Ackland, James, 130.
Adams, John, 269, 272.
Adams, John Quincy, 474.
Adams, Samuel, 269.
Adelphi Hotel, 451.
Admiral Warner, Sign of, 191.
Agar, Edward, 189.
Alexander, Cato, 461.
Alexander, James, 101, 103.
Alexander, William, 192.
Alsop, John, 209, 267, 268.
Amory, John, 295, 346.
Anbury, Lieutenant, 292.
AndrÉ, Major, 286, 300.
Anne, Queen, 76, 77, 84.
Andros, Governor, 81.
Aorson, Aaron, 395.
Arding, Charles, 154, 255, 357.
Arnold, Benedict, 300, 302, 303, 304.
Aspinwall, Gilbert, 434.
Assembly Balls, 148.
Astor Henry, 348, 349.
Astor House, 478.
Astor, John Jacob, 449, 474.
Atwood, Judge, 75.
Avery, John, 388.
Ayscough, Doctor, 133.
Bache, Theohylact, 282, 337, 368.
Bainbridge, Commodore, 419, 421, 423.
Baker, Joseph, 414.
Baker, Roger, 69, 71, 74, 76, 83.
Baker’s Tavern, 414.
Bank Coffee House, 455, 456.
Barclay, Arthur, 473.
Bard, S., 249.
Bardin, Edwin, 195, 196, 216, 217, 221, 230, 234, 250, 251, 337, 403.
Bardin’s Tavern, 265.
Batten, John, 447, 448, 449.
Bauman, Colonel, 352, 374.
Baxter, Captain, 10, 44, 45.
Bayard, Nicholas, 60, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75.
Bayard, Samuel, 112, 119.
Bayard, William, 433, 439.
Bayeaux, Thomas, 342, 347.
Beaulieu, Captain, 28.
Beekman, Christopher, 341.
Bell & Brookman, 199.
Bellomont, Earl of, 55, 60, 70, 72, 73, 82, 134.
Belvedere, 413.
Belvedere Club, 386.
Belvedere House, 386, 387, 388, 389.
Benedict, James, 466.
Benson, Captain, 288, 369.
Benson, Egbert, 249, 251.
Benson, Judge, 423.
Beresford, Captain, 394.
Bevan, Captain, 122.
Bicker, Henry, 238, 241, 242, 243.
Bicker, Walter, 360.
Blaaw, Widow, 343.
Black, Friars, 385, 403.
Black Horse Tavern, 91, 99, 100, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, 112, 156, 157, 158.
“Black John,” 20.
Black Sam’s, 164.
Blair, Archibald, 259.
Blair, John, 344.
Bloom, Daniel, 128, 129, 130, 253, 357.
Blue Bell, 161, 449.
Boelin, Jacob, 67.
Bogardus, Dominie, 10.
Bolton, Richard, 245, 246, 247, 255.
Bolton & Sigell, 227, 229, 243, 244.
Bompard, Captain, 358.
Book Club, 473.
Boreel, Robert, 474, 475.
Boreel, Sarah, 474, 475, 476.
Boston Letter, The, 232, 234.
Bowery Lane, 48.
Bowling, 185, 187.
Bowling Green, 14, 16, 187, 218.
Bowling Green, New, 188.
Bowling Green, Old, 187, 188.
Bowling Green Garden, 186.
Bradford, Cornelius, 266, 278, 318, 319, 321, 322.
Bradford, Widow, 322, 397, 402, 403.
Bradford, William, 97.
Bradshaw’s, 463.
Bradshaw, Widow, 457, 463.
Brannon’s Tea Garden, 366, 367, 414.
Bread and Cheese Club, 471.
Brewitson, George, 157.
BrillÂt-Savarin, Anthelme, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382.
Brock, Walter, 252.
Brooklyn Hall, 289, 292.
Brooks, David, 326.
Broome, John, 333, 356.
Brownjohn, William, 253, 293.
Buchanan, Thomas, 371.
Buckley, John, 62.
Bull Baiting, 184, 289, 290.
Bull’s Head Tavern, 157, 314, 347, 349.
Bunch of Grapes, 269.
Bunker’s Mansion House, 277.
Bunker, William I., 477.
Burke, Edmund, 168.
Burns’, 164.
Burns’ Coffee House, 193, 197.
Burns, George, 115, 117, 130, 140, 141, 191, 193, 195, 196, 202, 203, 205, 208, 213, 222, 223, 228, 233.
Burns’ Long Room, 195.
Burnham’s Mansion House, 160.
Burr, Aaron, 396.
Byram, William, 399.
Byrne, John, 403.
Cape, John, 311, 315, 324.
Cape’s Tavern, 312, 315, 323, 324.
Carleton, Sir Guy, 308, 310.
Carroll, Mr., 419, 425.
Carroll, General, 316.
Cato’s House, 461.
Carter, T., 460.
Charles II, 68.
Chamber of Commerce, 228, 229, 230, 256, 260, 293, 320, 337.
Chambers, Captain, 262, 263.
Chambers, John, 103, 187.
Champe, Sergeant, 300, 301, 302, 305.
Cherry Garden, 185.
Child, Francis, 128, 178.
Chrystie, Colonel, 338.
Cincinnati, Society of the, 323, 324, 326, 327, 328.
City Arms Tavern, 208.
City Coffee House, 336.
City Hotel, 141, 372, 373, 389, 392, 395, 407, 417, 425, 427, 429, 430, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 445, 446, 447, 449, 450, 451, 452, 466, 467, 470, 474, 475.
City Tavern, 312, 323, 324, 446, 463.
Deane, Nesbitt, 255, 275.
Dearborn, General, 422, 423.
Decatur, Stephen, 417, 418, 419, 421, 425.
De Honeur, John, 90, 92, 106.
De Kay, James, 471.
Delacroix, Joseph, 400, 401, 410, 426, 450.
Delafield, John, 356.
De La Montagnie, Abraham, 234, 236, 238, 239, 240, 295.
De La Montagnie, Jacob, 346.
De Lancy Arms, 184.
De Lancy, James, 95, 96, 98, 141, 142, 144, 146, 147, 151, 183, 209, 233, 245, 371.
De Lancy, John Peter, 282, 371.
De Lancy, Oliver, 136, 140, 182, 202.
De Lancy, Peter, 179.
De Lancy, Robinson & Co., 202.
De Lancy, Stephen, 142, 200, 251.
Delanoy, Abraham, 7.
Delaval, Captain, 185.
De Neuville, Hyde, 472.
Dennis, Captain, 375.
De Peyster, Abraham, 71.
De Peyster, Johannes, 70.
De Reidesel, Baroness, 297, 298.
De Ross, Fred. Fitzgerald, 440.
Desbrosses, Elias, 225, 229.
De Witt, Simeon, 393.
Dey, Richard Varick, 447.
Dickinson, Jonathan, 172.
Dirks, Annetje, 25.
Dog and Duck Tavern, 415.
Dog’s Head in the Porridge Pot, 176.
Dongan, Governor, 68.
Doran, Thomas, 151, 260, 283.
Dove Tavern, 168, 415.
Drake, Jasper, 261, 273.
Draper, Sir William, 245, 246.
Drone Club, 386.
Drover’s Tavern, 179.
Drummond, Lord, 245, 246, 247.
Duane, James, 251, 267, 268, 340, 344.
Duer, Colonel, 338.
Duer, John, 471.
Duer, William A., 471.
Duke of Cumberland, 130, 131.
Dunks, John, 127, 129.
Dunmore, Earl of, 245.
Dusseaussoir, Chenelette, 389, 407.
Dutch Festivities, 82.
Dutch Houses, 4.
Dutch Tavern, 26.
Dyckman, Jacob, 158, 159, 163.
Dyde’s Hotel, 396, 397.
Eastham, Edward, 123.
Eddy, Thomas, 438, 439.
Edmonds, George, 118.
Edwards, Lieutenant, 280.
Elkin, John, 165.
Elliott, Andrew, 310.
Ellis, John, 76.
Elms, Thomas, 283, 289.
Ernest, Matthias, 188.
Exchange Coffee House, 112, 114, 115, 129, 136, 141, 194.
Fairlie, James, 423, 434, 435.
Farmer, Thomas, 434.
Farquhar, James, 371.
Farrell’s, 164.
Fearon, H. B., 439.
Fehr, Jean Rodolphe, 377, 379.
“Felix Oldboy,” 447.
Ferrari, Mrs., 253, 254, 255, 278.
Ferry House Tavern, 175, 287, 369.
Ferry Tavern, 27, 28.
Fessenden, Thomas G., 447.
Fighting Cocks, 115, 123, 124, 176.
Fish, Colonel, 311, 317.
Fisher, John, 385.
Fletcher, Benjamin, 54, 55, 62, 66, 75, 82, 134, 162.
Flypsen, Frederick, 162.
Forster, William, 95, 96, 98.
Forum, The, 447.
Fowler, Joseph, 98.
Fountain Inn, 136, 164.
Fox Hunting, 288, 290, 291.
Foy, Captain, 245.
Francis, John, 344.
Francis, John W., 104, 471.
Francis, Samuel, 198, 202, 209, 218, 219, 227, 247, 248, 252, 253, 308, 309, 310, 311, 344, 400.
Francis’ Tavern, 263, 264.
Franklin, William, 295.
Fraunces, Samuel, 311, 322, 338, 341, 343, 352.
Fraunces’ Tavern, 310, 311, 315, 316, 344, 411.
Frederick, Kryn, 4.
Freeman, Thomas, 106.
French Arms, 311.
Friendly Club, 386.
Gabbet, Colonel, 196.
Gage, General, 246, 247, 256, 264.
Gallatin, Albert, 433.
Galloway, Samuel, 183.
Gates, Horatio, 316, 369, 370.
Genet, Minister, 358.
Gentlemen’s Coffee House, 115, 194.
Gerard, Philip, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Gerritsen, Adriaen, 7.
Gerritsen, Philip, 7, 10.
Gibson, Solomon D., 389, 395, 417, 435, 449.
Giles, Major, 328.
Gilfert, Charles, 458.
Glass House, 164, 182, 183.
Glean, Oliver, 385.
Golden Hill, Battle of, 236, 237.
Golden Hill Inn, 118.
Goldsborough, Lieutenant, 468.
Goldsmith, Oliver, 168.
Gould, Edward, 250.
“Governor’s Garden,” 68.
Graham, James, 45, 46.
Graves, Benjamin, 385.
Graydon, Alexander, 280, 282.
Green, Daniel, 313.
Green, Jacob G., 171.
Green, M. D., 460.
Green, Major, 441, 442.
Greene, Nathaniel, 316, 317.
Grim, David, 357.
Guion, Isaac, 328.
Haines, Charles
G., 418.
Half Way House, 163.
Hall, Talmadge, 341, 363.
Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 414, 431, 447, 458, 459, 469, 470, 471.
Hallet, William Paxton, 447.
Halsey’s Tavern, 366.
Halstead, John, 156.
Hamilton, Alexander, 316, 329, 339, 375, 394.
Hamilton, Andrew, 100, 102, 105.
Hamilton, Governor, 121.
Hamilton Hotel, 409.
Hampden Hall, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 257, 265.
Hampton, General, 422.
Hand, Colonel, 288.
Hard Drinking, 170, 176.
Hardenbrook, Bernard, 87.
Hardy, Charles, 146, 147, 148.
Harris, Richard, 83, 84, 85.
Harrison, Richard, 249, 371.
Harrison, Robert, 344.
Harrison, William Henry, 422.
Hart, Bernard, 384.
Harwood, Richard, 384.
Hay, John, 249.
Hayes, Hetty, 197.
Hazzard House, 462, 463.
Hepburn, J., 295.
Hicks, Whitehead, 209, 251.
Hicks, Mr., 282, 299.
Hick’s Tavern, 295.
Hillsborough, Earl of, 232.
Hobart, Judge, 375.
Hodgkinson, John, 400, 429.
Hodgkinson, Thomas, 429, 426.
Hoffman, Josiah Ogden, 385, 473.
Holley, Orville L., 447.
Laight, William, 356.
Lafayette, George Washington, 465.
Lafayette, General, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469.
Lamb, General, 468.
Lambert, Captain, 366.
La Montagne, Doctor, 12.
Landlord, The, 169.
Langdon, Dorothea, 474.
Lawrence, Captain, 420, 421, 422.
Lawrence, Judge, 375.
Lawrence, Susannah, 122, 130.
Lawrence, William Beach, 472.
Leary, John, 182.
Le Count, William, 97.
Lee, General, 316.
Lee, Major, 300, 301, 303, 304.
Leendersen, Sander, 37.
Leete, Samuel, 44.
Leisler, Jacob, 49, 51, 53, 58, 66.
Lenox, Robert, 321.
Leppers, Thomas, 130, 131, 133, 188.
Lewis, Francis, 249, 265.
Lewis, Morgan, 249, 272.
Liberty Cap, 359, 360.
Liberty Pole, 215, 216, 217, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 243, 244, 257, 346.
Lincoln, General, 316.
Lispenard, Leonard, 249.
Little, Michael, 377, 379, 380, 381, 383, 407, 412.
Little’s Tavern, 377, 383.
Litschoe, Annetje, 23.
Litschoe, Daniel, 22, 23, 28.
Livingston, Brockholst, 353, 422, 423, 433.
Livingston, Chancellor, 396.
Livingston, Edward, 374.
Livingston, Henry, 249.
Livingston, John, 249.
Livingston, Philip, 172, 233, 267, 268, 371.
Livingston, Robert, 324.
Livingston, Robert R., 205, 248, 321, 394, 403, 407.
Livingston, Robert R., Jr., 247.
Livingston, William, 209, 251, 252.
Lockyer, Captain, 261, 263.
“Locust Trees,” 45.
London Hotel, 397.
London Tavern, 390, 439.
Loosley, Charles, 283, 289, 292.
Loosley & Elms, 283, 285, 288, 289, 293.
Loring, Commissioner, 299.
Lorelace, Governor, 40, 43, 81, 134.
Lovett, John, 373, 374, 389.
Low, Isaac, 267, 268, 271.
Ludlow, Daniel, 249, 371.
Ludlow, George, 249.
Ludlow, William, 249.
Macomb, Alexander, 476.
Mackraby, Alexander, 176.
Madison, James, 417.
Malcolm, General, 354.
Mapes, General, 434.
Marriner’s Tavern, 364, 365, 368.
Marriner, William, 364, 366, 369.
Marshall, John, 187.
Martling, Abraham B., 375, 411.
Martling & Cozzens, 423, 425.
Martling’s Tavern, 375, 376, 395.
Mason’s Arms, 199.
Mason William, 54.
Massue, Viscombe de la, 377, 379.
Mather, Samuel G., 449.
Matthews, David, 251.
Matthews, James, 43.
Matthews, Peter, 62, 75, 134.
McComb, General, 434.
McDougal, Alexander, 151, 239, 241, 320, 324.
McGillivray, Alexander, 353, 354.
McGown, Andrew, 158.
McGown’s Pass Tavern, 158.
McGown, widow, 158.
McIntyre, Peter, 428.
Meal Market, 127, 128.
Mechanics’ Hall, 406, 447.
Melyen, Samuel, 172.
Mercantile Coffee House, 397.
Merchants’ Coffee House, 117, 128, 131, 133, 136, 137, 141, 154, 155, 168, 201, 206, 207, 215, 225, 253, 255, 264, 265, 267, 271, 275, 278, 279, 280, 293, 294, 318, 321, 326, 356, 357, 386, 403.
Merchants’ Exchange, 43, 135.
Merchants’ Hotel, 435, 454.
Meschianza, The, 286, 287.
Miller, John, 186.
Minhorne, Jacob, 53, 58, 66.
Minuit, Peter, 2, 3.
Minvielle, Gabriel, 60, 69.
Mitchill, Samuel L., 433.
Monckton, General, 182.
Monroe, James, 434, 435.
Montagu, William, 179.
Montcrieffe, Major, 368.
Montgomerie, Governor, 91, 114.
Moody, Sir Henry, 23.
Mooney, William, 437.
Moore, Sir Henry, 207, 208, 225, 233, 245.
Moore, John, 248, 250.
Moore, Thomas W. C., 248.
Moot, The, 250, 251, 252.
Morris, General, 314.
Morris, Gouveneur, 101, 248, 251, 265, 364, 366.
Morris, Lewis, 95, 99, 101, 104, 108, 181, 331.
Morris, Lewis, Jr., 180, 181, 183.
Morris, Richard, 251.
Morris, Robert Hunter, 143.
Morris, Roger, 243.
Morris, William, 70.
Mortier, Paymaster General, 163, 189.
Morton, General, 434, 435.
Moultrie, General, 316.
Mount Pleasant, 187, 218, 252.
Mount Vernon Garden, 399, 400.
Murray, John, 337.
Nanfan, Lieutenant Governor, 72, 73.
National Hotel, 450.
New England Society, The, 407.
Negro Plot, 123, 318.
New York Coffee House, 318.
New York Arms, 142, 143, 144, 148, 202, 213, 222, 228, 233, 245, 246, 247.
New York Garden, 453, 454.
New York Hotel, 403.
New York Society, The, 247.
New York Stock Exchange, 360, 363.
Niblo’s Coffee House, 407.
Niblo’s Garden, 458.
Niblo, William, 452, 458, 459, 460, 462.
Nicolls, Governor, 37, 39, 178, 198, 199.
Noel, Garrat, 155.
Noel, Thomas, 65.
Non-Importation Agreement, 205.
Non-Importation Agreement, Second, 228.
Norris, Sir John, 108.
Norris, Matthias, 103, 106, 118.
Norris, Mrs., 108.
North, Lord, 215.
Sebring, Isaac, 408.
Seton, William, 320.
Shakespeare Tavern, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432.
Shank, Matthew, 62.
Sherbrook, Major, 367.
Sherman, Alpheus, 410.
Shirley, William, 143.
Shoemakers’ Pasture, 116.
Simmons, John, 340, 341.
Simmons’ Tavern, 340, 341, 342.
Slave Market, 127.
Sloughter, Governor, 66.
Smith, Colonel, 310, 364.
Smith, Edward, 234, 238.
Smith, Ephraim, 287.
Smith, Melancthon, 345.
Smith, Mrs., 293.
Smith’s Tavern, 286.
Smith, Thomas, 251.
Smith, William, 103, 251, 310.
Smith, William, Jr., 209.
Snedeker, John R., 465.
Social Club, The, 248.
Sons of Liberty, 208, 212, 214, 230, 231, 234, 236, 238, 239, 243, 244, 257, 259, 261, 273, 351.
Southard, Samuel, 474.
Sperry, Jacob, 401.
Sports and Amusements, 174.
Spring Garden, 116, 122, 165.
Spring Garden House, 165, 199.
Stagg, John, 354, 385.
Stamp Act, 204, 205, 202.
Stark, General, 316.
State Arms, 307.
Steel, Sarah, 194, 195, 196.
Steenwyck, Cornelis, 39, 198.
Steuben, General, 316, 326, 328, 337.
Stevens, Ebenezer, 423, 435.
Stevens, J., 250.
Stevens, John Austin, 255.
Stewart, Anthony G., 295.
Stirling, Lord, 182.
Stockton, Anne, 115.
Stone, William L., 431, 432.
Stoneall, James C., 432.
Storrs, Henry R., 472.
Strachan, John, 293, 294.
Strachan’s Tavern, 295.
Stuyvesant, Peter, 13, 20, 22, 34, 35, 47.
Stuyvesant, Peter G., 474.
Swain, Captain, 430.
Swartwout, John, 383, 396, 439, 468.
Swift, General, 434, 435.
Swift, Henry, 81.
Swift, Joseph G., 422.
Talbot, Captain, 375.
Talmadge, Colonel, 317.
Tammany Hall, 410, 422, 423, 427, 433, 437, 445.
Tammany Hall Hotel, 425.
Tammany Society, 351, 375, 395.
Tavern Life, 78, 79.
Tavern Regulations, 41.
Tavern Signs, 167.
Taylor, John, 189.
Tew, Thomas, 54, 58, 59.
Thomas, Widow, 122.
Thompson, Gabriel, 69, 70.
Thompson, John, 155, 156.
Thomson, Captain, 375.
Thurman, John, Jr., 209.
Tillery, James, 385, 394.
Todd, Robert, 105, 110, 112, 114, 121, 200.
Tollemache, Captain, 282.
Tompkins, Daniel D., 422, 423, 434, 435.
Tontine Coffee House, 154, 356, 361, 371, 374, 393, 395, 400, 403, 404, 407, 425.
Tontine Hotel, 371, 372.
Trumbull, John, 310, 474.
Tryon, Governor, 293, 296.
Turk’s Head, The, 168, 431.
Two-Mile Tavern, 48.
Tyler’s, 414.
Ugly Club, 414.
Ugly Hall, 414.
Underhill, John, 11, 12.
Union Flag, The, 158, 176.
United States Hotel, 478.
Ury, John, 123.
Valentine, Abraham M., 410.
Van Borsum, Annetje, 28, 29.
Van Borsum, Egbert, 27, 28, 29, 185.
Van Borsum, Hermanus, 29.
Van Buren’s Tavern, Dr., 367.
Van Cortlandt, Pierre, 328.
Van Cortlandt, Stephen, 200.
Van Dam, Rip, 92, 93, 94, 95, 101, 104, 110, 112, 113.
Vandenberg, Adam, 179.
Vandenberg’s, 189.
Vanderbilt, John, 419.
Vandercliff, Dirck, 45, 46.
Vandercliff’s Orchard, 45.
Vanderspiegel, John, 209.
Van Dyck, Hendrick, 20.
Van Horne, Cornelius, 92.
Van Horne, David, 205.
Van Ness, Judge, 423.
Van Pelt, Rem, 367.
Van Purmerendt, Claes Jansen, 25.
Van Shaack, Peter, 249, 251.
Van Tienhoven, Cornelis, 13.
Van Twiller, Wouter, 11.
Van Vorst, Annetje Cornelissen, 25.
Varian, Richard, 347.
Varick, Colonel, 310.
Vaughan, Thomas, 394, 395.
Vauxhall, 187, 206, 218, 247, 252, 425.
Vauxhall Garden, 218, 400, 401, 402.
Vermilye, Thomas, 163.
Verplanck, Gulian, 219, 356, 371.
Verplanck, Gulian C., 432.
Vineyard, The, 68, 185.
Wainwright, Doctor, 473.
Waldron, Adolph, 287.
Waldron, Samuel, 239.
Wales, Prince of, 108.
Walker, Benjamin, 324.
Wallace, Hugh, 229.
Walters, Robert, 66.
Walton, Jacob, 233.
Walton, William, 256.
Warren, Sir Peter, 182.
Washington, George, 159, 300, 302, 308, 309, 310, 313, 317, 336, 339, 341, 364, 367, 368, 473, 476.
Washington Hall, 408, 409, 410, 420, 423, 424, 425, 427, 441, 443, 445, 467, 469, 472.
Washington Hotel, 397, 412, 435.
Waters, A. W., 183.
Watson, James, 371.
Watson, John, 175.
Watts, John, 182, 249, 356, 358, 371, 404.
Watts, John, Jr., 247.
Wayne, General, 316.
Webb, James, 37.
Webb, Samuel B., 326, 328.
Webber, Wolfert, 46, 47.
Webster, Daniel, 472.
Weissenfels, Frederick, 312.
Welch, Thomas, 118.
Wessels, Metje, 28, 30, 32, 33.
Wetmore, Prosper W., 467.
White Conduit House, 398, 399.
Whitehall Coffee House, 225.
White Horse Tavern, 18.
White Lion, 70, 71.
Wickham, William, 251.
Wilcocks, Widow, 440.
Wilkinson, James, 245.
Willard, Mr., 449, 450, 452.
Willett, Edward, 118, 141, 143, Footnotes:
[1] New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy.
[2] New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy.
[3] New York Mercury.
[4] New York Gazette.
[5] New York Evening Post.
[6] Dayton.
[7] Dayton.
NEW-YORK, Nov. 5. On Wednesday the 31st of October, the late Chief Justice, but new Representative for the County of Westchester, landed in this City, about 5 o’Clock in the Evening, at the Ferry-stairs: On His landing He was saluted by a general Fire of the Guns from the Merchants Vessels lying in the Road; and was receiv’d by great Numbers of the most considerable Merchants and Inhabitants of this City, and by them with loud Aclamations of the People as he walk’d the Streets, conducted to the Black Horse Tavern, where a handsome Entertainment was prepar’d for Him, at the Charge of the Gentlemen who received Him; and in the Middle of one Side of the Room, was fix’d a Tabulet with golden Capitals, KING GEORGE, LIBERTY and LAW.
On Thursday last the House of Representatives were adjourned to the third Teusday in April next.
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