Geronimo | Frontispiece | How the book was made | Facing page vi | Dressed as in days of old | 8 | Naiche (Natches), son of Cochise, hereditary chief of the Chiricahua Apaches. Naiche was Geronimo's lieutenant during the protracted wars in Arizona | 14 | Last of the Bedonkohe Apache Tribe, Tuklonnen, NÄdeste, Nah-ta-neal, Porico (White Horse) | 18 | Work stock in Apache corral | 22 | The conquered weapon | 30 | Apache princess, daughter of Naiche, chief of the Chiricahua Apaches | 38 | Geronimo, Chihuahua, Nanne, Loco, Ozone | 46 | Naiche, his mother, his two wives and his children | 50 | Asa Deklugie, wife and children | 66 | Apache scouts—Naiche, Goody, John Loco, Porico, Jasen, Asa Deklugie, Kelburn, Sam, Hugh, Captain Seyers | 70 | Three Apache chieftains—Naiche, son of Coche; Asa, son of Whoa; Charley, son of Victoria | 80 | Apache camp | 86 | Apache mission—Valley of Medicine Creek, Fort Sill Military Reservation | 96 | Asa Deklugie (official interpreter for Geronimo, son of Whoa, chief of the Nedni Apaches, chief elect to succeed Geronimo at the latter's death) Geronimo, Apache war chief | 100 | Lone Wolfe, chief of Kiowas Geronimo, Apache war chief | 108 | Quanna Parker, chief of Comanche Indians | 118 | Gotebo, war chief, Kiowa Indians | 144 | Kaytah and Nahteen, Apache scouts who were with General Lawton | 152 | Emma Tuklonen | 162 | W. F. Melton, at whose camp in Skeleton CaÑon Geronimo surrendered | 172 | Chihuahua and family | 190 | Mrs. Asa Deklugie, niece of Geronimo and daughter of Chihuahua, a famous Apache chieftain | 200 | Eva Geronimo, Geronimo's youngest daughter, 16 years old | 200 | Ready for church | 210 |