This very interesting action toy is especially suitable for children as young as two years of age. It is simple in construction and perfectly safe. (Plate 51.) The seat board is made 7/8" × 5" × 21". Measure 6" in from one end on both long edges, and at these points narrow the front end to 3-1/2" wide by sawing out a piece on both sides 1-1/4" wide. Round the corners where the taper comes, also the other four corners of the top. Similarly, round the upper edge of the top. The two rockers are made 7/8" × 4-1/2" × 18". Measure down 1/4" on the two ends, and from these points carefully sketch a free-hand curve with its highest point directly in the center of the lower edge. Be sure this curve balances equally and that the two rockers are exactly alike. The rooster's head is made 7/8" × 6" × 10-1/4" and the outline is sketched upon it similar to the one shown on the drawing. Cut out the features with a coping saw, taking pains to have the saw at right angles to the surface of the wood at all times. A hole is bored in the head, for the handle, about 3-3/4" from the top and 1-1/2" from the rear edge. A 3/4" bit is used. Rocking Rooster The Rocking Rooster is safe as well as interesting. Be sure and bore this hole perfectly straight. The handle is made 6" long and 3/4" in diameter, shaping it as shown in the front view. If this cannot be turned on a lathe, the handle may be made from a 6" piece of 3/4" dowel, rounding the ends slightly with a file. Holes are now bored for the 1-1/2" No. 8 flat-head screws which hold the rockers and head to the top. The locations of these holes are clearly shown in the drawing. Countersink the holes on the side from which the screws enter. The little separating block, which goes between the rockers, is made 7/8" × 1" × 2-1/2", and is held in place with glue. Sand all pieces thoroughly. Rocking Rooster Plate 51. Assemble all pieces carefully, seeing that the rooster's head is centered well and placed two inches from the front end. The rockers are attached 1-1/2" from the ends and so placed that they are just an inch apart. Paint the whole toy one coat of flat white and sand lightly with No. 0 sandpaper when dry. Paint in the comb and wattles of the rooster bright red and the feathers on the neck, green. After these colors have dried, apply another coat of white, where indicated, this time using white enamel. Use a small brush for the details. The beak and the circle about the eye are painted yellow and the other circle about the eye is painted black. If the paint does not seem to have the proper sparkle when the last coat is dry, apply another coat of each color. Outline the edge of the comb and wattles with a drafting pen and India ink. Outline also, the beak and eyes. This causes a sharp contrast where the two colors meet and sets off the features. The top and rockers are treated with two coats of white enamel on top of the priming coat. |