- Abilities of children differ, 30, 60.
- Abstract ideas, 23, 112-115.
- Acting out poems, 94.
- Addison, De Coverley Papers, 128, 138, 146-150;
- Spectator, 146, 223.
- Analysis vs. synthesis, 21.
- Art, literature an, 53;
- not to be translated into words, 2;
- purpose of, 1, 73.
- Bach, Passion Music, 116.
- Beethoven, 53;
- Ninth Symphony, 116.
- Biography, literary, 222-226.
- Blake, William, quoted, 31;
- The Tiger, 93, 96-108.
- Bronson, W. C., Voluntary Reading, 228, 230.
- Brown, Dr. John, quoted, 79.
- Browning, 72, 115, 239;
- How they Brought the Good News, 113;
- The Lost Leader, 114.
- Burke, 221;
- Speech on Conciliation, 37, 65, 138-146.
- Byron, Destruction of Sennacherib, 133, 215.
- Carlyle, Burns, 213.
- Chaucer, 225, 239.
- Children, abilities differ, 30, 60;
- at disadvantage, 118;
- comply mechanically, 93;
- conceal feeling, 85;
- do not know how to study, 46-48;
- know when bored, 52;
- learn life by living, 19;
- must be taught in own language, 68;
- must do own work, 58;
- must form estimates, 70;
- not affected by preaching, 18;
- puzzled by literature, 49;
- responsive to metrical effects, 117;
- skip morals, 89;
- their world, 18, 79;
- too much demanded of, 45;
- understand only through personal experience, 15, 67.
- Coleridge, 37, 40, 57, 69, 76, 77, 83, 85, 118, 124, 202;
- false explanations of words in, 63;
- Miss Cook on, 128;
- note on, 32;
- study of, 165-192.
- Machiavellus, 32.
- Memorizing, 191.
- Merchant of Venice, 6, 81, 118.
- Metrical effects, 116;
- beyond ordinary students, 186;
- children susceptible to, 117;
- in Evangeline, 43;
- relation to character, 119;
- study of, 94;
- vs. intellectual content, 216.
- Middleton, Witch, 32.
- Milton, 15, 53, 117, 220, 225;
- Comus, 34, 85, 117, 228;
- Il Penseroso, 34, 41, 190;
- L'Allegro, 34, 41, 190;
- Lycidas, 34, 117;
- Paradise Lost, 123, 127, 131, 228.
- Milton, Macaulay's, 35, 36, 212, 213.
- Moral, drawn by children, 129;
- not to be drawn by teacher, 71-73, 163, 164, 198;
- skipped by children, 89.
- North, Plutarch's Lives, 170.
- Notes, 75, 136;
- to be studied first, 76.
- Novel, study of, 152-164.
- Œdipus, 202.
- Oral recitation, 74, 109-120;
- examinational,
The Riverside Press Electrotyped and printed by H. O. Houghton & Co. Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A. TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: Variations in spelling and hyphenation remain as in the original. Ellipses match the original. Pages ii, vi, viii, and 244 are blank in the original. The following corrections have been made to the original text: Page 165: XIII[original has "XII"] Page 174: gnaw till the ship springs a leak[original has "aleak"] Page 245, under "Examinations": best prepared for by broad teaching, 122;[original has a comma] Page 247: Teaching of literature, aim of, 11-27, 69-70,[original has a semi-colon] 236 |