- Abbot, J. S. C., "Rollo," 201.
- Addison, 66.
- Advertising, 168-170.
- Æschylus, 149.
- Aldrich, T. B., "Story of a Bad Boy," 11, 15.
- Allusions, Biblical, 98-101;
- Amiel, "Journal Intime," 7.
- Amiot, 90.
- Andersen, Hans Christian, 196.
- Apprehension, 74.
- Ariosto, 143.
- Art, conventions in, 89;
- deals with the typical, 6;
- end of, 87;
- good, 22;
- origin of, 3-5;
- sanity of, 174;
- truth in, 206;
- truth of, 209;
- vs. science, 32.
- Artist, office of, 207.
- AsbjÖrnsen, 196.
- Augustine, St., "Confessions," 7.
- Austen, Jane, 189.
- Ballads, 222.
- Balzac, 189.
- Barrie, J. M., 211.
- Bible, 101, 140, 142, 145, 197;
- allusions to, 98-101;
- as a classic, 143-147;
- books of, characterized, 146;
- quoted, 100, 228;
- Revised Version vs. King James, 146.
- Black, William, 13, 211.
- Blackmore, R. D., 211.
- Blake, William, 54, 66;
- Boccaccio, 143.
- Breeding, good, 204.
- BrontË, Charlotte, 189.
- Broughton, Rhoda, 185.
- Browning, Mrs. E. B., quoted, 8, 132, 225, 241
_140" class="pginternal">140, 142, 146, 151;
- Hope, Anthony, 211.
- Hugo, Victor, 189;
- "Les MisÉrables," 92, 208.
- Hunt, Leigh, quoted, 84.
- Hunt, W. M., quoted, 62.
- Ibsen, 172, 173, 177;
- "The Doll's House," 18;
- "Ghosts," 173.
- Imagination, 93, 246-248, 253;
- and thought, 251;
- creative, 111;
- the realizing faculty, 19;
- reality of, 54.
- Imaginative language, defined, 230-231.
- Imaginative quality, test of, 93.
- Impressionism, 69.
- Interest, temporary and permanent, 127-129.
- Irreverence, 87.
- Isaiah, 146, 150.
- James, Henry, quoted, 203.
- Jewett, Sarah O., Miss, 211.
- Job, 146, 230.
- Johnson, Samuel, quoted, 84.
- Jonson, Ben, quoted, 83.
- Judd, Sylvester, "Margaret," 30.
- Keats, John, 54, 92, 112;
- letters to Miss Brawne, 62;
- "Ode on a Grecian Urn," 17;
- quoted, 94, 102, 249.
- Kingsley, Charles, 189.
- Kipling, Rudyard, 182;
- Laboulaye, Édouard, 196.
- Lamb, Charles, 133;
- Language, imaginative, defined, 230-231.
- Lear, Edward, 235.
- Lessing, "Nathan the Wise," 48.
- Lincoln, Abraham, "Gettysburg Address," 112.
- Literature, books about, 65-68;
- convincing, 14;
- defined, 1-32;
- didactic, 124, 133, 140, 143, 145, 147, 173, 214, 216;
- as a classic, 152-153;
- condensation of, 93;
- "Cymbeline," 75;
- epithets of, 112, 231;
- for children, 197;
- "Hamlet," 81, 215;
- "King Lear," 81;
- "The Merchant of Venice," 115-118;
- "Othello," 81;
- quoted, 102, 104, 113, 114, 115, 229, 231, 239;
- "Sonnets," 8, 239.
- Shelley, P. B., 92, 131;
- quoted, 254;
- "Stanzas Written in Dejection," etc., 17.
- Shorthouse, J. H., "John Inglesant," 29.
- Sienkiewicz, 182;
- Sincerity, 12-15.
- Smile, sardonic, 95.
- Sophocles, 149.
- Spenser, Edmund, 123, 124, 143, 197.
- Standards, 141;
- Steele, Sir Richard, 66.
- Stephen, Leslie, 67.
- Stevenson, R. L., 181;
- "Kidnapped," 197;
- quoted, 57;
- "Treasure Island," 27, 197.
- Stockton, Frank, "The Adventures of Captain Horn," 27.
- Story, happy ending of a, 215;
- Stowe, Mrs. H. B., on Byron, 62.
- Suckling, Sir John, quoted, 106.
- Suggestion, 111-114, 118-120, 230, 235.
- Suttner, Baroness von, 161.
<Books by Arlo Bates. THE INTOXICATED GHOST AND OTHER STORIES. Crown 8vo, $1.50. THE DIARY OF A SAINT. Crown 8vo, $1.50. LOVE IN A CLOUD. A Novel. Crown 8vo, $1.50. THE PURITANS. A Novel. Crown 8vo, $1.50. THE PHILISTINES. A Novel. 12mo, $1.50. THE PAGANS. A Novel. 16mo, $1.00. PATTY'S PERVERSITIES. A Novel. 16mo, $1.00; paper, 50 cents. PRINCE VANCE. The Story of a Prince with a Court in his Box. By Arlo Bates and Eleanor Putnam. Crown 8vo, $1.50. A LAD'S LOVE. 16mo, $1.00. UNDER THE BEECH-TREE. Poems. Crown 8vo, $1.50. TALKS ON WRITING ENGLISH. First Series. Crown 8vo, $1.50. TALKS ON WRITING ENGLISH. Second Series. Crown 8vo, $1.30, net. Postpaid, $1.42. TALKS ON TEACHING LITERATURE. Crown 8vo, $1.30, net. Postpaid, $1.42. TALKS ON THE STUDY OF LITERATURE. Crown 8vo, $1.50. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY Boston and New York Transcriber's Notes. The advertisement "Books by Arlo Bates" which was originally before the title page, has been moved to the back, after the index. pages 17 & 260: changed "to" to "on" (Ode to a Grecian Urn) page 70: A missing closing quote was inserted after the phrase 'worthy of his attention?' page 171: "Neitzsche" changed to "Nietzsche" |