THE CAMPANER THAL.501st STATION.The Diversities of Life.--The Dirge as Billet-Doux.--The Cavern.--The Surprise. 502d STATION.The Thundering Morning.--The Short Trip after the Long One.--The Sofa-Cushions. 503d STATION.Lampoon on the Chaplain.--Praise of Him.--The Diamond.--Opinions against Immortality.--Eden Jokes. 504th STATION.Flower Toying. 505th STATION.The Ephemera.--Relative Conclusions.--Doubts of the Length of the Chain of Living Beings.--The Wart-Eaters.--The Cure. 506th STATION.Objections to Immortality.--The Second Childhood of the Outer and Inner Man. 507th STATION.The Theft of the Souvenir.--Answers to previous Stations.--On the Emigration of the Dead to the Planets.--The Threefold World in Man.--Grief without Hope.--The Seal of Immortality.--The Country-Seat.--The Balloons.--Ecstasy.
LIFE OF QUINTUS FIXLEIN.Letter to my Friends, instead of Preface. FIRST LETTER-BOX.Dog-Day's' Vacation.--Visits.--An Indigent of Quality. SECOND LETTER-BOX.Frau von Aufhammer.--Childhood-Resonance.--Authorcraft. THIRD LETTER-BOX.Christmas Recollections.--New Occurrence. FOURTH LETTER BOX.Office-Brokage.--Discovery of the promised Secret.--Hans von FÜchslein. FIFTH LETTER-BOX.Cantata-Sunday.--Two Testaments.--Pontac; Blood; Love. SIXTH LETTER-BOX.Office-Impost.--One of the most important of Petitions. SEVENTH LETTER-BOX.Sermon.--School Exhibition.--Splendid Mistake. EIGHTH LETTER-BOX.Instalment in the Parsonage. NINTH LETTER-BOX.Or to the Marriage. TENTH LETTER BOX.St. Thomas's-Day and Birthday. ELEVENTH LETTER BOX.Spring; Investiture; and Childbirth. TWELFTH LETTER-BOX.Steeple-Ball Ascension.--The Toy-Press. THIRTEENTH LETTER BOX.Christening. FOURTEENTH LETTER-BOX.CHAPTER LAST.
SCHMELZLE'S JOURNEY TO FLÄTZ.First Stage; from Neusattel to VierstÄdten. Second Stage; from VierstÄdten to NiederschÖna. Third Stage; from NiederschÖna to FlÄtz.
ANALECTS FROM RICHTER.The Happy Life of a Parish Priest in Sweden. Complaint of the Bird in a darkened Cage. On the Death of Young Children. Imagination untamed by the coarser Realities of Life. Satirical Notice of Reviewers. The Grandeur of Man in his Littleness. Two Divisions of Philosophic Minds. Dignity of Man in Self-Sacrifice.
MISCELLANEOUS PIECES.Reminiscences of the best Hours of Life for the Hour of Death. The New-Year's Night of an Unhappy Man. The Beauty of Death in the Bloom of Youth.
THECampaner Thal;OR, |