The Cock Horse is a modern version of the old hobby horse, and affords the children, between the ages of four and six, unlimited pleasure. The head is made of a piece of 7/8" bass or pine, 5-1/2" wide and 9-1/2" long. The features may be enlarged from the size drawn in Plate 50, by the method given at the beginning of the book for enlarging; or, if one is apt at free-hand drawing, the outline may be copied offhand. Cut the features out right to the line with a coping saw and smooth the edges and surfaces with No. 1/2 sandpaper. The stick is made 7/8" × 1" × 32", and the front end is chamfered 1/8". Holes are bored for 1-1/2" No. 10 flat-head screws, the first 1-3/4" from the front end and the other two 1-1/2" apart. Two smaller pieces, which are made 5/8" × 7/8" × 7-1/2", are to hold the wheel in position. Holes are bored in these two pieces to take 1-1/4" No. 8 round-head screws, the first one being 7/8" from the end and the next two 3/4" apart. On this same end a piece is cut off at an angle, as shown. A hole is bored at the opposite end of these two pieces to receive a 2-1/2" × 1/4" round-head stove bolt, on which the wheel turns. The wheel is made 7/8" thick and 6" in diameter, either on a lathe or with a coping saw. A hole is bored in the center a little larger than the 1/4" × 2-1/2" stove bolt, so that the wheel will turn easily upon it. Glue and screw the two side pieces to the long stick, using 1-1/4" round-head blue screws. Give these two coats of natural varnish. Paint the wheel two coats of bright red. Paint the head one coat of flat white, and after drying give one or two coats of white enamel. After this has dried thoroughly, paint the comb and wattles bright red. Paint the beak and outer circle of the eyes yellow, and the feathers about the neck black. Where the colors join, outline with a drafting pen and India ink. A hole is bored, in the head where shown, to receive a piece of 3/4" dowel, 6" long. This serves as a handle. Glue this handle in place, taking care that it projects equally on both sides. Cock Horse Plate 50. |