e, 624. the goodliest man of men, 232. the offending, 90. the old, 850. waked so customed, 234. Adam's - ale, and drink of, 289.
- ear left his voice, in, 237.
- fall, we sinned all, in, 686.
- sons born in sin, 190.
Adamant, cased in, 484. Adamantine logic of dreamland, 663. Adamas de rupe prÆstantissimus, 219. Add to golden numbers, 182. Adder, - like the deaf, 821.
- stingeth like an, 828.
Adding fuel to the flame, 242. Addison, days and nights to, 369. Address, wiped with a little, 416. Addressing myself to my cap, 798. Adds a precious seeing to the eye, 56. Adhem, Abou Ben, 536. Adhere, nor time nor place did, 118. Adieu, - drop a tear and bid, 671.
- for evermore, 453.
- [865]my native shore, 540.
- she cried, 348.
- so sweetly she bade me, 380.
Adjunct, learning is but an, 55. Administered, whate'er is best, 318. Administrations, most competent, 435. Admirable, how express and, 134. Admiral, - last of all an, 508.
- to kill an, 801.
Admiration - of virtue, 254.
- from most fastidious critics, 591.
- of weak minds, 240.
- season your, for a while, 128.
Admire, - like those who, us, 796.
- men of sense approve, fools, 324.
- where none, 377.
Admired, - all who saw, 444.
- by our domestics, 778.
- disorder, with most, 122.
Admit impediments, 163. Admitted to that equal sky, 315. Adolescens moritur, 479. Adonis hath a sweet tooth, my, 33. Adoption tried, their, 129. Adoration, breathless with, 470. Adore the hand that gives the blow, 289. Adores and burns, 316. Adored - in every clime, 334.
- through fear, 421.
Adorn - a tale, point a moral, 365.
- looks the cottage might, 398.
- nothing he did not, 367.
Adorns and cheers our way, 399. Adorned - in her husband's eye, 463.
- in naked beauty more, 179.
- staff of my, 62.
- strong meat for full, 848.
- talking, made for, 395.
- that melts in unperceived decay, 365.
- that which should accompany old, 124.
- thou art shamed, 110.
- to perform promises of youth, 368.
- too late or cold, 238.
- torrent of a downward, 356.
- 'twixt boy and youth, 489.
- unspotted life is old, 836.
- veracity which increases with, 796.
- what more honourable than, 171.
- without a name, 493.
- worm at the root of, 423.
- worn away with, 347.
- you 'd scarce expect one of my, 459.
Ages, - alike all, 395.
- ere Homer's lamp appeared, 414.
- ere the Mantuan swan was heard, 414.
- famous to all, 254.
- heir of all the, 626.
- hence, how many, 112.
- his acts being seven, 69.
- of eternity, mighty, 642.
- on ages, 674.
- once in the flight of, 496.
- onward roll, the great, 624.
- rock of, 432.
- stamp and esteem of, 266.
- three poets in three distant, 270.
- through the, 626.
- to the next, 170.
- unborn crowd not on my soul, 383.
- wakens the slumbering, 594.
- women faded for, 648.
- ye unborn, 383.
Age's - alms, prayers which are old, 25.
- tooth, poison for the, 78.
Aged - bosom, confidence in an, 364.
- ears play truant at his tales, 55.
- later times are more, 169.
- men full loth and slow, 492.
Agencies vary, how widely its, 585. Agent, trust no, 51. Agesilaus toying with his children, 737. Aggravate your choler, 89. A-gley, gang aft, 446. Agnes, the world dear, 797. Ago, mighty while, 177. Agonies, exultations, and, 471. Agony, - all we know of, 562.
- cannot be remembered, 504.
- distrest, though oft to, 482.
- swimmer in his, 557.
- with words, charm, 53.
Agree - as angels do above, 221.
- on the stage, 441.
- those who, with us, 796.
- though all things differ, all, 333.
Agreed to differ, 627. were not acquainted, 740. Anderson my jo John, John, 449. Anecdotage, man in his, 609. Angel - appear to each lover, 305.
- consideration like an, 90.
- curses his better, 156.
- death and his Maker, 502.
- down, she drew an, 272.
- dropped from the clouds, 86.
- ended, the, 237.
- good and bad, 187.
- guardian, o'er his life, 455.
- hands to valour given, 574.
- hold the fleet, 362, 618.
- hope thou hovering, 243.
- in action how like an, 134.
- ministering, 144, 490.
- on the outward side, 49.
- or earthly paragon, 160.
- shook his wings, as if an, 414.
- should write, though an, 520.
- sings, in his motion like an, 65.
- the recording, 379.
- thou hovering, 243.
- visits few and far between, 514.
- whiteness, 52.
- who wrote like an, 388.
- yet in this, of habits devil is, 141.
Angels - alone enjoy such liberty, 260.
- and ministers of grace, 130.
- are bright still, 124.
- are, our acts our, 183.
- are painted fair, 280.
- aspiring to be, 316.
- could no more, 307.
- do above, agree as, 221.
- down, which would drag, 532.
- entertained, and, 221.
- face shined bright, 27.
- fear to tread, where, 325.
- fell by that sin, 100.
- forget-me-nots of the, 616.
- guard thy bed, holy, 302.
- help, make assay, 139.
- in some brighter dreams, 264.
- laugh at the good he has done, 637.
- listen when she speaks, 279.
- little lower than the, 818.
- men would be, 316.
- must love Ann Hathaway, 690.
- ne'er like, till passion dies, 182.
- plead like, 118.
- preventing, 269.
- pure in thought as are, 455.
- sad as, 513.
- say sister spirit come away, 334.
- shared fire with, 549.
- sung the strain, guardian, 358.
- thousand liveried, 245.
- to fall, caused the, 843.
- of things to the mind, 744.
Appearances are deceitful, 766. Appendix to nobility, 187. [871]Appetite, - breakfast with, 99.
- cloy the hungry edge of, 81.
- colours were then to me an, 467.
- comes with eating, 779, 791.
- good digestion wait on, 122.
- grown by what it fed on, 128.
- man given to, 828.
- may sicken and so die, 74.
- quench, check impulse, 755.
- with cloyless sauce sharpen his, 157.
Applaud - the deed, 121.
- thee to the very echo, 125.
Applause, - attentive to his own, 327.
- delight the wonder, the, 179.
- of a single human being, 374.
- of listening senates, 385.
Applauses of his countrymen, 537. Apple - of his eye, 814.
- of the eye, 818.
- rotten at the heart, 61.
Apples - of gold, 828.
- since Eve ate, 560.
- small choice in rotten, 72.
- swim, how we, 291.
Appliance, desperate, 141. Appliances and means, 89. Apprehend some joy, 59. Apprehension, - death most in, 48.
- how like a god in, 134.
- of the good, 81.
Apprentice, nature but an, 446. Approach - like the rugged Russian bear, 122.
- of even or morn, 230.
Approaches make the prospect less, 181. Approbation from Sir Hubert Stanley, 457. Appropinque an end, 212. Appropriate, as difficult to invent as to, 604. Approved good masters, 149. Approving Heaven, 355. April day, - uncertain glory of an, 44.
- dew, besprent with, 180.
- June and November, 684.
- of her prime, 161.
- proud-pied, 163.
- wears, pinks that, 49.
- when men woo, 71.
- with his shoures, 1.
Apron, thy words smell of the, 732. Aprons - of fig leaves, 812.
- with greasy, 159.
Apt - alliteration 's artful aid, 413.
- and gracious words, 55.
Arabia, - all the perfumes of, 124.
- breathes from yonder box, 325.
@public@vhost@g@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-32.htm.html#Pg_342" class="pginternal">342. displayed her mantle, 786.
9-h-46.htm.html#Pg_518" class="pginternal">518. Latin, soft, 554. to the time, he is but a, 78. Bastards, - ancient families, 190.
- live like nature's, 246.
Bastion fringed with fire, 631. Bat, tongue of dog wool of, 123. Bats, to the moles and the, 832. Bate a jot of heart or hope, 252. Bated breath, 61. Bath, sore labour's, 120. Bathe in fiery floods, 48. Battalions, - heaviest, 801.
- side of the strongest, 811.
- sorrows come in, 142.
Battle, - again to the, 516.
- and the breeze, 514.
- cowards do not count in, 699.
- division of a, 149.
- feats of broil and, 150.
- for the free, won the, 562.
- freedom's, once begun, 548.
- he has fought his last, 666.
- he who is in, slain, 403.
- I had a regular, 701.
- in the lost, 489.
- is lost and won, when the, 115.
- life is a, 750.
- lost and battle won, 463.
- not to the strong, 831.
- perilous edge of, 224.
- prize of death in, 660.
- rages loud and long, the, 515.
- see the front of, lour, 450.
- sees the other's umbered face, 92.
- smelleth the, afar off, 818.
- who in life's, 805.
Battles, - fought his, o'er again, 271.
- long ago, 473.
- rains fall after great, 725.
- sieges fortunes, 150.
Battle's - magnificently stern array, 543.
- sound, no war or, 251.
- van, in the, 680.
Battled for the true and just, 632. Battle-field, march to the, 675. Battlements - bore stars, 479.
- fate sits on these dark, 456.
- towers and, 248.
Bauble, pleased with this, 318. Baucis' busy care, 274. Bay - of Biscay O, 453.
- the moon, be a dog and, 114.
Bay-tree, like a green, 819. Be - as be we would, 38.
- good sweet maid, 664.
- lief not be as live to, 110.
- matters not what you are thought to, 713.
- no better than you should, 197.
- not afraid, it is I, 840.
- not overcome of evil, is a sovereignty in need of no guards, 761.
- is an ivory mischief, 761.
- is its own excuse for being, 599.
- is the best introduction, 761.
- is the gift of God, 761.
- is truth truth beauty, 576.
- is vain, 829.
- isle of, fare thee well, 581.
- led captive, 240.
- like the night, walks in, 551.
- lingers, lines where, 548.
- makes this vault a feasting presence, 109.
- making beautiful old rhyme, 163.
- of a thousand stars, clad in the, 41.
- of surpassing, 702.
- of the good old cause, 472.
- of the world, 262.
- on the shore, left their, 598.
- ornament of, is suspect, 162.
- power of, I remember the, 272.
- provoketh thieves, 66.
- she walks in, 551.
- slain, with him is, 161.
- smile from partial, 513.
- smiling in her tears, 513.
- soon grows familiar, 298.
- stands in the admiration, 240.
- such, as a woman's eye, 55.
- there is music in the, 218.
- they grew in, 570.
- thou art all, 295.
- though injurious, 242.
- to die for, 600.
- to sport with, 525.
- truly blent, 74.
- upon the cheek of night, 105.
- waking or asleep, 235.
- winds of March with, 77.
Beauty's - chain, hour with, 525.
- ears, gem that hangs from, 424.
- ensign is crimson, 109.
- heavenly ray, 549.
Beaux, where none are, 377. Beaver, - dear the, is to him, 586.
- on, Harry with his, 86.
Beckoning - ghost, 335.
- shadows dire, 243.
Beckons me away, a hand which, 314. Becks and wreathed smiles, 248. Becomes - him ill, nothing, 55.
- [878]the throned monarch, 64.
Becoming mirth, limit of, 55. Bed - at Ware, 305.
- betwixt a wall, feather, 211.
- born in, in bed we die, 794.
- bravely thou becomest thy, 159.
- by night, 397.
- day-star in the ocean, 248.
- delicious bed, 584.
- early to rise early to
htm.html#Pg_161" class="pginternal">161.
- Bidding, thousands speed at his, 252.
- Bids expectation rise, 398.
- Biennial elections, 283.
- Bier, waste sorrows at my, 571.
- Big
- manly voice, 69.
- round tears, 67.
- with the fate of Rome, 297.
- with vengeance, 363.
- Big-endians and small-endians, 290.
- Bigger
- than an agate-stone, no, 104.
- than his head, seems no, 148.
- Biggest rascal that walks, 748.
- Bigness which you see, 265.
- Bilbow, the word it was, 351.
- Bilious, when I am only, 586.
- Bill, as if God wrote the, 600.
- Billing, amorous fond and, 215.
- Billows,
- bounding, 674.
- distinct as the, 496.
- foam, the, 550.
- never break, where, 295.
- pilot cannot mitigate the, 730.
- roar, or heard the, 344.
- swelling and limitless, 503.
- trusted to thy, 548.
- Bind,
- fast find fast, 10.
- safe find safe, 21.
- up my wounds, 97.
- Binding nature fast in fate, 334.
- Biography, an heroic poem is a, 578.
- Bird,
- by wandering, as the, 828.
- each fond endearment tries, 396.
- in the hand, 15, 740, 787.
- in the solitude singing, 552.
- night with this her solemn, 233.
- O cuckoo! shall I call thee, 474.
- of dawning singeth all night, 127.
- of passage, the cuckoo a, 720.
- of the air, 831.
- on the wing, 680.
- rare, in the land, 770.
- soul of our grandam might inhabit a, 77.
- [881]that fyleth his own nest, 8, 18.
- that shunn'st the noise, 206.
- the Attic, 241.
- Birds,
- charm of earliest, 233.
- confabulate, if, 417.
- eagle suffers little, to sing, 104.
- I see my way as, 643.
- in cages, as with, 778.
- in last year's nest, 613, 792.
- in their little nests agree, 302.
- joyous the, 238.
- melodious, sing madrigals, 41.
- of the air have nests, 839.
- sang east and west, 64.
- Blessing
- dear, makes a, 256.
- health is the second, 208.
- I had most need of, 119.
- Lord dismiss us with thy, 374.
- national debt a national, 532.
- no harm in, 351.
- of the Old Testament, 164.
- out of God's blessing, 17, 785.
- steal immortal, from her lips, 108.
- that money cannot buy, 208.
- the Pretender, no harm in, 351.
- Blessings
- be with them, 477.
- brighten as they take their flight, 307.
- from whom all, flow, 278.
- liberty one of the most valuable, 792.
- on him that invented sleep, 792.
- two of life's greatest, 713.
- wait on virtuous deeds, 294.
- without number, 302.
- Blest,
- Araby the, 232.
- never is, but always to be, 315.
- I have been, 549.
- in blessing others, 343.
- it is twice, 64.
- kings may be, 451.
- paper-credit, 322.
- with temper with unclouded ray, 321.
- with some new joys, 276.
- Blew
- great guns, 436.
- you hither, what wind, 90.
- Blight,
- bloom or, 657.
- treason like a deadly, 526.
- Blind
- bard, be that, 503.
- be to her faults a little, 287.
- dazzles to, 428.
- eyes to the, feet to the lame, 817.
- fortune though she is, 167.
- fury, comes the, 247.
- girl comes from afar, 607.
- guides strain at a gnat, 640.
- he that is strucken, 104.
- his soul with clay, 630.
- lead the blind, if the, 840.
- love is, and lovers cannot see, 62.
- love must needs be, 503.
- man's erring judgment, 323.
- none so, as will not see, 19, 283, 293.
- old man of Scio's rocky isle, 550.
- winged Cupid is painted, 57.
- Blindly, loved sae, 452.
- Blindness, or I all, 295.
- Bliss,
- all that poets feign of, 94.
- bowers of, 313.
- brightly glow the hues of, 386.
- centres in the mind, 395.
- certainty of waking, 244.
- domestic happiness, only, 419.
- gained by some degree of
i>and dreams are each a world, 477.
- and money placed for show, 215.
- are a substantial world, 477.
- assume the care of, 310.
- authority from others', 54.
- by which the printers lost, 222.
- cannot always please, 444.
- comments on, 779.
- deep versed in, 241.
- forefathers had no other, 94.
- he comes not in my, 198.
- in her mind the wisest, 261.
- in the running brooks, 67.
- knowing I loved my, 42.
- like proverbs, 266.
- lineaments of gospel, 23.
- men that will make you, 788.
- must follow sciences, 168.
- next o'er his, 331.
- not in your, 50.
- of honour razed from the, 161.
- of making many, 832.
- of nature, 784.
- old manners old, 401.
- on the soul, I have written three, 645.
- or work or healthful play, 302.
- our forefathers had no other, 94.
- philosophers will put their names to their, 188.
- preserved and stored up in, 254.
- some are lies, 446.
- some, to be tasted, 168.
- speaks about his own, 608.
- spectacles of, 277.
- stuffed with stoical reasonings, 744.
- sweet serenity of, 617.
- talismans and spells, 422.
- tenets change with, 321.
- that nourish all the world, 56.
- they read, their, 678.
- to hold in the hand, 375.
- toil o'er, 348.
- up and quit your, 466.
- upon his head, so many, 457.
- were woman's looks, my only, 522.
- which are no books, 509.
- wiser grow without, 422.
- you need, Homer all the, 280.
- Bookful blockhead, 325.
- Bookish theoric, 149.
- Bookmen, you two are, 55.
- Boot, appliances and means to, 89.
- Booted and spurred, 682.
- Bootless bene, good for a, 479.
- Boots
- displace, dares this pair of, 388.
- it at one gate, what, 242.
- Bo-peep, played at, 202.
- Border, let that aye be your, 448.
- Bore
- a bright golden flower, 245.
- my point, thus I, 84.
- the world, him who, 483.
- without abuse, 633.
- Box,
- breathes from yonder, 325.
- twelve good men into a, 528.
- where sweets compacted lie, 204.
- Boxes, beggarly account of empty, 108.
- Boy
- and youth, 'twixt, 489.
- at Drury's a happy, 595.
- Chatterton the marvellous, 470.
- get money, 177.
- hath sold him a bargain, 55.
- lad of mettle a good, 84.
- laughing, hear that, 637.
- love is a, by poets styled, 213.
- O would I were a, again, 679.
- parlous, 96.
- playing on the sea-shore, 278.
- stood on the burning deck, 570.
- than when I was a, 583.
- that shoots so trim, 405.
- twelve years ago I was a, 595.
- who would not be a, 541.
- you hear that, laughing, 637.
- Boys,
- claret the liquor for, 374.
- earth's boastful, 598.
- fear, with bugs, 72.
- go wooing in my, 406.
- grief for, 160.
- [887]like little wanton, 99.
- three merry, are we, 184.
- throw stones at frogs, 741.
- to learn what is necessary for, 760.
- to learn what is useful as men, 737.
- Boyhood's years, tears of, 523.
- Boyish days, even from my, 150.
- Brach or lym, 148.
- Bradshaw bullied, 352.
- Braes,
- among thy green, 449.
- of Balloch, o'er the, 674.
- we twa hae run about the, 449.
- Braggart with my tongue, 124.
- Braid, blowing the ringlet from the, 627.
- Braids of lilies, twisted, 246.
- Brain,
- book and volume of my, 132.
- books the children of the, 291.
- children of an idle, 105.
- coinage of your, 141.
- dry as the remainder biscuit, 68.
- heat-oppressed, 119.
- him with his lady's fan, 84.
- like madness in the, 500.
- made out of the carver's, 499.
- may devise laws, 61.
- memory warder of the, 119.
- mint of phrases in his, 54.
- paper bullets of the, 51.
- shallow draughts intoxicate the, 323.
- should possess a poet's, 40.
- too finely wrought, 413.
- vex the, with researches, 443.
- written troubles of the, 12
@public@vhost@g@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-73.htm.html#Pg_852" class="pginternal">852.
- bear with your own, 743.
2. - Business,
- come home to men's, 164.
- despatch is the soul of, 353.
- dinner lubricates, 437.
- end of this day's, 115.
- every man has, 132.
- everybody's, is nobody's, 207.
- every man mind his own, 786.
- hours set apart for, 362.
- in great waters, 823.
- in this state, 49.
- man diligent in, 828.
- man to double, bound, 139.
- nobody's, 207.
- no feeling of his, 143.
- not to question our, 340.
- of one who studies philosophy, 745.
- of the day, be drunk the, 273.
- prayer all his, 305.
- so ends the bloody, 347.
- some men take to, 321.
- talents equal to, 747.
- talk of nothing but, 810.
- that we love, 158.
- those that are above, 284.
- unembarrassed by cares of, 712.
- will never hold water, this, 296.
- with an income at its heels, 415.
- Businesses and customs, 424.
- Buskin, shuffles of the, 637.
- Bust, animated, 384.
- Bustle of resort, various, 244.
- Busts between, placed the, 312.
- Busy,
- a man, so, 2.
- as a bee, 33.
- bee, how doth the, 302.
- companies of men, 263.
- curious, thirsty fly, 671.
- hammers closing rivets up, 92.
- haunts of men, in the, 570.
- hum of men, 249.
- whisper circling round, 397.
- with the crowded hour, 600.
- world an idler to, 420.
- Busybodies speaking things, 848.
- Busybody, be not wordy nor a, 750.
- But me no buts, 861.
- Butchered to make a Roman holiday, 546.
- Butchers, gentle with these, 113.
- Butter,
- bread and, of mine, 787.
- bread and, smell of, 554.
- in a lordly dish, 814.
- quarrel with my bread and, 292.
- words smoother than, 821.
- would not melt in her mouth, 13, 292.
- Buttered, which side my bread is, 19.
- Butterflies no bees, no, 586.
- Butterfly,
- I 'd be a, 581.
- upon a wheel, 328.
- Button,
- did not care a, 771.
- on fortune's cap, 684.
- beyond to-day, 381.
- cast away, 786.
- deliberation and public, 227.
- draws in the trains of men, 111.
- earliest latest, 377.
- feed me with a shepherd's, 300.
- fig for woe, and a fig for, 9.
- for me, if naebody, 449.
- for nobody no not I, 427.
- his useful, was ever nigh, 366.
- I how chaste she be, 26.
- I how fair she be, 26, 199.
- I 'm free from, 689.
- in heaven is there, 28.
- is an enemy to life, 74.
- keeps his watch, 106.
- lift her with, 586.
- lodges where sleep will never lie, 106.
- make pale my cheeks with, 199.
- not, I may although I, 25.
- ravelled sleave of, 119.
- so wan with, 82.
- that buy it with much, 59.
- the least as feeling her, 31.
- there 's neither could nor, 458.
- to our coffin adds a nail, 431.
- weep away the life of, 566.
- why are we fond of toil and, 805.
- will kill a cat, 177, 199.
- with judicious, 447.
- wrinkled, derides, 248.
- Cares
- and delicate fears, humble, 469.
- are all ended, his, 90.
- beguiled by sports, 394.
- depressed with, 348.
- dividing his, 455.
- ever against eating, 249.
- far from mortal, 534.
- fret thy soul with, 30.
- if no one, for me, 427.
- nobler loves and nobler, 477.
- of business, unembarrassed by, 712.
- of gain, unvexed with the, 348.
- that infest the day, 614.
- unvexed with all the, of gain, 348.
- whose constant, 392.
- Care-charmer sleep, 39.
- Cared not to be at all, 226.
- Career of his humour, 51.
- Careful of the type, 632.
- Careless
- childhood strayed, 381.
- in deeds, be not, 755.
- of the single life, 632.
- shoe-string, 201.
- song now and then, 389.
- their merits or faults, 396.
- trifle, as 't were a, 117.
- Caress, wooing the, 555.
- Carlyle, scolding from, 514.
- from troubling, the wicked, 816.
- rude Boreas, 672.
- ye from man, 833.
- Ceases to be a virtue, 407.
- Ceasing
- of exquisite music, 616.
- swiftness never, 24.
- Cedar
- in Lebanon, 822.
- to the hyssop, from the, 593.
- Celebrated, Saviour's birth is, 127.
- Celestial
- benedictions, 615.
- fire, spark of, 425.
- [895]rosy red, 238.
- temper, touch of, 234.
- worth, promise of, 311.
- Cell,
- dwell on a rock or in a, 26.
- each in his narrow, 384.
- prophetic, 251.
- Cellar, born in a, 294, 391.
- Cellarage, fellow in the, 132.
- Cellarer, old Simon the, 682.
- Cement of the soul, 354.
- Censer, thine eye was on the, 636.
- Censure
- is the tax eminent men pay, 291.
- from a foe, 339.
- mouths of wisest, 152.
- take each man's, 130.
- Cent, not one, for tribute, 673.
- Centre, faith has, everywhere, 632.
- Centric and eccentric, 237.
- Centuries
- ago, in the solemn midnight, 642.
- no sequent, hit, 600.
- of sonnets, 645.
- Century for a reader, wait a, 670.
- Cerberus, not like, 440.
- Cerements, burst their, 130.
- Ceremony,
- enforced, 114.
- that to great ones 'longs, 47.
- certain as a gun, 211.
- to all, death is, 89.
- Certainty
- for an uncertainty, 369.
- of waking bliss, 244.
- to please, 455.
- Certum est, quia impossibile est, 756.
- Cervantes smiled Spain's chivalry away, 560.
- Cervantes' serious air, 330.
- Chaff,
- catch old birds with, 787.
- hope corn in, 539.
- two bushels of, 60.
- Chaff-threshing churl, 790.
- Chain,
- death broke the vital, 367.
- drags a lengthening, 394.
- hanging in a golden, 230.
- Homers golden, 191.
- hour with beauty's, 525.
- joy so seldom weaves a, 520.
- of all virtues, 182.
- slumber's, 523.
- striking the electric, 69.
- Childishness, second, 69.
- Childless with all her children, 321.
- Childlike and bland, 669.
- Children,
- airy hopes my, 480.
- and fools cannot lie, 15.
- as gypsies serve stolen, 441.
- bright and agreeable, 746.
- call her blessed, 829.
- childless with all her, 321.
- father's sin upon the, 699.
- fear in, increased with tales, 164.
- fear to go in the dark, 164.
- followed with endearing wile, 397.
- gathering pebbles, 241.
- [898]impediments to great enterprises, 165.
- learn to creep, 15.
- like olive plants, 824.
- mother who talks about her, 608.
- nature fits all her, 650.
- nine small, 687.
- no longer any, 798.
- of a larger growth, 275.
- of an idle brain, 105.
- of light, 842.
- of one family fall out, 302.
- of the brain, books the, 291.
- of the sun, 311.
- of this world, 842.
- Rachel weeping for her, 838.
- sports of, 394.
- tale which holdeth, from play, 34.
- through the mirthful maze, led, 395.
- to liberal studies, 729.
- toys to the great, leave, 357.
- wisdom justified of her, 839.
- wives and grandsires, 804.
- Children's teeth set on edge, 835.
- Chill
- November's surly blast, 446.
- penury, 384.
- Chills the lap of May, 394.
- Chimera, what a, is man, 799.
- ChimÆras dire, Hydras and, 228.
- Chime,
- bells do, 205.
- faintly as tolls the evening, 518.
- heard their soothing, 523.
- to guide their, 262.
- Chimes at midnight, 90.
- Chimney
- in my father's house, 94.
- stockings were hung by the, 527.
- Chimney-corner, men from the, 34.
- Chimney-pots, what tiles and, 511.
- Chimney-sweepers come to dust, 160.
- Chin,
- close-buttoned to the, 422.
- dimple on his, 31.
- new-reaped like a stubble-land, 83.
- some bee had stung, 256.
- China
- fall, though, 322.
- to Peru, mankind from, 365
- Civet,
- give me an ounce of, 148.
- in the room, talk with, 415.
- Civil
- discord, effects from, 299.
- over violent or over, 268.
- sea grew, at her song, 57.
- so, that nobody thanked him, 373.
- too, by half, 440.
- Civilities of life, the sweet, 273.
- Civility, I see a wild, 201.
- Civilized man, founders of, 608.
- Clad
- in blue and gold, 456.
- in complete steel, 244.
- russet mantle, 127.
- Claes, gars auld, 447.
- Claim higher, Bourbon or Nassau, 283.
- Claims of long descent, 624.
- Clamours, Jove's dread, 154.
- Clap of thunder in a fair day, 266.
- Clapper-clawing one another, 213.
- Claret is the liquor for boys, 374.
- Clarion,
- sound sound the, 493.
- spring shall blow her, 565.
- Clasp
- his teeth, drunkard, 34.
- of things divine, 620.
- Clasps, that book in gold, 104.
- Classic ground, 299.
- Classical quotation, 374.
- Clay,
- blind his soul with, 630.
- CÆsar dead and turned to, 144.
- if, could think, 483.
- of humankind, porcelain, 277.
- porcelain of human, 558.
- potter power over the, 844.
- tenement of, 267.
- turf that wraps their, 390.
- Clean, keep, be as fruit, 264.
- Cleanliness next to godliness, 359.
- Cleanly, leave sack and live, 88.
- Cleanness of body, 170.
- Cleanse the stuffed bosom, 125.
- Clear
- as a whistle, 351.
- deep yet, 257.
- fire and a clean hearth, 508.
- in his great office, 118.
- the coast was, 40.
- Clearer than the noonday, 816.
- Cleon
- dwelleth in a palace, 653.
- hath a million acres, 653.
- Cleopatra
- died, since, 158.
- nose of, 799.
- Clergymen, men women and, 461.
- Clerk
- foredoomed, 326.
- me no clerks, 861.
- scarce less illustrious, 416.
- ther was of Oxenforde, 1.
- Clerks, greatest not the wisest, 3, 17.
- Clever,
- let who will be, 664.
- man by nature, 457.
- men are good, 468.
- he nothing, did, 263.
- make it too, 88.
- men, in the roll of, 85.
- mind, education forms, 320.
- natures, same with, 313.
- of literature, grazed the, 376.
- passage, act of, 160.
- people of the skies, 174.
- souls, vulgar flight of, 393.
- sun the air the skies, 386.
- task, trivial round, 569.
- things because they are, 720.
- thought, to have, 321.
- to friends, all things, 705.
- use, remote from, 556.
- walk of men, beyond the, 307.
- way, life's, 472.
- Commonplace of nature, 473.
- Common-sense, rich in saving, 627.
- Commonwealth,
- an ordinary, 369.
- to lie abroad for the, 175.
- Communicated, good the more, 235.
- Communications, evil, 846.
- Communion
- sweet, quaff in, 235.
- with nature's visible forms, 572.
- with the skies, 414.
- Compact, are of imagination all, 59.
- Companies of men, busy, 263.
- Companion,
- book is a blessed, 597.
- even thou my, 851.
- on a journey, 708.
- Companions,
- comfort to have, 192.
- for middle age, 165.
- I have had playmates, 509.
- innocence and health his best, 396.
- in musing, 714.
- musing on, gone, 489.
- of a disturbed imagination, 688.
- of the spring, 438.
- thou 'dst unfold, 155.
- Companionship in peace, 103.
- Company,
- crowds without, 431.
- good discourse and good, 208.
- high-lived, 402.
- in a journey, good, 207.
- man is like his, 699.
- man who makes no figure in, 376.
- not so much to enjoy, 368.
- of ladies, fond of the, 376.
- of righteous men, 698.
- shirt and a half in my, 87.
- tell thee by thy, 789.
- villanous, the spoil of me, 86.
- with pain and fear, in, 476.
- Compare,
- beautiful beyond, 497.
- great things with small, 230.
- Comparisons
- are odious, 7, 40, 177, 789.
9-h-39.htm.html#Pg_425" class="pginternal">425.
- the chancellor's, 195.
- trust no man without a, 379.
- wakes despair, 231.
- [904]with gallantry, 442.
- Consciences,
- cheveril, 193.
- guilty, make cowards, 691.
- Conscious
- stone to beauty grew, 598.
- that you are ignorant, to be, 609.
- water blushed, 258.
- Consciousness remained, a, 481.
- Consecrated hour, 674.
- Consecration and the poet's dream, 475.
- Consent,
- whispering I will ne'er, 556.
- silence gives, 401.
- Consents, my poverty not my will, 108.
- Consequence,
- deepest, 116.
- life is not a theory of, 753.
- scorn of, 623.
- trammel up the, 117.
- Consequences, think of the, 802.
- Conservative government, 607.
- Consider
- the end, 797.
- the lilies of the field, 838.
- the reason of the case, 278.
- too curiously, 144.
- Consideration like an angel, 90.
- Considereth the poor, 820.
- Consistency
- is a hobgoblin, 601.
- thou art a jewel, 854.
- wuz a part of his plan, 659.
- Consolation, grief crowned with, 157.
- Consolations in distress, 479.
- Consoler, death the, 616.
- Conspicuous by his absence, 747.
- Constable, outrun the, 212.
- Constancy
- in wind, hope, 539.
- lives in realms above, 500.
- to purpose, success is, 608.
- Constant
- as the northern star, 112.
- friendship is, save in love, 51.
- in a wondrous excellence, 163.
- man but, 44.
- to me and so kind, 574.
- to one thing, never, 51, 405.
- Constellations, happy, 238.
- Constitution,
- higher law than the, 595.
- one country one, 531.
- Construction, mind's, in the face, 117.
- Consumed the midnight oil, 348.
- Consumedly, they laughed, 305.
- Consummate flower, bright, 235.
- Consummation devoutly to be wished, 135.
- Consumption, birds are in, 180.
- Consumption's ghastly form, 562.
- Contagion, hell itself breathes out, 139.
- Contagious blastments, 129.
- Contemplation,
- formed for, 489.
- thou slave thou wretch thou, 79.
- Cowards,
- conscience makes, 136.
- die many times, 112.
- do not count in, 699.
- guilty consciences make, 691.
- mannish, many other, 66.
- may fear to die, 26.
- mock the patriot's fate, 681.
- plague of all, 84.
- what can ennoble, 319.
- Cowslips wan, 248.
- Cowslip's bell, in a, I lie, 43.
- Coxcombs vanquish Berkeley, 380.
- Coy
- and hard to please, 490.
- courteous though, 444.
- submission, yielded, 232.
- Cozenage, strange, 276.
- Crabbed
- age and youth, 163.
- not harsh and, 245.
- Crab-tree and old iron rang, 211.
- Crack
- of doom, stretch out to the, 123.
- the voice of melody, 635.
- [907]would hear the mighty, 300.
- your cheeks, blow winds, 146.
- Crackling of thorns, as the, 830.
- Cradle
- and the grave, 358.
- changed in the, 790.
- little one's, in my, 657.
- of American liberty, 534.
- of reposing age, 328.
- of the deep, 676.
- our, stands in the grave, 182.
- procreant, 117.
- Cradles rock us nearer to the tomb, 309.
- Cradled into poetry by wrong, 566.
- Craft,
- gentle, 856.
- of will, 163.
- so long to lerne, 6.
- Craftiness, wise in their own, 816.
- Crag of Drachenfels, 543.
- Crammed,
- as they on earth were, 468.
- with distressful bread, 92.
- with observation, 68.
- Crams and blasphemes his feeder, 246.
- Cranks and wanton wiles, 248.
- Cranny, every, but the right, 424.
- Crannying wind, save to the, 543.
- Crape, saint in, 320.
- Cras amet qui nunquam amavit, 306.
- Crave,
- my mind forbids to, 22.
- no pelf, I, 109.
- Craving
- on credulity, 607.
- minds are not ever, 444.
- Crawling on my startled hopes, 296.
- Cream and mantle, 60.
- Create a soul under ribs of death, 245.
- Created
- equal, all men, 434.
- half to rise and half to fall, 30.
- relics crucifixes, 215.
- Crossed
- in love, an oyster may be, 442.
- with adversity, a man I am, 44.
- Crotchets in thy head, 45.
- Crow
- like chanticleer, 69.
- might be supposed a, 423.
- that flies in heaven's air, 162.
- Crows,
- swans seem whiter when by, 781.
- wars of kites or, 255.
- Crowbar, tire of all creation for a, 638.
- Crowche, to fawne, to, 30.
- Crowd,
- far from the madding, 385.
- midst the, the hum, 541.
- not feel the, 420.
- not on my soul, unborn ages, 383.
- of common men, 209.
- of jollity, I live in the, 368.
- we met 't was in a, 581.
- who foremost, 331.
- Crowds without company, 431.
- Crowded hour of glorious life, 493.
- Crowing of the cock, 127.
- Crown,
- better than his, 64.
- chance may, me, 116.
- emperor without his, 307.
- fruitless, upon my head, 121.
- head that wears a, 89.
- his breeches cost him but a, 152, 406.
- immortal, 359.
- likeness of a kingly, 228.
- Luke's iron, 395.
- not the king's, 47.
- of glory, hoary head is a, 826.
- of his head, from the, 51, 198.
- of life, receive the, 848.
- of snow, singer with the, 661.
- of sorrow, a sorrow's, 626.
- ourselves with rosebuds, 836.
- sweet to wear a, 94.
- Crowns
- a youth of labour, 396.
- all, the end, 102.
- to kicks, from, 559.
- twenty mortal murders on their, 122.
- Crown's disguise, through a, 391.
- Crowned with consolation, 157.
- Crowner's quest law, 143.
- Crowning good, 438.
- Crow-toe, tufted, 247.
- Crucifixes beads pictures, 215.
- Crucify the soul of man, diseases, 188.
- Crude surfeit reigns, where no, 245.
- Cruel
- as death, 356.
- as the grave, jealousy is, 832.
- death is always near, 687.
- mercies of the wicked are, 825.
- only to be kind, 141.
- Cruell'st she alive, you are the, 74.
- Cruelly sweet, 654.
- Crueltie and ambiti
, 610.
- universal, buries all, 332.
- up to God, through, 632.
- visible, no light but, 223.
- which may be felt, 813.
- Darksome cave they enter, 28.
- Darling,
- an old man's, 19.
- of nature, 776.
- sin, his, 501.
- the Frenchman's, 421.
- the poet's, 473.
- Darlings, wealthy curled, 149.
- Darnel cockle wild oats, 783.
- Dart,
- death shook his, 240.
- feather on the fatal, 539.
- like the poisoning of a, 261.
- shook a dreadful, 228.
- stricken with a, 696.
- time shall throw a, at thee, 179.
- Darts, breaking the bundle of, 731.
- Dash
- him to pieces, 114.
- maturest counsels, 226.
- Date, short is my, 339.
- [912]Daughter,
- farewell to thee Araby's, 526.
- lyeth at the point of death, 841.
- of his voice, sole, 239.
- of Jove, relentless power, 382.
- of my house and heart, 542.
- of the dawn, 338, 342.
- of the voice of God, 475.
- one fair, and no more, 134.
- still harping on my, 133.
- this old man's, 149.
- to her daughter take, 683.
- Daughters,
- fairest of fair Zurich's, 677.
- fairest of her, 232.
- horseleech, hath two, 829.
- many, have done virtuously, 829.
- of earth, words are the, 368.
- of my father's house, 76.
- so curses all Eve's, 46.
- words are men's, 368.
- Daughter's
- daughter cries, 688.
- heart, preaching down a, 626.
- Dauphiness at Versailles, 409.
- David
- and Josias, 686.
- not only hating, 268.
- Daw, no wiser than a, 93.
- Dawn,
- belong not to the, 235.
- creation's, 547.
- daughter of the, 338, 342.
- golden exhalations of the, 504.
- is breaking, gray, 673.
- is overcast, the, 297.
- later star of, 485.
- may-time and the cheerful, 474.
- no, no dusk no noon, 586.
- of light, 93.
- happy mixtures of happy, 554.
- heavenly, one of those, 469.
- in her right hand, length of, 825.
- in my born, 787.
- in the week, of all the, 285.
- in these Christian, 534.
- light doth trample on my, 263.
- light of other, 523, 561.
- live laborious, 247.
- long as twenty, are now, 470.
- looked on better, 68.
- measure of my, 820.
- melancholy, are come, 573.
- men in these degenerate, 337.
- my, are dull and hoary, 264.
- next, never so good, 713.
- of absence sad and dreary, 802.
- of art, elder, 615.
- o' auld lang syne, 449.
- of childhood, in my, 509.
- of few, and full of trouble, 817.
- of my distracting grief, 392.
- of nature, in my, 131.
- of old, in the brave, 593.
- of our years are threescore, 822.
- of thy youth, in the, 831.
- of your life, live all the, 293.
- on evil, though fallen, 236.
- one of those heavenly, 469.
- past our dancing, 105.
- peace and slumberous calm, 575.
- perfect, if ever come, 658.
- pride of former, 519.
- race of other, 564.
- red-letter, 508.
- salad, when I was green, 157.
- shuts up the story of our, 26.
- some, must be dark and dreary, 613.
- supported by precedents, 726.
- sweet childish, 470.
- teach us to number our, 822.
- that are no more, 630.
- that need borrow, 258.
- though fallen, on evil, 236.
- to all our nights and, 117.
- to lengthen our, 521.
- to lose good, 29.
- to remember better, 769.
- trample on my, 263.
- we have seen better, 68, 109.
- when we went gypsying, 683.
- with God he passed the, 305.
- with toil winding up, 92.
- world of happy, 96.
- Day's
- business, end of this, 115.
- garish eye, 250.
- life, death of each, 120.
- march nearer home, 497.
- Daylight
- and truth meet, 81.
- when men wed, 71.
- Decencies
- content to dwell in, 321.
- those thousand, 238.
- Decency,
- die with, 280.
- right meet of, 380.
- want of, is want of sense, 278.
- Decently and in order, 846.
- Decide,
- moment to, 657.
- when doctors disagree who shall, 322.
- Decider of dusty and old titles, 199.
- Decision, in the valley of, 836.
- Deck, boy stood on the burning, 570.
- Decked, thy bride-bed to have, 144.
- Declined into the vale of years, 153.
- Decoy, fashion's brightest arts, 398.
- Decrease, life is in, 309.
- Decree,
- curst by heaven's, 398.
- doom of fates, 29.
- Decrees, a mighty state's, 633.
- Dedes, gentil, to do the, 4.
- Dedicate his beauty to the sun, 104.
- Dedicated to closeness, 42.
- Dedis, gentil that doth gentil, 4.
- Dee,
- across the sands o', 664.
- lived on the river, 427.
- rises o'er the source of, 673.
- Deed,
- applaud the, 121.
- attempt and not the, 119.
- better day the better, 172.
- better day the worse, 282.
- dignified by the doer's, 73.
- first in every graceful, 337.
- friend in, 16.
- go with it, unless the, 123.
- in every eye, blow the, 118.
- kind of good, to say well, 98.
- no noise over a good, 753.
- of dreadful note, 121.
- of mischief, every, 430.
- of shame, each, 616.
- purpose is equal to the, 307.
- put your creed in your, 600.
- shall blow the horrid, 118.
- so shines a good, 66.
- tells of a nameless, 456.
- will for the, 292, 297, 772, 782.
- without a name, 123.
- Deeds
- are men, 206.
- are the sons of heaven, 368.
- be not careless in good, 755.
- blessings wait on virtuous, 294.
- done in their clime, 549.
- excused his devilish, 232.
- foul, will rise, 129.
- fruitful of golden, 230.
- inimitable his, 36.
- in, not years, 134.
- that witchingly instil, 357.
- to scorn, 247.
- violent, have violent ends, 107.
- Delightful
- measures, to, 95.
- studies, still air of, 253.
- task, 355.
- Deliverance, day of, 429.
- Dell, wandering down the shady, 587.
- Delphian vales, the, 562.
- Delphic oracle, sayings of the, 736.
- Delphos, steep of, 251.
- Deluge,
- after me the, 807.
- showers, the rain a, 453.
- Delusion
- a mockery and a snare, a, 527.
- of youth, 608.
- Delusive vain and hollow, 683.
- Demd
- damp moist body, 652.
- horrid grind, 652.
- Demi-paradise, this other Eden, 81.
- Democracy,
- Democratie, fierce, 241.
- Democrats, the damned, 559.
- Democritus would not weep, what, 484.
- Demonstrate a providence, to, 743.
- Demosthenes
- and Phocion, 728.
- and Pythias, 728.
- chance to fall below, 459.
- with pebbles in his mouth, 728.
- De mortuis nil nisi bonum, 758.
- Den, beard the lion in his, 490.
- Denied
- the faith, he hath, 847.
- who comes to be, 193.
- Denizen, the world's tired, 541.
- Denmark,
- it may be so in, 132.
- ne'er a villain in all, 132.
- something is rotten in, 131.
- Deny, heart would fain, 124.
- Depart
- come like shadows, so, 123.
- loth to, 288.
- Departed worth, relic of, 541.
- Departing friend, tolling a, 88.
- Deplore thee, we will not, 535.
- Deploring, a damsel lay, 347.
- Depressed
- by poverty, 366.
- with cares, 348.
- Depth,
- far beyond my, 99.
- in philosophy, 166.
- in whose calm, 577.
- of some divine despair, 630.
- of the soul, gods approve the, 481.
- Depths
- and shoals of honour, 100.
- chasms and watery, 504.
- dark blue, 507.
- of hell, guests are in the, 825.
- of life, piercing the, 542.
- of the ocean, 674.
- sinks into thy, 569.
- young, whom the gods love, 558.
- Dies
- a wave along the shore, so, 434.
- alas how soon he, 366.
- an honest fellow, 184.
- and makes no sign, 94.
- but never surrenders, 810.
- good man never, 496.
- he that, pays all debts, 43.
- hurra for the next that, 641.
- in single blessedness, 57.
- nothing, but something mourns, 558.
- Died
- as if overcome with sleep, 693.
- as one that had been studied, 117.
- away in hollow murmurs, 390.
- had no poet and they, 330.
- heroes as great have, 340.
- if I had thought thou couldst have, 563.
- liked it not and, 175.
- of no blast he, 276.
- since Cleopatra, 158.
- the dog it was that, 400.
- Diet,
- be sober in your, 350.
- doctor quiet and doctor, 293, 686.
- me with, the gods will, 160.
- Dieu mÉsure le froid, 379.
- Differ,
- agreed to, 506.
- though all things, all agree, 333.
- Difference,
- distinction without a, 364.
- strange all this, should be, 351.
- to me, but oh the, 469.
- wear your rue with a, 142.
- Different, like but oh how, 476.
- Difficile, Latin was no more, 210.
- Difficult,
- best things most, 729.
- to design things, 368.
- to know one's self, 757.
- Difficulties,
- choice of, 673.
- knowledge under, 528.
- show what men are, 744.
- Difficulty and labour hard, 230.
- Diffused
- good abundant grows, 415.
- [921]knowledge immortalizes itself, 457.
- Digest,
- mark and inwardly, 850.
- of anarchy, 409.
- Digested, books to be chewed and, 168.
- Digestion
- bred, from pure, 234.
- wait on appetite, 122.
- Diggeth a pit, whoso, 829.
- Dignified
- by the doer's deed, 73.
- vice sometimes by action, 106.
- Dignifies humanity, 594.
- Dignities, peace above all earthly, 99.
- Dignity,
- in every act of, 752.
- in every gesture, 237.
- of crimes, reach the, 437.
- of history, 364, 526.
- Dissent, dissidence of, 408.
- Dissevering power, 246.
- Dissipation without pleasure, 431.
- Dissolve, great globe itself shall, 43.
- Dissolves, all the world, 41.
- Dissonance, air with barbarous, 245.
- Distance,
- frozen by, 473.
- lends enchantment, 512.
- made more sweet by, 477.
- notes by, more sweet, 390.
- smooth at a, 181.
- sometimes endears friendship, 581.
- Distant
- prospects please us, 181.
- spires, ye, 381.
- Trojans never injured me, 337.
- views of happiness, 181.
- Distemper, died of no, 276.
- Distil goodness out of evil, 92.
- Distilled damnation, 457.
- Distinct
- as the billows, 496.
- persons, two, 186.
- Distinction
- between virtue, 370.
- without a difference, 364.
- Distinguish and divide a hair, 210.
- Distinguishable, shape had none, 228.
- Distinguished for ignorance, 609.
- Distraction, waft me from, 543.
- Distress,
- brothers in, 447.
- consolations in, 479.
- Distressed
- by poverty, 367.
- in mind body or estate, 850.
- Distressful
- bread, crammed with, 92.
- stroke of my youth, 150.
- Distrest, griefs that harass the, 366.
- Distrusting asks if this be joy, 398.
- Ditch,
- both fall into the, 840.
- die in the last, 854.
- Ditties of no tone, pipe to, 576.
- Ditto to Mr. Burke, 412.
- Diurnal, there swift return, 237.
- Diver,
- adventure of the, 643.
- did hang a salt-fish, 158.
- Divers paces with divers persons, 70.
- Diverter of sadness, 207.
- Divide
- a hair, distinguish and, 210.
- Sunday from the week, 126.
- Divided
- against itself, house, 841.
- duty, perceive a, 151.
- excellence, fair, 78.
- in death they were not, 815.
- united yet, 417.
- we fall, united we stand, 595.
- Dividends, incarnation of fat, 564.
- Dividing,
- his cares, 455.
- we fall by, 426.
- Divina natura dedit agros, 167.
- Divine,
- all save the spirit of man is, 549.
- Apollo can no more, 264.
- books are each a world, 477.
- full of ghastly, 96.
- glimpses of forgotten, 623.
- ground not upon, 172.
- hence, babbling, 296.
- in some brighter, 264.
- lies down to pleasant, 572.
- like a dog he hunts in, 626.
- of avarice, beyond the, 374, 378.
- of cutting foreign throats, 105.
- of those who wake, 721.
- old men shall dream, 836.
- smooth or idle, 255.
- such stuff as, are made on, 43.
- that wave before the half-shut eye, 357.
- their own, deceive 'em, 288.
- true I talk of, 105.
- what, may come, 135.
- Dreamed that life was beauty, 654.
- Dreaming
- ear, voice of my, 515.
- ever of thee I 'm, 586.
- past the size of, 159.
- Dreamland, adamantine logic of, 663.
- Dreamt
- I dwelt in marble halls, 561.
- of in your philosophy, 133.
- Drear-nighted December, 576.
- Dreary
- intercourse of daily life, 468.
- sea now flows between, 500.
- Dregs
- of fortune's cup, 341.
- of life, from the, 276.
- Dress,
- be plain in, 350.
- daring in full, 555.
- fair undress best, 357.
- felt through this fleshly, 263.
- of thoughts, style is the, 353.
- sweet disorder in the, 201.
- Dressed in all his trim, 163.
- Drest
- in a little brief authority, 48.
- still to be neat still to be, 178.
- Drew an angel down, she, 271.
- Drift, snow in a dazzling, 648.
- Drink
- and to be merry, 831, 842.
- as friends, 72.
- as he brews so shall he, 177.
- cannot make the horse, 14.
- deep or taste not, 323.
- if he thirst give him, 844.
- let us eat and, 833.
- mandragora, 157.
- meat and, to me, 71, 773.
- no longer water, 848.
- no more than a sponge, 771.
- no sperit, I never, 659.
- nor any drop to, 498.
- old wine to, 171.
- pretty creature drink, 472.
- reasons why men, 793.
- small beer, felony
m.html#Pg_474" class="pginternal">474.
- Dundee's wild warbling measure, 447.
- Dungeon
- dark, dweller in, 449.
- the vapour of a, 154.
- Dunghill, cock on his own, 14.
- Dunsinane,
- Dupe
- gamester and poet, 388.
- of the heart, 795.
- Durance vile, in, 450.
- During good behaviour, 855.
- Dusk faces with turbans, 240.
- Dusky
- hour, midnight brought on the, 235.
- race, she shall rear my, 626.
- Dust
- and heat, not without, 254.
- blossom in the, 209.
- chimney-sweepers come to, 160.
- down to the vile, 488.
- down to the, with them, 525.
- dry as summer, 479.
- [927]enemies shall lick the, 821.
- glories in the, shall lay, 337.
- half deity, half, 554.
- heap of, alone remains, 335.
- hearts dry as summer's, 479.
- hour may lay it in the, 541.
- is gold, whose, 236.
- lie still dry, 625.
- much learned, 419.
- must come to, 160.
- mysteries lie beyond thy, 264.
- of Alexander, trace the noble, 144.
- of servile opportunity, 483.
- pays us with age and, 26.
- pride that licks the, 328.
- provoke the silent, 384.
- return to the earth, 832.
- sleeps in, 851.
- so nigh is grandeur to our, 600.
- that is a little gilt, 102.
- the knight's bones are, 502.
- this earth this grave this, 26.
- thou art and unto dust shalt thou return, 812.
- thou art to dust returneth, 612.
- to dust ashes to ashes, 851.
- with eternity, flattering, 554.
- write the characters in, 494.
- write them in the, 314.
- writes in, 170.
- Dusty
- and old titles, 199.
- death, the way to, 125.
- Duties,
- men who know their, 438.
- primal, shine aloft, 481.
- property has its, 582, 609.
- Duty,
- a divided, 151.
- England expects every man to do his, 446.
- faithful below he did his, 436.
- found that life was, 654.
- in that state of life, 524.
- nothing, could surpass her, 555.
- paragon, 160.
- power show likest God's, 64.
- Earthquake,
- gloom of, 564.
- shock the ocean storm, 562.
- Ease,
- age of, 396.
- and alternate labour, 355.
- and speed in doing a thing, 724.
- done with so much, 267.
- flow with artless, 437.
- for aye to dwell, at, 623.
- hours of, 455, 490.
- in mine inn, 11, 86.
- in writing comes from art, 324.
- live at home at, 176.
- mob who wrote with, 329.
- of burdens, 786.
- of heart her look conveyed, 444.
- peace nor, the heart can know, 389.
- ran on with greater, 215.
- roots itself in, on Lethe wharf, 131.
- studious of, 671.
- things which men confess with, 746.
- vaulted with such, to his seat, 86.
- with grace, 357.
- would recant vows made in pain, 231.
- you write with, 443.
- Eased the putting off, 234.
- Easier
- for a camel, 840.
- to be played on than a pipe, 139.
- Easily as a king, 110.
- Easiness
- to the next abstinence, 141.
- property of, 143.
- East,
- golden window of the, 104.
- it is the, and Juliet is the sun, 105.
- where the gorgeous, 226.
- wind never blow, may the, 207.
- Easter-day, sun upon an, 256.
- Eastern kings, guilt of, 258.
- Easy
- as lying, 138.
- if to do were as, as to know, 60.
- leap, methinks it were an, 84.
- to be true, 671.
- writing curst hard reading, 443.
- Easy-chair, Rabelais', 330.
- Eat
- and drink as friends, 72.
- and drink, bad men live to, 738.
- and drink, let us, 833.
- and eat I swear, 93.
- drink and be merry, 831.
- each other, cannibals that, 150.
- I cannot, but little meat, 22.
- not the heart, 729.
- of a king, worm that hath, 141.
- or drink, what ye shall, 838.
- paper, he hath not, 55.
- some have meat and canna, 452.
- thy cake and have it, 252.
- Embalmed in tears, 491.
- Embattled
- armies, 242.
- farmers stood, here the, 599.
- Embers glowing, 250.
- Emblem
- of truth, 537.
- to friends and enemies, 483.
- Emblems
- of deeds, 549.
- of untimely graves, 420.
- right meet of decency, 380.
- Emboldens sin, mercy, 109.
- Embosomed in the deep, 395.
- Embrace,
- arms take your last, 109.
- caught a star in its, 681.
- endure then pity then, 317.
- me she inclined, 252.
- Embroidery, every flower wears sad, 248.
- Embryo,
- chancellor in, 380.
- yesterday in, 753.
- Embryos and idiots, 231.
- Emelie, up rose, 2.
- Emergencies, untried, 663.
- Emerald isle, 855.
- Emerson,
- first there comes, 658.
- whose rich words, 658.
- Eminence, that bad, 226.
- Eminent, tax for being, 291.
- Emotion, intellectualized, 662.
- Emperor without his crown, 307.
- Empire,
- cutpurse of the, 140.
- is peace, the, 810.
- [931]my mind to me an, 22.
- of habit is powerful, 709.
- of land to the French, 577.
- of the air to Germany, 577.
- of the heavens bright, 29.
- of the sea to the English, 577.
- sun never sets on the immense, 495.
- survey our, 550.
- swayed the rod of, 384.
- thy dread, chaos, 332.
- trade's proud, 367.
- westward the course of, 312.
- westward the star of, 312.
- will be dreadful, their, 550.
- Empires, whose game was, 555.
- Employ, teach heaven's, 649.
- Employment,
- chase brave, 205.
- hand of little, 143.
- Employments,
- how various his, 420.
- of idle time, 207.
- prevents melancholy, 373.
- wishing is the worst of all, 308.
- Empress, sovereign law sits, 438.
- Emprise and floure of floures, 6.
- Emptiness, smiles betray his, 328.
- Empty
- boxes, beggarly account of, 108.
- bubble, honour but an empty, 272.
- heads, tall men have, 17
- passing through nature to, 127.
- pilgrim of, 565.
- portions of, great souls are, 656.
- shall tell, 683.
- silence is deep as, 579.
- thou pleasing dreadful thought, 299.
- time is the image of, 760.
- wander through, 227.
- wanderers o'er, 543.
- white radiance of, 565.
- Ether,
- ampler, 482.
- the holy, knows what love is, 756.
- through the clear, silently, 576.
- Ethereal
- mildness, come, 355.
- mould incapable of stain, 226.
- sky, the blue, 300.
- warmth, soft, 228.
- Ethics from Byron's poetry, 591.
- Ethiope's ear, jewel in an, 105.
- Ethiopian change his skin, 835.
- Etrurian shades, 224.
- Eunuchs guardians of the fair, 310.
- Euphrasy and rue, 240.
- Eureka, the cry of Archimedes, 738.
- Europe,
- better fifty years of, 626.
- he sauntered, round, 332.
- rings, of which all, 252.
- [934]Europe's violets, 570.
- Euxine, dangerous breakers of the, 559.
- Eve
- ate apples, since, 560.
- close at the ear of, 234.
- fairest of her daughters, 232.
- from noon to dewy, 225.
- grandmother, a female, 54.
- one summer's, 589.
- son of Adam and, 288.
- span and Adam dolve, 685.
- Eve's daughters, 46.
- Eveleen's bower, when to, 520.
- Even,
- gray-hooded, 243.
- star that ushers in the, 163.
- such is time, 26.
- sweet approach of, 230.
- tenor of their way, 385.
- ushers in the, 163.
- Even-handed justice, 118.
- Evening
- air, fairer than the, 41.
- bells, those, 523.
- chime, faintly tolls the, 518.
- come in the, 680.
- dews of the, carefully shun, 353.
- dragon came, an, 242.
- exhalation in the, 99.
- flowers at shut of, 239.
- grateful, mild, 233.
- never morning wore to, 631.
- now came still, on, 233.
- shades of, close, 677.
- shades prevail, soon as the, 300.
- sun shine sweetly, 22.
- another, one man, 702.
- the quirks of blazoning pens, 151.
- Exception prove the rule, 187.
- Excess,
- desire of knowledge in, 165.
- desire of power in, 165.
- nothing in, 757.
- of glory obscured, 225.
- of it, give me, 74.
- of light, blasted with, 382.
- of wealth is cause of covetousness, 41.
- our own prodigal, 483.
- to be blamed, 195.
- wasteful and ridiculous, 79.
- Exchequer
- of the poor, 81.
- rob me the, 86.
- Excise our brains, 413.
- Excitement, be not hurried by, 746.
- Excrement, general, 109.
- Excuse,
- fault worse by the, 80.
- for being, beauty is its own, 599.
- for the glass, she 'll prove, 442.
- I will not, 605.
- in her face, came prologue, 239.
- Excused his devilish deeds, 232.
- Excusing a fault makes it worse, 80.
- Execrable shape, what art thou, 229.
- Execute
- the villany you teach me, 63.
- their airy purposes, 224.
- Executes a freeman's will, 538.
- Exemplary, lives in acts, 36.
- Exempt from public haunt, 67.
- Exercise,
- for cure depend on, 270.
- strength of mind, 317.
- the principle of health, 358.
- the sad mechanic, 631.
- Exhalation,
- like a bright, 99.
- rose like an, 225.
- Exhalations of the dawn, 504.
- Exhaled
- and went to heaven, 308.
- he was, 270.
- Exhausted worlds, 366.
- Exhilarate the spirit, 417.
- Exile
- from home, 568.
- of Erin, poor, 515.
- Exiles feed on hope, 695.
- Existence,
- I called the new world into, 464.
- love is woman's sole, 556.
- soul secured in her, 299.
- struggle for, 622.
- Exit, called to make our, 436.
- Exits and their entrances, 69.
- Expatiate free o'er all this, 314.
- Expatiates in a life to come, 315.
- Expectancy and rose of the state, 136.
- Expectation,
- better bettered, 50.
- fails, oft, 73.
- makes a blessing dear, 256.
- rise, bids, 398.
- to bury them, merely in, 260.
- in womankind, 630.
- inflexible in, 428.
- is kneeling by his bed, 40.
- is the substance of things hoped for, 848.
- man should render reason for his, 460.
- mirror of constant, 342.
- modes of, for, 318.
- now abideth, 845.
- of many made for one, 318.
- of reason, no longer in the, 504.
- perhaps wrong, 260.
- plain and simple, 114.
- pure-eyed, 243.
- simple, more than Norman blood, 624.
- that right makes might, 622.
- that wears well, 663.
- triumphant over fears, 615.
- unfaithful kept him, 629.
- we walk by, not by sight, 846.
- who breaks his, 784.
- Faith's
- defender, the, 351.
- pure shrine, 569.
- Faithful
- below he did his duty, 436.
- dog bear him company, 315.
- found among the faithless, 235.
- in action in honour clear, 323.
- loves shall moralize my song, 27.
- only he, 235.
- the wounds of a friend, 829.
- unto death, be thou, 849.
- Faithfull frends, fallyng out of, 21.
- Faithless, among the, faithful, 235.
- Falcon towering in her pride, 120.
- Falcons, hopes like towering, 287.
- Fall,
- brook with many a, 455.
- by dividing we, 426.
- caused man to, 165.
- caused the angels to, 165.
- divided we, 595.
- fain would I climb yet fear to, 26.
- haughty spirit before a, 826.
- he that is down needs fear no, 266.
- it had a dying, 74.
- never to fail or, 745.
- no lower, he that 's down can, 212.
- of a sparrow, 145.
- out and chide and fight, 302.
- pride will have a, 13.
- some, some grow, 338.
- take heed lest he, 845.
- though free to, 230.
- to us is adverse, descent and, 226.
- what a, was there, 114.
- Falls
- as I do, 99.
- as the leaves do, 184.
- early or too late, 183.
- like Lucifer, 99.
- shallow rivers to whose, 41.
- with the leaf, 184.
- Fallen,
- arise or be forever, 224.
- Babylon is, 324.
- as a woman's mood, 492.
- fickle fierce and vain, 491.
- if too new or old alike, 324.
- summer's heat, 81.
- toe, light, 248.
- toys, painted trifles and, 391.
- tricks, plays such, 48.
- Fantastical, not in fashion is, 191.
- Fantastically carved, 90.
- Far
- above the great, 382.
- amid the melancholy main, 357.
- as angels' ken, 223.
- as the breeze can bear, 550.
- as the solar walk, 315.
- beneath the good how, 382.
- from gay cities, 345.
- from mortal cares, 534.
- from the lips we love, 521.
- from the madding crowd, 385.
- he seems so near and yet so, 633.
- less sweet to live, 521.
- off his coming shone, 236.
- press not a falling man too, 99.
- stretched greatness, 27.
- Farce
- is done, the, 770.
- played by kings and republics, 777.
- Fardels bear, who would, 136.
- Fare,
- brown bread and the gospel is good, 283.
- thee well and if forever, 552.
- thee well, isle of beauty, 581.
- Fared worse, further and, 17.
- Farewell
- a long farewell, 99.
- a word that must be, 548.
- bade the world, 513.
- content, 154.
- forever and forever, 115.
- goes out sighing, 102.
- happy fields, 223.
- hope fear remorse, 231.
- I only feel farewell, 539.
- if ever fondest prayer, 539.
- mercy sighed, 551.
- that fatal word, 551.
- the neighing steed, 154.
- the plumed troop, 154.
- the tranquil mind, 154.
- to all my greatness, 99.
- to every fear I 'll bid, 303.
- to Lochaber, 671.
- to thee Araby's daughter, 526.
- Farewells to the dying, 615.
- Far-heard whisper, 498.
- Far-off
- divine event, one, 634.
- things, old unhappy, 473.
- unattained and dim, 680.
- Farm,
- each reaps on his own, 701.
- moderate sized, 693.
- of the world, 507.
- Farmer, I have fed like a, 293.
- Farmers, embattled, 843.
- shoes were on their, 510.
- standing with reluctant, 614.
- through faithless leather, 311.
- time's iron, 610.
- to the foe, his, 514.
- to the lame eyes to the blind, 817.
- two pale, crossed in rest, 667.
- underneath his, 23.
- Feetur, haint one agreeable, 659.
- Felicitie, what more, can fall, 30.
- Felicities, nature's old, 486.
- Felicity,
- absent thee from, 146.
- and flower of wickedness, 657.
- God made man to enjoy, 746.
- in fortune's favours, 737.
- our own, we make, 367.
- Fell,
- by that sin, the angels, 100.
- Doctor, I do not love thee, 286.
- down, all of us, 114.
- great CÆsar, 114.
- like autumn fruit, 276.
- like stars, they, 496.
- of hair would rouse and stir, 125.
- purpose, shake my, 117.
- swoop, at one, 124.
- though the brightest, 124.
- Fellow,
- covetous sordid, 352.
- dies an honest, 184.
- hail, well met, 290.
- Hannibal was a pretty, 295.
- hook-nosed, of Rome, 90.
- in a market-town, 432.
- in the cellarage, hear this, 132.
- in the firmament, 112.
- mad, met me, 86.
- many a good tall, 83.
- no feeling of his business, 143.
- of but one idea, 371, 609.
- of infinite jest, 144.
- of no mark nor likelihood, 86.
- of the selfsame flight, 60.
- that hath had losses, 53.
- that hath two gowns, 53.
- that will have no sovereign, 24.
- there 's a lean, beats all, 181.
- touchy testy pleasant, 300.
- vindictive and touchy, 730.
- want of it the, 319.
- with the best king, 93.
- Fellows,
- best king of good, 93.
- nature hath framed strange, 59.
- of the baser sort, 843.
- we 're all good, together, 673.
- young, will be young, 428.
- Fellow-fault to match it, 70.
- Fellow-feeling,
- help others out of, 185.
- makes one wondrous kind, 387.
- Fellow-men, one who loves his, 536.
- Fellowship,
- manhood nor good, 390.
- Fillip with a three-man beetle, 88.
- Fills, he bounds connects he, 316.
- Filthy lucre, not greedy of, 847.
- Final
- goal of ill, 632.
- hope is flat despair, 226.
- ruin drives her ploughshare, 448.
- ruin fiercely drives, 309.
- Find
- it in my heart, could not, 52.
- safe, safe bind, 10.
- seek and ye shall, 839.
- too late that men betray, 403.
- Finds
- the down pillow hard, 160.
- tongues in trees, 67.
- Findeth, he that seeketh, 839.
- Fine
- by defect, 321.
- by degrees and beautifully less, 287.
- frenzy rolling, poet's eye in a, 59.
- how exquisitely, 316.
- in love, nature is, 142.
- manners need the support of fine manners in others, 603.
- puss-gentleman, 415.
- thing to be father-in-law, 454.
- too, a point to your wit, 792.
- words wonder where you stole 'em, 290.
- Finely touched, spirits are not, 46.
- Fineness which a hymn affords, 205.
- Finer form or lovelier face, 490.
- Finger
- and thumb, twixt, 83.
- freed from his ambitious, 98.
- in every pie, 789.
- more goodness in her little, 293.
- of a clock, like the, 420.
- pipe for fortune's, 138.
- points to heaven, whose silent, 481.
- points to the sky, silent, 504.
- slow unmoving, 155.
- writes and having writ, 768.
- [946]Fingers,
- four, from death, 758.
- decay's effacing, 548.
- rude, with forced, 246.
- weary and worn, with, 585.
- were made before forks, 293.
- within two, of death, 758.
- Finger's breadth of being mad, 763.
- Fingers' ends, at my, 12, 74.
- Finished
- by such as she, 78.
- my course, I have, 848.
- Fire
- answers fire, 92.
- bastion fringed with, 631.
- books that you may carry to the, 375.
- burn and cauldron bubble, 123.
- burned, while I was musing, 819.
- burnt child dreads the, 16.
- clean hearth a clear, 508.
- clothes and meat, 322.
- coals of, on his head, 828, 6.
- worthy of Paradise, 232.
- Flower-de-luce, 78.
- Floweret
- of the vale, meanest, 386.
- pluck ere it close, 805.
- Flowery
- meads in May, 199.
- oratory he despised, 304.
- Flowing
- cups pass swiftly round, 259.
- cups, remembered in, 92.
- fees and fat contentions, 253.
- limb in pleasure drowns, 357.
- with milk and honey, 813.
- Flown with insolence and wine, 224.
- Flows
- all that charms, 502.
- in fit words, sense, 268.
- Fluctuation, world-wide, 634.
- Flung rose flung odours, 238.
- Flush as May, 139.
- Flushing his brow, 575.
- Flutes
- and soft recorders, 225.
- to the tune of, 157.
- Fluttered your Volscians in Corioli, 103.
- Fly
- betimes, then, 200.
- busy curious thirsty, 671.
- from pleasure, I, 368.
- hiss for the, 833.
- in the rivers of Egypt, 833.
- is hell, which way I, 231.
- [949]like a youthful hart or roe, 302.
- not yet 't is just the hour, 520.
- O could I, I 'd fly with thee, 438.
- of the coach, 797.
- or I can run, I can, 246.
- said a spider to a, 605.
- that sips treacle, 348.
- those that, may fight again, 215.
- those that run away and, 212.
- to drown a, 306.
- which way shall I, 231.
- within a bead of amber, 203.
- Flying
- all abroad, 23.
- chariot, 424.
- old time is still a, 202.
- Foam
- is amber, whose, 257.
- o'er the dark sea's, 653.
- of perilous seas, 575.
- on the river, like the, 491.
- wiped away the weeds and, 598.
- Foe,
- Byzantium's conquering, 545.
- censure from a, 339.
- ever sworn the, 459.
- grim death my son and, 229.
- heat not a furnace for your, 98.
- insolent, 150.
- is now before us, 675.
- let in the, 242.
- manly, give me the, 464.
- met my dearest, in heaven, 128.
- overcome but half his, 225.
- the, th
>walks about the orb, 76.
- Foolish
- rheum, how now, 79.
- thing, never says a, 279.
- things to confound the wise, 845.
- whistling of a name, 262.
- Foolishness will not depart, 829.
- Foot
- and hand go cold, 23.
- before, the better, 80.
- chancellor's, 195.
- for foot hand for hand, 813.
- great shoe for a little, 737.
- has music in 't, his very, 427.
- horse and, rise up when I stamp, 727.
- in the grave, one, 198, 729.
- is on my native heath, my, 493.
- more light, step more true, 491.
- no rest for the sole of her, 812.
- of a conqueror, lie at the proud, 80.
- of time, noiseless, 74, 464.
- one, in sea and one on shore, 51, 405.
- one, in the grave, 198.
- so light a, 107.
- sole of our, 173, 198.
- to the sole of his, 51.
- upon a worm, needlessly sets, 422.
- Footprints on the sands of time, 612.
- Footsteps
- he hath turned home, 488.
- in the sea, 423.
- of a throne, 26.
- willing, meeting here, 534.
- Footstool, the earth my, 316.
- Fop, the solemn, 415.
- Forbearance ceases to be a virtue, 407.
- Forbid,
- God, 844.
- it almighty God, 430.
- Forbidden tree, fruit of that, 223.
- Forbids to crave, my mind, 22.
- Force
- abated, nor his natural, 814.
- and road of casualty, 62.
- knowledge more than equivalent to, 368.
- more by art than, 341.
- of nature, 271.
- of temporal power, 64.
- shall have spent its novel, 626.
- who overcomes by, 225.
- Forces, opposing and enduring, 595.
- Forced
- by fate, 274.
- from their homes, 395.
- Forcible
- are right words, 816.
- Feeble, 89.
- Forcibly if we must, 516.
- Fordoes me quite, makes me or, 156.
- Forefathers
- had no other books, 94.
- of the hamlet, 384.
- think of your, 458.
- Forefinger
- of all time, 630.
- of an alderman, 636.
- whom the truth makes free, 421.
- without education, 639.
- Freeman's will, executes a, 538.
- Freemen,
- corrupted, 387.
- we will die, 436.
- who rules o'er, 375.
- Freeze thy young blood, 131.
- French
- have empire of the land, 577.
- wiser than they seem, 166.
- Frenche
- she spake ful fayre, 1.
- of Paris was to hire unknowe, 1.
- Frenchman
- I praise the, 358.
- must be always talking, a, 374.
- the brilliant, 414.
- only one more, 809.
- Frenchman's darling, 421.
- Frenchmen, three, on one pair of English legs, 91.
- Frenzy, poet's eye in a fine, 59.
- Frenzy's fevered blood, 492.
- Fresh
- as a bridegroom, 83.
- gales and gentle airs, 238.
- woods and pastures new, 248.
- Freshly ran he on, 276.
- Freshness
- fills the air, a dewy, 507.
- of its youth, learning in the, 695.
- Fret
- a passage, 221.
- thy soul with crosses, 30.
- Fretful
- porpentine, 131.
- stir unprofitable, 467.
- Frets his hour upon the stage, 125.
- Fretted
- the pygmy body, 267.
- vault the long-drawn aisle, 384.
- with golden fire, 134.
- Friars
- and eremites, 231.
- hooded clouds like, 613.
- Frie in his own grese, 3.
- Friend
- after friend departs, 496.
- as you choose a, 278.
- barren metal of his, 61.
- better one, of great value, 758.
- countenance of his, 829.
- death of a dear, 59.
- defend your departed, 270.
- equal to a brother, 694.
- faithful the wounds of a, 829.
- favourite has no, 381.
- forsake not an old, 837.
- gained from heaven a, 386.
- guide philosopher and, 320.
- handsome house to lodge a, 289.
- in deed, 16.
- in his soul, a, 338.
- in life a, 340.
- in my retreat, 416.
- in need, 701.
- indeed to pardon or to bear it, 423.
- is another I, 764.
- is another self, 692.
- is one soul in two bodies, 762.
- loan oft loses itself and, 544.
- keep clean be as, 264.
- let it blossom then bear, 743.
- of cultivation, gratitude the, 376.
- of sense is rarely found, 323.
- of that forbidden tree, 223.
- [955]ripest, first falls, 81.
- that can fall without shaking, 350.
- that mellowed long, 276.
- thou drop like ripe, 240.
- to me, thy seasons bring, 752.
- tree is known by his, 839.
- weakest kind of, 64.
- which I bore was the sun, 740.
- would spring, from such a seed, I should have known what, 544.
- Fruits
- are pleasant, 685.
- by their, ye shall know them, 839.
- kindly, of the earth, 850.
- no, no flowers no leaves, 586.
- of love are gone, 555.
- Fruitful
- mind, 168.
- of golden deeds, 230.
- Fruitless
- crown on my head, 121.
- labours mourn, our, 344.
- Fruit-tree tops, 106.
- Frustrate of his hope, 253.
- Fry, other fish to, 772, 790.
- Frying-pan into the fire, 18, 785.
- Fuel
- of magnificence, 603.
- to the flame, adding, 242.
- Fugitive
- and cloistered virtue, 254.
- false, to thy punishment, 229.
- Ful wel she sange the service devine, 1.
- Fulfilling of the law, 845.
- Full
- age, to thy grave in a, 816.
- assurance given by lookes, 23.
- fathom five thy father lies, 42.
- fayre sight, 404.
- heart reveal, 502.
- little knowest thou, 29.
- man, reading maketh a, 168.
- many a flower, 385.
- many a gem, 385.
- of dead men's bones, 841.
- of good intentions, 808.
- of goodly prospect, 253.
- of good works, 843.
- of honour and years, 655.
- of life, more, 53.
- of quarrels as an egg of meat, 107.
- of sound and fury, 125.
- of spirit as the month of May, 86.
- of strange oaths, 69.
- of sweet days, and roses, 204.
- of wise saws, 69.
- resounding line, 329.
- royally he rode, 23.
- serenely, 461.
- tide of successful ex
- beast, very, 59.
- blood, signe to know the, 29.
- craft, 856.
- deeds, to do the, 4.
- dulness ever loves a joke, 331.
- earth, lie lightly, 197.
- his life was, 115.
- knight, a very perfect, 1.
- lights without a name, 256.
- limbs did she undress, her, 499.
- peace, carry, 100.
- rain from heaven, 64.
- shepherd tell me where, 672.
- sleep nature's soft nurse, 89.
- spring, come, 355.
- though retired, 444.
- yet not dull, 257.
- Gentle-hearted Charles, my, 501.
- Gentleman
- and scholar, 447.
- first true, that ever breathed, 182.
- grand old name of, 633.
- is not in your books, 50.
- no ancient, but gardeners, 143.
- nomination of this, 145.
- now be thing the, 686.
- prince of darkness is a, 147, 256.
- since I was a, 182.
- so stout a, 87.
- who was then the, 685.
- Gentlemen,
- cooks are, 187.
- God Almighty's, 268.
- mob of, 329.
- of England, 176.
- of the French guards, 856.
- of the shade, 82.
- the seamen were not, 593.
- three, at once, 440.
- two single, rolled in one, 454.
- were not seamen, 593.
- who wrote with ease, 329.
- Gently
- as a sucking dove, 57.
- do my spiriting, 42.
- on him, his faults lie, 100.
- scan your brother man, 448.
- speak, 't is a little thing, 683.
- time has touched me, 445.
- touch us, time, 538.
- upon my heart, 617.
- Genuine and less guilty wealth, 257.
- Geographers
- in Afric maps, 289.
- in their maps, 722.
- Geography, despite of, 212.
- Geometric scale, 210.
- Geometry, royal path to, 811.
- George,
- if his name be, 78.
- that swinged the dragon, 78.
- the Third was king, when, 556.
- German to the matter, 145.
- Germans have the empire of the air, 577.
- Gestic lore, skilled in, 395.
- Gesture, dignity in every,
- Glancing of an eye, upward, 497.
- Glare,
- maidens caught by, 540.
- of false science, 428.
- Glass
- darkly, see through a, 845.
- dome of many-coloured, 565.
- [959]excuse for the, she 'll prove, 442.
- he was indeed the, 89.
- is good and a lass is good, 673.
- of fashion and mould of form, 136.
- of liquid fire, 457.
- she made mouths in a, 147.
- thou art thy mother's, 161.
- turn down an empty, 760.
- wherein the noble youth, 88.
- Glasses,
- fill all the, 260.
- itself in tempests, 547.
- Shakespeare and musical, 402.
- stand to your, steady, 641.
- Glassy essence, his, 48.
- Gleam of time, life a, 580.
- Gleams purpureal, 482.
- Gleamed upon my sight, first she, 474.
- Gleaming taper's light, 399.
- Gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim, 814.
- Glee,
- filled one home with, 570.
- forward and frolic, 491.
- laughed with counterfeited, 397.
- so many and such, 574.
- Glib and oily art, I want that, 146.
- Glide through a quiet dream, 538.
- Glides
- the bonnie boat, 674.
- the smooth current, 367.
- Glimmer on my mind, to, 514.
- Glimmering
- and decays, 264.
- square, slowly grows a, 630.
- tapers to the sun, 443.
- through the dream of things, 541.
- Glimpse
- divine, is left, nor, 332.
- gives but a, 378.
- of happiness, 221.
- Glimpses
- of forgotten dreams, 623.
- of the moon, 131.
- that would make me less forlorn, 476.
- Glisteneth, all is not gold that, 173.
- Glistering
- grief, perked up in, 98.
- with dew, 233.
- Glisters, all that, is not gold, 62.
- Glittering
- eye, with his, 498.
- generalities, 589.
- in golden coats like images, 86.
- like the morning star, 409.
- Globe,
- all that tread the, 572.
- annual visit o'er the, 438.
- in this distracted, 132.
- itself shall dissolve, 43.
- twirls the spotty, 637.
- Gloom,
- chase my, away, 456.
- counterfeit a, 586.
- side, one is a majority on, 641.
- skirts, caught at, 645.
- sons are things, 368.
- thy country's, and truth's, 100.
- Goddess,
- like a thrifty, 46.
- [962]night sable, 306.
- roves, where'er the, 382.
- she moves a, 337.
- shone before, the, 340.
- sing, heavenly, 336.
- write about it and about it, 332.
- Godfathers of heaven's lights, 54.
- God-given strength, 489.
- Godlike
- forehead, the, 486.
- in giving, 519.
- is it all sin to leave, 793.
- reason, capability and, 142.
- Godliness,
- cheerful, 472.
- cleanliness next to, 359.
- Goes
- against my stomach, 70.
- honest as the world, 133.
- to bed sober, 184.
- to the wall, weakest, 104.
- Goeth a-borrowing, 21.
- Goethe's sage mind, 665.
- Goin' ware glory waits ye, this, 659.
- Going
- guest, speed the, 328.
- home, I am, 598.
- looketh well to his, 826.
- the way of all flesh, 181.
- the way of all the earth, 814.
- upon the order of your, 122.
- Gold,
- age of, 251.
- all Bocara's vaunted, 437.
- all is not, that glisteneth, 173.
- all that glisters is not, 62, 790.
- almighty, 178, 431.
- and silver not the only coin, 699.
- apples of, 828.
- as a jewel of, 826.
- barbaric pearl and, 226.
- beauty provoketh thieves sooner than, 66.
- black with tarnished, 456.
- bright and yellow, 585.
- clad in blue and, 456.
- clasps, book in, 104.
- despise, what female can, 381.
- fire the test of, 714.
- gild refined, paint the lily, 79.
- gleaming in purple and, 551.
- gold gold gold, 585.
- harmless, 657.
- he loved, in special, 2.
- in cofre, but little, 1.
- in phisike is a cordial, 2.
- in the realms of, 576.
- into a shower of, 32.
- laburnums dropping, 208.
- old-gentlemanly vice, 556.
- old man he will be talking, 52.
- old rule, the, 473.
- opinion of the law, 440.
- or evil side, 657.
- or evil times, 166.
- or ill of man, 744.
- orators when they are out, 71.
- overcome evil with, 844.
- parent of, 235.
- part, hath chosen that, 842.
- partial evil universal, 316.
- people all with one accord, 400.
- pleasure ease content, 318.
- repay evil for his, 346.
- report and evil report, 846.
- repressing ill crowning, 438.
- sense the gift of heaven, 322.
- set terms, 68.
- sir I owe you one, 454.
- some fleeting, 394.
- some said it might do, 265.
- some special, 106.
- sword rust, 502.
- that call evil, 833.
- that I would I do not, 844.
- the gods provide thee, take the, 272.
- the law is, 847.
- the more communicated, 235.
- there dwelt all 's that, 220.
- thing, too much of a, 71.
- thing out of Nazareth, 842.
- things will strive to dwell, 43.
- time coming, there 's a, 493.
- to be honest and true, 450.
- to be merry and wise, 937.
- to be noble we 'll be, 406.
- to be true, too, 284.
- to be zealously affected, 846.
- to know what were, 60.
- to love the unknown, 509.
- to me is lost, all, 231.
- to the heels is the slipper, 637.
- truly great who are truly, 37.
- universal, all partial evil, 316.
- very excellent, 71.
- war or bad peace, 361.
- we oft might win, lose the, 47.
- what was shall be, 649.
- will be the final goal of ill, 632.
- will toward men, 841.
- wind that bloweth no man, 20.
- wind which turneth none to, 20.
- wine needs no bush, 72.
- wits jump, 378, 791.
- works, full of, 843.
- works, rich in, 848.
- world to live in, 279.
- Goods,
- all my worldly, 851.
- [9
- groweth, while the, 14.
- his days are as, 823.
- like rain upon the mown, 821.
- splendour in the, 478.
- stoops not, the, 161.
- tread a measure on this, 56.
- two blades of, 290.
- Grasshopper shall be a burden, 831.
- Grasshoppers
- rejoice, like, 337.
- under a fern, 410.
- Grateful
- evening mild, 233.
- for the prize, ever, 465.
- mind by owing owes not, 231.
a, 842. Green-eyed monster, 153. Greenhouse too, loves a, 420. Greenland's icy mountains, 536. Green-robed senators, 575. Greenwood tree, under the, 67. Gregory remember thy swashing blow, 104. Greetings where no kindness is, 468. Greta woods are green, 492. Gretest gentilman, take him for the, 4. Grew - in beauty side by side, 570.
- together like to a double cherry, 58.
Grey mare the better horse, 17. Greyhound mongrel grim, 148. Greyhounds in the slips, 91. Grief - and pain naught but, 446.
- bravery of his, 145.
- canker and the, are mine, 555.
- crowned with consolation, 157.
- days of my distracting, 392.
- every one can master a, 51.
- fills the room up of my absent child, 79.
- [967]for boys, 160.
- gave his father, 335.
- hath known, all that, 606.
- is past, the, 674.
- is proud, 79.
- lies onward, my, 161.
- no greater, 769.
- of a wound, 87.
- only time for, 585.
- past help should be past, 77.
- patience on a monument smiling at, 76.
- perked up in a glistering, 98.
- plague of sighing and, 85.
- silent manliness of, 398.
- spite of all my, revealing, 689.
- tears his heart, 341.
- that does not speak, 124.
- treads upon the heels, 295.
- which they themselves not feel, 53.
- with proverbs, patch, 53.
Griefs, - griping, 404.
- some, are medicinable, 159.
- that harass the distrest, 366.
- what private, they have, 114.
Grievances, repeat no, 398. Grieve - his heart, show his eyes and, 123.
- make the judicious, 137.
- yet not repent, to, 444.
Grieves, if aught inanimate e'er, 543. Grieved, we sighed we, 262. Griffith, honest chronicler as, 101. Grim - death, 194, 229.
- feature, scented the, 239.
- repose, hushed in, 383.
Grimes is dead, old, 596. Grim-visaged war, 95. Grin, Guns, - but for these vile, 83.
- though winds blew great, 436.
Gust hath blown his fill, the, 250. Gusty thieves, 585. Guy, county, the hour is nigh, 494. Gypsies, - pilfers like, 413.
- serve stolen children, as, 441.
Gypsying, days when we went, 683. Gyves, as if they had, 87.
m picking and stealing, 850. hath not a Jew, 63. little folding of the, 825. many, make light work, 17. mischief for idle, 302. mouths without, 273. never made to tear each other, 302. not hearts, 155. of fellowship, the right, 846. promiscuously applied, 548. shake, with a king, 563. that might have swayed, 384. their knell is rung, by fairy, 389. then take, 42. to valour given, 574. two, upon the breast, 667. washing with invisible soap, 584. watch that wants both, 415. were made before knives, 293. wings or feet, 230. with his two happy, 31. Handel 's but a ninny, 351. Handle - not taste not, 847.
- toward my hand, 119.
Handles, everything hath two, 746. Handful - of meal in a barrel, 815.
- of silver, just for a, 646.
Hand-in-glove, were, 293. Handiwork, showeth his, 819. Handmaid of justice, truth the, 460. Hand-saw, hawk from a, 134. Handsome, - everything about him, 53.
- in three hundred pounds a year, 46.
- is that handsome does, 401.
- wee thing, 450.
Handy-dandy, change places and, 148. Hang - a calf's skin, 79.
- a doubt on, nor loop to, 154.
- out our banners, 125.
- sorrow care will kill a cat, 177.
- the pensive head, 248.
- themselves in hope one will come and cut the halter, 222.
- together, we must all, 361.
- upon his pent-house lid, 116.
- us every mother's son, 57.
Hangs - a tale, thereby, 68, 73.
- his head for shame, 681.
- on Dian's temple, 103.
- on prince's favours, 99.
- upon the cheek of night, 105.
Hanging - and marriage go by destiny, 192.
- and wiving go by destiny, 10, 63.
- his cat on Monday, 856.
- in a golden chain, 230.
- was the worst use man could be put to, 175.
Hangman of creation mark, 449. Hangman's whip, fear o' hell, 448. Hannibal - had mighty virtues, 186.
- was a very pretty fe
- maketh waste, 9.
- married in, 295.
- mounting in hot, 542.
- one with moderate, 129.
- sweaty, 126.
- to be rich, 829.
- to repay an obligation, 795.
- to wed at leisure, wooed in, 72.
Hasten to be drunk, 273. Hastening ills, prey to, 396. Hasty as fire deaf as the sea, 80. Hat, - broad-brimmed, 352.
- by his cockle, 405.
- fashion of his, 50.
- it was not all a, 571.
- not the worse for wear, 417.
- that bows to no salaam, 586.
- the ultimum moriens of respectability, 638.
- three cornered, the old, 635.
- upon my head, with my, 375.
Hats, shocking bad, 463. Hatched, - chickens ere they are, 214, 791.
- to the woful time, 120.
Hatches, his body 's under, 436. Hate - a dumpy woman, 556.
- cherish those hearts that, 100.
- immortal, 223.
- in the like extreme, 345.
- Juno's unrelenting, 274.
- lost between us, no, 173.
- of hate scorn of scorn, 623.
- of those below, 543.
- thine enemy, 838.
- those you have injured, to, 747.
- your neighbour, 591.
Hates that excellence, 355. Hated - him, loved my country and, 555.
- needs but to be seen, to be, 317.
- with a hate, 558.
Hater, he was a good, 375. Hathaway, angels must love Ann, 690. Hating - David, not only, 268.
- no one love but her, 547.
Hatred, love turned to, 294. Haughtiness of soul, 298. Haughty spirit before a fall, 826. Haunt, exempt from public, 67. Haunts - in dale or mountain, 504.
- of men, the busy, 570.
- the guilty mind, suspicion, 95.
Haunted - holy ground, 541.
- [972]me like a passion, 467.
- spring and dale, from, 251.
Have - and to hold, 850.
- it so, you would, 798.
- naught venture naught, 15.
- we prize not what we, 53.
Have-much and Have-little, 789. Havens, ports
Hearts - are mighty, 46.
- are warm, our, 676.
- believe the truths I tell, 389.
- bid the tyrants defiance, 516.
- cheerful, now broken, 523.
- cherish those, that hate thee, 100.
- day-star arise in your, 849.
- dry as summer dust, 479.
- endure, of all that human, 367.
- ensanguined, 420.
- feeling, touch but rightly, 455.
- hands not, 155.
- he fashioneth their, alike, 819.
- here bring your wounded, 524.
- in love use their own tongues, 51.
- kind, are more than coronets, 624.
- lie withered, when true, 521.
- love in your, as idly burns, 213.
- of his countrymen, 445.
- of his fellow-citizens, 445.
- of kings, enthroned in the, 64.
- of oak are our ships, 388.
- our, our hopes are all with thee, 615.
- our, our hopes our prayers, 615.
- passion of great, 656.
- resolved on victory or death, 804.
- steal away your, 114.
- that love, dissensions between, 526.
- that once beat high, 519.
- that the world had tried, 526.
- there is no union here of, 496.
- though stout and brave, 612.
- thousand, beat happily, 542.
- to live in, we leave behind, 516.
- two, that beat as one, 805.
- union of, union of hands, 596.
- unkind, I have heard of, 466.
- [975]unto wisdom, apply our, 822.
Heart's - core, wear him in my, 138.
- current lends the cup its glow, 636.
- deep well, 683.
- desires be with you, your, 66.
- hope and home, 574.
- supreme ambition, 377.
Heartache, end the, 135. Heartfelt joy, sunshine and, 319. Hearth, - clean fire and clean, 508.
- cricket on the, 250.
- vanished from his lonely, 486.
Heartsome wi' thee, 671. Heart-stain, ne'er carried a, 519. Heart-strings, jesses were my dear, 153. Heart-throbs, count time by, 654. Hearty old man, 506. Heat, - cold that moderates, 792.
- fantastic summer's, 81.
- for the cold and cold for the hot, 792.
- have neither, nor light, 180.
- ma'am it was so dreadful, 674.
- upon earth, that, 584.
- visits, places the eye of, 80.
- wanted one immortal song, 267.
- was all tranquillity, 527.
- were not heaven if we knew what it were, 256.
- when earth was nigher, 644.
- will bless your store, 433.
- winds of, visit her face, 128.
- with all its splendors, 658.
Heavens - blaze forth the death of princes, 112.
- bowed the high, 23.
- declare the glory of God, 819.
- hear these tell-tale women, 97.
- hung be the, with black, 93.
- should fall, if ever the, 771.
- spangled, a shining frame, 300.
- that which we call the, 717.
Heaven's - best treasures, 387.
- breath smells wooingly, 117.
- chancery, flew up to, 379.
- cherubim horsed, 118.
- decree, curst by, 398.
- ebon vault, 568.
- eternal year is thine, 270.
- first law, order is, 319.
- gate, the lark at, 159.
- gates, she claps her wings at, 32.
- hand, argue not against, 209.
- help is better than early rising, 790.
- immortal noon, 566.
- last best gift, 235.
- lights, godfathers of, 54.
- melodious strains, 640.
- own light, 496.
- pavement, riches of, 225.
- Sovereign saves, 308.
- sweetest air, 162.
- wide pathless way, 250.
Heaven-born band, 465. Heaven-directed to the poor, 321. Heaven-eyed creature, 486. Heaven-kissing hill, 140. Heavenly - blessings, 302.
- days that cannot die, 469.
- empire of the, 29.
- gift of poesy, profaned thy, 270.
- habitants, converse with, 245.
- harmony, from, 271.
- hope is all serene, 535.
- host, ye, 278.
- jewel, have I caught my, 34.
- lays, pure delight by, 477.
- maid was young, 390.
- paradise is that place, 485.
- spirits, is there love in, 28.
Heaven-taught lyre, 377. Heaviest battalions, 801. Heaviness, spirit of, 834. Heavy - and red, eyelids, 585.
- change, but O the, 513.
- of Prague, the old, 77.
- of the dale, gentle, 402.
Hermitage, take that for an, 260. Hero - and the man complete, 299.
- [978]as in life a friend, 340.
- he who aspires to be a, 374.
- made by murder of millions, 425.
- perish or sparrow fall, 315.
- see the conquering, 281.
- to his valet, no one is a, 740.
889-h-36.htm.html#Pg_385" class="pginternal">385. time is quiet as a nun, the, 470. writ, old odd ends stolen out of, 96. writ, proofs of, 154. Homage, - all things do her, 31.
- from contemporaries, 591.
- of a tear, the, 541.
- of thoughts unspoken, 616.
- vice pays to virtue, 795.
- worthless pomp of, 571.
Home, - anchor of our peace at, 435.
- at ease, live at, 176.
- at evening's close, hie him, 386.
- behold our, 550.
- best country ever is at, 394.
- day's march nearer, 497.
- deep imaged in his soul, 345.
- draw near their eternal, 221.
- dream of, 525.
- exile from, 568.
- filled one, with glee, 570.
- God who is our, 477.
- his footsteps he hath turned, 488.
- homely features to keep, 246.
- I am going, 598.
- in a better place at, 67.
- in the ambush of my name strike, 47.
- is home though ever so homely, 568.
- is on the deep, 514.
- kiss till the cow comes, 197.
- keep his only son at, 392.
- make friends at, 722.
- makes her loved at, 447.
- man goeth to his long, 831.
- next way, farthest way about, 204.
- no place like, 568.
- of the brave, 517.
- old England is our, 605.
- on the rolling deep, 679.
- out of house and, 89.
- points of heaven and, 485.
- revered abroad and loved at, 447.
- sweet home, 568.
- that dear hut our, 362.
- there 's nobody at, 336.
- though never so homely, 568.
- to men's bosoms, 164.
- to roost, chickens come, 606.
- uneasy and confined at, 315.
- when you knock is never at, 415.
Homes, - forced from their, 395.
- homeless near a thousand, 465.
- of England, the stately, 569.
- of silent prayer, eyes are, 632.
Home-bound fancy, 594. Home-bred kine, beeves and, 474. Home-keeping youth, 44. [980]Homeless near a thousand homes, 465. Homely - features to keep home, 246.
- wits, home-keeping youth have, 44.
828. frustrate of his, 253. hath happy place with me, 655. heavenly, is all serene, 535. her to attain, 28. high, for a low heaven, 54. I laugh for, 655. in sure and certain, 851. is brightest, 491. is theirs by fancy fed, 381. is there no, the sick man said, 349. light of, leave the, 514. lighthouse looked lovely as, 528. like the gleaming taper, 399. lined himself with, 88. never comes that comes to all, 223. never to, again, 99. no other medicine but only, 48. none e'er loved without, 377. nor bate a jot of heart or, 252. of all ills that men endure, 261. of all who suffer, 619. of day, without all, 241. of many nations, 547. of my spirit, the, 524. of the resurrection, 851. of Troy, Astyanax the, 338. one only, my heart can cheer, 587. phantoms of, 367. pleasure, yet all, 276. prevail, let not, 683. prisoners of, 836. repose in trembling, 386. springs eternal, 315. still relies on, 398. strength is felt from, 340. tells a flattering tale, 683. the charmer, 513. the dream of those that wake, 288. the wretch relies on, 398. thou hovering angel, 243. thou nurse of young desire, 427. though hope were lost, 433. to attain her, 28. to feed on, 29. to have mercy, 29. to meet again, the, 587. to merit heaven, 540. to the end, 849. to write well hereafter, 253. told a flattering tale, 683. travels through, 318. true, is swift, 97. uncheered by, 537. we have such, 846. whence this pleasing, 298. where reason would despair, love can, 377. while there 's life there 's, 349. white-handed, 243. withering fled, 551. world will disagree in faith and, 318. Hopes, - airy, my children, 480.
- be filled, with better, 300.
- [984]turn with climes, 321.
Huncamunca's eyes, in, 363. Hundred - and fifty ways, 71.
- isles, throned on her, 544.
- while one might tell a, 129.
- years are gone, when a, 667.
Hung - be the heavens with black, 93.
- over her enamoured, 235.
- with grooms and porters, 626.
Hungarian wight, 45. Hunger, - food that appeases, 792.
- if thine enemy, feed him, 844.
- is the teacher of arts, 305.
- obliged by, 326.
- two weak evils age and, 69.
Hungry - as the grave, 356.
- judges, 326.
- lean-faced villain, 50.
- look, a lean and, 111.
- sinner, the, 560.
Hunt - for a forgotten dream, 472.
- in fields for health unbought, 270.
- it in the dark, 416.
Hunter - and the deer a shade, 443, 514.
- horn of the, 673.
- mighty, prey was man, 333.
Hunting - amusement of English gentlemen, 376.
- labour of savages of North America, 376.
- which the devil designed, 272.
Hunts in dreams, like a dog, 626. Huntsman his pack, as a, 399. Hurly-burly 's done, when the, 115. Hurrah for the next that dies, 641. Hurry, in haste but never in a, 359. Hurry-scurry helter-skelter, 506. Hurt - cannot be much, 107.
- he that sweareth to his own, 818.
- more afraid than, 11.
- of the inside, 212.
- past all surgery, 152.
- that honour feels, 626.
Hurtles in the darkened air, 384. Husband - cools, ne'er answers till a, 321.
- frae the wife despises, advices the, 451.
- lover may be lost in the, 377.
- she commandeth her, 222.
- such duty woman oweth to her, 73.
- truant, should return, 556.
Husband's - eye, lovely in her, 465.
- heart, level in her, 75.
Husbanded and so fathered, 112. Husbandman, life of the, 597. Husbandry, - dulls the edge of, 130.
- in heaven there 's, 119.
Hush my dear lie still, 302. Hushed - be every thought, 484.
- in grim repose, 97.
- Impediments,
- admit, 163.
- in fancy's course, 74.
- to great enterprises, 165.
- Imperceptible water, 584.
- Imperfect offices of prayer, 479.
- Imperfections
- on my head, 132.
- pass my, by, 459.
- Imperial
- ensign high advanced, 224.
- fancy, his, 457.
- oxlips and the crown, 78.
- theme, swelling act of the, 116.
- Tokay, humble Port to, 380.
- votaress passed on, 58.
- Imperious CÆsar dead, 144.
- Impious
- in a good man, 308.
- men bear sway, 298.
- Importance, matters of, 757.
- Important day, the great the, 297.
- Imports the nomination, what, 145.
- Importunate, rashly, 586.
- Importune, too proud to, 387.
- Imposes an oath, he that, 214.
- Imposition of a mightier hand, 590.
- Impossibility, metaphysical, 578.
- Impossible,
- because it is, 756.
- few things, to diligence, 368.
- for a man to be cheated, 601.
- not, though hard to master, 753.
- nothing is, 11.
- she, that not, 258.
- that is not physically, 441.
- to be soiled, truth is, 253.
- to please all the world, 797.
- what 's, can't be, 454.
- Impotence of woe, raging, 341.
- Impotent conclusion, 151.
- Impregns the clouds, when Jupiter, 233.
- Imprisoned
- in the viewless winds, 48.
- wranglers, set free the, 420.
- Imprisonment, penury and, 49.
- Improbable fiction, condemn it as, 76.
- Improve
- each moment, 366.
- each shining hour, 302.
- Impulse
- from a vernal wood, one, 466.
- quench appetite check, 755.
- slave of circumstance and, 554.
- Impunity, ravage with, 643.
- In
- God is our trust, 517.
- pace ut sapiens, 425.
- Inaction disciplined, 457.
- Inactivity, masterly, 457.
- Inanimate grieves, if aught, 543.
- Inaudible foot of time, 74.
- Incapable
- of a tune, 509.
- of relishing wit, 389.
- of stain, 226.
- Incarnadine, multitudinous seas, 120.
- Incarnation of fat dividends, 564.
- Incense,
- gods themselves throw, 40.
- glides in modest, 365.
- her, a child, 270.
- mirth and, 554.
- of love, dallies with the, 75.
- our fearful, 472.
- Innocency next thing to confession, 715.
- Innocent
- as gay, 308.
- flower, look like the, 117.
- lamb, skin of an, 94.
- minds, 260.
- nose, coursed down his, 67.
- of the knowledge, be, 121.
- shall not be, 829.
- shames, a thousand, 52.
- sincere officious, 366.
- sleep, 119.
- though free, 428.
- within is armed without, 329.
- Innocuous desuetude, 669.
- Innumerable
- as the stars, 235.
- bees, murmuring of, 630.
- caravan, join the, 572.
- Inoffensive pace, 237.
- Inordinate cup is unblessed, 152.
- Insane root, 116.
- Insanity, power to charm, 603.
- Insatiate archer, 306.
- Inscription upon my tomb, no, 675.
- Inscriptions, lapidary, 372.
- Inscrutable invisible, 44.
- Insects of the hour, 410.
- Insensibility, it argues an, 509.
- [988]Inseparable, one and, 533.
- Inside,
- hurt of the, 212.
- I am quite full, 510.
- of a church, forgotten the, 86.
- Insides, carrying three, 464.
- Insignificancy and an earldom, 352.
- Insolence
- and wine, flown with, 224.
- of office, 135.
- Insolent foe, taken by the, 150.
- Inspiration,
- contortions without the, 412.
- unapprehended, 568.
- without the, 688.
- Inspiring John Barleycorn, 451.
- Instance of itself, sends some, 142.
- Instances,
- wilderness of single, 627.
- wise saws and modern, 69.
- Instant, we rose both at an, 88.
- Instil a wanton sweetness, 357.
- Instinct,
- coward on, 85.
- of the soul, indulging every, 650.
- with music, bright gem, 485.
- Instincts,
- a few strong, 479.
- feelings came to them like, 634.
- high, 478.
- man plant himself on his, 601.
- unawares like, 634.
- Instinctive taste, an, 619.
- must be so, 298.
- were all one, 73.
Italia O Italia, 545. Italian priest, 79. Italy - a hell for women, 192.
- a paradise for horses, 192.
- linking our England to his, 651.
- my Italy, 647.
- some jay of, 160.
- Venice the masque of, 544.
Itch of disputing, 175. Itching palm, 114. Iteration, thou hast damnable, 83. Ithuriel with his spear, 234. Ivory, in ebony as if done in, 222. Ivy green, rare old plant is the, 652. Ivy-branch over the wine, 714.
rg@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-26.htm.html#Pg_281" class="pginternal">281. with age diminish, do your, 651. Joy's delicious springs, 540. Joyful - in the day of prosperity, be, 830.
- let the poet be, 655.
- school days, my, 509.
Joyfulness of a man, 837. Joyous - prime, 28.
- the birds, 238.
- time will not be staid, 30.
Judas had given them the slip, 284. Judea stretches far, wild, 640. Judee, down in, 659. Judex damnatur, 910. Judge, - amongst fools a, 331, 415.
- an upright learned, 65.
- in his own cause, 711, 798.
- neutrality of an impartial, 411.
- not by appearance, 843.
- not of a man before he dieth, 696.
- of all things, 799.
- of Israel, Jephthah, 134, 404.
- of the man, mind is the, 715.
- of truth, sole, 317.
- sober as a, 363.
- you as you are, 47.
Judges - alike of the facts and laws, 671.
- all ranged a terrible show, 348.
- fool with, 415.
- hungry, soon the sentence sign, 326.
Judge's robe, the, 47. Judgment, - a Daniel come to, 65.
- book, leaves of the, 666.
- day, waiting the, 668.
- defend against your, 270.
- faculty that forms thy, 750.
- falls upon a man, we say, 195.
- fled to brutish beasts, 113.
- green in, when I was, 157.
- guide his bounty, gives not till, 102.
- he which is the top of, 47.
- hoodwinked, surrender, 422.
- inclination gets the better of, 698.
- man's erring, 323.
- of any man or thing, right, 578.
- reserve thy, 130.
- shallow spirit of, 93.
- suspension of, 766.
- vulgarize the day of, 597.
- we still have, here, 118.
- when the, 's weak, 672.
- young in limbs old in, 62.
Judgments - as our watches, 256, 323.
- men's, are a parcel of their fortunes, 158.
Judicious - care, with, 447.
- drank and daring dined, 332.
- grieve, make the, 137.
Juggling fiends no more believed, 44. which Jews might, 325. Kisses - bring again, my, 49.
- dear as remembered, 630.
- first invented, 293.
- from a female mouth, 554.
- tears and smiles, 474.
- thinking their own, sin, 108.
Kissed, - courtesied when you have, 42.
- lips that I have, 144.
- the ground, 343.
Kitchen - bred, in the, 552.
- ruled the rost in the, 194.
Kites or crows, wars of, 255. Kith nor kin, neither, 404. Kitten, I had rather be a, 85. Knave - best defence against knave, 730.
- he is an arrant, 132.
- how absolute the, is, 143.
- more, than fool, 41, 787.
- rascally yea-forsooth, 88.
- thank God you are rid of a, 52.
- that wears a title lies, 310.
Knaves, - flatter, or lose his pension, 290.
- he called them untaught, 83.
- in Kendal green, 84.
- little better than false, 53.
- whip me such honest, 149.
Kneaded clod, to become a, 48. Knee, - his head on his, 406.
- pregnant hinges of the, 137.
Knees, - bow stubborn, 139.
- down on your, 70.
- man at arms must serve on his, 25.
- on parent, 438.
- saint upon his, 422.
Kneeling take aim, 597. Knell - is rung by fairy hands, 389.
- of parting day, 384.
- overpowering, 559.
- sighed at the sound of a, 416.
- sound like a rising, 542.
- that summons thee to heaven, 119.
- the pall the bier, 562.
- the shroud the mattock the, 308.
Knells - call heaven invites, 307.
- in that word alone, 606.
- to a world of death, 499.
- us back, each matin bell, 500.
Knew, - all declared how much he, 397.
- himself to sing, 246.
- [994]more, no man spoke less and, 738.
- that before you were born, 716.
- that one small head could carry all he, 397.
- thee but to love thee, 562.
- what 's what, 8.
Knife, - blood will follow the, 312.
- carved upon it with a, 386.
- of legends old, asleep in, 575.
- of May, chills the, 394.
- of Thetis, sun in the, 213.
- the lot is cast, into the, 827.
Lapidary inscriptions, 372. Lapland night, lovely as a, 475. Lapse of murmuring streams, 237. Lapsing waves on quiet shores, 619. Larch has hung his tassels, 571. Lards the lean earth as he walks, 84. Large - elements in order brought, 634.
- so rudely and so, 2.
- was his bounty, 386.
Large-brained woman, 621. Large-hearted man, 621. Lark - at heaven's gate sings, 159.
- no, more blithe than he, 427.
- rise with the, 33, 454.
Larks, - to catch, 771.
- when the skie falth, catch, 11.
Lascivious pleasing of a lute, 95. Lash - the rascals naked, 155.
- the sounding shore, 324.
Lashes, teary round the, 659. Lass, - drink to the, 442.
- is good and a glass is good, 673.
- penniless, wi' a lang pedigree, 458.
Lasses, then she made the, 446. Last, - after, returns the First, 650.
- although the, not least, 146.
- at his cross, 676.
- best gift, heaven's, 235.
- brightening to the, 396.
- comes at the, 82.
- drop in the well, 553.
- each day a critic on the, 325.
- embrace, take your, 109.
- eyes look your, 109.
- first and the, 849.
- in fight first in banquets, 337.
- in the train of night, 235.
- is best, he that comes, 185.
- legs, on his, 172.
- link is broken, 682.
- long sleep, 438.
- love thyself, 100.
- not least in love, 113.
- of all the Romans fare thee well, 115.
- of earth, this is the, 459.
- out a night in Russia, 47.
- pleased to the, 315.
- reader reads no more, 636.
- rose of summer, 521.
- scene of all, 69.
- sex to the, 273.
- still loveliest, 545.
- syllable of recorded time, 125.
- taste of sweets is sweetest, 81.
- the daintiest, 80
f="@public@vhost@g@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-26.htm.html#Pg_275" class="pginternal">275.
- or kings can cause or cure, 367.
- repeal of bad, 664.
- true friendship's, 346.
Law's - delay, the, 135.
- grave study, 24.
Lawful for me to do what I will with mine own, 840. Lawn, - rivulets hurrying through the, 630.
- saint in, 320.
- sprinkled the dewy, 338.
- sun upon the upland, 386.
- with rosy lustre, 342.
Lawns, happy fair with orchard, 629. Lawyer, - the skull of a, 143.
- without literature a mechanic, 493.
Lawyers - are met, the, 348.
- Cantilena of, 527.
- wrangling, 186.
Lawrie, but all sang Annie, 666. Lax in their gaiters, 510. Lay, - go forth my simple, 437.
- her in the earth, 144.
- his weary bones among ye, 100.
- like a warrior, 563.
- Llewellyn's, 383.
- me down to sleep, now I, 687.
- no wagers, 398.
- not that flattering unction, 141.
- on Macduff, 126.
- on that day, as she, 453.
- your golden cushion down, 677.
Lays, delight by heavenly, 477. Le vÉritable Amphitryon, 277. Lea, - standing on this pleasant, 476.
- the sun has left the, 494.
- winds slowly o'er the, 384.
Lead me whither thou wilt, 745. Leadeth me beside the still waters, 819. Leading, men of light and, 410. Leads to bewilder, 428. Leaf, - all do fade as a, 835.
- also shall not wither, 819.
- falls with the, 184.
- impearls on every, and flower, 235.
- is lost, not a beam or, 544.
- is on the tree, the, 611.
- my days are in the yellow, 555.
- of pity writ, 109.
- perished in the green, 633.
- right as an aspen, 5.
- sere the yellow, 124.
- shall not wither, his, 818.
- turn over a new, 174, 182.
- upon the stream, vain as the, 491.
- was darkish and had prickles, 245.
Leafless desert of the mind, 549. Leafy month of June, 499. Leal, in the land o' the, 458. Lean - and hungry look, 111.
- and low ability, 851.
- death of each day's, 120.
- death what men call, 766.
- deeds which make up, 644.
- dignity in every act of, 752.
- distasteful, have you found your, 651.
- does smack sweet, my, 651.
- dost thou love, 360.
- dreary intercourse of daily, 468.
- earliest shock in one's, 609.
- elysian, suburb of the, 615.
- every lovely organ of her, 53.
- everything advantageous to, 43.
- exempt from public haunt, 67.
- fatigued with, 513.
- fed by the bounty of earth, 597.
- flows gently on, 749.
- friend to my, 326.
- from death to, 40.
- from high, 320.
- from the dregs of, 276.
- fury slits the thin-spun, 247.
- give for his, all he hath, 816.
- God who gave us, 434.
- good man's, best portion of, 467.
- hand in hand through, 362.
- harp of, love took up the, 625.
- has passed but roughly, 423.
- hath quicksands and snares, 614.
- he passes from, 561.
- his, I 'm sure was in the right, 260.
- hour of glorious, 493.
- how good is man's, 647.
- how pleasant is thy morning, 447.
- I love a ballad in print o', 78.
- idea of her, shall sweetly creep, 53.
- in every limb, feels its, 466.
- in short measures, 180.
- in so long tendance spend, 30.
- in that state of, 850.
- in the midst of, 851.
- intense, concentrated in a, 544.
- into each, some rain, 613.
- is a battle, 750.
- is a bubble, whose, 201.
- is a jest and all things show it, 350.
- is a short summer, 366.
- is all a cheat, 276.
- is at the greatest when all is done, 266.
- is but a means unto an end, 654.
- is but a span, our, 687.
- is but a walking shadow, 125.
- is but an empty dream, 612.
- is in decrease, 309.
- is in the right, whose, 318.
- is like a winter's day, 263.
- is like the summer rose, 677.
- is love, all that, 497.
- is made of the stuff, 360.
- is of a mingled yarn, 74.
- is one demd horrid grind, 652.
- is real life is earnest, 107.
- and calm thoughts, 502.
- and choice of Attic taste, 252.
- and leading, men of, 410.
- and life, dear to me as, 450.
- as air, trifles, 154.
- as if they feared the, 256.
- blasted with excess of, 382.
- burning and a shining, 843.
- by her own radiant, 244.
- children of, 842.
- common as, is love, 566.
- darkness from, 650.
- darkness visible, no, 223.
- dear as the, 383.
- dies before thy uncreating word, 332.
- dim religious, 250.
- [1003]dry, 722.
- fantastic toe, 248.
- feasting presence full of, 109.
- for after times, 507.
- form of life and, 549.
- from grave to, 273, 799.
- from heaven, 447, 549.
- gains make heavy purses, 37.
- gleaming tapers, 399.
- glides in, 577.
- hail holy, 230.
- halls of dazzling, 678.
- hate the day it lendeth, 30.
- have neither heat nor, 180.
- Hebrew knelt in the dying, 589.
- his sleep was aery, 234.
- in heaven's own, 496.
- in liquid, 678.
- is as the shining, 825.
- is sweet, truly the, 831.
- lady garmented in, 567.
- let there be, 812.
- lets in new, 221.
- like a shaft of, 625.
- mellowed to that tender, 551.
- men of inward, 214.
- merely to officiate, 237.
- no, but darkness visible, 225.
- of a dark eye in woman, 544.
- of a pleasant eye, 653.
- of a whole life, 669.
- of common day, 478.
- of day, rival in the, 482.
- of heaven restore, 340.
- of hope, leave the, 514.
- of it, they made, 840.
- of jurisprudence, gladsome, 24.
- of light beguile, 54.
- of love, 550.
- of love, purple, 382.
- of morn, golden, 584.
- of other days, 523, 561.
- of setting suns, 548.
- Lining, silver, on the night, 243.
- L'injure se grave en mÉtal, 100.
- Link,
- last, is broken, 682.
- silver, silken tie, 488.
- Links, pain to break its, 520.
- Linked
- sweetness, 249.
- with one virtue, 551.
- Linnets, pipe but as the, 632.
href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-14.htm.html#Pg_127" class="pginternal">127. along the line, 316. and dies in single blessedness, 57. and sacred honour, 434. as he ought to do, 184. buying men's, 493. contentedly, 424. had all his hairs been, 156. how a man, 371. join, oft a scar two, 648. longer, competency, 60. may last but never, 672. most who thinks most, 654. nine, like a cat, 16. of great men all remind us, 612. other heights in other, 645. pleasant in their, 815. sublime, make our, 612. to build not boast, he, 354. Lived - and loved, I 've, 504.
- and loved together, we have, 611.
- in Settle's numbers, 331.
- in the eye of nature, 468.
- in the tide of times, 113.
- to-day, I have, 273.
- unknown, she, 469.
- without him, tried to, 175.
Livelier - iris, 625.
- plaything, some, 318.
Live-long day, 110. Lively - sense of future favours, 304.
- to severe, grave to gay, 320.
Liveried angels, a thousand, 245. Livers in content, with humble, 98. Livery - of heaven, stole the, 588.
- of hell, the cunning, 48.
- shadowed, of the burnished sun, 62.
- twilight gray in her sober, 233.
Living, - art of, 754.
- as though no God there were, 645.
- dead man, 50.
- dog better than dead lion, 831.
- high hopes of, 254.
- house appointed for all, 817.
- land of the, 817.
- might exceed the dead, the, 219.
- mother of all, 812.
- plain, and high thinking, 472.
- will it not live with the, 87.
- with thee nor without thee, no, 300.
Llewellyn's lay, 383. Lo the poor Indian, 315. Load - a falling man, a cruelty to, 101.
- ass will not carry his, 792.
- life thou art a galling, 448.
- of infamy, any, 462.
- of sorrow, wring under the, 53.
- would sink a navy, a, 99.
Loads of learned lumber, 325. Loaf, - half a, is better than no bread, 15.
- to steal a shive of a cut, 23.
- Looking
- before and after, 142.
- ill prevail, 256.
- well can't move her, 256.
- Looking-glass, court an amorous, 95.
- Looming bastion, 631.
- Loop, no, nor hinge, 154.
- Looped and windowed raggedness, 147.
- Loophole, cabined, 243.
- Loopholes of retreat, 420.
- Loose,
- all hell broke, 234.
- fast and, 55.
- his beard, 383.
- Lord
- above, the eagle was, 474.
- among wits, 369.
- be thanked, let the, 452.
- beloved, when Israel of the, 493.
- descended from above, 23.
- directeth his steps, 826.
- dismiss us with thy blessing, 674.
- Fanny spins a thousand such, 328.
- gave and hath taken away, 816.
- help 'em how I pities them, 510.
- how it talked, 197.
- knows where, Zembla or the, 318.
- knows who, parents were the, 286.
- lendeth unto the, 827.
- my bosom's, 108.
- my pasture shall prepare, 300.
- of all the works of nature, 30.
- of all things great, 317.
- of folded arms, 55.
- of himself that heritage of woe, 551.
- of himself though not of lands, 174.
- of humankind, 277.
- of the lion heart, 392.
- of the valley, 520.
- of thy presence no land beside, 78.
- once own the happy lines, let a, 324.
- precious in the sight of the, 823.
- present with the, 508.
- secret things belong to the, 814.
- shall hiss for the fly, 833.
- Stafford mines for coal, 563.
- till his, is crucified, 657.
- vicar of the almightie, 6.
- [1008]went before them, 813.
- whom the, loveth he chasteneth, 848.
- Lords,
- honoured at the house of, 330.
- may flourish or may fade, 396.
- new, give us new laws, 200.
- of hell, procuress to the, 632.
- of humankind, 395.
- of ladies intellectual, 555.
- of the creation, 448.
- stories, great, 454.
- wit among, 369.
- women who love their, 392.
- Lord's
- anointed, rail on the, 97.
- anointed temple, broke ope the, 30.
- too divine to, 564.
- too much, who, 345.
- took up the harp of life, 625.
- triumph in redeeming, 674.
- true knowledge leads to, 465.
- truth of truths is, 654.
- tunes the shepherd's reed, 487.
- unfit for ladies', 272.
- unrelenting foe to, 358.
- waters cannot quench, 832.
- were young, if all the world and, 25.
- when I, thee not chaos is come, 153.
- whom none can, 672.
- whose eyelids dropped, 693.
- will creep in service, 14.
- with all their quantity of, 144.
- with night, all the world in, 107.
- with the innocence of, 75.
- without his wings, 560.
- woman's whole existence, 556.
- worthy of your, 471.
- wroth with one we, 500.
- your neighbour's wife, 591.
- Loves,
- faithfull, 27.
- me best that calls me Tom, 194.
- nobler cares and nobler, 477.
- suspects yet strongly, 153.
- to hear himself talk, 107.
- Love's
- devoted flame, 523.
- holy name, 508.
- majesty, wants, 95.
- proper hue, rosy red, 238.
- wound, purple with, 58.
- young dream, 521.
- Loved
- and lost, better to have, 632.
- and still loves, 455.
- arts which I, 260.
- ashamed of being, 794.
- at first sight, 35, 40.
- at home, revered abroad, 447.
- but one, sighed to many, 540.
- CÆsar less, not that I, 113.
- gold in special, 2.
- heart that has truly, 520.
- her that she did pity them, 151.
- him, use him as though you, 208.
- how honoured, how, 335.
- I have lived and, 504.
- I not honour more, 259.
- I saw and, 430.
- in vain, I know we, 539.
- let those who always, 306.
- me for the dangers, 151.
- my country and hated him, 555.
- needs only to be seen, to be, 269.
- no sooner, but they sighed, 71.
- none without hope e'er, 377.
- not wisely but too well, 156.
- passing well, 134.
- Rome more, but that I, 387.
- without having tasted of, 755.
- world is given to, 88.
- Lymn, spaniel brach or, 148.
- Lyre,
- each mode of the, 519.
- heaven-taught, 377.
- Milton's golden, 391.
- the living, 384.
- Lyric, splendid ecclesiastical, 609.
g@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-30.htm.html#Pg_327" class="pginternal">327. lay down his life for his friends, 843. let him pass for a, 61. let no guilty, escape, 664. let no such, be trusted, 66. let not, put asunder, 840. let the end try the, 89. life of a, a poem, 578. life of a, faithfully recorded, 578. life of, a point of time, 729. life of, less than a span, 170. life of, solitary, 200. like to a little kingdom, 111. little round fat oily, 357. little worse than a, 61. living dead, 50. [1015]look sad, near to make a, 59. lot assigned to every, 750. lot of, but once to die, 204. low sitting on the ground, 28. lust in, no charm can tame, 670. made of a cheese-paring, 90. made the town, 417. made us citizens, 657. makes a death, 308. makes his own stature, 309. maketh glad the heart of, 823. man's inhumanity to, 446. mark the perfect, 819. marks the earth with ruin, 547. master of his time, 121. may fish with the worm, 141. may last but never lives, 672. may learn a thousand things, 649. may see how this world goes, 148. meaning in saying he is a good, 61. measure of the height of, 719. meets his fate, when the good, 307. meets his Waterloo, every, 641. melancholic distracted, 180. memory of, runneth not, 392. merciful (righteous), 286. might know the end, that, 115. mildest mannered, 557. mind of desultory, 417. mind the standard of the, 303. mine equal my guide, 820. misery acquaints a, 43. more sinned against, 147. most senseless and fit, 51. mounts through all the spires, 599. must mind his belly, 371. must play a part, every, 60. my foe, to make one worthy, 327. nae, can tether time or tide, 451. nature formed but one such, 552. nature made thee to temper, 280. never is but always to be blest, 315. no, can lose what he never had, 208. no, ever felt the halter draw, 735. too fond to rule alone, 327. turn over half a library, 372. twins from birth, misery and, 343. unclubable, 371. under his fig-tree, 836. upon this earth, to every, 593. upright, God hath made, 831. use doth breed a habit in a, 44. use it lawfully, if a, 847. used to vicissitudes, 368. vain is the help of, 821. vindicate the ways of God to, 315. virtue and riches seldom settle on, 190. virtuous and vicious, 318. want as an armed, 825. wants but little, 308, 402. warning for thoughtless, 481. weak and despised old, 147. weigh the, not his title, 282. well-bred, will not affront me, 415. well-favoured, to be a, 51. were wise to see it, if, 184. what a piece of work is a, 134. what a strange thing is, 559. what can an old, do but die, 584. what, dare I dare, 122. what has been done by, 309. when I became a, 845. where he dies for, 680. where lives the, 492. which lighteth every, 842. while, is growing, 309. who could make so vile a pun, 282. who is not wise is oft the wisest, 472. who knew more and spoke less, 738. who makes a count ne'er made a, 282. who much receives, 672. who smokes, 607. who tells his wife all he knows, 222. who turnips cries, 375. who wants a shirt, 398. whole duty of, 832. whose blood is very snow-broth, 47. whose blood is warm within, 60. whose breath is in his nostrils, 833. whose wish and care, 334. wicked all at once, no, 721. will wait, everything comes if, 609. wind which blows good to no, 20, 90. wise, know himself to be a fool, 71. wise in his own conceit, 828. wit and wisdom born with a, 195. with a terrible name, 508. with large gray eyes, 472. with soul so dead, 488. within him hide, what may, 49. within this learned, 41. without a tear, 516. worth makes the, 103. Many-twinkling feet, 382. Map - me no maps, 862.
- of busy life, 420.
Maps, - as geographers crowd their, 722.
- geographers in Afric, 289.
Mar - what 's well, oft we, 146.
- your fortunes, lest it may, 146.
Marathon, - age spares gray, 541.
- looks on the sea, 557.
- mountains look on, 557.
- plain of, 369.
class="pginternal">417. in the merry month of, 175. maids are, when they are maids, 71. morning, more matter for a, 76. not, I dare and yet I, 25. Queen o' the, 624. what potent blood hath modest, 599. winter chills the lap of, 394. wol have no slogardie a-night, 2. May's new-fangled mirth, 54. Mayde, meke as is a, 1. Maypole - in the Strand, where 's the, 352.
May-time and cheerful Dawn, 474. Maze, - mighty, not without a plan, 314.
- through the mirthful, 395.
- wandered long in fancy's, 328.
Mazes, in wandering, lost, 228. Mazy progress, 382. Me pinguem et nitidum, 393. Mead, floures in the, 6. Meads - in May, flowery, 199.
- naiads through the dewy, 414.
- of Asphodel, ever-flowing, 347.
Meadow - of margin, 442.
- seek thee in vain by the, 587.
- sweets of Burn-mill, 474.
Meadows - brown and sear, 573.
- do paint the, with delight, 56.
- trim with daisies pied, 248.
Meadow-flower its bloom unfold, 487. Meagre were his looks, 108. Meal in a barrel, handful of, 815. Meals, make no long, 398. Mean, golden, 345, 424, 714. Means - and appliances, 89.
- and content, he that wants, 70.
- and leisure, increased, 608.
- [1020]end must justify the, 287.
- get wealth by any, 177.
- most good, when fortune, 79.
- no matter by what, 177.
- not, but ends, 502.
- of evil out of good, 223.
- of preserving peace, 425.
- ravin up thine own life's, 120.
- to be of note, youth that, 158.
- to do ill deeds, 80.
- to live, save, 43.
- unto an end, life 's but a, 654.
- whereby I live, 65.
Meander, Meaner - beauties of the night, 174.
- creatures kings, 97.
Meanest - flower that blows, 478.
- floweret of the vale, 386.
- of mankind, wisest brightest, 319.
- thing that feels, 228.
- tongue an unruly, 649.
Memnonium was in all its glory, 517. Memorable epocha, 429. Memories - and sighs, a night of, 511.
- liars ought to have good, 264.
- no pyramids set off his, 198.
Memory, - at the expense of his, 800.
- be green, 127.
- begot in the ventricle of, 55.
- blushes at the sneer, 637.
- dear, lost to sight to, 587.
- dear son of, 251.
- dear, thoughts to, 492.
- fond, brings the light, 523.
- graves of, 497.
- great man's, 138.
- green in our souls, 519.
- holds a seat, while, 132.
- how sweet their, 422.
- illiterate him from your, 440.
- indebted to his, for his jests, 443.
- leaves of the, 615.
- lends her light no more, 492.
- liar should have a good, 721.
- made such a sinner of his, 42.
- meek Walton's heavenly, 484.
- morning-star of, 549.
- my name and, 170.
- of all he stole, pleasing, 331.
- of earth's bitter leaven, 473.
- of the just is blessed, 825.
- of the past will stay, 518.
- place in thy, dearest, 678.
- plays an old tune, 654.
- pluck from, a rooted sorrow, 125.
- runneth not to the contrary, 392.
- silent shore of, 481.
- table of my, 132.
- takes them to her caverns, 581.
- thou art dear to, 587.
- throng into my, 243.
- to convict of plagiarism, a, 376.
- to keep good acts in, 171.
- vibrates in the, music, 567.
- wakes the bitter, 231.
- warder of the brain, 119.
- Washington's awful, 507.
- watches o'er the sad review, 513.
- will bring back the feeling, 689.
-48.htm.html#Pg_555" class="pginternal">555. when bad, combine, 408. when, speak well of you, 619. honest man 's aboon his, 452. in their hour of, 526. of our sovereign, 29. of the gods, 698. try with all my, 535. would not when he, 405. Mightier far is love, 482. Mightiest - in the mightiest, 64.
- Julius fell, 126.
Mightily strive, 72. Mighty - above all things, 836.
- ale a large quart, of, 3.
- all the proud and, 358.
- crack, hear the, 300.
- dead, converse with the, 356.
- [1025]death, eloquent just and, 26.
- fallen, how are the, 815.
- fortress is our God, 770.
- heart is lying still, 470.
- ills, what, 280.
- large bed, bed of honour a, 305.
- line, Marlowe's, 179.
- maze but not without a plan, 314.
- minds of old, 506.
- orb of song, 479.
- pain it is to love, 261.
- shrine of the, 548.
- state's decrees, mould a, 633.
- while ago, 177.
- workings, hum of, 576.
- your hearts are, 46.
- youth, mewing her, 255.
Mild philosophy, calm lights of, 297. Mildest-mannered man, 557. Mildness, ethereal, 355. Mile, measured many a, 56. Miles - asunder, villain and he are, 108.
- travelled twelve stout, 472.
- twelve, from a lemon, 460.
Militia, the rude, 273. Milk, - adversity's sweet, 108.
- and honey, flowing with, 813.
- and water, happy mixtures of, 554.
- of concord, sweet, 124.
- of human kindness, 117.
- of Paradise, drunk the, 500.
- such as have need of, 848.
Milk-white - before now purple, 58.
- lamb, Una with her, 477.
- thorn, beneath the, 447.
Milky - baldric of the skies, 573.
- mothers, 27, 494.
- way i' the sky, 256.
- way, solar walk or, 315.
Mill, - brook that turns a, 455.
- God's, grinds slow but sure, 206.
- I wandered by the, 634.
- more water glideth by the, 104.
- m
- so many men so many, 704.
- that have nothing to confer, 487.
Mind's - construction in the face, 117.
- eye Horatio, in my, 128.
Mindful what it cost, ever, 465. Minden's plain, on, 427.
ss="pginternal">271. love could teach a, 387. morsel for a, 157. of all I survey, 416. of mountains, 553. of the vine, 158. once uncovered sat, 352. scandalous and poor, 279. the throned, 64. Monarchs, - change perplexes, 225.
- fate of mighty, 356.
- scion of chiefs and, 547.
- seldom sigh in vain, 489.
Monarchies, mightiest, 227. Monarchy, trappings of a, 369. Monastic brotherhood, 480. Monday, - betwixt Saturday and, 285.
- hanging his cat on, 856.
Money - and books placed for show, 215.
- cannot buy, blessing that, 208.
- comes withal, 72.
- in thy purse, put, 151.
- makes the man, 757.
- man that wants, 733.
- means and content, that wants, 70.
- much, as 't will bring, 213.
- of fools, words the, 200.
- perish with thee, thy, 843.
- possessed by their, 188.
- sets the world in motion, 712.
- still get, boy, 177.
- the love of, root of all evil, 848.
- time is, 361.
- to a starving man at sea, 786.
Mongrel - mastiff, 148.
- puppy whelp and hound, 400.
Monie a blunder free us, 448. Monk, - the devil a, would be, 772.
- who shook the world, 610.
Monks of old, I envy the, 678. Monmouth river at, 92. Monopoly of fame, 189. Monster - custom who all sense doth eat, 141.
- faultless, 279.
- green-eyed, it is the, 153.
- London, 261.
- many-headed, 194.
- of so frightful mien, 317.
Monstrous, - every fault seeming, 70.
- little voice, 57.
- tail our cat has got, 285.
Mont Blanc is the monarch, 553. Month, - a little, 128.
- laughter for a, 84.
- march stout once a, 273.
- more than he will stand to in a, 107.
- of June, leafy, 499.
- of leaves and roses, 655.
- of May, in the merry, 175.
Months without an R, 857. Monument, - enduring, 565.
- my gentle verse, your, 529.
- ever break, when did, 520.
- face, disasters in his, 397.
- face, schoolboy with his shining, 69.
- fair came forth, 241.
- found myself famous one, 560.
- full many a glorious, 161.
- in the, thou shalt hear, 302.
- life how pleasant is thy, 447.
- like the spirit of a youth, 158.
- lowers, the dawn is overcast the, 297.
- Lucifer son of the, 833.
- more matter for a May, 76.
- never wore to evening, 631.
- of the times, in the, 627.
- of the world, in the, 644.
- reflection came with the, 301, 494.
- saw two clouds at, 677.
- shows the day, as, 241.
- sky, forehead of the, 248.
- sky, opens to the, 677.
- somewhere, 't is always, 604.
- sow thy seed in the, 831.
- stars of, dewdrops, 235.
- stars sang together, 817.
- wings of the, 824.
- womb of the, 823, 851.
Morning-gate of glory, 639. Morning-star, - glittering like the, 409.
- of memory, 549.
Morning's march, in life's, 515. Morrow, - desire of the night for the, 567.
- good night till it be, 106.
- no part of their good, 258.
- take no thought for the, 838.
- watching for the, 803.
- windy night a rainy, 162.
[1030]Morsel - for a monarch, 157.
- under his tongue, 283.
Mortal - cares, far from, 534.
- coil, shuffled off this, 135.
- crisis doth portend, 212.
- frame, quit this, 334.
- frame, stirs this, 501.
- hopes defeated, 482.
- ills prevailing, flood of, 770.
- instruments, 111.
- men think all men, 307.
- mixture of earth's mould, 243.
- murders, twenty, 122.
- passions, necessity of, 740.
- resting-place so fair, no, 546.
- spirit of, be proud, 561.
- taste brought death, 223.
- thing, laugh at any, 558.
- through a crown's disguise, 391.
- to the skies, he raised a, 272.
Mortals - call the moon, whom, 565.
- given, some feelings
- Musk-rose
- and woodbine, 248.
- of the dale, sweetened every, 245.
- Musk-roses, sweet with, 58.
- Must
- be as we are now, 263.
- I thus leave thee, 239.
- youth replies I can, 600.
- Mustard, after meat comes, 786.
- Mutantur, nos et mutamur, 321.
- Mute
- inglorious Milton, 385.
- nature mourns, 488.
- nightingale was, 589.
- unchanged hoarse, 236.
- Mutine in a matron's bones, 140.
- Mutiny, stones to rise and, 114.
- Mutter, wizards that peep and, 833.
- Muttered in hell, 't was, 674.
- Mutters backward, 246.
- Mutton, joint of, 90.
- Muttons, to return to our, 771.
- Mutual heart, when we meet a, 358.
- My
- better half, 34.
- country 't is of thee, 546.
- ever new delight, 235.
- opinion is and so and so, 761.
- Mynheer Vandunck, 454.
- Myriad of precedent, codeless, 627.
- Myriad-minded Shakespeare, 504.
- Myriads
- bid you rise, what, 578.
- of daisies, 486.
- of rivulets hurrying, 630.
- Myrtle,
- groves of laurel and, 803.
- [1033]land of the cypress and, 549.
- Myrtles, grove of, 175, 803.
- Myself
- am hell, 231.
- I live not in, 543.
- never less alone by, 431.
- not if I know, 509.
- such a thing as I, 110.
- Mysteries lie beyond thy dust, 264.
- Mysterious
- cement of the soul, 354.
- union with its native sea, 480.
- way, God moves in a, 423.
- Mystery,
- burden of the, 467.
- heart of my, 139.
- hid under Egypt's pyramid, 621.
- of mysteries, 494.
- Mystic fabric sprung, the, 535.
- Mystical lore, 514.
ml@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-43.htm.html#Pg_473" class="pginternal">473. compunctious visitings of, 117. could no further go, the force of, 271. course of, is the art of God, 310. credulities dear to, 486. custom is almost, 735. darling of, 776. death is a secret of, 751. debt to, 's quickly paid, 204. diseased, breaks forth, 85. disobedience to, 746. dissembling, 95. done in my days of, 131. everything contains all the powers of, 601. exerting unwearied power, 414. extremes in, 317, 322. faire is good by, 29. fast in fate, binding, 334. fault to, 127. first cause of all that is true, 755. first made man, free as, 275. fitted by, to bear, 753. fool of, stood, 273. fools of, 131. for 't is their, too, 301. formed but one such man, 552. forms us for ourselves, 777. framed strange fellows, 59. friend a masterpiece of, 602. from her seat sighing, 239. great secretary of, 208. habit is second, 779. he is great who is what he is from, 602. her custom holds, 143. his, is too noble, 103. hold the mirror up to, 137. holds communion with, 572. how unjust to, 307. [1035]I do fear thy, 117. I loved, 512. in hir corages, 1. in him was almost lost, 390. in spite of, and their stars, 211. in the love of, 572. in you stands on the very verge, 146. is a mutable cloud, 601. is above art in that respect, 148. is but art unknown, 316. is fine in love, 142. is good by, 29. is styled truth, 755. is subdued to what it works in, 163. is the art of God, 218, 310. is too noble for the world, 103. lengths unknown, to carry, 414. little we see in, that is ours, 476. lived in the eye of, 468. looks through, 320. lord of all the works of, 30. lost in art, Necessity's sharp pinch, 146. Neck, - driveth o'er a soldier's, 105.
- millstone hanged about his, 842.
Necks - to gripe of noose, 440.
- walk with stretched-forth, 833.
Nectar - on a lip, 442.
- water, and the rocks pure gold, 44.
Nectarean juice, 577. Nectared sweets, feast of, 245. Need, - deserted at his utmost, 271.
- ever but in times of, 273.
- friend in, 701.
- good turn at, 782.
- many things I do not, 759.
- of a remoter charm, 467.
- of blessing, I had most, 119.
- of milk not strong meat, 848.
Needs - go that the devil drives, 18, 73.
- only to be seen, 269.
Needed by each one, all are, 598. Needful, one thing is, 842. Needle - and thread, hinders, 585.
- and thread, plying her, 585.
- eye of a, go through the, 840.
- in a bottle of hay, 670.
- points faithfully, the, 524.
- to the pole, true as the, 306.
- true, like the, 389.
Needle's eye, postern of a, 82. Needless alexandrine, 324. Needy hollow-eyed sharp-looking, 50. Neglect - may breed mischief, 360.
- such sweet, 178.
- wise and salutary, 408.
Neglecting worldly ends, 42. Negligences, his noble, 288. Negotiate for itself, every eye, 51. Neighbour, - hate your, 591.
- love of your, 720.
- love your, as thyself, 813, 838, 840.
- says, looks not to what his, 751.
- that he might rob a, 592.
- to wrangle with a, 776.
Neighbours, do good to our, 691. Neighbour's - corn, acre of, 472.
- creed, argument to thy, 598.
- heart, in conjecture of a, 749.
- shame, publishing our, 670.
- wife, love your, 591.
Neighbouring eyes, cynosure of, 248. Neighe as ever he can, 2. Neighing steed, farewell the, 154. Neighs, high and boastful, 92. Neither here nor there, 156. Nelly, none so fine as, 285. Nemean lion's nerve, 131. Neptune, would not flatter, 433. in the mind to suffer, 135. loves and cares, 477. Noblest, - feels the, acts the best, 654.
- mind the best contentment has, 27.
- Roman of them all, 115.
- thing, earth's, 656.
- things, sweetness and light the two, 291.
- work of God, an honest man, 319, 447.
Nobly - born must nobly meet his fate, 698.
- die for their country, 102.
- planned, perfect woman, 475.
Nobody - at home, there 's, 336.
- I care for, 427.
Nobody's business, 207. Nod, - affects to, 271.
- an esteemed person's, 728.
- ready with every, to tumble, 97.
- shakes his curls and gives the, 337.
Nods - and becks, 248.
- Homer sometimes, 706.
- nor is it Homer, 323.
Nodded at the helm, Palinurus, 332. Noddin, nid nid, 458. Nodding - horror, 243.
- violet grows, 58.
Nodosities of the oak, 412. Noise, - dire was the, of conflict, 236.
- like of a hidden brook, 499.
- no, over a good deed, 753.
- of endless wars, 229.
- of folly, shunn'st the, 249.
- of many waters, 822.
- of waters in mine ears, 96.
- they that govern make least, 196.
Noiseless - fabric sprung, 535.
- falls the foot of time, 464.
- foot of time, inaudible and, 74.
- tenor of their way, 385.
Noll for shortness called, 388. Nomen alias quÆre, 175. Nominated in the bond, 65. Nomination - of this gentleman, 145.
- to office, 410.
Non amo te, Sabidi, 286. None - are so desolate, 541.
- but himself his parallel, 352.
- but the brave deserves the fair, 271.
- ever loved but at first sight, 35.
- knew thee but to love thee, 562.
- on earth above her, 455.
- resign, few die and, 435.
- so blind that will not see, 283, 293.
- so deaf that will not hear, 19, 283.
- so poor to do him reverence, 113.
- think the great unhappy but the great, 310.
- to praise, maid with, 21.
- says, when nothing to say, 374.
- secretly, do, 697.
- settled in manners, there is, 602.
- so becomes a man as modest stillness, 91.
- so difficult but it may be found out, 704.
- so expensive as glory, 460.
- so precious as time, 773.
- starve with, 60.
- succeeds like success, 858.
- that he did not adorn, 367.
- the sweet do, 748.
- the world knows, of its greatest men, 594.
- 't is something, 153.
- 't is not for, we life pursue, 276.
- to him falls early, 183.
- to this, but, 378.
- to wail or knock the breast, 242.
- to write about, 748.
- triumphs for, 160.
- true but heaven, 524.
- we desire, so much as what we ought not to have, 711.
- will come of nothing, 146.
- wise for saying, 60.
- wise men say, in dangerous times, 196.
- zealous for, 373.
Nothings, such laboured, 324. Nothingness, Noticeable man, 472. Notion, blunder and foolish, 448. Notions, fudge we call old, 661. Notorious by base fraud, 715. Nought - is everything, 517.
- shall make us rue, 80.
- so vile that on the earth, 106.
Nourish all the world, 56. [1041]Nourisher in life's feast, 120. Nourishment called supper, 54. Novelty, pleased with, 417. November's surly blast, 446. Now - and forever, 533.
- came still evening on, 233.
- eternal, does always last, 261.
- everlasting, 261.
- I know it, thought so once, 350.
- I lay me down to sleep, 687.
- if it be, 't is not to come, 145.
- is the accepted time, 846.
- 's the day, now 's the hour, 450.
Noyance or unrest, 357. Null, - splendidly, 631.
- the evil is, 649.
Nulla dies sine linea, 720. Nullum - magnum ingenium, 267.
- quod tetigit non ornavit, 367.
Number, - blessings without, 302.
- happiness of the greatest, 856.
- our days, teach us to, 822.
- stand more for, than accompt, 428.
- age, dallies like the, 75.
- age in this universal man, 169.
- age is a regret, 608.
- age is beautiful and free, their, 471.
- age of cards, 321.
- age serene and bright, 475.
- age, which should accompany, 124.
- ale enough whether new or, 23.
- alike fantastic if too new or, 324.
- always find time to grow, 312.
- and fat, grows, 84.
- as I am for ladies love unfit, 272.
- authors to read, 171.
- Belerium to the northern main, 333.
- bookes, out of, 5.
- ere I was, 503.
- fieldes, out of the, 6.
- friends are best, 195.
- friends old times, 401.
- friends to trust, 171.
- Grimes is dead, 596.
- groans ring yet in my ears, 106.
- growing, in drawing nothing up, 419.
- have been young and now am, 819.
- hugged by the, 585.
- I love everything that 's, 401.
- in the brave days of, 593.
- iron rang, 211.
- jolly place in times of, 472.
- love for new, 25.
- man, a good, 52.
- man do, what can an, 584.
- man eloquent, 252.
- man to have so much blood, 124.
- man, weak and despised, 147.
- man's darling, 19.
- man's heart, blood in an, 655.
- manners old books old wine, 171.
- men fools, young men think, 36.
- men shall dream dreams, 836.
- men's dream, 268.
- mighty minds of, 506.
- monks of, those, 678.
- Nick, 215.
- nobility, leave us still our, 680.
- not so, but she may learn, 64.
- oaken bucket, 537.
- odd ends stolen out of holy writ, 96.
- soldiers are surest, 181.
- tale and often told, 489.
- Testament, blessing of the, 164.
- that glorious song of, 640.
- the new transcends the, 618.
- wine to drink, 171.
- wine wholesomest, is not, 181.
- with service, weary and, 99.
- wood burns brightest, 181.
- wood to burn, 171.
Oldest sins the newest kind of ways, 90. Old-fashioned poetry, 208. Old-gentlemanly vice, 556. Olive-plants, children like,
9-h@27889-h-28.htm.html#Pg_299" class="pginternal">299. brought, large elements in, 634. profane no divine, 398. Ordinances, external, 369. Ordinary - men are fit for, 146.
- men, reach, of, 470.
Ordine retrogrado, 169. Ore, new-spangled, 248. Organ, - most miraculous, 135.
- of her life, every lovely, 53.
- silent, loudest chants, 599.
Organs dimensions senses, 63. Organically incapable of a tune, 509. Organized hypocrisy, 607. Organ-pipe of frailty, 80. Orient - beams, spreads his, 233.
- mould, shaft of, 570.
- pearl, a double row, 685.
- pearl, sowed the earth with, 234.
- pearls at random strung, 437.
- pearls, puddly thoughts to, 783.
Origin, every gift of noble, 474. Original - a thought is often, 637.
- and end, 367.
- brightness, lost her, 225.
- proclaim, their great, 300.
Originals, - reading books in the, 603.
- Shakespeare more original than his, 604.
Originality, solitude of his own, 677. Originator and quoter, 604. Orion, loose the bands of, 818. Orisons, nymph in thy, 136. Ormus and of Ind, wealth of, 226. Ornament, - foreign aid of, 356.
- in prosperity, education an, 762.
- is but the guiled shore, 63.
- it carried none, 811.
- of a meek and quiet spirit, 849.
- of beauty is suspect, 162.
- sent to be a moment's, 474.
- to his profession, 164.
- to society, 510.
Ornate and gay, 242. Orphan's tears, wronged, 194. Orpheus, - bid the soul of, sing, 250.
- harp of, 253.
- with his lute, 98.
Orthodox, prove their doctrine, 210. Orthodoxy is my doxy, 858. Osity and ation, words in, 462. Ossa - on Olympus stood, 344.
- [1045]on Pelion, 809.
- on the top of Pelion, 772.
Ostentatious, elegant but not, 369. Ostrich, resembled the wings of an, 590. Oswego spreads her swamps, 395. Othello's - breast, a rush against, 156.
- occupation 's gone, 154.
- visage in his mind, I saw, 89.
- Parchment should undo a man, that, 94.
- Pard, bearded like the, 69.
- Pard-like spirit, 565.
- Pardon
- in the degree that we love, 796.
- or to bear it, 423.
- something to the spirit of liberty, 408.
- they ne'er, 275.
- Pardons, the offender never, 206.
- Pardoned all except her face, 559.
- Parent
- from the sky, keep one, 328.
- knees, a new-born child, 438.
- of good, 235.
- of invention, necessity the, 441.
- the people's, 343.
- Parents
- passed into the skies, 423.
- were the Lord knows who, 286.
- Parfit gentil knight, a veray, 1.
- Paris,
- for French of, 1.
- good Americans when they die go to, 638.
- good talkers only found in, 769.
- Parish
- church, plain as way to, 68.
- me no parishes, 862.
- wide was his, 2.
- Parlour,
- is it a party in a, 468.
- will you walk into my, 605.
- Parlous boy, 96.
- Parmaceti for an inward bruise, 83.
- Parmenio and Alexander, 732.
- Parole of literary men, 374.
- Parson
- bemused in beer, 326.
- forty, power, 559.
- owned his skill, in arguing the, 397.
- there goes the, 416.
- Part,
- a kick in that, 214.
- act well your, 319.
- art and, 852.
- believe it, I do in, 127.
- each minute and unseen, 615.
- every man must play a, 60.
- for my own, 111.
- hard to, when friends are dear, 433.
- hath chosen that good, 842.
- immortal, of myself, 152.
- love and then to, 502.
- my soul's better, 338.
- of a hair, ninth, 85.
- of all that I have met, 625.
- of being, hath a, 544.
- of his religion, he made it, 291.
- of sight, became a, 549.
- of valour, the better, 87.
- of wisdom, 420.
- so he plays his, 69.
- to heaven gave his blessed, 100.
- vital in every, 236.
- we know in, 845.
- Parts,
- all his gracious, 79.
- allure thee, if, 319.
- man of sovereign, 55.
- mark of virtue in his outward, 288.
- to woman's love, 198.
- Pathless
- groves, 184.
- was the dreary wild, 568.
- way, heaven's wide, 250.
- woods, pleasure in the, 547.
- Pathos, that is the true, 449.
- Patience,
- abusing of God's, 45.
- and shuffle the cards, 789.
- and sorrow strove, 148.
- by your gracious, 150.
- flour of wifly, 4.
- [1049]habits of peace and, 207.
- ingredient of genius, 608.
- may compass anything, 772.
- men's office to speak, 53.
- on a monument, sat like, 76.
- passion of great hearts, 656.
- poor are they that have not, 152.
- preacheth, 205.
- sovereign o'er transmuted ill, 366.
- stubborn, 228.
- thou rose-lipped cherubin, 155.
- with, He stands waiting, 793.
- Patient
- humble spirit, 182.
- man, fury of a, 269.
- man in loss, 159.
- merit of the unworthy takes, 135.
- must minister to himself, 125.
- of toil, 428.
- remedy for every trouble, 701.
- search and vigil long, 555.
- though sorely tried, 614.
- to be, is a branch of justice, 751.
- to perform, 342.
- when favours are denied, 362.
- Patiently to endure the toothache, 53.
- Patines of bright gold, 65.
- Patriarch, the venerable, 425.
- Patrick Spence, ballad of, 502.
- Patriot truth, 675.
- Patriots
- all, true, 445.
- worthy, dear to God, 254.
- Patriot's
- boast, such is the, 394.
- fate, cowards mock the, 681.
- Patriotism
- is the last refuge of a scoundrel, 372.
- whose, would not gain force on the plain of Marathon, 369.
- Patron
- and the jail, 365.
- one who looks with unconcern, 370.
- Pattern
- of excelling nature, 156.
- to imitate, not as a, 688.
- Paul,
- by the apostle, 97.
- now by Saint, 295.
- robbing Peter he paid, 14, 186, 771.
- Pauper, he 's only a, 683.
- Pause,
- an awful, 306.
- and look back, 678.
- for a reply, I, 225.
- the Pyrrhic, 557.
- Phantasma, like a, 111.
- Phantom of delight, she was a, 474.
- Phantoms of hope, 367.
- Pherecydes, stories about, 759.
- Phials hermetically sealed, 291.
- Phidias, his awful Jove young, 598.
- [1052]Philanthropists in time of famine, 597.
- Philip
- and Mary on a shilling, 215.
- drunk, appeal from, 807.
- receiving news of success, 731.
- when arbitrator, 731.
- Philips whose touch harmonious, 367.
- Philippi, I will see thee at, 115.
- Philistines
- be upon the, 814.
- opponent of the children of light, 665.
- Phillis, neat-handed, 248.
- Philologists who chase a panting syllable, 416.
- Philosopher
- and friend, 320.
- can scorn, scarce the firm, 356.
- never yet that could endure the toothache, 53.
- Philosophers
- have judged, as wise, 214.
- sayings of, 212.
- will put their names to their books, 188.
- Philosophic mind, the, 478.
- Philosopher,
- he was a, 1.
- muscular training of a, 745.
- Philosophie, Aristotle and his, 1.
- Philosophy
- adversity's sweet milk, 108.
- bringeth about to religion, 166.
- could find it out, if, 134.
- depth in, 166.
- dreamt of in your, 133.
- for fear divine, 632.
- hast any, in thee shepherd, 70.
- how charming is divine, 245.
- I ask not proud, 516.
- inclineth to atheism, 166.
- is a good horse in the stable, 401.
- is nothing but discretion, 195.
- lights of mild, 297.
- makes men deep, 168.
- of one who studies, 745.
- search of deep, 260.
- teaching by examples, 304.
- that no, can lift, 486.
- triumphs over past evils, 794.
- vain wisdom and false, 228.
- what to be gained from, 762.
- will clip an angel's wings, 574.
- Phoebus
- 'gins arise, 159.
- in his strength, 77.
- what a name, 539.
- Phoebus' wain, wheels of, 243.
- Phocion
- and Demosthenes, 728.
- saying of, 734.
- Phosphor, sweet, bring the day, 203.
- Phrase,
- a fico f
- that it was great, so it was, 83.
- the sorrows of a poor old man, 433.
- then embrace, endure then, 317.
- upon the poor, he that hath, 827.
- writ, within the leaf of, 109.
- Pity's self be dead, till, 390.
- Pity-pat, his heart kep' goin, 659.
- Pity-Zekle, but hern went, 659.
- Pixes and rosaries, 215.
- Place,
- all other things give, 349.
- and time, bounds of, 382.
- and wealth, get, 329.
- as a nail in a sure, 834.
- at home in a better, 67.
- below the skies, 538.
- but the fate of, 98.
- did then adhere, nor time nor, 118.
- dignified by the doer's deed, 73.
- ear in many a secret, 469.
- everywhere his, 260.
- first in glory first in, 344.
- fittest, where man can die, 680.
- get wealth and, 329.
- in childhood, there was a, 583.
- in many a solitary, 468.
- in thy memory dearest, 678.
- jolly, in times of old, 472.
- keep the pain but change the, 303.
- kiss the, to make it well, 535.
- know him any more, 816.
- men are servants in great, 165.
- mind is its own, 224.
- no, like home, 568.
- no respect of, 75.
- of festivity, pleasant, 544.
- of my birth, came to the, 550.
- of rest, where to choose their, 240.
- or time, not to be changed by, 224.
- pensive though a happy, 482.
- pride of, 120.
- right man in the right, 642.
- stands upon a slippery, 79.
- sunshine in the shady, 27.
- that has known him, 816.
- thereof shall know it no more, 816.
- those who have the second, 291.
- towering in her pride of, 120.
- when virtuous things proceed, 73.
- where he is not known, 372.
- where honour 's lodged, 214.
- where the tree falleth, 831.
- which 't is not good manners to mention, 287.
- worship the gods of the, 193.
- Places
- all alike distant from heaven, 190.
- do not grace men, 737.
- fill up their proper, 265.
- lines in pleasant, 818.
- men grace the, 737.
- other graces follow in proper, 265.
- shall be hell, all, 41.
. - that, lasting marble seek, 220.
- things the first, had, 40.
- we, in our youth, 470.
- who feel great truths, 654.
- who made us heirs, 477.
Poet's - brain, should possess a, 40.
- darling, the, 473.
- dream, consecration and the, 475.
- ear, flattery lost on, 487.
- eye in a fine frenzy rolling, 59.
- eye, muse with a, 513.
- lines, where go the, 636.
- pages, sculptured in stone on, 648.
- pen turns them to shapes, 59.
Poetess, maudlin, 326. Poetic - child, meet nurse for a, 489.
- fields encompass me, 299.
- justice with lifted scale, 330.
- nook, seat in some, 536.
- pains, pleasure in, 419.
- prose, warbler of, 421.
Poetical, gods had made thee, 70. Poetry, - angling is somewhat like, 207.
- best words in best order, 505.
- is speaking painting, 742.
- melancholy madness of, 688.
- men are cradled into, 566.
- mere mechanic art, 414.
- of earth is never dead, 577.
- of ethics from Byron's, 591.
- of speech, the, 545.
- old-fashioned, 208.
- prose run mad not, 327.
- simple passionate and sensuous, 254.
- tender charm of, 486.
- wit eloquence and, 260.
Point - a moral or adorn a tale, 365.
- armed at, exactly cap-a-pe, 128.
- don't put too fine a, 792.
- his slow unmoving finger at, 155.
- of a diamond, 835.
- of all my greatness, 99.
- of death, at the, 841.
- swim to yonder, 110.
- thus I bore my, 84.
Points, - armed at all, 128.
- in the law, eleven, 296.
- of heaven, kindred, 485.
- out an hereafter, 298.
- the meeting, 326.
- to yonder glade, 335.
- true to the kindred, 485.
Poison - for serpents, 718.
- for the age's tooth, 78.
- of misused wine, 243.
- one man's, another's meat, 199.
- ounce of, in one pocket, 593.
- steel nor, can touch him, 121.
Poisoned - chalice, 118.
- rat in a hole, like a, 292.
Poisoning of
li> [1058]o'er land and ocean, 252. of honour is a private station, 298, 349. Posteriors of this day, 56. Posterity, - contemporaneous, 361.
- done for us, what has, 439.
- intimately known to, 591.
- look forward to, 409.
- obligation to, 439.
- think of your, 458, 747.
- to imitate, 688.
- we are a kind of, 361.
- what, will say, 361.
Postern of a needle's eye, 82. Posting winds, rides on the, 160. Posy of a ring, prologue or the, 138. Pot, - boil like a, 818.
- calls the kettle black, 791.
- death in the, 816.
- of ale and safety, 91.
- thorns under a, 830.
- three-hooped, 94.
Pots of ale, size of, 210. Potations, - banish strong, 432.
- pottle-deep, 152.
Potent - grave and reverend signiors, 149.
- over sun and star, 482.
Potentiality of growing rich, 374. Pottage, breath to cool his, 738. Potter - is jealous of potter, 693.
- power over the clay, 844.
Pottle-deep, potations, 152. Pouch, tester I 'll have in, 45. Pouncet-box 'twixt his finger, 83. Pound foolish penny wise, 186. Pounds, - rich with forty, 396.
- seven hundred, and possibilities, 45.
- six hundred, a year, 289.
- take care of themselves, 352.
- three hundred, a year, 46.
- two hundred, a year, 215.
Poverty - come, so shall thy, 825.
- depressed, worth by, 366.
- distressed by, 367.
- I pay thy, not thy will, 108.
- nor riches, give me neither, 829.
- not my will consents, 108.
- penny in the urn of, 588.
- rustic life and, 514.
- steeped me in, 155.
- stood smiling, 346.
- the destruction of the poor, 825.
Powder, - food for, 87.
- keep your, dry, 588.
Powdered with stars, 236. Power - above can save, the, 342.
- an unwearied, 414.
- and effect of love, 191.
- and pelf, 288.
- Priscian a little scratched, 56.
- Prism and silent face, 475.
- Prison,
- palace and a, 544.
- stone walls do not a, make, 260.
- Prison'd soul, take the, 244.
- Prisoner, takes the reason, 116.
- Prisoners of hope, 836.
- Prisoner's life, passing on the, 47.
- Prison-house, secrets of my, 131.
- Prithee why so pale, 256.
- Privacy,
- an obscure nook, a, 643.
- let there be an end, a, 643.
- Private
- credit is wealth, 689.
- end, who served no, 323.
- ends, to gain his, 400.
- griefs they have, 114.
- station, post of honour is a, 298, 340.
- Prive and apert, 4.
- Privilege of putting him to death, 462.
- Privileged
- beyond the common walk, 307.
- to kill, princes were, 425.
- Prize,
- art not strength obtains the, 341.
- ever grateful for the, 465.
- me no prizes, 861.
- not to the worth whiles we enjoy, 53.
- o' death in battle, 660.
- of learning love, 649.
- that which is best, 753.
- Probability keep in view, 349.
- Proceed ad infinitum, 290.
- Process,
- human thought is the, 530.
- of the suns, 626.
- such was the, 150.
- Procrastination is the thief of time, 307.
- Procreant cradle, 117.
- Proctors, prudes for, 629.
- Procurer of contentedness, 207.
- Procuress to the lords of hell, 632.
- Prodigal,
- chariest maid is, 129.
- excess, to our own, 483.
- how like the, 62.
- the soul lends the tongue vows, 130.
- within the compass of a guinea, 536.
- Prodigal's favourite, to be a, 475.
- Prodigality of nature, framed in, 96.
- Prodigious ruin, one, 337.
- Product of a scoffer's pen, 479.
- Profane,
- hence ye, 262.
- no divine ordinances, 398.
- Profaned the God-given strength, 489.
- Profanely, not to speak it, 137.
- Profession, debtor to his, 164.
- Professions, judge of men by their, 644.
- Professor of our art, 274.
- Profit
- and title I resign, 349.
- by the folly of others, 720.
- countenance and, 164.
- no, where is no pleasure, 561.
- to importune, too, 387.
- tops of the eastern pines, 81.
- waves be stayed, 817.
- world, good bye, 598.
- Prouder than rustling in silk, 159.
- Proud-pied April, 163.
- Prove,
- all the pleasures, 40.
- all things, 847.
- their doctrine orthodox, 210.
- Proved true before, was, 215.
- ProvenÇal song and dance, 575.
- Proverb and a byword, 815.
- Proverbs,
- books like, 266.
- patch grief with, 53.
- the sanctuary of intuitions, 602.
- Proverbed with a grandsire phrase, 104.
- Providence
- alone secures, 417.
- behind a frowning, 423.
- even God's, seeming estranged, 586.
- foreknowledge, will and fate, 228.
- I may assert eternal, 223.
- in the fall of a sparrow, 145.
- is with the last reserve, 811.
- rubs which, sends, 401.
- their guide, 240.
- to demonstrate a, 743.
- ways of God are full of, 749.
- Provident fear, early and, 411.
- Providently caters for the sparrow, 67.
- Provoke a saint, 't would, 321.
- Provoketh thieves, beauty, 66.
- Provokes the caper, while his off-heel, 442.
- Prow, youth on the, 383.
- Prudence points the way, 672.
- Prudent man looketh well, 826.
- Prudes for proctors, 629.
- Prunes and prism, 652.
- Prunello, leather or, 319.
- [1063]Pruning-hooks, spears into, 832.
- Prussia hurried to the field, when, 489.
- Psalmist of Israel, the sweet, 815.
- Psalms,
- purloins the, 539.
- songs be turned to holy, 25.
- Public
- amusements, friend to, 371.
- credit, dead corpse of, 531.
- feasts, wedlock compared to, 176.
- flame nor private, 332.
- haunt, exempt from, 67.
- honour is security, 689.
- offices, keep out of, 729.
- plunder, power of, 529.
- rout, where meet a, 176.
- show, midnight dances and, 335.
- stock of harmless pleasure, 369.
- tax eminent men pay to the, 291.
- to speak in, on the stage, 459.
- trust, when a man assumes a, 436.
- trusts, 859<
ref="@public@vhost@g@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-68.htm.html#Pg_803" class="pginternal">803.
- easy writing 's curst hard, 443.
- he that I am, has most force, 776.
- maketh a full man, 168.
- stuff the head with, 332.
- what they never wrote, 419.
- Ready
- booted and spurred, 682.
- ere I called her name, 288.
- to try our fortunes, 90.
- with all your thunderbolts, 114.
- with every nod to tumble, 97.
- writer, pen of a, 820.
- Real Simon Pure, 671.
- Realm,
- riding o'er the azure, 383.
- that mysterious, 572.
- this earth this, 81.
- youth of the, 94.
- Realms
- above, constancy lives in, 500.
- obey, whom three, 326.
- of gold, I have travelled in, 576.
- of shade, the pale, 572.
- these are our, 550.
- to see, whatever, 394.
- Reap,
- as you sow ye are like to, 214.
- the whirlwind, 835.
- Reaped,
- his chin new, 83.
- the thorns which I have, 544.
- Reaper whose name is death, 613.
- Reapers, white-winged, 264.
- Reaper's work is done, 570.
- Reaping,
- ever, something new, 626.
- grew the more by, 159.
- Rear
- my dusky race, she shall, 626.
- the tender thought, 355.
- Rearward of a conquered woe, 162.
- Reason,
- a woman's, 44.
- according to soundest, 753.
- act according to, 754.
- and the will of God, 665.
- approved my pleaded, 237.
- asked one another the, 71.
- but from what we know, 315.
- capability and godlike, 142.
- common law is nothing but, 24.
- confidence of, 475.
- discourse of, 128.
- feast of, and flow of soul, 328.
- firm the temperate will, 475.
- for my rhyme, 30.
- how noble in, 134.
- in the faith of, 504.
- indu'd with sanctity of, 236.
- is left free to combat it, 434.
- is staggered, 411.
- is the life of the law, 24.
- itself, kills, 254.
- law is the perfection of, 24.
- measured by principle, 743.
- men have lost their, 113.
- men that can render a, 828.
- most absurd to, 601.
- Relentless power, 382.
- Relents, my vigour, 408.
- Relic of departed worth, 541.
- Relics,
- cold and unhonoured, 519.
- crucifixes beads, 215.
- hallowed, 251.
- Relief,
- for this, much thanks, 126.
- give, and heaven will bless, 433.
- of man's estate, 169.
- 't is a poor, we gain, 303.
- Relieve
- a brother, exquisite to, 447.
- the wretched, to, 396.
- Religion,
- blunderbuss against, 370.
- blushing veils her fires, 332.
- breathing household laws, 472.
- distant rewards of, 369.
- freedom of, 435.
- he made it a part of his, 291.
- his, an anxious wish, 578.
- humanities of old, 504.
- in our northern colonies, 408.
- liberty and law, 675.
- mother of form and fear, 39.
- one, is as true as another, 193.
- philosophy bringeth about to, 166.
- pledged to, 675.
- rum and true, 556.
- stands on tiptoe, 205.
- the world of one, 604.
- was intended to be mended, as if, 211.
- without a prelate, 588.
- writers against, 407.
- Religious
- book or friend, with a, 174.
- light, dim, 250.
- man, unworthy a, 578.
- Relish
- him more in the soldier, 151.
- of salvation in 't, 139.
- of the saltness of time, 88.
- Reluctant
- amorous delay, 232.
- stalked off, 355.
- Remainder biscuit, dry as the, 68.
- Remained to pray, 397.
- Remains,
- all that, of thee, 548.
- be kind to my, 270.
- Remark was shrewd, his, 416.
- Remedies
- for extreme diseases, 700.
- oft in ourselves do lie, 73.
- Remedy
- for all things, 789.
- for every trouble, 701, 709.
- found out the, 47.
- sought the, 71.
- things without all, 121.
- worse than the disease, 165.
- Remember
- absent friends, 757.
- an apothecary, I do, 108.
- days of joy, 769.
- I cannot but, such things were, 124.
- I remember I, 583, 595.<
, 346.
- from every scene of creation, 457.
- good name better than, 790, 827.
- he heapeth up, 820.
- [1071]infinite, in a little room, 41.
- make themselves wings, 828.
- neither poverty nor, 829.
- of heaven's pavement, 225.
- possessed not enjoyed, 342.
- that grow in hell, 225.
- virtue and, seldom settle on one man, 190.
- Richmonds in the field, six, 98.
- Rid on 't, mend it or be, 121.
- Riddle of the world, 317.
- Ride
- abroad, next doth, 417.
- mankind, things, 599.
- to crouch to wait to, 30.
- Rides
- in the whirlwind, 299, 331.
- on the posting winds, 160.
- post, evil news, 242.
- upon the storm, 423.
- Rider, steed that knows its, 542.
- Ridicule,
- sacred to, 328.
- the test of truth, 578.
- truth the test of, 444.
- Ridiculous
- affairs, serious in, 735.
- excess, wasteful and, 79.
- in serious matters, 735.
- no spectacle so, 591.
- sublime to the, 431.
- Riding o'er the azure realm, 383.
- Rift within the lute, 629.
- Rigdom Funnidos, 285.
- Rigged with curses dark, 247.
- Right
- and wrong he taught, 672.
- as a trivet, 676.
- as God gives us to see the, 622.
- be sure you are, 852.
- born to set it, 133.
- by chance, a fool now and then, 414.
- divine of kings, 332.
- firmness in the, 622.
- following him that sets thee, 754.
- form of war, 112.
- hand forget her cunning, 824.
- hand, his red, 227.
- hands of fellowship, 846.
- his conduct still, 399.
- his life I 'm sure was in the, 260.
- I see the, and I approve it too, 295.
- in every cranny but the, 424.
- is right since God is God, 653.
- is right to follow, 623.
- little tight little island, 675.
- makes might, faith that, 622.
- man in the right place, 642.
- mind, clothed in his, 841.
- names, call things by their, 17.
- Robbing Peter he paid Paul, 14.
- Robe,
- dew on his thin, 515.
- of clouds, throne of rocks in a, 553.
- of night, azure, 573.
- the judge's, 47.
- Robes
- and furred gowns hide all, 148.
- garland and singing, 253.
- loosely flowing hair as free, 178.
- riche or fidel, 1.
- Robin
- Hood, a famous man is, 473.
- jolly Robin, 404.
- Robin-redbreast, call for the, 181.
- Robinson Crusoe, poor, 391.
- Robustious periwig-pated fellow, 137.
- Rock
- aerial, brotherhood upon, 480.
- dwell on a, or in a cell, 26.
- founded upon a, 839.
- gem of the old, 219.
- moulder piecemeal on the, 549.
- of Ages cleft for me, 432.
- of the national resources, 531.
- pendent, a towered citadel, 158.
- reclined, all on a, 347.
- shall fly from its firm base, this, 491.
- stood on, to bob for whale, 217.
- tall, the mountain, 467.
- the cradle of reposing age, 328.
- us nearer to the tomb, cradles, 309.
- weed flung from the, 542.
- Rocks
- and hills, 150.
- caves lakes fens bogs, 228.
- fleeting air and desert, 181.
- music hath charms to soften, 294.
- pure gold, water nectar and, 44.
- throne of, robe of clouds, 553.
- whereon greatest men have oftest wrecked, 240.
- Rock-bound coast, stern and, 569.
- Rock-ribbed hills, 572.
- Rocked in the cradle of the deep, 676.
- Rocket, rose like a, 431.
- Rocky are her shores, 344.
- Rod
- and thy staff, thy, 819.
- beaten with his own, 9.
- he that spareth his, 826.
- of empire might have swayed, 384.
- of iron, rule with a, 849.
- reversed, his, 246.
- spare the, 8, 213, 262.
- to check the erring, 475.
- wit 's a feather a chief a, 319.
- Rode,
- full royally he, 23.
- the six hundred, 628.
- Roderick,
- art thou a friend to, 491.
- where was, then, 492.
- Rogue, inch that is not fool is, 269.
- Rogues in buckram, 84.
- Roguish thing, equity is a, 194.515.
- Rushed to meet the insulting foe, 443.
- Rushing
- of the arrowy Rhone, 860.
- Sat like a cormorant, 232.
- Satan
- came also, 816.
- exalted sat, 226.
- finds some mischief, 302.
- get thee behind me, 840.
- play at cherry-pit with, 76.
- sabbathless, 509.
- so call him now, 235.
- stood unterrified, 229.
- trembles when he sees, 422.
- was now at hand, 228.
- Satanic school, the, 508.
- Satchel, schoolboy with his, 69, 354.
- Satire
- be my song, 539.
- for pointed, 279.
- is my weapon, 328.
- like a polished razor, 350.
- or sense, 328.
- Satisfaction
- as the time requires, 168.
- of the tongue, windy, 343.
- Satisfied that is well paid, he is, 65.
- Saturday and Monday, betwixt a, 285.
- Satyr, Hyperion to a, 128.
- Sauce, sharpen with cloyless, 157.
- Saucy doubts and fears, 122.
- Saul
- among the prophets, 814.
- and Jonathan were lovely, 815.
- Sauntered Europe round, 332.
- Savage
- breast, soothe the, 294.
- saint and sage, by, 334.
- wild in woods the noble, ran, 275.
- woman, take some, 626.
- Savageness in unreclaimed blood, 133.
- Save
- in his own country, 839.
- me from the candid friend, 464.
- Saviour's birth is celebrated, 127.
- Savour, salt have lost his, 838.
- Saw
- and loved, 430.
- an old said, 29.
- and overcame, 90.
- I doubted of this, 196.
- no sound of hammer or of, 421.
- the air too much, do not, 137.
- who, to wish her stay, 237.
- Saws, full of wise, 69.
- Say
- I 'm sick, I 'm dead, 326.
- it that should not, though I, 198.
- nothing but what has been said, 185.
- than do, more disagreeable to, 728.
- to yourself what you would be, 746.
- wills to do or, 238.
- Says
- a foolish thing, never, 279.
- Saying
- and doing are two things, 284.
- short, contains much wisdom, 697.
- Sayings
- of philosophers, 212.
- such odd, 62.
- Scab of churches, 175.
- Scabbard, sword glued to my, 194.
- Scabbards, swords leaped from their, 357.
- Scoured with perpetual motion, 88.
- Scourge
- inexorable, 226.
- of God, him that was the, 571.
- whose iron, 382.
- Scourged to his dungeon, 572.
- Scours the plain, Camilla, 324.
- Scout, the blabbing Eastern, 243.
- Scraps
- of learning dote, on, 310.
- stolen the, 56.
- Scratched, a little, 't will serve, 56.
- Screw your courage to the sticking place, 118.
- Scripture
- authentic, 310.
- elder, writ by God, 310.
- the devil can cite, 61.
- Scruple of her excellence, 46.
- Sculptured
- in stone on poet's pages, 648.
- marble, although no, 531.
- Scutcheon, honour a mere, 87.
- Scuttled ship, that ever, 557.
- Scylla
- and Charybdis, 810.
- your father, 64.
- Scyllam, incidis in, 64.
- S'death I 'll print it, 326.
- Sea,
- alone on a wide wide, 498.
- as stars look on the, 607.
- beheld and fled, the great, 261.
- best thing between England and France, 597.
- boisterous captain of the, 392.
- by the deep, where none intrude, 547.
- cloud out of the, 815.
- come o'er the moonlit, 611.
- compassed by the inviolate, 623.
- desert of the, 833.
- down to a sunless, 500.
- dreary, now blows between, 500.
- far-heard whisper o'er the, 498.
- first gem of the, 522.
- [1079]footsteps in the, 423.
- fountain stream and, 496.
- give a thousand furlongs of, 42.
- glad waters of the dark blue, 550.
- go down to the, in ships, 823.
- grew civil at her song, 57.
- his deeds inimitable like the, 36.
- hollows crowned with summer, 629.
- home on the rolling, 679.
- how the fishes live in the, 161.
- I 'm on the, 538.
- in rage deaf as the, 80.
- in the bosom of the, 94, 182.
- in the flat, sunk, 244.
- in the rough rude, 81.
- into that silent, 498.
- is a thief, 109.
- is calm, when the, 710.
- isles that o'erlace the, 645.
- lane of beams athwart the, 625.
- light th
- Serious
- in ridiculous matters, 735.
- smile, make the, 345.
- thought, still and, 471.
- Seriphus, if I had been of, 723.
- Sermon,
- perhaps turn out a, 448.
- who flies a, 204.
- Sermons
- and soda-water, 557.
- in stones, 67.
- Serpent,
- biteth like a, 828.
- like Aaron's, 317.
- more of the, than dove, 41.
- of old Nile, 157.
- sting thee twice, 64.
- trail of the, 526.
- under the innocent flower, 117.
- Serpents,
- be ye wise as, 839.
- poison for, 718.
- Serpent's tooth, sharper than a, 146.
- Servant
- a dog, is thy, 816.
- of God, well done, 236.
- to the lender, 828.
- with this clause, 204.
- Servants,
- men in great place are thrice, 165.
- of fame and of business, 165.
- of the sovereign or state, 165.
- Serve
- for table-talk, 64.
- God and mammon, ye cannot, 838.
- in heaven, than, 224.
- one of those that will not, 149.
- they, who stand and wait, 252.
- 't is enough, 't will, 107.
- Serves me most who serves his country best, 339.
- Served my God, had I but, 100.
- Serveth not another's will, 174.
- Servi peregrini, 418.
- Service,
- ability for good, 411.
- devine, she sange, 1.
- done the state some, 156.
- is no heritage, 73.
- is perfect freedom, whose, 851.
- of the antique world, 67.
- small, is true service, 486.
- still, strong for, 419.
- sweat for duty not for meed, 67.
- [1082]'t is the curse of, 149.
- to the flesh, 754.
- weary and old with, 99.
- yeoman's, it did me, 145.
- Servile
- opportunity to gold, 483.
- to skyey influences, 48.
- Servitors, nimble and airy, 253.
- Servitude, base laws of, 275.
- Seson priketh every gentil herte, 2.
- Sessions of sweet silent thought, 161.
- Set
- down aught in malice, 156.
- here is the whole, 442.
- mankind their little, 437.
- my life upon a cast, 98.
- my life upon any charm, 604.
- the wonder of our stage, 179.
- to make room for, 179.
- tongue that, spake, 472.
- unlocked his heart, 485, 652.
- what needs my, 251.
- Shakespeare's
- magic, 275.
- name, rival all but, 513.
- wit, orbit and sum of, 600.
- Shaking, fruit that falls without, 350.
- Shall
- I wasting in despair, 199.
- mark you his absolute, 103.
- not when he wolda, 405.
- Shallow
- brooks and rivers wide, 248.
- draughts intoxicate the brain, 323.
- in himself, versed in books, 241.
- murmur, the deep are dumb, 25.
- rivers, 41.
- spirit of judgment, 93.
- streams run dimpling, 328.
- Shallows, bound in, 115.
- Shame,
- avoid, 460.
- blush of maiden, 573.
- cometh after, 13.
- doff it for, 79.
- each deed of, 616.
- erring sister's, 548.
- fear not guilt yet start at, 413.
- hide her, from every eye, 403.
- honour and, 319.
- London's lasting, 383.
- lost to all sense of, 338.
- love taught him, 273.
- one glory an' one, 658.
- our neighbour's, 670.
- say what it will, 143.
- the devil, tell truth and, 85.
- the fools, print it and, 326.
- those who start at, 413.
- to men, 227.
- where is thy blush, 140.
- who hangs his head for, 681.
- whose glory is in their, 847.
- will follow after, 38.
- with love at strife, 373.
- Shames,
- hold a candle to my, 62.
- thousand innocent, 52.
- Shamed, age thou art, 110.
- Shank, too wide for his shrunk, 69.
- Shape,
- air and harmony of, 287.
- assume a pleasing, 135.
- bears lick their young into, 719.
- cast a beam on the outward, 245.
- execrable, what art thou, 229.
- had none distinguishable, 228.
- if it might be called, 228.
- in any, in any mood, 552.
- no bigger than an agate-stone, in, 104.
- of a camel, cloud almost in, 139.
- of danger can dismay, 476.
- such a questionable, 396.
- maid, hasty from the, 356.
- Sidmouth, great storm at, 462.
- Sidney
- shone, thus immortal, 671.
- warbler of poetic prose, 421.
- Sidney's sister Pembroke's mother, 179.
- Siege to scorn, laugh a, 125.
- Sieges fortunes battles, 150.
- Sifted
- a whole nation, God, 266.
- three kingdoms, God had, 616.
- Sigh,
- beadle to a humorous, 55.
- but roar, he did not only, 283.
- from Indus to the Pole, 333.
- no more ladies, 51, 405.
- passing tribute of a, 385.
- perhaps 't will cost a, 433.
- prayer is the burden of a, 497.
- that rends thy heart, 402.
- the lack of many a thing, 161.
- to think he still has found, 379.
- to those who love me, 553.
- which prompts the eternal, 318.
- yet feel no pain, to, 525.
- yet not recede, 444.
- Sighs
- avail, naught my, 683.
- in Venice on the bridge of, 544.
- more persuasive, 339.
- night of memories of, 511.
- sovereign of, 55.
- to find them in the wood, 573.
- world of, for my pains, 150.
- Sighed
- and looked, 272, 356.
- at the sound of a knell, 416.
- for his country he, 515.
- from all her caves, hell, 229.
- no sooner, but asked the reason, 71.
- no sooner loved but they, 71.
- till woman smiled, man, 513.
- to many, loved but one, 540.
- to measure, often have I, 470.
- to think I read a book, 470.
- we wept we, 262.
- Sighing,
- a plague of, 85.
- farewell goes out, 102.
- like furnace, the lover, 69.
- through all her works, nature, 239.
- under a sycamore tree, 406.
- why thus forever, 680.
- Sight,
- became a part of, 549.
- because it is not yet in, 441.
- charms or ear or, 502.
- charms strike the, 326.
- faints into dimness, 549.
- full fayre, a, 404.
- gleamed upon my, 474.
- hideous, a naked human heart, 308.
- keen discriminating, 464.
- lose friends out of, 569.
- lost to, to memory dear, 587.
- l
- of the three per cents, 437, 610.
- resigns her charge to, 231.
- simple truth miscalled, 162.
- sublime in his, 627.
- Simulated stature face and speech, 621.
- Simulation of the painted scene, 621.
- Sin,
- a duty not a, 359.
- and death abound, where, 497.
- and guilt, each thing of, 245.
- angels fell by that, 100.
- Christ-like is it for, to grieve, 793.
- could blight, ere, 500.
- cunning, can cover itself, 52.
- falter not for, 641.
- folly can glide into, 492.
- fools make a mock at, 826.
- for me to sit and grin, 635.
- God-like to leave, 793.
- has many tools, 637.
- his darling, 501.
- [1088]his favourite, is pride, 507.
- in the blossoms of my, 132.
- man-like to fall into, 793.
- men, without intending it, 751.
- no, for a man to labour, 83.
- not, be ye angry and, 847.
- nothing emboldens, as mercy, 109.
- of self-neglecting, 91.
- quantum o' the, I waive the, 448.
- sad as angels for the good man's, 513.
- self-love is not so vile a, 91.
- some rise by, 47.
- they, who tell us love can die, 508.
- thinking their own kisses, 108.
- to covet honour, if it be a, 92.
- to falter would be, 653.
- wages of, is death, 844.
- Sins,
- compound for, 211.
- multitude of, 849.
- of the fathers, 699.
- oldest, the newest kind of ways, 90.
- our compelled, 48.
- remembered in thy orisons, 136.
- Sinais climb and know it not, 658.
- Sinament and ginger, 683.
- Since the conquest, ever, 279.
- Sincerity,
- bashful, 52.
- wrought in a sad, 598.
- Sinews
- bought and sold, 418.
- of the new-born babe, 139.
- of the soul, 222.
- of virtue, 208.
- of war, 810.
- stiffen the, 91.
- Sing
- again with your dear voice, 567.
- alas for those that never, 636.
- and die, let me, 558.
- and play, wouldst have me, 525.
- and that they love, 284.
- the dogs of war, let, 113.
- Slips, greyhounds in the, 91.
- Slipper,
- good to the heels the well-worn, 637.
- head stroked with a, 703.
- Slippered pantaloon, lean and, 69.
- [1091]Slippery place, stands upon a, 79.
- Slits the thin-spun life, 247.
- Slogardie a-night, may wol have no, 2.
- Slope through darkness, 632.
- Sloping
- into brooks, 536.
- to the southern side, 661.
- Sloth, resty, 160.
- Slough was Despond, 265.
- Slovenly unhandsome corse, 83.
- Slow,
- learn to read, 265.
- of study, 57.
- rises worth, 366.
- to anger, he that is, 827.
- to speak, 849.
- too swift arrives as tardy as too, 107.
- unfriended melancholy, 394.
- unmoving finger, 155.
- Slowly
- and sadly we laid him, 563.
- silence all, ever widening, 629.
- Sluggard,
- go to the ant thou, 825.
- 't is the voice of the, 302.
- Sluggards sleep, while, 360.
- Slumber,
- a little, 825.
- again, too soon I must, 302.
- honey-heavy dew of, 111.
- lie still and, 302.
- seven hours to soothing, 438.
- to mine eyelids, 824.
- Slumbers
- in the shell, 455.
- light, dreams and, 490.
- of the virtuous man, 299.
- Slumber's chain has bound me, 523.
- Slumbering
- ages, wakens the, 594.
- world, o'er a, 306.
- Sly,
- Stephen, 72.
- tough and devilish, 652.
- Smack
- of age, 88.
- of observation, 78.
- sweet, my life does, 651.
- Smacked of noyance, 357.
- Small
- beer, poor creature, 89.
- cannot reach the, 29.
- choice in rotten apples, 72.
- compare great things with, 230.
- deer, rats and such, 147.
- great vulgar and the, 262.
- habits well pursued, 437.
- have continual plodders won, 54.
- his deserts are, 257.
- Latin and less Greek, 179.
- no low no great no, 316.
- of all that human hearts endure, 367.
- one a strong nation, 47.
- Snow-fall in the river, 451.
- Snowflakes, as still as, 538.
- Snow-white ram, 481.
- Snuff,
- only took, 400.
- rather than live in, 26.
- Snuff-box, amber, 326.
- Snuffed out by an article, 560.
- Snug
- as a bug in a rug, 361.
- little island, 675.
- So
- dies a wave along the shore, 434.
- if it please you, if not why so, 44.
- is good very good, 71.
- it is but so, 71.
- much to do, 633.
- soon that I am done for, 689.
- sweetly she bade me adieu, 380.
- wise so young never live long, 97.
- So and so and my opinion is, 761.
- Soaks up the rain, the thirsty earth, 260.
- Soap, invisible, 584.
- Soar,
- alike unfit to sink or, 554.
- but never roam, 485.
- through rolling clouds to, 539.
- Sober
- as a judge, 363.
- be vigilant, be, 849.
- certainty of waking bliss, 244.
- goes to bed, 184.
- in your diet, be, 350.
- livery twilight gray in her, 233.
- second thoughts are best, 277.
- will to bed go, 184.
- Sobers us again, drinking largely, 323.
- Soberness, truth and, 843.
- Social
- friend I love thee well, 564.
- smile the sympathetic tear, 387.
- Society
- among unequals, 237.
- as is quiet wise and good, 567.
- in shipwreck, 708.
- is one polished horde, 560.
- mudsills of, 678.
- my glittering bride, 480.
- one, alone on earth, 476.
- ornament to, 510.
- solder of, 354.
- solitude sometimes is best, 239.
- the vanilla of, 460.
- where none intrudes, 547.
- wholesome for the character, 661.
- Society's chief joys, 415.
- Sock, Jonson's learned, 249.
- Socket, burn to the, 479.
- Socrates wisest of men, 241.
- Sod
- and the dew, under the, 668.
- as snowflakes fall upon the, 538.
- Soda-water, sermons and, 557.
- Sofa, wheel round the, 420.
- Soft
- answer turneth away wrath, 826.
- as her clime, 554.
- as silk remains, 436.
- hath elbow-room, 80.
- haughtiness of, 279.
- Magna Charta will have no, 24.
- might, of our, 29.
- o'er transmuted ill, 366.
- of sighs and groans, 55.
- parts, a man of, 55.
- reason, noble and most, 136.
- sway and masterdom, 117.
- when I forget my, 426.
- Sovereigns,
- dead but sceptred, 554.
- name ourselves its, 554.
- soldier among, 495.
- Sovereignest thing on earth, 83.
- Sow
- for him build for him, 470.
- he that observeth the wind shall not, 831.
- still, eats all the draffe, 13.
- thy seed in the morning, 831.
- wrong, by the ear, 19, 785.
- ye are like to reap, as you, 214.
- Soweth
- here with toil and care, 508.
- whatsoever a man, 847.
- Sown the wind, 835.
- Space
- and time, annihilate but, 330.
- double life's fading, 262.
- Spacious firmament on high, 300.
- Spade
- a spade, call a, 731.
- if you don't call me a, 293.
- Spades emblems of untimely graves, 420.
- Spain, singed the beard of the king of, 616.
- Spain's chivalry, 560.
- Spake
- as a child when I was a child, 845.
- ful fayre, Frenche she, 1.
- the grisly terror, so, 229.
- the seraph Abdiel, 235.
- upon this hint I, 151.
- Span,
- dwindled to the shortest, 433.
- grasp the ocean with my, 303.
- in length a, 201.
- less than a, 170.
- new, spick and, 172, 212, 792.
- our life is but a, 687.
- Spangled heavens, 300.
- Spangling
- the wave, 492.
- with lights, 492.
- Spaniards seem wiser than they are, 166.
- Spaniel, hound or, 148.
- Spanish
- blades, ambuscadoes, 105.
- dominions, the sun never sets on, 495.
- fleet thou canst not see, 441.
- or neat's leather, 213.
- Spanking Jack was so comely, 436.
- Spare
- Fast, 249.
- my aching sight, 383.
- that tree, woodman, 595.
- the beechen tree, 516.
- the rod, 8, 213, 262.
212, 792. - Spicy
- nut-brown ale, 249.
- shore of Arabie the blest, 232.
st@g@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-14.htm.html#Pg_135" class="pginternal">135. - Spy, knowledge is sorrow's, 217.
- Squadron in the field, 149.
- Squadrons, in ranks and, 112.
- Squander time, do not, 360.
- Square,
- all round the, 584.
- grows a glimmering, 630.
- hole, has got into the, 461.
- I have not kept my, 157.
- Squat like a toad, 234.
- Squeak
- and gibber, 126.
- as naturally as pigs, 210.
- Squeaking of the wry-necked fife, 62.
- Squeezing of a lemon, in the, 401.
- Squirrel joiner or old grub, 104.
- Stabbed with a white wench's black eye, 106.
- Stable
- door, shut the, 13.
- good horse in the, 401.
- Staff,
- cockle hat and, 405.
- of life, 283, 291.
- of my age my very prop, 62.
- of my life, 786.
- of this broken reed, 834.
- stay and the, 833.
- thy rod and thy, 819.
- Stage,
- after a well-graced actor leaves the, 82.
- all the world 's a, 69.
- amused his riper, 318.
- found only on the, 558.
- frets his hour upon the, 125.
- if this were played upon a, 76.
- natural on the, 399.
- poor degraded, 564.
- speak in public on the, 459.
- the earth is a, 194.
- the wonder of our, 179.
- the world but as a, 784.
- then to the well-trod, 249.
- veteran on the, 365.
- where every man must play a part, 60.
- where they do agree on the, 441.
- Stages,
- in our latter, 432.
- where'er his, may have been, 379.
- Stagers, old cunning, 213.
- Staggered,
- reason is, 411.
- the boldest, 408.
- Stagirite, that stout, 509.
- Stain,
- incapable of, 226.
- like a wound, felt a, 410.
- my man's cheeks, 146.
- Stairs,
- I came up, into the world, 294.
- why did you kick me down, 445.
- Stake,
- I am tied to the, 148.
- when honour 's at the, 142.
- Stakes were thrones, 555.
- Stale
- flat and unprofitable, 128.
- nor custom, 157.
- poor I am, 160.
- Stalk,
- four red roses on a, 97.
- w
6.htm.html#Pg_517" class="pginternal">517.
- Start
- a hare, to, 84.
- of the majestic world, 110.
- straining upon the, 91.
- [1102]Starts
- everything by, and nothing long, 268.
- 't was wild by, 390.
- Started like a guilty thing, 126.
- Startles at destruction, 298.
- Starve,
- catch cold and, 159.
- in ice, 228.
- with nothing, 60.
- Star-y-pointing pyramid, 251.
- State,
- broken with the storms of, 100.
- expectancy and rose of the, 136.
- falling with a falling, 336.
- for every star, 638.
- great plot of, 263.
- hides from himself his, 365.
- high and palmy, of Rome, 126.
- high on a throne of royal, 226.
- I am the, 808.
- in Rome, devil to keep his, 110.
- in sober, 425.
- in whatsoever, I am, 847.
- man at his best, 820.
- matters, touch no, 398.
- mock the air with idle, 383.
- my business in this, 49.
- of life, duty in that, 850.
- of man like a little kingdom, 111.
- of man, this is the, 99.
- of nature, war was the, 407.
- of war by nature, 290.
- pillar of, seemed a, 227.
- ruin or rule the, 267.
- sail on O ship of, 615.
- scandal waits on greatest, 161.
- some service, I have done the, 156.
- some strange eruption to our, 126.
- star for every, 638.
- the rose of the fair, 136.
- thousand years to form a, 541.
- what constitutes a, 438.
- where Venice sate in, 544.
- without king or nobles, 588.
- State House, Boston, 638.
- States
- dissevered discordant, 533.
- free and independent, 429.
- indestructible, 619.
- move slowly, 170.
- no more slave, 619.
- saved without the sword, 606.
- shaker of o'er-rank, 199.
- unborn, acted over in, 112.
- walls do not make, 438.
- State's
- collected will, 438.
- decrees, mould a mighty, 633.
- Stateliest and most regal argument, 254.
- Stately
- and tall he moves, 682.
- homes of England, 91.
- Strains,
- heaven's melodious, 640.
- soul-animating, 485.
- that might create a soul, 245.
- Strait is the gate, 839.
- Strand,
- American, 205.
- fair Scotland's, 452.
- I walked along the, 375.
- India's coral, 536.
- maypole in the, 352.
- on the Chian, 503.
- the guardian Naiad of the, 490.
- wandering on a foreign, 488.
- Strange
- all this difference, 351.
- as truth, nothing so, 534.
- bedfellows, 43.
- but true, 't is, 560.
- coincidence, a, 559.
- cozenage, 276.
- eruptions, breaks forth in, 85.
- eventful history, that ends this, 69.
- fellows, nature hath framed, 59.
- it was passing strange, 150.
- land, stranger in a, 813.
- matters, men may read, 117.
- oaths, soldier full of, 69.
- something rich and, 42.
- that death should sing, 80.
- that men should fear, 112.
- thing is man, 559.
- this is wondrous, 133.
- truth is always, 560.
- Stranger
- in a strange land, 813.
- surety for a, 825.
- than fiction, truth is, 560.
- yet to pain, 381.
- Strangers
- honoured, by, 335.
- I desire we may be better, 70.
- mourned, by, 335.
- to entertain, 848.
- Stratagem, nor take tea without a, 311.
- Stratagems
- and spoils, is fit for, 66.
- which errors seem, oft are, 323.
- Stratford atte bowe, scole of, 1.
- Straw,
- did not care one, 703.
- quarrel in a, 142.
- stumbles at a, 29.
- the soul tilts with a, 484.
- tickled with a, 318.
- to see which way the wind is, 195.
- Straws,
- errors like, 275.
- forms of hairs or, 327.
- Strawberries,
- doubtless God could have made a better berry, 208.
- what Dr. Boteler said of, 208.
- Strawberry wives, like the, 171.
- Streakings of the morning light, 574.
- Stream,
- as the leaf upon the, 491.
- at eve, by living, 357.
- in smoother numbers flows, 324.
- left to the mercy of a rude, 56.
- Strut before a wanton nymph, 95.
- Struts and frets his hour, 125.
- Stubble,
- built on, 245.
- land at harvest home, 83.
- Stubborn
- gift, 486.
- knees, bow, 139.
- patience, 228.
- things, facts are, 392, 800.
- unlaid ghost, 244.
- Studded with stars, 568.
- Student pale, turns no, 331.
- Studie was but litel on the bible, 2.
- Studied
- in his death, 117.
- never to be fairer, 35.
- Studies,
- children to be won to, 729.
- still air of delightful, 253.
- Studious
- let me sit, 356.
- of change, desultory man, 417.
- of ease, 671.
- to please, 366.
- Study
- brings man to religion, 222.
- in law's grave, 24.
- is a weariness of flesh, 832.
- labour and intent, 253.
- of a prince, war the only, 407.
- of imagination, creep into his, 53.
- of learning, enflamed with the, 254.
- of mankind is man, 317.
- of revenge immortal hate, 223.
- slow of, 57.
- some brown, 32.
- to be quiet, 847.
- what you most affect, 72.
- Stuff
- as dreams are made on, 43.
- disposer of other men's, 175.
- everything made of one hidden, 601.
- life is made of, 360.
- made of penetrable, 140.
- perilous, which weighs upon the heart, 125.
- should be made of sterner, 113.
- skimble-skamble, 85.
- the head with reading, 332.
- to try the soul's strength, 649.
- Stuffs out his vacant garments, 79.
- Stumbles at a straw, 29.
- Stumbling on abuse, 106.
- Stuns, Niagara, 395.
- Stupendous
- manner, awfully, 673.
- whole, one, 316.
- Stupid
- Stupidity,
- an access of, 371.
- be not guilty of, 779.
- the gods contend against, 804.
- Sty, fattest hog in Epicurus', 393.
- Style
- bewrays us, our, 186.
- is the dress of thoughts, 353.
- is the man himself, 205.
- Surrender, unconditional, 664.
- Surrenders, dies but never, 810.
- Survey,
- monarch of all I, 416.
- our empire, 550.
- Survival of the fittest, 622, 681.
- Survive or perish, live or die, 530.
- Suspect,
- ornament of beauty is, 162.
- teaches them, 62.
- Suspects yet strongly loves, 153.
- Suspended oar, drip of the, 543.
- Suspicion,
- CÆsar's wife above, 727.
- haunts the guilty mind, 95.
- sleeps at wisdom's gate, 231.
- Swain,
- dull, treads on it daily, 245.
- frugal, 392.
- remote from cities lived a, 348.
- Swallow
- a camel, 840.
- and blow at the same moment, 701.
- by flying, as the, 828.
- one, maketh not summer, 17.
- that come before the, 77.
- Swallow's wings, flies with, 97.
- Swallow-flights of song, 632.
- Swallowed a ramrod, 744.
- Swam
- before my sight, 333.
- in a gondola, 71.
- Swamps, Oswego spreads her, 395.
- Swan
- and shadow, float double, 474.
- cygnet to the pale faint, 80.
- Jupiter in the form of a, 32.
- Mantuan, ages ere the, 414.
- of Avon, sweet, 179.
- on still St. Mary's lake, 474.
- spreads his snowy sail, the, 677.
- to act the part of a, 743.
- Swans
- are geese, all our, 188.
- seem whiter when by crows, 781.
- Swan-like
- end fading in music, 63.
- let me sing and die, 558.
- Swarm, not good for the bee not for the, 754.
- Swashing
- and martial outside, 66.
- blow, remember thy, 104.
- Sway,
- above this sceptred, 64.
- [1110]give solely sovereign, 117.
- impious men bear, 298.
- little rule a little, 358.
- no limit to their, 550.
- of magic potent, 482.
- peace and pride of, 339.
- prevailed with double, 397.
- required with gentle, 232.
- sweeping whirlwind's, 383.
- with absolute, 670.
- Swear
- an eternal friendship, 462, 798.
- by yonder blessed moon, I, 106.
- I eat and eat, I, .
- yieldeth proof, 484.
- Swell
- bosom with thy fraught, 155.
- music with its voluptuous, 542.
- the soul to rage, 272.
- Swells
- from the vale, cliff that, 397.
- the gale, note that, 386.
- the note of praise, 384.
- Swelling
- act, prologues to the, 116.
- and limitless billows, 503.
- of the voiceful sea, 503.
- Swift
- as a shadow, 57.
- expires a driveller and a show, 365.
- is less than to be wise, 341.
- race is not to the, 831.
- time too, 24.
- to hear, be, 849.
- too, arrives as tardy as too slow, 107.
- true hope is, 97.
- Swifter than a weaver's shuttle, 816.
- Swiftly glides the bonnie boat, 674.
- Swiftness,
- curb his, 572.
- never ceasing, O, 24.
- Swift-winged arrows of light, 416.
- Swim
- before my sight, temples, 333.
- how we apples, 291.
- in, naughty night to, 147.
- sink or, live or die, 530.
- to yonder point, 110.
- Swims or sinks or wades, 230.
- Swimmer in his agony, 557.
- Swimmingly, matters will go, 791.
- Swine,
- pearls before, 838.
- shear, all cry and no wool, 211.
- too rich a pearl for carnal, 213.
- Swine's snout, jewel in a, 826.
- Swinged the dragon, 78.
- Swinges the scaly horror, 251.
- Swinging round the circle, 678.
- Swinish
- gluttony, 246.
- multitude, 410.
- Swoop, at one fell, 124.
- Sword
- against nation, 832.
- chase brave employment with a naked, 205.
- edge sharper than the, 160.
- famous by my, 257.
- flesh his virgin, 346.
- fleshed thy maiden, 87.
- glorious by my, 257.
- glued to my scabbard, 194.
- good, rust, 502.
- has laid him low, another's, 514.
- I with, will open, 45.
- pen mightier than the, 606.
- stir the fire with a, 765.
- take away the, 606.
- the avenging, unsheathe, 804.
- the brave man draws, 339.
- the deputed, 47.
- worse than the, 189.
- Swords
- into ploughshares, 273.
- me at last to forget thee, 682.
- me, folly 's all they, 522.
- men must be, 325.
- mind what I am, 535.
- saints who, 313.
- the wheedling arts, 348.
- to stray, science never, 315.
- too much quickness ever to be, 321.
- us how to die, 313.
- us how to live, 313.
- Tavern,
- one flash of it within the, 768.
- or inn, a good, 372.
- Tawny lion, half appeared the, 236.
- Tax
- for being eminent, 291.
- not you you elements, 146.
- Taxes, death and, 361.
- Taxation, pressure of, 462.
- Taxed
- horse and bridle, 462.
- top, whips his, 462.
- Tea,
- glad I was not born before, 461.
- some sipping, 468.
- sometimes take, 326.
- thank God for, 461.
- what would the world do without, 461.
- without a stratagem, take her, 311.
- Teach
- bloody instructions, 118.
- gladly would he learn and, 2.
- him how to live, 425.
- him how to tell my story, 151.
- in song, what they, 566.
- me to feel another's woe, 334.
- men to die, 774.
- men to live, 774.
- souls to souls can never, 653.
- the rest to sneer, 327.
- the young idea how to shoot, 355.
- thee safety, ladyship is by to, 79.
- us to number our days, 822.
- Teacher, let nature be your, 466.
- Teachers, more understanding than my, 823.
- Teacher's doctrine sanctified, 483.
- Teaching by examples, philosophy, 304.
- Teachings, list to nature's, 572.
- Team
- of little atomies, 104.
- of sparrows, 31.
- Teapot, tempest in a, 767.
- Tear
- a passion to tatters, 137.
- be duly shed for thee, 390.
- betwixt a smile and, 546.
- cost a sigh a, 433.
- drop a, 259.
- drop a, and bid adieu, 671.
- drying up a single, 559.
- each others' eyes, 302.
- every woe can claim a, 548.
- falling of a, 497.
- followed perhaps by a smile, 416.
- for pity, he hath a, 90.
- forgot as soon as shed, 381.
- gave to misery
rg@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-7.htm.html#Pg_38" class="pginternal">38.
- for another's pain, 381.
- Tenderest,
- the bravest are the, 666.
- touch, we feel the, 274.
- Tender-hearted stroke a nettle, 313.
- Tenderly, take her up, 586.
- Tendrils strong, with, 477.
- Tenement of clay, 267.
- Teneriff or Atlas unremoved, 234.
- Tenets,
- his faith in some nice, 260.
- turn with books, 321.
- Tenor
- of his way, 425.
- of their way, noiseless, 385.
- Tent,
- nightly pitch my moving, 497.
- that searches to the bottom, 102.
- Tents,
- fold their, like the Arabs, 614.
- how goodly are thy, 813.
- of wickedness, 821.
- their silent, are spread, 681.
- Tented field, action in the, 150.
- Tenth transmitter of a foolish face, 354.
- Tenui musam meditamur avena, 460.
- Termagant, o'erdoing, 137.
- Terms,
- good set, 68.
- in plain, 62.
- litigious, 253.
- Terrace walk, a, 289.
- Terrible
- as an army with banners, 832.
- as hell, fierce as ten furies, 228.
- he rode alone, 811.
- man with a terrible name, 508.
- Territories, no slave, 619.
- Terror,
- death armed with a new, 528.
- in your threats, there is no, 114.
- shadows have struck more, 97.
- so spake the grisly, 229.
- Terrors, king of, 817.
- Test,
- bring me to the, 141.
- of ridicule, truth the, 444.
- of truth, ridicule the, 578.
- Testament
- as worldlings, a, 67.
- blessing of the old, 164.
- of bleeding war, open the purple, 82.
- Tester I 'll have in pouch, 45.
- Testimonies, thy, are my meditations, 823.
- Testimony, law and the, 833.
- Testy pleasant fellow, 300.
- Testyment, no furder than my, 658.
- Tetchy and wayward, 97.
- Tether time or tide, 451.
- Text,
- God takes a, 205.
- many a holy, she strews, 385.
- neat rivulet of, 442.
- Thais sits beside thee, lovely, 272.
- Thames, with no allaying, 259.
- Thane, your face my, 117.
- Thank
- God you are rid of a knave, 52.
- heaven fasting, 70.
- me no thanks, 534.
- few, how few think justly of the, 534
iles@27889@27889-h@27889-h-8.htm.html#Pg_52" class="pginternal">52.
- little one shall become a, 834.
- liveried angels, 245.
- melodies unheard before, 455.
- one man among a, 830.
- perils, safe through a, 497.
- picked out of ten, 133.
- soldiers, substance of ten, 97.
- stars, beauty of a, 41.
- strings, harp of a, 303.
- tongues, conscience hath a, 97.
- tongues to allure him, 407.
- upper ten, 655.
- voices, earth with her, 501.
- years in thy sight, 822.
- years of peace, 633.
- years scarce serve to form a state, 541.
- Thousands
- at His bidding speed, 252.
- countless, mourn, 446.
- die without or this, 322.
- has been slave to, 153.
- of undone widows, 172.
- peace slays its ten, 425.
- to murder, 311.
- war slays its, 425.
- Thrasyllus and Antigonus, 732.
- Thread,
- feels at each, 316.
- hinders needle and, 585.
- of his verbosity, the, 56.
- of life, fate has wove the, 343.
- plying her needle and, 585.
- sewing at once a double, 585.
- that ties them, 779.
- weave their, with bones, 75.
- Threadbare
- sail, set every, 635.
- saint in wisdom's school, 181.
- Threaten and command, an eye to, 140.
- Threatening eye, looks with a, 79.
- Threats,
- no terror in your, 114.
- of a halter, 436.
- of pain and ruin, 385.
- Three,
- chief among the blessed, 611.
- corners of the world, 80.
- firm friends, more sure than day, 502.
- gentlemen at once, 440.
- good friends, 70.
- good men unhanged in England, 84.
- hundred, grant but three of the, 557.
- hundred pounds a year, 46.
- insides, carrying, 464.
- kingdoms, had sifted, 266.
- may keep counsel, 6, 17.
- merry boys are we, 184.
- misbegotten knaves, 84.
- per cents, simplicity of the, 437, 610.
- poets in three distant ages, 270.
- removes bad as a fire, 360.
- stories high long dull and old, 454.
- treasures love light and thoughts, 502.
- when shall we,
y, 243.
- Tiptoe,
- jocund day stands, 108.
- religion stands on, 205.
- when this day is named stand, 92.
- Tire of all creation, 638.
- Tires in a mile-a, 77.
- Tired
- he sleeps, till, 318.
- nature's sweet restorer, 306.
- Tithe
- of mint and anise, 840.
- or toll, no Italian priest shall, 79.
- Title
- and profit I resign, 349.
- gained no, lost no friend, 323.
- knave that wears a, 310.
- long and dark successive, 268.
- please thine ear, whatever, 330.
- weigh the man not his, 282.
- when I can read my, clear, 303.
- Titles
- are marks of honest men, 310.
- decider of dusty and old, 199.
- high though his, 488.
- power and pelf, 488.
- Titus with uncommon sense, 352.
- To
- all to each a fair good night, 490.
- be or not to be, 135.
- horse away, 296.
- Toad,
- I had rather be a, 154.
- rose-water on a, 597.
- squat like a, 234.
- ugly and venomous, 67.
- Toad-eater, Pulteney's, 389.
- Toast pass, let the, 442.
- Tobacco,
- anything for thy sake, 509.
- sublime, 555.
- Tocsin of the soul, 559.
- To-day
- his own, who can call, 273.
- I have lived, 273.
- in, already walks to-morrow, 504.
- nor care beyond, 381.
- our youth we can have but, 312.
- pleasure to be drunk, 362.
- speed, to be put back to-morrow, 29.
- to-morrow cheerful as, 321.
- Toe,
- from top to, 683.
- light fantastic, 248.
- of frog, eye of newt, 123.
- of the peasant, 143.
- Toil
- and care, fond of, 805.
- and of tears, weary of, 668.
- and trouble, 123.
- and trouble, war is, 272.
- and trouble, why all this, 466.
- does not come to help the idle, 707.
- envy want the jail, 365.
- govern those that, 395.
- he wins his spirits light from, 387.
- he won, what with his, 267.
- horny hands of, 656.
- is lost, or all the, 416.
- is the sire of fame, 699.
- morn of, nor night of waking, 813.
- of time, 49, 311.
- poison for the age's, 78.
- sharper than a serpent's, 146.
- Tooth-ache, endure the, 53.
- Toothpicks, supply of, 597.
- Top,
- die at the, 294.
- of judgment, 47.
- of my bent, fool me to the, 139.
- [1124]to toe, dressed from, 683.
- whips his taxed, 462.
- Tops of the eastern pines, 81.
- Topics, fashionable, 402.
- Topless towers of Ilium, 41.
- Topples round the west, 631.
- Torches,
- as we do with, 46.
- light my candle from their, 192.
- Torments our elements, 227.
- Torn
- from their destined page, 456.
- me and I bleed, they have, 544.
- Torpedo, pen becomes a, 369.
- Torrent
- and whirlwind's roar, 394.
- is heard, naught but the, 428.
- of a downward age, 356.
- of a woman's will, 313.
- of his fate, 366.
- roar, should like the, 324.
- so the loud, 394.
- Torrents, motionless, 501.
- Torrent's smoothness, 516.
- Torrid tracts, through, 398.
- Torture,
- boil in endless, 545.
- hum of human cities is, 543.
- of the mind, 121.
- one poor word, 270.
- Torturing hour, the, 226.
- Toss him to my breast, 205.
- Touch,
- beautiful beneath his, 514.
- dares not put it to the, 257.
- harmonious, whose, 367.
- no state matters, 398.
- not taste not, 847.
- of a vanished hand, 627.
- of celestial temper, 234.
- of joy or woe, 389.
- of Liberty's war, first, 525.
- of nature, one, makes the whole world kin, 102.
- soiled by any outward, 253.
- sprang up forever at a, 634.
- that 's scarcely felt, 350.
- the best, fear not to, 25.
- them but rightly, 455.
- us gently Time, 538.
- we feel the tenderest, 274.
- with chiselled, 769.
- wound with a, 350.
- Touches of sweet harmony, 65.
- Touched
- by her fair tendance, 237.
- nothing that he did not adorn, 367.
- spirits are not fi
@27889@27889-h@27889-h-8.htm.html#Pg_49" class="pginternal">49.
- nature the first cause of the, 755.
- nothing, but heaven, <
enberg@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-20.htm.html#Pg_203" class="pginternal">203.
- of the tide, 91.
- one good, asketh another, 15.
- over a new leaf, 174, 182.
- the smallest worm will, 95.
- your hand to anything, 787.
- Turning trembles too, 389.
- Turnips, man who, cries, 375.
- Turns
- at the touch of joy, 389.
- with ceaseless pain, 394.
- Turph, Peter, 72.
- Turrets of the land, 636.
- Turtle,
- love of the, 549.
- voice of the, is heard, 832.
- Twain, if, be away, 6, 17.
- Twal, short hour ayont the, 446.
- Tweed, at York 't is on the, 318.
- Tweedledum and Tweedledee, 351.
- Twelve,
- Cristes lore and his apostles, 2.
- good men into a box, 528.
- good rules, the, 398.
- honest men have decided, 671.
- in the sworn, 47.
- miles from a lemon, 460.
- stout miles, might travel, 472.
- tongue of midnight hath told, 59.
- years ago I was a boy, 595.
- Twenty
- bokes clothed in black, 1.
- days are now, long as, 470.
- kiss me sweet and, 75.
- more such names, 72.
- mortal murders, 122.
- worlds, should conquer, 181.
- Twenty-one,
- in the confidence of, 376.
- the minor pants for, 329.
- Twice read, what is, 369.
- Twice-told tale, life is tedious as a, 79, 345.
- Twig is bent, just as the, 320.
- Twilight
- dews are falling fast, 524.
- dews, no, 493.
- disastrous, 225.
- fair, as stars of, 474.
- gray in sober livery, 233.
- lets her curtain down, 582.
- of the heart, an evening, 562.
- repairing, when at, 515.
- [1129]soft and dim, 682.
- Twilights, her dusky hair like, 474.
- Twilight's curtain, 582.
- Twin
- brethren, great, 593.
- happiness was born a, 557.
- Twins even from the birth, 343.
- Twinkling
- of a star, but the, 214.
- of an eye, in the, 62, 846.
- Twitch quick as lightning, 214.
- 'Twixt two boundless seas, 525<
- and like esteemed, 245.
- and silent shore, 509.
- argues yourselves, 234.
- forms of things, 59.
- it is good to love the, 509.
- [1131]she lived, 469.
- thus let me live, unseen, 334.
- to fortune and to fame, 386.
- too early seen, 105.
- Unlamented let me die, 334.
- Unlearn not what you have learned, 763.
- Unlearned,
- amaze the, 324.
- men of books, 310.
- their wants may view, 325.
- Unless above himself he can erect himself, 39.
- Unlessoned girl unschooled, 64.
- Unlettered small-knowing soul, 54.
- Unlineal hand, with an, 121.
- Unlooked for, she comes, 333.
- Unmannerly untaught knaves, 57.
- Unmarried, primroses die, 77.
- Unmask her beauty to the moon, 129.
- Unmeasured by flight of years, 497.
- Unmerciful disaster, 640.
- Unmoving finger, his slow, 155.
- Unmusical to the Volscians' ears, 103.
- Unnatural, nothing is, 441.
- Unnumbered woes, 336.
- Unpack my heart with words, 135.
- Unpaid-for silk, rustling in, 159.
- Unpathed waters undreamed shores, 78.
- Unperceived
- decay, melts in, 365.
- shade softening in shade, 357.
- Unpitied
- sacrifice, 408.
- unrespited, unreprieved, 227.
- Unpleasant
- body, moist, 652.
- people, leaving, 556.
- Unpleasantest words, 64.
- Unpleasing sharps, 108.
- Unpolluted flesh, fair and, 144.
- Unpractised unschooled, 64.
- Unpremeditated verse, 238.
- Unpresumptuous eye, 421.
- Unprofitable,
- fretful stir, 467.
- stale flat and, 128.
- Unprofitably burns, our oil, 415.
- Unpurchased hand, with, 636.
- Unreal mockery hence, 122.
- Unreclaimed blood, 133.
- Unredressed, wrongs, 480.
- Unreflected light, 594.
- Unrelenting
- foe to love, 358.
- hate, Juno's, 274.
- Unremembered acts, 467.
- Unrespited unpitied unreprieved, 227.
- Unrest or noyance, 357.
- Unresting sea, life's, 636.
- Unreturning brave, 543.
- Unrighteous man his thoughts, 149.
- the brain, researches, 443.
- Vexation of spirit, 830.
- Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man, 79.
- Viaticum of old age, 762.
- Vibrates in the memory, music, 567.
- Vibrations, to deaden its, 617.
- Vicar of the Almightie Lord, 6.
- Vice,
- amusements prevent, 371.
- by action dignified, 106.
- distinction between virtue and, 370.
- encourage no, 398.
- end in sight was a, 646.
- gathered every, 332.
- good old-gentlemanly, 556.
- is a monster, 317.
- is sold, almost every, 178.
- itself lost half its evil, 410.
- [1134]of fools, never-failing, 323.
- of old age, a common, 705.
- pays to virtue, the homage, 795.
- prevails, when, 298.
- some tincture of, in the best virtue, 777.
- that reverend, 85.
- virtue itself turns, 106.
- Vices
- disguised, virtues are, 794.
- Hannibal had many, 186.
- ladder of our, 616.
- our pleasant, 149.
- small, do appear, 148.
- wallets for our, 716.
- Vicious and virtuous, 318.
- Vicissitudes
- in all things, 703.
- man used to, 368.
- of fortune, 430.
- of sects and religions, 168.
- of things, the sad, 379, 393.
- Victims
- play, the little, 381.
- priests altars, 323.
- Victor exult, shall, 514.
- Victors, to the, belong the spoils, 676.
- Victories,
- after a thousand, 161.
- peace hath her, 252.
- Victorious,
- o'er a' the ills o' life, 451.
- wreaths, bound with, 95.
- Victory,
- a Cadmean, 807.
- follows in its train, 460.
- grave where is thy, 335, 846.
- if not, is yet revenge, 226.
- it was a famous, 507.
- of endurance born, 573.
- or death, resolved on, 804.
- or Westminster Abbey, 446.
- undone by another, 171.
- Vienna,
- congress of, dances, 803.
- looker-on here in, 49.
- View,
- keep probability in, 349.
- landscape tire the, 777.
- under heaven, every, 329.
- wars that make ambition, 154.
- with whom revenge is, 311.
- Virtues,
- all heavenly, shoot, 527.
- be to her, very kind, 287.
- but vices disguised, 794.
- curse all his, 298.
- did not go forth of us, if our, 46.
- friend to her, 377.
- Hannibal had mighty, 186.
- is it a world to hide, in, 74.
- nothing could surpass her in, 555.
- pearl chain of all, 182.
- powers dominations, 235.
- spring of, 35.
- to sustain good fortune, 794.
- waste thyself upon thy, 46.
- we write in water, 100.
- will plead like angels, 118.
- Virtue's
- ferme land, 267.
- guide, this maxim be my, 350.
- manly cheek, 424.
- side, his failings leaned to, 396.
- Virtuous
- actions, 670.
- all the sisters, 852.
- and noble education, 253.
- and vicious every man, 318.
- because thou art, 75.
- deeds, blessings wait on, 294.
- deeds, matter for, 36.
- if a man be, withal, 4.
- liberty, hour of, 298.
- life, walk of, 307.
- man, slumbers of the, 299.
- Marcia towers above her sex, 298.
- outrageously, 297.
- soul, only a sweet and, 204.
- who that is most, 4.
- woman's counsel, 36.
- world to hide, 74.
- Virtuousest discreetest best, 238.
- Virtuously, many daughters have done, 829.
- Visage,
- devotion's, 135.
- in his mind, saw Othello's, 151.
- lean body and, 222.
- on his bold, 491.
- Visages do cream and mantle, 60.
- Visible
- for the uncertain, 766.
- no light but darkness, 223.
- Vision,
- a more delightful, 409.
- and the faculty divine, 479.
- baseless fabric of this, 43.
- beatific, enjoyed in, 225.
- clear dream and solemn, 245.
- feminine, dazzles the, 594.
- I took it for a faery, 244.
- never dazzle the feminine, 594.
- of unfilled desire, 768.
- sensible to feeling, 119.
- where there is no, 829.
- write the, ma
nberg@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-12.htm.html#Pg_103" class="pginternal">103.
- Wars
- and rumours of wars, 841.
- big, that make ambition virtue, 154.
- more pangs and fears than, 99.
- no sound of clashing, 642.
- noise of endless, 229.
- of kites or crows, 255.
- thousand, of old, 633.
- who does i' the, 158.
- War's
- glorious art, 311.
- red techstone, 660.
- Warble his native wood-notes, 249.
- Warbled to the string, 250.
- Warbler of poetic prose, 421.
- Warblers roam, where idle, 523.
- Ward
- has no heart they say, 456.
- thou knowest my old, 84.
- Warder of the brain, 119.
- Ware, great bed at, 305.
- Warm
- as ecstasy, 414.
- heart within, 422.
- without heating, 312.
- Warmest welcome at an inn, 379.
- Warms in the sun, 316.
- Warmth,
- dear as the vital, 280.
- lack of kindly, 109.
- of its July, 595.
- soft ethereal, 228.
- Warn comfort and command, 475.
- Warning,
- at th' expected, 447.
- come without, 680.
- for a thoughtless man, 481.
- give little, 433.
- take from others, 703.
- wilderness of, 661.
- Warp, weave the, 383.
- Warrant, truth shall be thy, 25.
- Warrior
- famoused for fight, 161.
- intrepid and unselfish, 571.
- taking his rest, like a, 563.
- Warriors
- feel, stern joy that, 419.
- fierce fiery, 112.
- Warres and faithful loves, 27.
- Warsaw, order reigns in, 809.
- Wash,
- dirty linen to, 800.
- her guilt away, 403.
- Washed with morning dew, 491.
- Washing his hands with invisible soap, 584.
- Washington,
- America has furnished a, 530.
- is in the clear upper sky, 531.
- name of, shall shed an eternal glory, 572.
- Washington's awful memory, 507.
- Washingtonian dignity, the, 668.
- Waste,
- affections run to, 546.
- haste maketh, 9.
- in the wide, is a tree, 552.
- its sweetness on the desert air, 385.
- long nights, 29.
- not the remnant of thy life, 750.
- ocean's melancholy, 635.
- let the wicked forsake his, 834.
- life's common, 472.
- lion in the, there is a, 828.
- long is the, and hard, 227.
- longest, round, 204.
- madness lies that, 147.
- man's heart deviseth his, 826.
- marshall'st me the, 119.
- mind my compass and my, 354.
- narrow is the, 839.
- no t' other side the, 586.
- noiseless tenor of their, 385.
- of all flesh, 181.
- of all the earth, 814.
- of bargain, in the, 85.
- of kindness, save in the, 463.
- of life, my, 124.
- of transgressors, 826.
- on their winding, 536.
- one, possible of speaking truth, 651.
- out of his wreck, 100.
- parting of the, 835.
- permit nature to take her, 780.
- pretty Fanny's, 305.
- she dances such a, 256.
- small to greater must give, 157.
- solar walk or milky, 315.
- something given that, 185.
- sordid, he wends, 564.
- steep and thorny, to heaven, 129.
- tenor of his, 425.
- that milky, which nightly, 236.
- through Eden took their, 240.
- through many a weary, 580.
- to be deceived, 795.
- to dusty death, 125.
- to heaven, all the, 259.
- to heaven led the, 313.
- to hit a woman's heart, 597.
- to parish church, plain as, 68.
- we will precede lead the, 441.
- where is the good, 835.
- where prudence points the, 672.
- which, I fly is hell, 231.
- which, shall I fly, 231.
- which, the wind is, 195.
- which, they walk, 119.
- wide is the gate broad the, 839.
- wisdom finds a, 444.
- working out its, 267.
- Ways,
- amend your, 835.
- among the untrodden, 469.
- cheerful, of men, 230.
- fortune hath divers, 35.
- God fulfils himself in many, 629.
- hundred and fifty, 71.
- newest kind of, 90.
- of glory, trod the, 100.
- of God, just are the, 242.
- of God to man, vindicate the, 315.
- of God to men, justify the, 393.
- broken at the cistern, 831.
- butterfly upon a, 328.
- in the midst of a wheel, 835.
- noisy, was still, 634.
- shoulder to the, 189.
- the sofa round, 420.
- the world is a, 610.
- Wheels
- of brazen chariots, 236.
- of Phoebus' wain, 243.
- of weary life stood still, 276.
- Wheel-work, was man made a, 649.
- Wheeson week, Wednesday in, 89.
- Whelp and hound, mongrel, 400.
- When
- found make a note of, 652.
- he would he shall have nay, 9.
- I ope my lips, 60.
- in doubt win the trick, 861.
- Israel of the Lord, 493.
- Israel was from bondage led, 261.
- love speaks, 56.
- lovely woman stoops to folly, 403.
- shall we three meet again, 115.
- taken to be well shaken, 454.
- the age is in the wit is out, 52.
- the sea was roaring, 't was, 347.
- we two parted, 539.
- Whence
- and what art thou, 229.
- can comfort spring, 479.
- is thy learning, 348.
- Where
- dwellest thou, 103.
- go the poet's lines, 636.
- go we know not, 48.
- I would ever be, I am, 538.
- ignorance is bliss, 382.
- is my child, an echo answers, 550.
- law ends tyranny begins, 364.
- lives the man that has not tried, 492.
- Macgregor sits, 790.
- my Julia's lips do smile, 201.
- none admire, useless to excel, 377.
- the bee sucks there suck I, 43.
- the Lord knows, 318.
- the shoe pinches, 724.
- the tree falleth, 831.
- thou lodgest I will lodge, 814.
- was Roderick then, 492.
- your treasure is, 838.
- Whereabout, prate of my, 119.
- Where'er I roam, 394.
- Wherefore
- are these things hid, 74.
- art thou Romeo, 105.
- for every why a, 50, 210.
- in all things, why and, 93.
- Wheresoever whensoever, 436.
- Whether in sea or fire, 126.
- Whetstone, the blunt, 32.
- While
- I was musing, 819.
- stands the Coliseum, 546.
- thee I seek protecting Power, 674.
- there is life there 's hope, 791.
- whoso findeth a, 827.
- widowed, and wedded maid, 494.
- with nine small children, 687.
- Wifly patience, flour of, 4.
- Wight
- borne to disastrous end, 30.
- if ever such, were, 151.
- O base Hungarian, 45.
- of high renown, 406.
- Wild
- and willowed shore, 487.
- by starts 't was, 390.
- in their attire, so, 116.
- in woods, when, 275.
- passion-waves lulled to rest, 562.
- the garden was a, 513.
- thyme blows, bank where the, 58.
- waves saying, what are the, 680.
- with all regret, 630.
- Wilderness,
- choice grain into this, 266.
- lodge in some vast, 418.
- lodging-place in the, 835.
- love in such a, 516.
- of single instances, 627.
- of sweets, 235.
- of warning, 661.
- Wildernesses, desert, 243.
- Wild-fowl, concerning, 77.
- Wild-goose chase, 786.
- Wild-warbling measures, 447.
- Wile, children with endearing, 397.
- Wiles,
- cranks and wanton, 248.
- transient sorrows simple, 474.
- Will
- and fate fix'd fate, 228.
- based upon her people's, 623.
- be there a, 444.
- complies against his, 215.
- craft of, 163.
- current of a woman's, 670.
- [1145]executes a freeman's, 538.
- for if she, she will, 313.
- for the deed, 292, 297, 772.
- glideth at his own sweet, 470.
- good or evil, save in the, 746.
- good or ill lies in the, 744.
- good, toward men, 841.
- had tongue at, 151.
- Honeycomb, 297.
- I should have my, 788.
- left free the human, 334.
- my poverty but not my, 108.
- not when he may, 9.
- one man's, to live by, 31.
- or won't, a woman, 313.
- pay thy poverty not thy, 108.
- puzzles the, 136.
- reason firm the temperate, 475.
- reason panders, 140.
- serveth not another's, 174.
- star of the unconquered, 334.
- her stay, who saw to, 237.
- his religion an anxious, 578.
- not what we, 390.
- was father to that thought, 90.
- Wishes,
- all their country's, 389.
- in idle, fools supinely stay, 444.
- lengthen like our shadows, 309.
- never learned to stray, their sober, 385.
- soon as granted fly, whose, 488.
- stilled, be my vain, 674.
- Wished
- devoutly to be, 135.
- she had not heard it, 150.
- Wishing,
- content myself with, 376.
- of all employments, 308.
- [1148]Wishings, good meanings and, 205.
- Wist, beware of had I, 9.
- Wit,
- a man in, 335.
- and gay rhetoric, 246.
- among lords, 369.
- and wisdom are little seen, 312.
- and wisdom born with a man, 195.
- brevity is the soul of, 133.
- brightens, how the, 324.
- cause that, is in other men, 88.
- eloquence and poetry, 260.
- enjoy your dear, 246.
- fault of a penetrating, 796.
- for so much room there is no, 222.
- hast so much, 300.
- her, was more than man, 270.
- high as metaphysic, 210.
- in a jest, whole, 196.
- in the combat, whose, 519.
- in the fountain of, 706.
- in the very first line, 399.
- invites you, his, 415.
- is a feather, 319.
- is out when age is in, 52.
- men of, will condescend, 290.
- miracle instead of, 311.
- mouses, not worth a leke, 4.
- much, but shy of using it, 209.
- nature dressed is true, 323.
- ne'er beware of my own, 67.
- no room for, heads so little, 222.
- of one, wisdom of many, 861.
- one man's, all men's wisdom, 861.
- piety nor, shall lure it back, 768.
- plentiful lack of, 133.
- put his whole, in a jest, 196.
- shines at the expense of his memory, 800.
- skirmish of, there 's a, 50.
- so narrow human, 323.
- sum of Shakespeare's, 600.
- that can creep, 328.
- the Scotch are void of, 389.
- to mortify a, 329.
- too fine a point to your, 792.
- too proud for a, 191.
- one that was a, 143.
- perfect, nobly planned, 475.
- perfected, earth's noblest thing, 656.
- poor Ione, 89.
- preaching, 371.
- scorned, no fury like a, 294.
- she is a, 93, 104.
- should be good for everything at home, 699.
- smiled, till, 513.
- still be a, to you, 305.
- still gentler sister, 448.
- stoops to folly, when lovely, 403.
- stranger thing is, 559.
- such duty, oweth to her husband, 73.
- supper with such a, 561.
- take an elder, let the, 75.
- take some savage, 626.
- that deliberates is lost, 298.
- that seduces all mankind, 348.
- therefore may be won, 104.
- therefore may be wooed, 104.
- therefore to be won, 93.
- thou large-brain'd, 621.
- trusted a secret to a, 725.
- what mighty ills done by, 280.
- what mighty woes from, 345.
- widow, 815.
- will or won't depend on 't, 313.
- Woman's
- breast his favourite seat, 482.
- counsel, a virtuous, 36.
- eye, black is a pearl in a, 35.
- eye, such beauty as a, 55.
- eyes, light that lies in, 522.
- faith and woman's trust, 494.
- heart, the way to hit a, 597.
- looks, my only books were, 522.
- love, brief my lord as, 138.
- love, paths to a, 198.
- mood, fantastic as a, 492.
- nay stands for naught, 163.
- praise, sweeter sound of, 593.
- reason, no other but a, 44.
- whole existence, love is, 556.
- will, current of a, 670.
- will, torrent of a, 313.
- work is never done, 688.
- Woman-country! wooed not wed, 647.
- Womanhood and childhood, 614.
- Womankind,
- Womb
- of morning dew, 28.
- of nature, wild abyss the, 229.
- of pia mater, in the, 55.
- of the morning, 823, 851.
- of uncreated night, 227.
- Women,
- alas the love of, 557.
- and brave men, 542.
- and song, wine, 811.
- bevy of fair, 66.
- blows and buffets of the, 121.
- books a substantial, 477.
- borrow the name of the, 166.
- breathers of this, 162.
- breathes out contagion to this, 139.
- brought death into the, 223.
- but as a stage, 784.
- called the new, into existence, 464.
- calls idle, whom the, 420.
- came up stairs into the, 294.
- can give, not a joy the, 553.
- can never fill, void the, 422.
- cankers of a calm, 86.
- cast out of the, and despised, 27.
- children of this, 842.
- citizen of the, 605, 739, 764.
- commandress of the, 35.
- creation's heir the, 394.
- daffed the, aside, 86.
- dissolves, when all the, 41.
- doth but two nations bear, 263.
- dreams books are each a, 477.
- drowsy syrups of the, 154.
- enchants the, 356.
- envy of the, 408.
- ere the, be past, 396.
- falls when Rome falls, 546.
- far from ours, some, 567.
- fashion of this, passeth away, 845.
- fever of the, 467.
- for all the, he was, 90.
- flesh and the devil, 850.
- foremost man of all this, 114.
- forgetting by the world forgot, 333.
- four corners of the, 781.
- gain the whole, 840.
- gifts of the, 66.
- girdle round about the, 36.
- give the, the lie, 25.
- goes, honest as this, 133.
- goes up the world goes down, 664.
- goes with no eyes, 148.
- good bye proud, 598.
- good deed in a naughty, 66.
- grew pale, name at which the, 365.
- had wanted many an idle song, 326.
- half-brother of the, America, 654.
- half of the, knoweth not how the other half liveth, 771.
- harmoniously confused, 333.
- harmony of the, 31.
- has nothing to bestow, 362.
- hath flattered all the, 26.
- he gave his honours to the, 100.
- he pleases all the, 800.
- he that knows not the, 755.
- he was for all the, 90.
- him who bore the, 483.
- his arm he flung against the, 642.
- how little wisdom governs the, 280.
- who would inhabit alone this bleak, 521.
- wide enough for thee and me, 378.
- will come round to him, 601.
- will disagree in faith and hope, 318.
- witch the, with noble horsemanship, 86.
- with all its motley rout, 424.
- without a sun, 513.
- working-day, full of briers, 66.
- worship of the, but no repose, 565.
- worst, that ever was known, 279.
- worth the winning, 272.
- Worlds,
- allured to brighter, 396.
- best of all possible, 801.
- exhausted, imagined new, 366.
- in the yet unformed occident, 39.
- not realized, in, 478.
- should conquer twenty, 181.
- so many, so much to do, 633.
- wandering between two, 665.
- whose course is equable, 482.
- wrecks of matter and crush of, 299.
- World's
- altar-stairs, 632.
- creation, most ancient since the, 169.
- dread laugh, 356.
- great age begins anew, 566.
- great men, the, 638.
- law, nor the, 108.
- new fashion planted, 54.
- Shakespeare is not our poet but the, 511.
- tired denizen, the, 541.
- Worldlings
- do, testament as, 67.
- world and, 90.
- Worldly
- ends, thus neglecting, 42.
- goods, with all my, 851.
- life, the weariest, 49.
- wise, be not, 203.
- World-wide fluctuation, 634.
- Worm,
- bit with an envious, 104.
- darkness and the, 308.
- dieth not, where their, 841.
- in the bud, concealment like a, 75.
- is in the bud of youth, 423.
- man cannot make a, 776.
- needlessly sets foot upon a, 422.
- no god dare wrong a, 600.
- that hath eat of a king, 141.
- the canker and the grief, 555.
- the smallest, will turn, 95.
- Worms
- and epitaphs, let 's talk of, 81.
- devils at, 770.
- have eaten men, 71.
- of Nile, outvenoms all the, 160.
- Worn out with eating time, 276.
- Worn-out
- word Alone, 606.
- plan, man made on a, 660.
- Worse,
- make the, appear the better reason, 226, 759.
- deed, better day the, 282.
- for better for, 140.
- Wrinkle, time writes no, 547.
- Wrinkles won't flatter, 559.
- Wrinkled
- care derides, 248.
- front of war, 95.
- Writ
- by God's own hand, 310.
- in choice Italian, 138.
- in remembrance, 81.
- in sour misfortune's book, 108.
- in water, deeds, 197.
- in water, whose name was, 577.
- in water, words, 37.
- proofs of holy, 154.
- stolen out of holy, 96.
- what is, is writ, 548.
- within the leaf of pity, 109.
- your annals true, 103.
nal">472. - [1158]virtue be as wax to flaming, 140.
- waneth by encreasing, 24.
- we poets in our, 470.
- wears the rose of, upon him, 158.
- what he steals from her, 378.
- whom the gods favour dies in, 700.
- whose fond heart, 550.
- whoso neglects learning in his, 699.
- wisdom is rare in, 343.
- worm is in the bud of, 423.
- Youthful
- follies o'er, count their, 492.
- hart, fly like a, 302.
- hose well saved, 69.
- jollity, jest and, 248.
- poets dream, such sights as, 249.
- poets fancy when they love, 301.
- sports, my joy of, 547.
- Yreken, ashen cold is fire, 3.
- Ywette, joly whistle wel, 3.
- Zaccheus he did climb the tree, 687.
- Zeal,
- heavenly race demands thy, 359.
- of God, 844.
- served God with half the, 100.
- with commutual, 342.
- Zealand, traveller from New, 591.
- Zealots fight, let graceless, 318.
- Zealous
- for nothing, 373.
- yet modest, 428.
- Zealously affected, good to be, 846.
- Zekle crep' up quite unbeknown, 659.
- Zembla or the Lord knows where, 318.
- Zenith,
- dropped from the, 225.
- wisdom mounts her, 433.
- Zephyr
- gently blows, when the, 324.
- soft the, blows, 383.
- Zeus,
- impossible to escape the will of, 693.
- the dice of, fall ever luckily, 697.
- Zigzag manuscript, 419.
- Zion the city of the great king, 820.
- Zone,
- as a circling, 236.
- best gem upon her, 598.
- Zurich's
- daughters, fairest of fair, 677.
- waters, margin of fair, 677.
- Zuyder Zee, traveller on the, 592.
1. Corrections which have been made are indicated by dotted lines under the corrected text. Scroll the mouse over the word and the original text will appear. 2. Formatting of punctuation has been standardised, including the addition of trailing periods in the text and the index and the addition of commas preceding the page numbers in the index. 3. Formatting of footnotes with respect to small caps and punctuation has been standardised. 4. This text has numerous quirks: - the index is sometimes not in alphabetical order, in particular the plural of a headword often immediately follows the singular of a headword.
- quotations are sometimes not in numerical line number order
- index entries often contain full words, where the original quote contains contractions
- index entries often contain duplicate head words
- index entries often do not replicate the punctuation or exact spelling of the original quotation.
5. Use of a regular expression based search facility for research within this text is recommended. Please take a moment to admire the people who compiled a 300 page index without the use of automated word processing. |