- Angels hovering around. Hymn 28
- Arise my soul arise. 1
- Arise my soul arise, (in Chinook.) 38
- Choruses 44
- Come to Jesus, just now. 29
- Come, come to Jesus. 22
- Come, every soul by sin oppressed. 17
- Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove. 13
- Come, thou Fount of every blessing. 4
- Doxology. 37
- Follow, follow, I will follow Jesus. 32
- Follow Jesus, (in Chinook.) 44
- Happy day. 34
- Have you been to Jesus. (Chinook) 39
- Help me, dear Savior. (Chinook) 44
- Here we suffer grief and pain. 20
- Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide. 9
- How firm a foundation. 25
- I am so glad that our Father. 3
- I will tell it to Jesus, my Lord. 33
- Jesus, Lover of my soul. 14
- Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone. 23
- Jesus shall reign, where’er the sun. 12
- Jesus, the name high over all. 16
- Lord’s Prayer. 45
- Nearer, my God to thee. 21
- Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 8
- Nothing but the blood. (in Chinook) 40
- Now the chains of sin are broken. 35
- Now the chains of sin, (Chinook) 41
- Oh, I am so happy in Jesus. 30
- Praise God, from whom all blessings. 37
- Precious Savior, thou dost save me. 36
- Psalm 100. 24
- Shall we gather at the river. 19
- Stand up, stand up for Jesus. 10
- Sweet by-and-bye. 5
- Sweet by-and-bye. (Chinook.) 42
- Ten Commandments. 46
- Tell it to Jesus. 18
- Tell it to Jesus. (Chinook.) 44
- ’Tis the promise of God. 27
- Title clear. 7
- There is a fountain filled with blood. 11
- There is a happy land. 26
- There is a happy land. (Chinook) 43
- There is a land of pure delight. 15
- There’ll be no parting. 31
- Thy will be done. 6
- We’ll work till Jesus comes. 2