BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviations |
AA American Anthropologist BAE-B Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin SI-MC Smithsonian Institution, Miscellaneous Collections UC University of California Publications -AR Anthropological Records -IA Ibero-Americana -PAAE American Archaeology and Ethnology American Anthropological Association 1916. Phonetic Transcription of Indian Languages, Report of Committee of American Anthropological Association, SI-MC, Vol. 66, No. 6. Barrett, S. A. 1908. The Ethno-Geography of the Pomo and Neighboring Indians. UC-PAAE 6:1-332. Bennett, C. A., and N. L. Franklin 1954. Statistical Analysis in Chemistry and the Chemical Industry. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Cook, S. F. 1943. The Conflict between the California Indian and White Civilization: I. UC-IA 21, pp. 161-194. 1955. The Aboriginal Population of the San Joaquin Valley, California. UC-AR 16:31-80. 1956. The Aboriginal Population of the North Coast of California. UC-AR 16:81-130. Cook, S. F., and A. E. Treganza 1950. The Quantitative Investigation of Indian Mounds. UC-PAAE 40:223-262. Curtis, E. S. 1924. The North American Indian. Vols. 13, 14. Dixon, Roland B. 1910. The Chimariko Indians and Language. UC-PAAE 5:293-380. Drucker, Philip 1937. The Tolowa and Their Southwest Oregon Kin. UC-PAAE 36:221-300. Du Bois, Cora 1935. Wintu Ethnography. UC-PAAE 36:1-148. Essene, Frank 1942. Culture Element Distributions: XXI. Round Valley. UC-AR 8:1-97. Foster, George M. 1944. A Summary of Yuki Culture. UC-AR 5:155-244. Gifford, E. W. 1939. The Coast Yuki. Anthropos, 34:292-375. Goddard, Pliny E. 1903a. Life and Culture of the Hupa. UC-PAAE 1:1-88. 1903b. Kato Pomo not Pomo. AA 5:375-376. 1904. Hupa Texts. UC-PAAE 1:89-377. 1907. Lassik. In Handbook of American Indians. BAE-B 30. 1909. Kato Texts. UC-PAAE 5:65-238. 1914a. Notes on the Chilula Indians of Northwestern California. UC-PAAE 10:265-268. 1914b. Chilula Texts. UC-PAAE 10:289-379. 1923a. The Habitat of the Wailaki. UC-PAAE 20:95-109. 1923b. Wailaki Texts. International Journal of American Linguistics, II:77-135. 1924. Habitat of the Pitch Indians, a Wailaki Division. UC-PAAE 17:217-225. 1929. The Bear River Dialect of Athapascan. UC-PAAE 24:291-324. Goldschmidt, Walter 1951. Nomlaki Ethnography. UC-PAAE 42:303-443. Goldschmidt, W. R., and H. E. Driver 1940. The Hupa White Deerskin Dance. UC-PAAE 35:103-142. Heizer, R. F., ed. 1953. The Archaeology of the Napa Region. UC-AR 12:225-358. Heizer, R. F., and M. A. Baumhoff 1956. California Settlement Patterns. In Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the New World. G. R. Willey, ed. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, No. 23. Jepson, W. L. 1951. A Manual of the Flowering Plants in California. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
Kroeber, A. L. 1925a. Handbook of the Indians of California. BAE-B 78. 1925b. A Kato War. Festchrift, Publication d'Hommage Offert au P. W. Schmidt, pp. 394-400. 1932. The Patwin and Their Neighbors. UC-PAAE 29:253-423. 1939. Cultural and Natural Areas of Native North America. UC-PAAE, Vol. 38. Loud, Llewellyn L. 1918. Ethnogeography and Archaeology of the Wiyot Territory. UC-PAAE 14:221-436. Merriam, C. Hart 1905. The Indian Population of California. AA 7:594-606. 1923. Application of the Athapaskan Term Nung-kahhl. AA 25:276-277. 1928. An-nik-a-del, the History of the Universe. The Stratford Company, Boston. 1930. The New River Indians Tlo-Hom-tah-hoi. AA 32:280-293. 1955. Studies of California Indians. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles. Nomland, G. A. 1935. Sinkyoni Notes. UC-PAAE 36:149-178. 1938. Bear River Ethnography. UC-AR 2:91-124. Nomland, G. A., and A. L. Kroeber 1936. Wiyot Towns. UC-PAAE 35:39-48. Powers, Stephen 1877. Contributions to North American Ethnology, Vol. 3. Tribes of California. Dept. of Interior, U.S. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. Rostlund, Erhard 1952. Freshwater Fish and Fishing in Native North America. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geog., Vol. 9. Waterman, T. T. 1920. Yurok Geography. UC-PAAE 16:177-314.