| 407 | Burnet, Gilbert, note | 610 | Burns, Robert | 446 | Burton, Robert | 185 | Bussy de Rabutin, note | 286 | Butler, Samuel | 209 | Butler, Samuel, note | 361 | Byrd, William, note | 22 | Byrom, John | 351 | Byron, Lord | 539 | | | Calhoun, John C. | 529 | Callimachus, note | 496 | Campbell, Lord, note | 418, 528 | Campbell, Thomas | 512 | Camden, William | 684 | Cambronne, note | 810 | Canning, George | 464 | Carew, Thomas | 200 | Carey, Henry | 285 | Carlyle, Thomas | 577 | Carpenter, Joseph E. | 680 | Carruthers, Robert, note | 528 | Catinat, Marshal, note | 740 | Catullus, note | 306 | Centlivre, Susannah | 671 | Cervantes | 784 | Channing, William E. | 655 | Chapman, George | 35 | Charles I., note | 398 | Charron, note | 317 | Dennis, John | 282 | De Quincey, note | 365 | Dibdin, Charles | 436 | Dibdin, Thomas | 675 | Dickens, Charles | 652 | Dickinson, John | 426 | Dickman, Franklin J., note | 589 | Didacus Stella, note | 185 | Diogenes Laertius | 757 | Dionysius of Halicarnassus, note | 304 | Dionysius the Elder | 700 | Disraeli, Benjamin | 607 | Dix, John A. | 678 | Doddridge, Philip | 359 | Dodsley, Robert | 671 | Domett, Alfred | 642 | Donne, John | 177 | Dowling, Bartholomew | 641 | Drake, Joseph Rodman | 573 | Drayton, Michael | 40 | Drennan, William | 855 | Drummond, Thomas | 582 | Drummond, William | 196 | Drummond, William note | 170 | Dryden, John | 267 | Du Bartas | 780 | Dufferin, Lady | 611 | Dumas, Alexandre, note | 809 | Duncombe, Lewis, note | 4
tml#Pg_678" class="pginternal">678 | James, Paul M. | 528 | Jefferson, Thomas | 434 | Jefferys, Charles | 611 | Jerrold, Douglas | 597 | Johnson, Andrew | 678 | Johnson, Samuel | 365 | Johnson, Samuel, note | 185, 294, 711 | Jones, Sir William | 437 | Jonson, Ben | 177 | Juvenal | 721 | | | Keats, John | 574 | Keble, John | 569 | Kemble, Frances Anne | 641 | [xi]Kemble, J. P. | 445 | Kempis, Thomas À | 7 | Ken, Thomas | 278 | Kenney, James | 676 | Kenrick, William, note | 450 | Kepler, John | 670 | Key, Francis S. | 517 | Key, T. H., note | 560 | King, William, note | 217 | Kinglake, John A. | 860 | Kingsley, Charles | 664 | Knight, Charles, note | 616 | Knolles, Richard, note | 267 | Knowles, James S. | 676 | Knox, Willia
89-h-46.htm.html#Pg_528" class="pginternal">528 | MoliÈre | 797 | Monnoye, Bernard de la, note | 400 | Montagu, Mary Wortley | 350 | Montagu, Mary Wortley, note | 461 | Montaigne | 774 | Montgomery, James | 496 | Montgomery, Robert | 610 | Montrose, Marquis of | 257 | Moore, Clement C. | 527 | Moore, Edward | 377 | Moore, Thomas | 518 | More, Hannah | 437 | More, Sir Thomas, note | 30, 100 | Morell, Thomas, note | 281 | Morgan, M. H. | 860 | Morris, Charles | 432 | Morris, George P. | 595 | Morton, Thomas | 457 | Moss, Thomas | 433 | Motherwell, William | 580 | Muhlenberg, William A. | 678 | Mulock, Dinah M. | 667 | [xii]MÜnster, Ernst F., note | 807 | Murphy, Arthur | 393 | | | Nairne, Lady | 458 | Napier, Sir W. F. P. | 537 | Napoleon Bonaparte, note | 811 | Napoleon, Lou
9@27889-h@27889-h-56.htm.html#Pg_667" class="pginternal">667 | Smith, Captain John, note | 495 | Smith, Edmund, note | 333 | Smith, Horace | 517 | Smith, James | 510 | Smith, Samuel F. | 619 | Smith, Seba | 568 | Smith, Sydney | 459 | Smollett, Tobias | 392 | Smyth, William, note | 391 | Socrates, note | 63 | Somerville, William, note | 314 | Sophocles | 696 | Sophocles, note | 133 | Sorbienne, note | 286 | South, Robert, note | 310 | Southerne, Thomas | 282 | Southey, Robert | 506, 853 | Southwell, Robert, note | 22 | Sparks, Jared, note | 717 | Spencer, Herbert | 681 | Spencer, William R. | 464 | Spenser, Edmund | 27 | Sprague, Charles | 564 | StaËl, Madame de, note | 174, 807 | Steele, Sir Richard | 297 | Steers, Fanny | 682 | Sterne, Laurence | 378 | Sternhold, Thomas | 23 | Stevens, George A. | 672 | Warton, Thomas | 403 | Washington, George | 425 | Watson, William | 855 | Watts, Isaac | 301 | Webster, Daniel | 529 | Webster, John | 180 | Welby, Amelia B. | 681 | Wellington, Duke of | 463 | Wells, William V. | 858 | Wesley, Charles | 672 | Wesley, John | 359 | Whetstone, George, note | 14 | Whewell, William, note | 169 | White, Henry Kirke, note | 592 | Whittier, John G. | 618 | Wight, Rezin A. | 854 | Wilde, Richard H. | 677 | Willard, Emma | 676 | Williams, Helen M. | 674 | Williams, Roger, note | 208 | Willis, Nathaniel P. | 655 | Willis, Nathaniel P., note | 580 | Wilson, Alexander | 860 | Wilson, John, note | 558 | Wilson, Mrs. C. B. | 677 | Winslow, Edward, note | 283 | Winthrop, John | 670 | Winthrop, Robert C. | 638 | Wither, George | [xv]