecourt. (It is said that, of all the churches of Paris, the two which stand most truly East and West are Notre-Dame and S. Julien.) Although parts of the interior have suffered from "improvements" and neglect, the two bays of the choir and the apsidal terminations have lost nothing of their original beauty. The single-shaft pillars, recalling upon a small scale those of Notre-Dame, the clustered columns which support the vault, and the little columns of the windows; the capitals, the bosses, and the mouldings are all in the best style of the end of the 12th century. The sculpture of the details is treated with the greatest care, and the ornamentation of the capitals (about one hundred and fifty in all) has all the variety of foliage and The church contains no monuments of any artistic value. A curious bas-relief with a very long inscription was erected to the memory of Honorable et sage Maistre Henry Rousseau, jadis avocat en Parlement, seigneur de Chaillaut (Chaillot) ... lequel trÉpassa l'an 1445 le IXe jour de novembre. Dieu en ait l'Âme. Amen. The defunct left money to endow masses, and also for the HÔtel-Dieu. He is represented enveloped in a winding-sheet, addressing a prayer to our Lord, which is written upon a streamer. The words in italics are lost: Peccavi super numer [um arene maris et multiplicata sunt peccata mea] non sum The epitaph is in Gothic letters, and in an excellent state of preservation. Above the bordering we read: Cy devant gist honorable homme et sage maÎstre Henry Rousseau, Within the framing: Compans en partie, lequel dÈs son vivant a fondÉ en cest hostel trois messes Below the border: a donnÉ la somme de cent francs que aussi en son vivant il a payiez en six Livres Parisis de Rente assises sur plusieurs maisons À Paris declaires Ès, Lettres sur ce faictes, tout pour le salut de son Âme et des Âmes de ses pÈre et mÈre, parents et amis, lequel trÉpassa l'an 1445 te IXe jour de novembre. Dieu en ait l'Âme. Amen. The bas-relief was originally coloured, and at the corners of the border were armorial bearings. The slab was formerly in the church of S. Blaise and S. Louis, which was destroyed in 1765, and which belonged to S. Julien, only having been separated from it by a narrow passage. It is supposed to have been either a refectory or a private chapel. In 1476 the masons and carpenters of Paris made it the seat of their guild, Another monument, or rather statue, by Bosio, of Antoine de Montyon, was removed from the old HÔtel Dieu when it was pulled down, and placed over the last burial-place of the philanthropist. Originally interred at Vaugirard, M. de Montyon's body was afterwards placed under the peristyle of the hospital, where it remained until the demolition. M. de Montyon is principally known by his prix de vertu given annually by the Immortals of the Institut. But he left other legacies for prizes: to whomsoever should discover the means of rendering certain industries less unhealthy; to a poor French subject who should write a book the most conducive to morals; for the advancement of medical science or surgery; also for the poor who require aid on leaving the Paris hospitals. All the prizes are distributed by the Academy, and the whole sum left amounted to some seven millions of francs, a considerable fortune seventy years ago (1820) when M. de Montyon died. The principal prize, pour l'action la plus vertueuse, generally falls to the lot of some obscure person, who has passed years of self-sacrificing devotion to the old, the sick, or the poor; virtuous actions, in M. de Montyon's opinion, being those unrecorded works of love and charity which are done in simple homes, without excitement or glamour; works which become great because of their very monotony and which prove the patience and unselfishness of the true Christian. À LA MEMOIRE M. de Montyon was a remarkable man, in that he refused the exalted office of Keeper of the Seals offered him by Louis XVI., for fear of his moral character deteriorating: "Dites À Sa MajestÉ que je suis confus de ses bontÉs. Si je fais un peu de bien dans la place que j'occupe, c'est que je ne suis pas en Évidence. En acceptant celle que l'on me propose, je serais exposÉ À toutes les intrigues, À toutes les cabales de l'envie; je n'aurais peut-Être ni le talent ni la force nÉcessaires pour y rÉsister; dans le doute, je dois m'abstenir." |