VOL. V, No. 3 CONTENTS March, 1931 |
COVER DESIGN | H. W. WESSO | | | Painted in Water-Colors from a Scene in "Beyond the Vanishing Point." | | | WHEN THE MOUNTAIN CAME TO MIRAMAR | CHARLES W. DIFFIN | | 297 | It is Magic against Magic As Garry Connell Bluffs for His Life with a Prehistoric Savage in the Heart of Sentinel Mountain. | | | BEYOND THE VANISHING POINT | RAY CUMMINGS | | 314 | The Tale of a Golden Atom—an Astounding Adventure in Size. (A Complete Novelette.) | | | TERRORS UNSEEN | HARL VINCENT | | 360 | One after Another the Invisible Robots Escape Shelton's Control—and Their Trail Leads Straight to the Gangster Chief Cadorna. | | | PHALANXES OF ATLANS | F. V. W. MASON | | 376 | Never Did an Aviator Ride a More Amazing Sky-Steed Than Alden on His Desperate Dash to the Great Jarmuthian Ziggurat. (Conclusion of a Two-Part Novel.) | | | THE METEOR GIRL | JACK WILLIAMSON | | 404 | Through the Complicated Space-Time of the Fourth Dimension Goes Charlie King in an Attempt to Rescue the Meteor Girl. | | | THE READERS' CORNER | ALL OF US | | 417 | A Meeting Place for Readers of Astounding Stories. | | | Single Copies, 20 Cents (In Canada, 25 Cents)Yearly Subscription, $2.00 Issued monthly by Readers' Guild, Inc., 80 Lafayette Street, New York, N. Y. W. M. Clayton, President; Francis P. Pace, Secretary. Entered as second-class matter December 7, 1929, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered as a Trade Mark in the U. S. Patent Office. Member Newsstand Group—Men's List. For advertising rates address E. R. Crowe & Co., Inc., 25 Vanderbilt Ave., New York; or 225 North Michigan Ave., Chicago.
"That'll be all from you," he told the black one. "That'll be all from you," he told the black one.