"She is Yours, Master!" Sick at heart, the trembling girl shuddered at the words that delivered her to this terrible fate of the East. How could she escape from this Oriental monster into whose hands she had been given—this mysterious man of mighty power whose face none had yet seen? Here is an extraordinary situation. What was to be the fate of this beautiful girl? Who was this strange emissary whom no one really knew? To know the answer to this and the most exciting tales of Oriental adventure and mystery ever told, read on through the most thrilling, absorbing, entertaining and fascinating pages ever written. Masterpieces of Oriental Mystery 11 Superb Volumes by SAX ROHMER New! Just A Twist Of The Wrist Banishes Old-Style Can Openers to the Scrap Heap and Women universally detest the old-style can opener. Yet in every home in the land cans are being opened with it, often several times a day. Imagine how thankfully they welcome this new method—this automatic way of doing their most distasteful job. With the Speedo can opening machine you can just put the can in the machine, turn the handle, and almost instantly the job is done. End This Waste and Danger You undoubtedly know what a nasty, dangerous job it is to open cans with the old-fashioned can opener. You have to hack your way along slowly—ripping a jagged furrow around the edge. Next thing you know, the can opener slips. Good night! You've torn a hole in your finger. As often as not it will get infected and stay sore a long time. Perhaps even your life will be endangered from blood poisoning! You may be lucky enough to get the can open without cutting yourself. But there's still the fact to consider that the ragged edge of tin left around the top makes it almost impossible to pour out all of the food. Yet now, all this trouble, waste and danger is ended. No wonder salesmen everywhere are finding this invention a truly revolutionary money maker! New "Million Dollar" Can Opening Machine The Speedo holds the can—opens it, flips up the lid so you can grab it—and gives you back the can without a drop spilled, without any rough edges to snag your fingers—all in a couple of seconds! It's so easy even a 10-year-old child can do it in perfect safety! No wonder women—and men, too—simply go wild over it! No wonder Speedo salesmen often sell to every house in the block and make up to $10 an hour. SPEEDO Central States Mfg. Co., Yes, rush me the facts and details of your FREE OFFER.
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Take orders in your district for nationally known Bostonian Shirts. $1.50 commission for you on sale of 3 shirts for $6.95—Postage Paid. $9 value, guaranteed fast colors. No experience needed. Complete selling equipment FREE! Good Pay for Honest Workers Big earnings for ambitious workers. Genuine Broadcloth in four fast colors. Write for money-making plan, free outfit, with actual cloth samples and everything need to start. Name and address on postal will do. Write TODAY! SURE! BOSTONIAN MFG. CO., b-300, 89 Bickford St., Boston, Mass. DEAFNESS IS MISERY Multitudes of persons with defective hearing and Head Noises enjoy conversation, go to Theatre and Church because they Use Leonard Invisible Ear Drums which resemble Tiny Megaphones fitting in the Ear entirely out of sight. No wires, batteries or head piece. They are inexpensive. Write for booklet and sworn statement of the inventor who was himself deaf. A. O. LEONARD, Inc., Suite 683, 70 5th Ave., New York Denison's Plays 54 Years of Hits We supply all entertainment needs for dramatic clubs, schools, lodges, etc., and for every occasion. T. S. Denison & Co. 623 S. Wabash, Dept. 130 Chicago Don't Stop Tobacco Without precautions against injurious effects. Baco-Cure gives the necessary assistance. Use tobacco while you take it. Has aided hundreds. Complete $5.00 treatment guaranteed to get results or money refunded. Write for booklet. Eureka Chemical Co., B-26 Columbus, Ohio Please mention Newsstand Group—Men's List, when answering advertisements Easy, Quick Way To Get Into Let Major Rockwell Train You AT HOME My new, practical, amazing, Home Study Course prepares you quickly to fill any of the fascinating Aviation jobs, either on the ground or as a skilled flyer, paying $50 to $150 a week. I train you to succeed quickly, to fill one of the thousands of air and ground jobs now open, and I help you find your right place in Aviation. I'll Help You Get Your Job Learn at home in your spare hours. In 12 short weeks you can be ready to take your flying instructions at greatly reduced rates at any airport near your home, or right here in Dayton. Or you can step into any aviation ground job with my help. Experience or advanced education not necessary. Aviation—the fastest growing industry is calling you! You risk nothing. If you are not satisfied after completing my course, I'll refund your tuition. Take the first step by writing NOW for my big FREE Book and Tuition offer. State age. MAJOR R. L. ROCKWELL The Dayton School of Aviation SAXOPHONE Easy to Play Easy To Pay Simplified Key Arrangement Fingers fall naturally into playing position. Makes it extremely easy to play rapidly on the Buescher. The Buescher True-Tone Saxophone is the easiest of all wind instruments to play and one of the most beautiful. You can learn the scale in an hour, and in a few weeks be playing popular music. First 3 lessons free, with each new Saxophone. For home entertainment—church—lodge—school or for Orchestra Dance Music, the Saxophone is the ideal instrument. FREE TRIAL—We allow 6 days' free trial on any Buescher Saxophone in your own home and arrange easy payments so you can pay while you play. Write for Saxophone Catalog. BUESCHER BAND INSTRUMENT CO. MEN WANTED FOR RAILROADS Nearest their homes—everywhere—to train for Firemen, Brakemen; average wages $150-$200 monthly. Promoted to Conductor or Engineer—highest wages on railroads. Also clerks. Railway Educational Association, Dept. D-30, Brooklyn, New York. How to RAISE POULTRY for PROFIT BIG MONEY IN If you want a real job—at real pay or if you want to start profitable business of your own—become a trained Poultryman. It's interesting, healthful, profitable. Our famous home study Course gives short cuts to success. Write for Free Book, "How to Raise Poultry for Profit." National Poultry Institute, Dept. 415-F, Washington, D.C. SPORT OF A THOUSAND THRILLS Model shown is the popular "45" Twin Eager power under instant control—speed that leaves the car-parades behind—lightning response to throttle and brakes—these are just a few of the thousand thrills of motorcycling. Ask any Harley-Davidson rider—he'll tell you of dozens more. And they are all yours at low cost, in a Harley-Davidson "45"—the wonderful Twin at a popular price. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOR COMPANY Interested in your motorcycles. Send literature.
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SEND NO MONEY Just mail photo or snapshot (any size) and within a week you will receive your beautiful life-like enlargement size 16x20 in. guaranteed fadeless. Pay postman 98¢ plus postage or send $1.00 with order and we pay postage. With each enlargement we will send FREE a hand-tinted miniature reproduction of photo sent. Take advantage now of this amazing offer—send your photo today. UNITED PORTRAIT COMPANY BLANK CARTRIDGE PISTOL This well made and effective pistol is modelled on the pattern of the latest type of Revolver, the appearance of which alone is enough to scare a burglar, whilst, when loaded, it will probably prove just as effective as a revolver with real bullets without the danger to life. It takes the standard .22 Calibre Blank Cartridges, that are obtainable most everywhere. Special cash with order offer: 1 superior quality Blank Cartridge Pistol. 100 Blank Cartridges, and our new 550-page DeLuxe Catalog of latest novelties all for ONLY $1.50. Shipped by express only. Cannot go by parcel post. Extra Blank Cartridges 50¢ per 100. Remember it is quite harmless, as it will not accommodate loaded cartridges. Special Holster (Cowboy Type) for pistol 50¢. No C.O.D. Shipments. JOHNSON SMITH & COMPANY. Dept 212, Racine, Wisconsin BE A RAILWAY TRAFFIC INSPECTOR EARN UP TO $250 Per Month Expenses Paid No Hunting For a Position Unusual opportunities for men 19 to 55 in this uncrowded profession. Travel or remain near home. Pleasant, fascinating work. Advancement rapid. Prepare in 3 months' spare time, home instruction. We assist you to a position upon completion, paying $120 to $135 per month, plus expenses or refund your tuition. Learn about Traffic Inspection now. Our free booklet shows how it can make your future a certainty. Write for it today. Standard Business Training Institute Sleep Disturbed? If irritating kidney excretions frequently disturb your sleep or cause backache, leg pains and make you feel tired, achy, depressed and discouraged, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? No dopes or habit-forming drugs. List of pure ingredients in each package. Get Cystex (pronounced Siss-tex) at your drug store for only 60¢. Use all of it. See how it works. Money back if it doesn't satisfy you completely. Please mention Newsstand Group—Men's List, when answering advertisements NEW WAY TO MAKE MONEY Easy Cash—Sure and Quick An opportunity to earn $15 a day or more taking orders from your friends and neighbors for our fine tailoring. Orders come easy when you show our swell samples and smart styles. We Show You How—you don't need to know anything about tailoring—simply follow our directions—we make it easy. FREE SUIT OFFER Make a few sales to your friends and get it finely tailored to your order suit, in any style, absolutely FREE, in addition to your cash profits. New style convenient carrying outfit, large all-wool samples—all supplies necessary to start at once—furnished FREE. Write at once. PROGRESS TAILORING CO., Dept. P-204, Chicago MORE PAY with Earn big money right from the start. Let Quaker help you. Wonderful free Sample outfit gets orders everywhere. Men's Shirts, Ties, Underwear, Hosiery. Unmatchable values. Unique Selling features. Ironclad guarantee. You can't fail with Quaker. Write for your Free outfit NOW. QUAKER SHIRT CORPORATION FRENCH LOVE DROPS An enchanting exotic perfume of irresistible charm, clinging for hours like lovers loath to part. Just a few drops are enough. Full size bottle 98¢ prepaid or $1.39 C.O.D. plus postage. Directions with every order. FREE: 1 full size bottle if you order 2 vials. D'ORO CO. NO JOKE TO BE DEAF Medicated Ear Drum I make myself hear, after being deaf for 25 years, with these Artificial Ear Drums. I wear them day and night. They stop head noises and ringing ears. They are perfectly comfortable. No one sees them. Write me and I will tell you a true story, how I got deaf and how I make you hear. Address GEO. P. WAY, Artificial Ear Drum Co. (Inc.) Be A Detective Make Secret Investigations Earn Big Money. Work home or travel. Fascinating work. Experience unnecessary. TOBACCO Habit Overcome Or No Pay Over 500,000 men and women used Superba Remedy to help stop Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipe, Chewing or Snuff. Write for full treatment on trial. Contains no dope or habit forming drugs. Costs $2.00 if successful, nothing if not. SUPERBA CO., A-11, Baltimore, Md. Get Strong These Improved Muscle Builders All for $5.00 Save $20.00 with this OFFER Why pay an extravagant price for strength—here's an opportunity to get all the equipment you require along with an excellent course of instructions for only $5.00. Realize your ambition and develop muscles of a super-man. Get strong and amaze your friends. We show you how to easily master feats which now seem difficult—or if you just want physical culture for your health's sake, this equipment is just what you need. With this special offer you save at least $20.00. We furnish a ten cable chest expander which is adjustable to give resistance up to 200 lbs. It is made of new live extra strength, springy rubber so as to ensure long wear and give the resistance you need for real muscle development. You also get a pair of patented hand grips for developing powerful grip and forearms. We include wall exercising parts which permit you to develop your back, arms and legs—a real muscle necessity. You know that business men and athletes, too, first show their age in their legs. Develop your leg muscles with the foot strap which we furnish. This will give you speed and endurance—but that isn't all that you get. In addition we include a specially written course which contains pictures and diagrams showing you how to develop any part of your body so that you will quickly get on with these exercises and gain the greatest advantage from their use. Act now while you can get in on this special offer. It might be withdrawn, so rush the coupon. CRUSADER APPARATUS CO., I accept your offer. Send me everything described in your advertisement by return mail. I will pay postman $5.00 plus postage on arrival. It is understood if I am not entirely satisfied after examination I can return the goods and you will refund my money. Note:—No C.O.D. Orders to Foreign Countries or Canada.
SEND NO MONEY All of the items pictured on this page are included in this big special reduction offer. Sign your name and address to the coupon below and rush it to us. We will send your ten cable chest developer, the wall parts, a pair of hand grips, foot strap and the course by return mail. Pay the postman only $5.00, plus the few cents postage on arrival. (If you desire to send check or money order in advance, we pay postage.) GUARANTEE All Crusader products are guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money back. Please mention Newsstand Group—Men's List, when answering advertisements
FIND THE TWIN FLYERS Watch out! These twelve pictures of a famous woman flyer all look alike—BUT—two, and only two, are exactly alike. Find these twin flyers! Some pictures are different in the collar, helmet, goggles, or tie. Remember, only two of the twelve are exactly alike. Find them, and send the numbers of the twin flyers on a post card or letter today. If correct, your answer will qualify you for this opportunity. $7160.00 IN PRIZES GIVEN THIS TIME Over 25 prizes, and duplicate prizes in case of ties. It's up to the winner whether he or she chooses $2875.00 in cash or a new Waco airplane, a big automobile, or a new home. A gorgeous prize list! ANYONE WHO ANSWERS THIS PUZZLE CORRECTLY MAY RECEIVE PRIZES OR CASH. $625.00 ADDITIONAL FOR PROMPTNESS Be prompt! It pays. Find the real twin flyers, and I will send Certificate which will be good for $625.00 if you are prompt and win first prize. Imagine, a first prize of $3500.00! NO MORE PUZZLES TO SOLVE. Any man, woman, boy, or girl in the U.S.A.—anyone at all, except residents of Chicago, Illinois, and former major prize winners. 25 of the people who take up this offer are going to win these wonderful prizes. Be one of them. Send the numbers of the twin flyers. Send no money, but be prompt. J. D. SNYDER, Dept. 36, 54 W. Illinois St., Chicago, Ill. TRAIN FOR AVIATION AT HOME SEND FOR FREE BOOK WALTER HINTON, President, 316-D (must be 18)
Hundreds of men are already training for big-pay Aviation jobs through Lt. Hinton's practical home-study course. This thorough training is just the foundation you need to enter Aviation in any of its many branches, for the course covers Terms and Definitions, Principles of Flight, Rigging, Repairing, Construction, Instruments, Aerology, Engines, Ignition, Carburetion, Airports; Aviation from A to Z. After graduation Hinton's Employment Department puts you in touch with real jobs, or, if you want to be a pilot, Hinton arranges special flying rates at an accredited Air College near your home. Hinton-trained men are in demand and they are making good. His Big Free Book explains everything. Send for your copy at once! $8 often made in one day by many of our sales Agents Sell finest line new guaranteed hosiery you ever saw, for men, women, children. Written guarantee to wear and satisfy or replaced. 126 styles, colors. Finest silks. All at lowest prices. NEW FORD CAR We offer our agents a new Ford Car when earned under our plan. Your commission daily. Credit given. Extra bonus. We deliver or you deliver—suit yourself. FINE SILK HOSE Our new plan gives you fine silk hosiery for your own use. I want men and women to act as Local Sales Agents. Spare time is satisfactory. Write quick. A post card will do. WILKNIT HOSIERY CO. NEW SCIENTIFIC WONDER "X-RAY" CURIO BIG FUN Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. BOYS You apparently see thru Clothes, Wood, Stone, any object. See Bones in Flesh. FREE Pkg. radio picture films, takes pictures without camera. You'll like 'em. (1 pkg. with each 25¢ order.) MARVEL MFG. CO. Dept. 86, NEW HAVEN, CONN. TRAVEL—for 'UNCLE SAM' COUPON FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Dept. E267, Rochester, N.Y. Rush to me, free of charge. (1) A full description of the positions checked below. (2) 32-page book with list of positions obtainable. (3) Tell me how to get the positions checked.
RAILWAY POSTAL CLERKS MAIL CARRIERS—POSTOFFICE CLERKS $1700 to $3400 a Year for Life No "layoffs" because of strikes, poor business, etc.—sure pay—rapid advancement. Many other U.S. Government Jobs. City and country residents stand same chance. Common sense education usually sufficient. STEADY WORK Cut coupon and mail it before turning the page MEN—BOYS Use Coupon Before You Lose It Please mention Newsstand Group—Men's List, when answering advertisements Get Strong QUICKLY Giant Chest Expander Here's an opportunity for everyone to develop big muscles and obtain great strength by using this heavy-tensioned PROGRESSIVE EXERCISER, adjustable from 20 to 200 lbs. resistance. Complete instructions with each exerciser. Get rid of those aches and pains, indigestion, constipation, headaches, etc. Build up your body and look like a real He-man. SEND NO MONEY! Simply pay the postman $2.00, plus a few cents postage, for five-cabled exerciser or $4.00 plus a few cents postage, for ten-cabled exerciser. Money back in five days if dissatisfied. Progressive Exerciser Co. LAW STUDY AT HOME Become a lawyer. Legally trained men win high positions and big success in business and public life. Be independent. Greater opportunities now than ever before. Big corporations are headed by men with legal training. Earn $5,000 to $10,000 Annually We guide you step by step. You can train at home during spare time. Degree of LL. B. conferred. LaSalle students found among practicing attorneys of every state. We furnish all text material, including fourteen-volume Law Library. Low cost, easy terms. Get our valuable 64-page "Law Guide" and "Evidence" books FREE. Send for them NOW. LaSalle Extension University, Dept. 275-L, Chicago HOW SHARP IS YOUR RAZOR? Did you have trouble shaving this morning? If your razor blade scraped and pulled you will appreciate this remarkable new discovery.... Gold Nugget Strop Dressing ... can be used satisfactorily on all stropping devices ... puts keen cutting edge on any razor blade.... Easy to apply ... results assured. Makes you feel like singing when you shave. $1 postpaid. NO-HONE COMPANY PATENTS Time counts in applying for patents. Don't risk delay in protecting your ideas. Send sketch or model for instructions or write for FREE book. "How to Obtain a Patent" and "Record of Invention" form. No charge for information on how to proceed. Communications strictly confidential. Prompt, careful, efficient service. Clarence A. O'Brien, Registered Patent Attorney, 1876 Security Savings and Comm'l Bank Building (directly across street from Patent Office) Washington, D.C. STOP Tobacco No human being can escape the harmful effects of tobacco. Don't try to quit without assistance. Let our simple inexpensive remedy help you. A complete treatment costs but $2.00. Every penny promptly refunded if you do not get desired results. Ours is a harmless preparation, carefully compounded to overcome the condition, that will make quitting of tobacco pleasant, and easy. It comes with a money back guarantee. Anti-Tobacco League P.O. Box H-2 SONG WRITERS! SUBSTANTIAL ADVANCE ROYALTIES are paid on work found acceptable for publication. Anyone wishing to write either the words or music for songs may submit work for free examination and advice. Past experience unnecessary. New demand created by "Talking Pictures" fully described in our free book. Write for it Today. NEWCOMER ASSOCIATES Learn to PAINT SIGNS and SHOW CARDS We quickly teach you by mail, or at school. In spare time. Enormous demand. Big future. Interesting work. Oldest and foremost school. EARN $50 TO $200 WEEKLY Otto Wiegand, Md., home-study graduate, made $12,000 from his business in one year. John Vassoe, N.Y., gets $25 for a show card. Crawford, B.C., writes: "Earned $200 while taking course." Write for complete information. DETROIT SCHOOL OF LETTERING STOP WORRYING about Money Here's a New, Easy Way to Make Yes—here's a wonderful opportunity to start right in making $15 in a day. You can have plenty of money to pay your bills, to spend for new clothes, furniture, radio, pleasure trips, or whatever you want. No more pinching pennies or counting the nickels and dimes. No more saying "We can't afford it." That's the biggest mistake any man or woman ever made. And I'll prove it. Van Allen Makes $100 a Week Just send me your name and address and I'll give you some facts that will open your eyes. I'll show you how L. C. Van Allen, of Illinois, quit a $23-a-week job, took hold of my proposition, and made better than $100 a week! Then there's Gustav Karnath, of Minnesota, who cleared $20.35 the first five hours, and Mrs. B. L. Hodges, of New York, who says she never fails to make a profit of $18 to $20 a day. I have letters from men and women everywhere that tell about profits of $10, $15, $20 and as high as $25 and $30 in a single day. Start Right In You don't need any experience or capital to make big money my way. No course of training is necessary. You simply act as my Representative in your locality and look after my business there. All you have to do is call on your friends and my established customers and take care of their orders for my fast selling line of Groceries, Toilet Articles and other Household Necessities. I have thousands of customers in every section of every State. They must order from you because I never sell through stores. Last year my Representatives made nearly two million dollars. When I get the coupon from you I send full details by return mail. You can quickly be making money just like I said. I will also supply you with Groceries and other Household Necessities at lowest, wholesale prices. MAIL THIS NOW! ALBERT MILLS, Pres., American Products Co., Send me, without cost or obligation, all the facts about your new proposition that offers a wonderful opportunity to make quick profits of $15 or more a day and Groceries at wholesale.
© A. P. Co. (Print or Write Plainly) SEND NO MONEY If you want ready cash—a chance to make $15 or more a day starting at once—and Groceries at wholesale—just send me your name and address on the coupon. It costs you nothing to investigate. Keep your present job and start in spare time if you want to. Oscar Stuart, of W. Virginia, reports $18 profit in 2-1/2 hours' spare time. So you see there's everything to gain. Simply mail the coupon. I will give you full details of my plan without cost or obligation to you. I'll give you the big opportunity you've been waiting for. So don't lose a moment. Mail the coupon NOW. Please mention Newsstand Group—Men's List, when answering advertisements What's Wrong With This Picture? See If You Can Find the Mistakes in This Picture We will spend over $167,000.00 this year for the purpose of conducting free prize offers to advertise and expand our business. Thousands of persons are going to receive valuable prizes or cash awards and compensations this year through our offers. The sky is the limit! Anyone living in the United States outside of Chicago, except employees of this company, members of their families, or our previous auto or first prize winners, or members of their families, may enter an answer to this puzzle. $7,346 In Prizes Given in This One Offer Seven Big New 6-Cylinder Sedans and Other Valuable Prizes Try your skill—it costs you nothing. Study the picture shown here, but look carefully. The artist has purposely made many mistakes. Can you find four or more of them? These mistakes can be found in various objects is the picture—that's all the hint we can give you. If you think you can find four or more mistakes, answer at once. Just mark the mistakes in pencil on the picture, or tell me what they are in a letter or on a post card. Only four mistakes are required for a perfect answer. Anyone Who Answers This Puzzle Correctly May Receive Prizes or Cash! Man, woman, boy, or girl—it doesn't matter who or what you are. Seven of the people who take up this offer are going to win wonderful automobiles. You can be among them. Answer today! Duplicate prizes awarded in case of ties. Additional $500.00 for Promptness $500.00 extra will be awarded in addition to first prize if you are prompt. If your answer is judged to be perfect, I will tell you without delay about winning the prizes. Hurry now! Address your answer to G. W. ALDERTON, Advertising Manager, Dept. 143, 510 North Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. AGENTS—Represent the Carlton line—America's Best Paying Proposition! SAMPLES FREE SELL FROM A MILLION DOLLAR STOCK Shirts, Neckwear and Underwear. CARLTON MILLS, 114 FIFTH AVE., N.Y.C.
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These great new inventions generate Violet Ray, Vibration, Electricity and Ozone—combined or separate. They operate on the electric light in your home or on their own motive power at less than 50 cents per year. Elco Health Generators are positively the only instruments which can give you in one outfit Electricity, Violet Ray—Vibration and Ozone—the four greatest curative agents. Send the coupon below. Get the Free Book NOW! Lindstrom & Co. Please send me your free book, "Heal—Power—Beauty" and full information of your 10-day Free Trial Offer.
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"ONE WOMAN'S WAR" These complete novels, each one a story of unusual significance, are now being offered to you at the special price of 25 cents each TYPEWRITER 1/2 Price Free Trial World's best makes—Underwood, Remington, Royal—also portables—prices smashed to below half. (Easy terms.) SEND NO MONEY! All late models completely rebuilt and refinished brand new. Guaranteed for ten years. Send no money—big Free catalog shows actual machines in full colors. Get our direct-to-you easy payment plan and 10 day free trial offer. Amazing values—send at once. International Typewriter Exch., PANTS MATCHED TO ANY SUIT—FREE SAMPLE DON'T DISCARD YOUR OLD SUIT. Wear the coat and vest another year by getting new trousers to match. Tailored to your measure. With over 100,000 patterns to select from we can match almost any pattern. Send vest or sample of cloth today, and we will submit FREE best match obtainable. AMERICAN MATCH PANTS CO. Please mention Newsstand Group—Men's List, when answering advertisements QUIT TOBACCO No man or woman can escape the harmful effects of tobacco. Don't try to banish unaided the hold tobacco has upon you. Join the thousands of inveterate tobacco users that have found it easy to quit with the aid of the Keeley Treatment. KEELEY Treatment For Quickly banishes all craving for tobacco. Write today for Free Book telling how to quickly Free yourself from the tobacco habit and our Money Back Guarantee. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Styled On Fifth Avenue. TIES & SHIRTS PAY BIG MAKE STEADY MONEY weekly selling this combined line. Public Service offers the best money-maker in the country for full time or spare time workers. Splendid Fifth Ave. Styled shirts. Beautiful fabrics to satisfy every taste. Sell on sight to men and women at factory prices. Biggest assortment in the business. Collect your commissions in advance. Finest new Spring Outfit FREE. Start earning more money at once. Write TODAY. PUBLIC SERVICE MILLS, Inc. MONEY FOR YOU Men or women can earn $15 to $25 weekly in spare time at home making display cards. Light, pleasant work. No canvassing. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today for full particulars. The MENHENITT COMPANY Limited DIRECT FROM MOVIELAND LOVE DROPS PERFUME A New Creation, an Enchanting, powerful aroma, with that alluring blend that stirs the soul of rich and poor, old and young to surrender to its charms. $2.50 value, $1.00 post paid or $1.27 C.O.D. with instructions for use. Also Free our 2 new books totaling 120 pages including THRILLING LOVE LETTERS burning love epistles of many of history's famous characters, also secrets of Love's Psychology and Art of winning the One You Love with the original 7 Psychological and Successful plans for winning and holding the love of the one you love. Wons Co., Dept. N-15 BECOME AN EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Executive Accountants and C.P.A.'s earn $8,000 to $10,000 a year. Thousands of firms need them. 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