Given the material, spelling errors were rarely corrected. Those in the table below seemed suspicious given other instances of the same word. Some punctuation errors have been silently corrected to avoid confusion or for consistency. A number of words appear both hyphenated and unhyphenated. If a word was found hyphenated on an end-of-line, the most frequent version was followed. Figures 235, 236, 237 were misnumbered as 335, 336, 337 respectively. These have been corrected. William Carew Hazlitt’s work “Faiths and Folklore” is also cited as “Faith and Folklore”. The variant is retained. A number of footnoted quotations were missing either opening or closing quote marks. Where possible, these have been confirmed in the referenced sources and placed properly; otherwise, they are simply noted. The name ‘Akerman’ appears twice with an extraneous ‘n’, which has been removed. Corrections and Comments Page | Correction | Note | 16 | wolves, beavers, and bisons.[”] | Provided closing quote. | 62 | as English itself.[”] | Provided closing quote. | 68n | mountain nor a flower[.]” | Missing period. | | the old, famil[i]ar, fanciful | Added ‘i’ | 70 | music and dancing[,] stories, | Missing comma. | 77 | the old, famil[i]ar, fanciful | Added ‘i’. | 100 | The[y] enter’d each a bath | ‘y’ missing, but space present. | 105 | spindl[l]e whorls | Likely redundant ‘l’. | 109n | [‘]the goodman’s croft’ | Leading ‘ restored. | 122 | Centuries ago, Diodorus of Sicily... | The punctuation of this passage is confused by citations within citations, with some paraphrasing. It is left as printed. | 127 | A[yr/ry]an | Corrected. | 134 | signifies _all_[/,] Pan | Stop/comma error. | 148 | festivit[i]es | Missing ‘i’ provided. | 159 | gene[e]sis | Redundant ‘e’ across page break removed. | 163 | run[n]ing | Added ‘n’ missing on line break hyphenation. | 176 | metemphsychosis | sic | 192 | black, or reddish.[”] | Added missing closing ”. | 193 | ‘slayer of Belleros’” | Nested quotation marks corrected. | 216 | [h/l]and of the Rising Sun | Likely typo | 258 | fruit[]fulness | sic | 267 | Figs. 95 to 102.—British. Nos.[ ] to [] from Akerman. Nos.[ ]to [ ] from Evans.] | The range of images from Akerman & Evans are missing. | 299 | and pilgrims.[”] | Added missing quote. | 314 | “inscribed rock,[’/”] | Corrected. | 335 | [b/B]asque for head | Corrected for consistency. | 385 | the root of the bracken” | Closing quote missing. | 386 | plura[l] | Added missing ‘l’. | 386n | Byways in British ArchÆology, 3[7]5-7. | Missing ‘7’ provided and confirmed in source. | 421 | floundering from F[l]ounders Field | Corrected to match prior instances. | 428 | a corruption of Co[n]vent Garden | The intent seems to have been ‘Convent’ here. | 431 | the scythes of Boudicca[’]s | Probably possessive, but left as in the text. | 432 | lewe[’] | Removed incorrect apostrophe. | 438 | Arianrod/Arianrhod | Alternate spellings/pronunciation. | 449 | the hippodrome[,/.] | Comma/stop error corrected. | 472 | and ever[]where our hope | sic. | 479 | classica[l] | Provided missing ‘l’. | 522 | but “the fact remains | Opening of quotation from Gomme missing. | 555n | Cyclops Christiani[a/u]s | Changed to conform to other instances. | 612 | Will[-]o-the-wisps | Added ‘-’ to conform. | 635 | British [(]Channel [(]Islands) | Parenthesis misplaced, appears elsewhere as(Channel Islands). | 649 | chieft[ia/ai]nship | Corrected. | 665 | about their public affairs["]. | sic_. The opening quote mark for this citation could not be located. | 674 | neigh[b]ours | Added missing ‘b’. | 679 | one curly-headed virgin.” | Likely close of quoted passage. | 703 | [“]the four epochs | Missing quotation mark provided. | 706 | the words [“/‘]God leadeth[’”;]". | Corrected nested quotes. | 736 | watermen [t]outing | Likely typo: added ‘t’. | 754 | mea[n]t | Typo: added ‘n’. | 779 | Budd[h]ist Monasteries | Added ‘h’ to conform. | 819 | of the Cornish Sancreed.[978] | The second footnote on the page has no anchor in the text. One has been added, arbitrarily. | 819n | _The Thorn Tree_, p. 40[)]. | Closed open ‘(’. | 823 | Cyclops, p. 1[3]7. | May be p. 187. | 859 | adscriptigleboe/adscripti glebÆ | The author misquotes R.G. Latham. The spelling is retained. | Index There were a number of anomalies in the Index, which have been corrected or completed to make the text useful. Punctuation has been made regular. Some entries had no page references at all, and no attempt was made to provide them. 878 | Antiquity of European habitation[] | sic: Page reference missing | 881 | — British, 24[0] | 3rd digit missing, but this begins a description of the topic. | | coin, [8/3]97 | Corrected page reference to ‘397’. | | Co[n/o]knoe, 197 | Corrected typo. | | Co[n/o]k’s Kitchen Mine, 222 | Corrected typo. | | Cunbaria, 330 | The entry is correct; p. 330, however, is misnumbered as 300. | | fainites! / fainits! | The word is spelled both ways in the text, but the index entries reverse the references. They have been switched here. | | fecu[u/n]d | Corrected flipped ‘n’ | 884 | Five, 238, 437, [513], 503, 689 | No reference to ‘five’ on p. 513 (out of order) | | Grimm’s Law, [51], 60 | ‘51’ missing, but the Law is defined there. | 885 | Herculaneum and Pompei[i, 19] | Final ‘i’ and page number missing. Supplied by a search. | 886 | — coins, 247, 254, 265, 297, 2[3/8]1, 386 | Typo: there are Iberian coins on p. 281. Mis-ordering is retained. | 888 | [Morin, 275 / Morni, 175] | This entry is corrupted in the text | | The Mysteries, [56] | The text had no page reference. ‘56’ was added as the only plausible reference. | 890 | Population density, [ ] | sic: Page reference missing. | 893 | Trefoil, 286 | The duplicate entry referring to p. 286 seems an error. There is an image there which which includes a shamrock but there is no mention in the text. The entry is retained. | |