Agave vivipara, xix;
Alabama, 427;
Alachua savanna, 185;
Alatamaha, voyage up the, 47;
—— account of the, 51;
Alligator Hole, 236
——battle with an, 248;
Alligators, battle between two, 116;
——author attacked by, 117, 123;
——brood of, numerous, 124;
——nests of, 125;
——old, feed on the young, 126;
——described, ib.;
Amelia island, 63;
Amite river, 423;
Ampelis garrulus, 296;
Angelica lucida, 325;
Animals and vegetables compared, xiv;
Animals, general observation on, xvi;
——affections of, xvii;
——mental faculties of, xviii;
——remarkable fragility of parts of, 194, 276;
——influence of country on, 214;
Annona, new species of, 18, 169;
Apalachucla, 387;
Arum esculentum cultivated for food in Georgia and Florida, 467;
Arundo gigantea, 408;
Asilus, various species of, 383;
Augusta, journey to, 28;
——described, 32, 314;
Author attacked by a fever, 409;
——violent disorder in the eyes, 416, 418;
Banks of the river St. Juan higher than the adjacent plains, 163;
Battle between cray-fish and gold-fish, 43;
——two alligators, 116;
Bears, 278;
Bees, none in West Florida, though plenty in East, 411;
Birds, observations on, xxi;
——on the migration of, 280, 295;
——of passage, American, 285;
——change their colour, 296;
——wild, sing only at the time of incubation, xxii, 299;
Boat, portable, 457;
Bream, golden, 151;
——great black or blue, 174;
——great yellow, or particoloured, ib.;
Bridge, Indian, 443;
Brunswick, town of, 471;
Buffalo, not now to be found where once numerous, 44;
Bull snake, 272;
Butterflies, xix;
Cacalia heterophylla, 162;
Cactus opuntia, 161;
Cambelton, 476;
Cancer macrourus, war of the gold-fish on the, 43;
Cane meadows, 424;
Carica papaya, 129;
Cat bird, 297;
Cattle, dreadful disease of, 205;
Cedar bird, 296;
Chactaws, 515;
Chameleon, 276;
Charleston, voyage from Philadelphia to, 1;
Charlotta, 91;
Chat, yellow breasted, 300;
Chicken snake, 271;
Clarendon river, 476;
Clay, fort of, eaten greedily by cattle, 39;
Cleome lupinifolia, 423;
Cliffs, description of the, 433;
Coachwhip snake, 217;
Cochineal insect, 161;
Collinsonia, species of, febrifuge, 409;
Colymbus cauda elongata, 130;
Convolvulus diffectus, 102;
Coolome town, 394;
Cornus florida, 399;
Cowe, 350, 364;
Coweta, 387;
Cow-pen, account of a, 308;
Crane, flight of the, 144;
——nests and eggs of the, 199;
——savanna, 218;
Creeks, Upper, alliance of, with the English, 53;
——account of the 208, 463;
——Lower, or Siminoles, 209
Cross-Creeks, 475;
Crown bird, 296;
Crying bird, 145;
Cucurbita lagenaria, 477;
Cupressus disticha, 88;
——new species of, 409;
Curlews, Spanish, 146;
Cuscowilla, journey to, 168;
——description of, 189;
Cyprinus coronarius, 151;
Deer, herd of, 198;
DionÆa muscipula, xiii, 470;
Dog brought up to tend horses, 120;
Dove, ground, 8;
Dyeing, bark of the gordonia lasianthus ufeful in 160;
Eagles, various, 2;
Earth, on the produce of the different zones of , ix;
——remarks on certain strata of, 433;
Elks only to be found in the Apalachian mountains, 45;
Emberiza oryzivora, 294;
EphemerÆ, 78—81;
Erythryna corallodendrum, 160;
Falco piscatorius, 8;
Falling Creek, 339;
Fascinating power of the rattlesnake, 263;
Febrifuge, virtues of a species of Collinsonia, 409;
Felis cauda truncata, 278;
Fern, curious species of, 476;
Fish, red-belly, 12;
——vast quantity of, in the river St. Juan’s, 121;
——of prey and others living peaceably together in pellucid water, 164, 166, 227;
Fishing, mode of, 106;
Flat-rock, 374;
Flies, various species of, 383;
Florida, journey to, 55;
——East, very good Indigo made in, 75;
——West, journey to, 373;
Fort Moore, 313;
——James, 321;
Fort Prince George, Keowe, 328;
Fox, 278;
——squirrels, 279;
Fragility, extraordinary in animals, 194, 276;
Franklinia Alatamaha, 465;
Frederica, town and fort of, 60;
——voyage to, 303;
French settlement, 431;
——broken up by the Indians, 432;
Frogs, various fpecies of, 272;
Garr, great brown spotted, 173;
Georgia, voyage to, 4;
——islands on the coast of 5, 65;
——why thinly inhabited, 64;
Gerardea flammea, 410;
Glass-snake, 193;
Gold fish, war of, on the cray-fish, 43;
——described, 44;
Gopher, 18, 180;
Gordonia lasianthus, 159;
Gourd, ufeful species of, 477;
Grape vines, 84, 398;
Grapes, Indian mode of preserving, 398;
Grass, peculiar species of, 128;
Graves, Indian, 137;
Green snake, 271;
Grus pratensis, flight of the, 144;
——nests and eggs of the, 199;
——described, 218;
Halesia diptera, variety of, 408;
Half-way pond, 172;
Hawk, fishing, 8;
——engaged with a snake, 216;
Hibiscus, species of 19, 102, 103;
——coccineus, 102;
Hippobosca, 383;
Honesty, advantages of, 351;
Horn snake, 272;
Horses, Siminole, of the Spanish breed, 213;
——kept by a dog, 222;
Horses, large stud of, 353;
——fondnes of, for salt, 354;
——singular mode of taming, 375;
——flies extremely troublesome to, 384;
Hurricane, 139, 384;
Hydrangia quercifolia, 380;
Indian pot, curious, 6;
——interview with an, 21;
——remarks on the moral principle of an, 22;
——people, a peculiar race of, 25;
——towns, remains of 37, 196, 343, 388;
——sagacity, 39;
——mode of killing trout, 44;
——village, 90;
——wife of a white man, misconduct of an, 109;
——deserts the author, 113;
——cemetery, 137;
——chiefs, 183, 235, 350
——soup, 189;
——towns 189, 327, 348, 384, 394;
——punishment for adultery, 211, 446, 513;
——public buildings, 302, 365, 448, 452;
——antiquities, 322, 365, 370, 455, 519;
——festivals, 233, 367, 449, 507;
——towns and villages, lists of, 371, 461;
——languages, 386, 461, 463, 517;
——wedding, 444, 512;
——chief’s revenge on a trader caught in adultery with his wife, 446;
——standard, 453;
——painting and sculpture, 454;
——canoes, 225;
——jelly, 339;
——music, 243, 503;
——drinking bout, 253;
——women, artifice of, 254;
——games, 506;
Indians, remarks on the, xxiii, 184, 208;
Indians, treaties with the, 33, 235;
——food of, 38;
——plunder the stores, 61;
——matters accommodated with the, 76;
——virtues of 22, 110, 208, 488;
——veneration of, for the rattlesnake, 258;
——form of salutation amongst, 182;
——visit to the, ib.;
——manners and customs of the 182, 184, 189, 207, 349, 367, 448;
——habitations of the 189, 365, 386, 395, 444;
——vices of the, 210;
——wars of the, 211, 390;
——migration of the, 378;
——massacre of the whites by, 388 note
——roving disposition of the, 389;
——carry off a party of emigrants, 444;
——murder some white travellers, 235;
——hunting party of, 242;
——party of, in purfuit of an adulterer, 243;
——fondness of, for spirits, 253;
——conference with, 255;
——persons and qualifications of the, 481;
——government and civil society of the, 492;
-16.htm.html#Page_224" class="pginternal">224;
Tallow nut, 112;
Tanase, river;