Astounding Stories of Super-Science, December 1930 |
Slaves of the Dust A SIGNAL TO THE MOON The Pirate Planet PART TWO OF A FOUR-PART NOVEL The Sea Terror Gray Denim The Ape-Men of Xlotli The Reader's Corner
On Sale the First Thursday of Each Month W. M. CLAYTON, Publisher | HARRY BATES, Editor | DR. DOUGLAS M. DOLD, Consulting Editor | The Clayton Standard on a Magazine Guarantees That the stories therein are clean, interesting, vivid, by leading writers of the day and purchased under conditions approved by the Authors’ League of America; That such magazines are manufactured in Union shops by American workmen; That each newsdealer and agent is insured a fair profit; That an intelligent censorship guards their advertising pages. The other Clayton magazines are: ACE-HIGH MAGAZINE, RANCH ROMANCES, COWBOY STORIES, CLUES, FIVE NOVELS MONTHLY, ALL STAR DETECTIVE STORIES, RANGELAND LOVE STORY MAGAZINE, WESTERN ADVENTURES, and WESTERN LOVE STORIES. More than Two Million Copies Required to Supply the Monthly Demand for Clayton Magazines. VOL. IV, No. 3 | CONTENTS | DECEMBER, 1930 | COVER DESIGN | H. W. WESSOLOWSKI | Painted in Oils from a Scene in “The Ape-Men of Xlotli.” | SLAVES OF THE DUST | SOPHIE WENZEL ELLIS | 295 | Fate’s Retribution Was Adequate. There Emerged a Rat with a Man’s Head and Face. | THE PIRATE PLANET | CHARLES W. DIFFIN | 310 | It is War. Interplanetary War. And on Far-Distant Venus Two Fighting Earthlings Stand Up Against a Whole Planet Run Amuck. (Part Two of a Four-Part Novel.) | THE SEA TERROR | CAPTAIN S. P. MEEK | 336 | The Trail of Mystery Gold Leads Carnes and Dr. Bird to a Tremendous Monster of the Deep. | GRAY DENIM | HARL VINCENT | 354 | The Blood of the Van Dorn’s Ran in Karl’s Veins. He Rode the Skies Like an Avenging God. | THE APE-MEN OF XLOTLI | DAVID R. SPARKS | 370 | A Beautiful Face in the Depths of a Geyser—and Kirby Plunges into a Desperate Mid-Earth Conflict with the Dreadful Feathered Serpent. (A Complete Novelette.) | THE READERS’ CORNER | ALL OF US | 421 | A Meeting place for Readers of Astounding Stories. | Single Copies, 20 Cents (In Canada, 25 Cents) | Yearly Subscription, $2.00 | Issued monthly by Readers’ Guild, Inc., 80 Lafayette St., New York, N.Y. W. M. Clayton, President; Francis P. Pace, Secretary. Entered as second-class matter December 7, 1929, at the Post Office at New York. N.Y., under Act of March 3. 1879. Title registered as a Trade Mark in the U.S. Patent Office. Member Newsstand Group—Men’s List. For advertising rates address E. R. Crow & Co., Inc., 25 Vanderbilt Ave., New York; or 225 North Michigan Ave., Chicago. |