Preface iii
Introduction 157
Athabascan culture 158
Athabascan boundaries 160
Exterior boundaries 160
Interior boundaries 161
Groups 166
Kato 166
Wailaki 167
Pitch Wailaki 176
Lassik 178
Nongatl 181
Sinkyone 184
Mattole 195
Bear River 200
Whilkut 201
Hupa 209
Population 216
Sources 216
Estimates based on village counts 216
Estimates based on fish resources 218
Gross estimate 220
I. The Tolowa: Data from Notes of C. Hart Merriam 225
II. Notes of Upper Eel River Indians, by A. L. Kroeber 227
Bibliography 230
Plates 233


1. Athabascan Boundaries--Kroeber vs. Baumhoff 162
2. Athabascan Boundaries--Baumhoff 162
3. Athabascan Boundaries--Merriam vs. Baumhoff 163
4. Athabascan Boundaries--Various authors vs. Baumhoff 163
5. Villages and Tribelets of the Eel Wailaki and the North Fork Wailaki 168
6. Villages and Tribelets of the Pitch Wailaki 177
7. Presumed Nongatl Villages in the Bridgeville Region 180
8. Lassik Villages in the Alder Point Region 180
9. Nongatl Villages on Yager Creek 182
10. Nongatl Villages in the Blocksburg Region 182
11. Villages of the Lolangkok Sinkyone 186
12. Villages of the Shelter Cove Sinkyone 190
13. Place Names of the Lolangkok Sinkyone 192
14. Villages and Tribelets of the Mattole 197
15. Villages of the Chilula Whilkut, North Fork Whilkut, and Kloki Whilkut 204
16. Villages of the Mad River Whilkut, the South Fork Hupa, and Kloki Whilkut 208
17. Villages of the Hupa and South Fork Hupa 211
18. Yuki "Tribes," according to Eben Tillotson (App. II) 228
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