177-184 - Ferri, 277
- Ferrier, his work on the brain, 523
- [Transcriber's note: No such page number or reference seen]
- Fichte, 222
- Flourens, 267
- Flowers and Insects, 61, 78
- FouillÉe, 207, 208
- Fraipont, on skulls from Spy, 134
- Gadow, 162
- Gallus bankiva, 102
- Gallon, F., 125, 150, 269
- Geddes, P., 17, Foot Note 32
- Geddes, P. and A. W. Thomson, 276
- Gegenbaur, 150, 163
- Genetics, 93, 96
- Germ-plasm, continuity of, 95
- Germinal Selection, 36, 37, 46-51, 64
- Gibbon, 248
- Giuffrida-Ruggeri, 138, 140
- Giotto, 259
- Gizycki, 217
- Goethe and Evolution, 8, 14, 15, 201
- —on the relation between Man and Mammals, 161, 163
- —221
- Gore, Dr., 226
- Gorjanovi?-Kramberger, 134
- Gosse, P. H., 234
- Grapta C. album, 69
- Groos, 187, 188
- Gulick, 15, 53
- Guyau, 217
- Haberlandt, G., 34
- Haeckel, E., on Charles Darwin as an Anthropologist, 146-165
- HÄcker, 33
- Hansen, 272
- Hartmann, von, 240
- Harvey, 4
- Haycraft, 275
- Hegel, 201, 89
- Macacus, ear of, 119
- Mach, E., 153, 211
- Mahoudeau, 137
- Maillet, de, 6
- Majewski, Foot Note 238, Foot Note 239
- Malthus, his influence on Darwin, 16-18, 21, 24, 91
- Man, Descent of, 126, 127, 128, 131-145, 156-165, 189, 254, 265
- —mental and moral qualities of animals and, 122-126, 164, 188-192
- —pre-Darwinian views on the Descent of, 1
- Man, Tertiary flints worked by, 136
- Man, G. Schwalbe on Darwin's Descent of, 111-145
- Manouvrier, 137
- Mantis religiosa, colour experiments on, 65, 68
- Marx, 262, 276-278
- Matthew, P., and Natural Selection, 18, 19
- Maupertuis, 6, 88, 103
- Mayer, R., 197
- Mechanitis lysimnia, 77
- Melinaea ethra, 77
- Mendel, 97-100, 184, 228
- Merz, J. T.,Foot Note 14
- Mesopithecus, 132
- Mill, J. S., 193, 200, 202, 218
- Mimicry, 70-82
- Moltke, on war, 273
- Monkeys, fossil, 132
- Montesquieu, 248
- Monticelli, 155
- Morgan, C. Lloyd, on Mental Factors in Evolution, 166-196
- —on Organic Selection, 53
- Morgan, T. H., 99
- Morselli, 138
- Mortillet, 136
- Moseley, Foot Note 224
- Muller, Fritz, FÜr Darwin by, 154
- Muller, J.,