The following table gives the value of materials manufactured by convict labour; the money expenditure in addition to the convict labour on each item, and the difference in favour of the State for the years 1862-63 and 1863-64:— Value of Materials. | 1862-63. | Rs. | Rs. | To value of Bricks | 25,14910 | | To value of Lime | 6009 | | To value of Cement | 3,84412 | | To value of Granite | 2,05810 | | To value of Weaver's Work | 1,43211 | | To value of Rattan Work | 8620 | | | | 33,9884 | Deduct Expenditure | | 29,90810 | Difference in favour of the State | Rs. | 4,07410 | | Cost of Production. | 1862-63. | Rs. | Rs. | Bricks | | By Convict Labour | 14,2939 | | Money Expenditure | 5,88210 | | | | 20,1763 | Lime | | | By Convict Labour | 24214 | | Money Expenditure | 53514 | | | | 77812 | Cement | | | By Convict Labour | 95213 | | Money Expenditure | 1389 | | | | 1,0916 | Granite | | | By Convict Labour | 5,8599 | | Money Expenditure | nil. | | | | 5,8599 | Weaver's Work | | | By Convict Labour | 5946 | | Money Expenditure | 5466 | | | | 1,14012 | Rattan Work | | | By Convict Labour | 8620 | | Money Expenditure | nil. | | | | 8620 | Total | Rs. | 29,90810 | |
Value of Materials. | 1863-64. | Rs. | Rs. | To value of Bricks | 26,68312 | | To value of Lime and Cement | 3,7200 | | To value of Granite | 6,5740 | | To value of Weaver's Work | 1,8725 | | To value of Rattan Work | 91513 | | | | 36,76514 | Deduct Expenditure | | 25,3448 | Difference in favour of the State | Rs. | 11,4216 | | Cost of Production. | 1863-64. | Rs. | Rs. | Bricks | | | By Convict Labour | 8,12214 | | Money Expenditure | 9,6674 | | | | 17,7902 | Lime and Cement | | | By Convict Labour | 7856 | | Money Expenditure | 5526 | | | | 1,33712 | Granite | | | By Convict Labour | 3,3279 | | Money Expenditure | nil. | | | | 3,3279 | Weaver's Work | | | By Convict Labour | 1,38614 | | Money Expenditure | 6047 | | | | 1,9735 | Rattan Work | | | By Convict Labour | 91513 | | Money Expenditure | nil. | | | | 91512 | Total | Rs. | 25,3448 | |