English transliterations for the Greek and Chinese words can be viewed by hovering the mouse over the character or word. Transliterations have not been provided when a Chinese character is followed by a transliteration in the book. This version of the text contains a number of Unicode characters. These characters may not appear if you don't have Unicode selected as your encoding (usually found under the View/Page menu) or the right fonts installed. A good number of printer's errors have been corrected, including all those in the Errata. All other spelling and grammar inconsistencies have been retained. As a final note, the I section of the index contains both I and J entries. Portrait of Van-ta-gin Pub. May 2, 1804, by Messrs. Cadell, & Davies, Strand, London. TRAVELSINCHINA,CONTAININGDESCRIPTIONS, OBSERVATIONS, AND COMPARISONS, MADE AND COLLECTED IN