American. - American Journal of Philately, 75 Nassau St., New York. $1.00 per year. Monthly.
- Canadian Philatelist, 5 cents per copy. Monthly. Montreal, Canada.
- *Curiosity Hunter, Rockford, Ill. $1.00 per year. Monthly. (Best in the world.)
- *The Empire, (formerly Stamp Collector,) Syracuse, N. Y. Monthly. 50 cents per year.
- Postage Stamp Reporter, Lowell, Mass. 50 cents per year. Monthly.
- *Stamp Collector’s Review, Box 90, Toledo, O. 25 cents per year. Monthly.
- *Stamp Collector’s Chronicle, St. Johns, N. B. 60 cents per year. Monthly. With Stamp.
- Stamp Advertiser, 718 Michigan Ave., Chicago.
- *Western Philatelist, Box 384, Chicago. 50 cents per year. Monthly.
- Stamp Collector’s Monthly, Meriden, Ct. Monthly.
- *Stamp Collector’s Hand-Book, Keystone Stamp Co., Titusville, Pa. 25 cents per copy, with choice stamp.
Foreign. - Stamp Collector’s Magazine, 6 Bath St., Bath, England. $1.00 per year, with Stamp.
- The Philatelist, 81 Paradise St., Birmingham, England. (Best English.)
- The Timbrophilest, Amsterdam, Holland.
- Der Nene Bazar fuer Briefmarken Zammler, Heidleburg, Baden. Republished in America, as “The New Bazar for Stamp Collectors,” at Greenville, S. C.
- Allgemeiner Briefmarken Anzieger, Hamburg, Germany.
- The General Stamp Advertiser, Amsterdam, Holland.
- A. Moschkaus’ Magazin, Oybin, Saxony.
- Dur Philatelische BÉrechte, Rudolfschiem, Vienna, Austria.
- Dur Bazar fuer Briefmarken Sammler, Manheim, Germany.
- Nordisk Frimaerkelidende, published by Carl Lund, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Illustrated Stamp Catalogues. Sent Free, for Below Named Prices. “Foreign Stamp Depot,” | $ .15 | D. A. K. Andrus’, | .15 | D. W. Jagger’s, | .15 | Wm. P. Brown’s, | .15 | Stanley, Gibbons & Co.’s (monthly), | 4d | Beifeld & Bell, | Free for Stamp. | L. W. Durbin, (monthly list), | ” ” ” | Arthur A. Leach, 2, (different) | $ .20 | J. W. Scott & Co. | .15 | ? For addresses of above Dealers, see Directory. There are a great many other Catalogues just the same as these, but with the names of other dealers printed on the outside. As a general thing, when you have seen one Catalogue, you have seen them all. THE YOUNG AMERICA JOB PRINTING PRESS Is acknowledged by all to be superior to all other HAND PRESSES, In its arrangement, strength and durability. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Specimens of Printing, to L. F. BAUM, Agent, Syracuse, N. Y. A First-Class Monthly Amateur Paper, containing Poetry, Literature, New Stamp Issues, Amateur Items, &c. Terms, 50 Cents per year. Advertisements, 8 Cents per line. Address, BAUM & ALVORD, Publishers, Box 273, Syraouse, N. Y. EMPIRE JOB PRINTING OFFICE BAUM & ALVORD, Proprietors, One Hundred Visiting Cards printed and sent Free, for 75 Cents. Other Job Printing proportionately cheap. Box 273, Syracuse, N. Y. THE AMATEUR WORLD. A large four-page paper, devoted to the interests of youth; Only 50 Cents per year.Address, FRANK CROPPER, 461 Fourth Street, Louisville, Kentucky. Send 50 Cents for “Amateur Journalists’ Companion.” Every Amateur in the world needs it. F. H. PINKHAM, Dealer in Foreign Postage Stamps, And Publisher of THE AMATEUR NEWS, New Market, N. H.
D. A. K. ANDRUS, DEALER IN Coins, Stamps, Autographs, AND CURIOSITIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Send 15 cents for large Descriptive Catalogue of Postage Stamps, and 3 cent stamp for Lists of United States and Canada Revenues. A sample copy of the Curiosity Hunter, a 24 page monthly, devoted to the interests of Collectors, and containing each month, a list of Ancient and Modern Coins for sale, sent to any address on the receipt of 10 censt. Subscription price, $1.00 per year. Address, D. A. K. ANDRUS, Box 733, Rockford, Ill. YOUNG AMERICAN STAMP COMPANY, 6 East Forty-Ninth Street, New York, Dealers in Foreign Stamps, ALBUMS, REVENUES, Etc. Send 3 cent Stamp for Lists. SEND 15 CENTS FOR MY NEW Priced Catalogue, And 3 cent Stamp for Lists of Packets, etc. J. A. EARLANDSON, Rockford, Ill. |