Owing to the very important sanitary relations of milk as a model food, the subject of its sophistication has during the past ten years received particular notice at the hands of the food-chemist. The investigations of our public sanitary authorities have shown that milk adulteration is exceedingly common. It is stated upon good authority that until quite recently (1883) the 120 millions of quarts of milk annually brought into New York city were intentionally diluted with 40 millions of quarts of water, the resulting product rivalling in richness the famous compound once lauded by the philanthropic Squeers. The results of the examination of milk instituted by the New York State Board of Health are given below, in which, however, the specimens of skimmed milk are not included:—
From October 1883 to March 1884, of 241 samples of milk examined by the Public Analyst of Eastern Massachusetts, 21·37 per cent. were watered; of 1190 samples tested during the year 1884, 790 were watered. A very common sophistication practised upon milk consists in the partial or complete removal of its cream. This process of skimming is conducted at establishments called “creameries,” of which sixty-three were formerly known to send their impoverished product to New York city. The State Dairy Commissioner has likewise accomplished much towards stopping this form of adulteration. Milk is the secretion of the mammary glands of female mammalia. It is an opaque liquid, possessing a white, bluish-white, or yellowish-white colour, little or no odour, and a somewhat sweetish taste. At times it exhibits an amphigenic reaction, i. e. it turns red litmus blue and blue litmus red. From the examination of nearly one thousand cows in the States of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, the minimum specific gravity of milk was found to be 1·0290, the maximum being 1·0394. The opacity of milk is only apparent, and is due to the presence of fatty globules held in suspension; these under the microscope are seen to be surrounded by a transparent liquid. Upon allowing milk to remain at rest for some time it experiences two changes. At first, a yellowish-white stratum of cream rises to the surface, the lower portion becoming bluish-white in colour and increasing in density. If this latter is freed from the cream and again set aside, it undergoes a further separation into a solid body (curd), and a liquid (whey). This coagulation of the curd (caseine) is immediately produced by the addition of rennet, and of many acids and metallic salts. The essential ingredients of milk are water, fat, caseine, sugar (lactose), and inorganic salts. The following table,
Mr. Martin obtained the following results from the
The proportion of mineral constituents in milk usually ranges between 0·7 and 0·8 per cent. The average composition of milk ash is as follows:
The tabulation below gives the composition of human milk and the milk of various animals:—
Several varieties of preserved and condensed milk have, for a number of years, been placed upon the market. The composition of the best-known brands of these preparations is as follows:— Preserved Milk.
Condensed Milk.
Analysis. The principal adulterations of milk (watering and skimming), are detected by taking its specific gravity, and making quantitative determinations of the total milk solids, the fat, and the milk solids not fat. Of these criteria, the last-mentioned is the most constant and reliable. Physical Examination. a. Specific Gravity.—The instrument employed by the New York health inspectors for testing milk is a variety of the hydrometer, termed the lactometer, and its use, which is based upon the fact that under ordinary conditions The following table shows the value of lactometer degrees in specific gravity:— Value of Lactometer Degrees in Specific Gravity.
Chemical Examination. b. Water, Total Solids, and Ash.—Five grammes of the fresh milk are weighed in a tared platinum dish, having a flat bottom, which is placed on a water-bath, where it is allowed to remain for about three hours. It is then transferred to a water-oven, and the dish is subsequently weighed, from time to time, until the weight becomes constant. The loss in weight is the water present; the difference between the weight of the platinum capsule and its weight with the remaining contents gives the amount of total solids, which, in milk of good quality, should not be under 12 per cent. The inorganic salts (ash) can now be determined by carefully incinerating the residual contents of the capsule. Too high a temperature is to be avoided in this process, in order to prevent the fusion of the ash, c. Fat, Milk Solids not Fat, Caseine, and Milk Sugar.—An approximate estimation of the fat in milk was formerly made by the use of the creamometer. This instrument consists simply of a long glass tube, provided at its upper end with a scale. The milk under examination is introduced into the tube and allowed to remain at rest for about 24 hours, or until the stratum of cream has completely collected upon its surface; the quantity is then read off by means of the attached scale. The results afforded by the creamometer are, however, far from reliable. Cream is really milk rich in fat, caseine, etc., and the quantitative relation it bears to the true amount of fat present is not always a direct one. A recent form of lactoscope, devised by Feser, is less objectionable, and is in very general use for the rapid estimation of fat in milk. It consists essentially of a glass cylinder, provided with two scales, one being graduated into c.c., the other, into percentages of fat. In the lower end of the instrument is a contraction, in which is placed a cylindrical piece of white glass, graduated with well-defined black lines. In using the lactoscope, 4 c.c. of the milk are introduced into the instrument by means of a pipette, and water is gradually added, with shaking, until the black marks on the small white cylinder become just visible. Upon now referring to the c.c. scale, the quantity of water used to effect the necessary dilution is ascertained, and the corresponding percentage of fat in the sample is indicated by the percentage scale. In the gravimetric determination of the fat (butter), 10 grammes of the milk are put into a tared platinum dish, containing a weighed amount of dry sand. The milk is evaporated as previously directed, the mixture being constantly (S - A) 0·00375 , where S is the specific gravity of the milk, as shown by the lactometer, and A is the remainder obtained upon multiplying the percentage of fat indicated by the lactoscope by 0·001 and subtracting the residue from 1·0000. The residue remaining after the extraction of the fat is treated with warm water containing a few drops of acetic acid, or with dilute (80 per cent.) alcohol, in order to remove the sugar. The residue is dried until it ceases to decrease in weight, and is then weighed. The difference between the original weight of the sand and the weight of the sand and residue combined represents approximately the amount of caseine (albuminoids) present. As this contains a certain proportion of ash it is to be subsequently ignited, and the ash obtained deducted from the first weight. The alcoholic sugar solution is evaporated to dryness and weighed. The residue is then incinerated and the weight of ash is subtracted. The difference is the amount of milk sugar contained. The The sugar in milk can also be estimated by the polariscope (see under Sugar, p. 112). In case the Ventzke-Scheibler instrument is used, 65·36 grammes of the sample are weighed out and introduced into a 100 cc. flask; about 5 cc. of plumbic basic acetate solution is added, and the liquid is well shaken, and then allowed to stand at rest for a few minutes. It is next filtered, its volume made up to the 100 cc. mark, and the 20 cm. tube filled and the reading made; this divided by 2 gives the percentage of sugar in the milk. Mr. A. Adams The standards adopted by the English Society of Public Analysts for pure milk, are:—
In the State of New York, the legal standards for milk are that it shall not contain more than 88 per cent. of water, nor less than 12 per cent. of milk solids, and 3 per cent. of fat. In Massachusetts the law fixing a chemical standard of purity for milk reads: “In all cases of prosecution, if the milk shall be shown upon analysis to contain more than 87 per cent. of water, or to contain less than 13 per cent. of milk solids, it shall be deemed, for the purpose of this Act, to be adulterated.” The Board of Health of New Jersey fixes the minimum amount of total solids at 12 per cent. and the maximum amount of water at 88 per cent. In Paris, the minimum limits for condemnation are the following:— Fat, 2·70; milk-sugar, 4·50; caseine, albumen, and ash, 4·30; total solids, 11·50. The following proportion can be employed in the calculation of the amount of pure milk (x) contained in a suspected sample:— From the total solids:— 12·5: total solids found = 100 : x. From the solids not fat:— 9·30: solids not fat = 100 : x. From the sugar:— 4·40: sugar found = 100 : x. From the specific gravity:— 1·030 : sp. gr. = 100 : x. In most cases the determination of the total milk-solids and the fat (the difference being the solids not fat) furnishes all the data required for determining the amount of watering which a sample of milk has undergone. The Society of Public Analysts use 9 as the average percentage of solids 100 9 S = x, in which x represents the percentage of genuine milk, and S the solids not fat. PLATE IV. ARTOTYPE. E. BIERSTADT, N. Y. In skimmed milk the percentage of fat removed (x) can be ascertained by the formula:— 2·5 9·0 S - f = x, in which S = solids not fat, and f = the fat found. In case the sample has been subjected to both skimming and watering, the water added (x) can be calculated from the formula 100 - 100 + 2·5 9 S - f = x. The addition of mineral salts to milk is detected by the increased proportion of ash found; the presence of an abnormal amount of common salt by the high proportion of chlorine present in the ash, which in pure milk should never exceed 0·14 per cent. The use of sodium bicarbonate, borax, etc., is also detected by the analysis of the ash. Glycerine, salicylic acid, flour, and starch, if added, can be extracted from the milk-solids and their identity established by the usual characteristic reactions. The microscope is of great service in the determination of the quality of milk, and especially in the detection of the presence of abnormal bodies, such as pus, colostrum cells, and blood. In pure cow’s milk the globules are in constant motion; their usual size is 1/5000 of an inch, but this depends upon the nature of the food used. Plates IV. and V., which represent cream, pure milk, skimmed milk, and milk containing colostrum cells, were taken from photo-micrographic negatives furnished through the kindness of Mr. Martin. Numerous cases of severe illness have from time to time been developed by the use of milk which was apparently free from any of the usual adulterants. In a recent issue of the ‘Philadelphia Medical News’ (Sept. 1886) an instance of wholesale milk poisoning at Long Branch is described, and the results reached by a careful study of the epidemic are given. It was demonstrated that warm milk, fresh from the cow, if placed in closed cans under conditions which retarded the dissipation of its heat, may suffer fermentation resulting within a few hours in the genesis of a sufficient quantity of a poisonous ptomaine (termed tyrotoxicon) to produce dangerous toxic effects in those drinking it. Tyrotoxicon was isolated from the milk, and obtained in needle-shaped crystals, which reduced iodic acid and gave a blue coloration when treated with potassium ferricyanide or ferric chloride. Prof. Victor C. Vaughan PLATE V. microscopic view of skimmed cow's milk Skimmed Cows Milk × 420. microscopic view of colostrum in cow's milkColostrum in Cows Milk × 420. ARTOTYPE. E. BIERSTADT, N. Y. |