Abbott, Dr. Lyman, 334, 354, 388
Aberdeen, 247
Aberdeen, Earl of, 445
Adams, Charles Francis, 456
Adams, Oscar Fay, 418
Advance, the, 375, 378, 383, 394, 420, 441, 490
Alabama, secession of, 225
Albert, Prince, of England, 99, 100
Alexander, Dr., 210, 236, 237
Alexander, Jenny, 236, 237, 253
Allan, Lieutenant, of Fort Monroe, 447, 511
Allington, 261, 262
Ambleside, 43
American Missionary Society, 359
Amsterdam, 392
Andover Review, the, 418
Anne, Queen of England, 43, 360, 398
Anthony, Susan B., 340
Appleton, D., and Company, 311, 313, 365, 380, 490
Appleton’s Magazine, 341
“April Wedding, An,” 369
Arcadians, the, 422-424
Ariadne, the, 298, 300, 302
Armenian Christian question, the, article on, 440
Arminianism, 101-102
Arran, the Isle of, 341
Arter, Mr., 433
Astor, Mrs., 339
Astor Library, the, 313, 315-318, 336-338, 344, 348, 364, 375, 379, 390, 391, 398, 417, 430, 432, 434, 442, 508
“At the Last,” 493
Atlantic, the, 126, 128, 142, 146, 148
Atlantic City, 402, 452, 457
Aurania, the, 425
Austin, 267, 294-297, 319, 346, 377
life 179-259
occupation of, by the Union forces, 251-253
desolation in, 260-263
Austin Gazette, the, 248
Australia, 121, 123
Authors’ Club, the, 443, 500
Bacheller, Irving, 424, 434, 435, 437
Bacheller Syndicate, the, 423, 432, 442, 444
Bacon, Dr., of the U.S. Sixth Cavalry, 244
Baildon Church, 264
Baildon Green, 13-18
Baildon Green Feast, 16-18
Ballistier, Mr., 430
Balwearie, the Tower of, 398
Barr, Alexander Gregg,
birth of, 242
death of, 280
Barr, Alice, birth of, 219
Barr, Amelia,
birth of, 1-5
early impressions of, 5-10, 18-19
in Shipley, 13-24 514
in Penrith, 22-46
at Miss Pearson’s school, 26-28, 38, 44
in Ripon, 47-54
at the Misses Johnston’s school, 49
on the Isle of Man, 55-59
in Whitehaven, 59-64
at Miss Flinder’s school, 63
in Norfolk, 69-80
in Glasgow, 91-137
marriage of, 104
first trip of, to America, 143-148
in Chicago, 151-165
in Memphis, 169-171
in New Orleans, 175-177
in Austin, 179-259
illness of, with yellow fever, 279-283
in Galveston, 263-299
beginning of life of, in New York, 302
in Ridgewood, as teacher, 305-314
first literary work of, 311
in Rutherford Park, 345-354
in Denver, 354
removal of, to Cornwall, 388
in East Orange, N.J., 427-428
purchases Cherry Croft, 428
the works of, 488-498
Barr, Andrew, birth and death of, 285
Barr, Archibald,
birth of, 253
death of, 257
Barr, Calvin,
birth of, 215
death of, 281
Barr, Edith,
birth of, 155
death of, 156
Barr, Eliza (Lilly),
birth of, 122
marriage of, to Edward A. Munro, 433
Barr, Ethel,
birth of, 229
death of, 233
Barr, Mrs. John, 116-119, 383, 412
Barr, Reverend John, 305
Barr, Dr. Martin, 437
Barr, Mary,
birth of, 119
marriage of, 375
Barr, Robert, novelist, 452, 506
Barr, Robert,
meeting of, with Amelia Huddleston, 100
bankruptcy of, 120
death of, 282
Barr, Thomas, of Tennessee, 348
Barrie, James M., 441
Bascom, Ohio, 392
Bastrop, 184, 195, 202, 261
Beadles, Mollie, of Austin, 240
“Beads of Tasmar, The,” 402, 403, 488, 508
“Beating the Bounds,” 364
Beauregard, General, 237
Beauregard, Mr., lecture of, on occultism, 443
Beecher, Reverend Charles, 475
Beecher, Dr. Edward, 475
Beecher, Henry Ward, 111, 303, 304, 311, 313, 342, 345, 350, 475
Beers, Henry S., 499
“Beggars of the Sea, The,” 394
“Belle of Bowling Green, The,” 458, 488
Belle Haven, 434
Benares, 124
Bentley, William, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202
Bermingham, Dr., 426
Berners, Miss, 67, 74-78, 81-87, 92
“Bernicia,” 410, 432, 488, 507, 508
“Best I Can, The,” 364
“Between Two Loves,” 393, 488
Beverly in Yorkshire, 45
Birmingham, 35
Birth of Mrs. Barr, 1, 5 515
“Birthday, A,” 369
“Black Shilling, The,” 457, 458, 488
Blackies, the, 116
John, 108, 122
Marion, 108
Walter, 108
Blackpool, Philip, 66, 78
Blackwell, Mr., of Austin, 258
Blackwood’s Magazine, 234
Blair, Abner, 247
Blair, Andrew, 124
Bloom, Isaac, of Galveston, 337
“Blue and Gray Together,” 364
“Blue Williams,” 244
Boers, the, 449, 452
Bok, Edward, 431, 432, 434, 445
Bonner’s Sons, Robert, 368, 375, 376, 378, 379, 386, 388, 389, 405, 426, 431, 490
Book News, the, 418, 420
Bookman, the, 461, 508
Books, author’s, list of, 488-498
Booth, General William, 4, 370-373
“Border Shepherdess, The,” 403, 405, 488, 500
Boroughbridge, 429
Boston, 146-148, 175, 176, 344
Boston Advertiser, the, 500
Bothenia, the, 425
Boughton, 35
“Bow of Orange Ribbon, The,” 363, 391, 393-396, 408, 437, 439, 449, 455
dinner at the Lawyers’ Club, 424
dinner given by Mrs. Dodd, 460, 488, 500, 509
Bowery Mission, The, 442
Boyd, the Reverend Mr., of Chicago, 444
Bradford, in Yorkshire, 11, 20, 103, 374, 415, 416, 417
Bradford Observer, the, 417
Bradley and Woodward, 490
“Bread upon the Waters,” 392
BrÉmont, Countess de, 448
Bristol, 35
Brodie, Isabel, 108, 338, 341, 385-387
Confederacy, the, 218, 222, 225, 226
last days of, 249-251
Congregational Club, the, 445
Conway, Moncure, 432
Cooper, Peter, funeral of, 369
Corinth, 228
Cornwall-on-Hudson, 25, 366, 388, 398, 417, 428, 433, 434, 443, 446, 452, 458, 460, 461, 463
Cortland, Gertrude W., 502
Crabtree, Martha, 13 517
Cromwell, Oliver, 26, 222, 398, 409, 452, 453, 457, 509
Cross Keys, the, 72
Crystal Palace, the, 149, 425
Cumberland, 333, 360, 412
Curtis, Mr. and Mrs., of Boston, 146-147, 176
Dakota, 438
Dana, Charles A., 443
“Daughter of Fife, A,” 97, 392, 488
Davis, Emma J. C., 512
Davis, Jefferson, 225, 249
De Gama, Professor, 437
Delhi, 124
Delineator, the, 453
Denver, 356
Devonia, the, 365, 366, 388, 474
Dickerman, Dr. Lysander, 434
Dilke, 416
“Discontented Women,” 433, 436
Divorce, article on, 423, 457
Dodd, Edward, 437
Dodd, Frank, 380, 381, 397, 434, 436, 441, 443, 449, 453, 458, 460, 461, 464
Dodd, Mead and Company, 301, 378, 379, 383, 388, 390, 392, 395-397, 402, 413, 420, 444, 447, 449, 464
books of the author published by, 488-489
Dodge, Mrs., 333, 407, 430, 431, 449
Dodge, William E., 332
Dominican Church, the, 335, 336, 384
Douglas, 55
Downham Market in Norfolk, 68, 72-74, 77, 78
Dreams, 98-99, 124, 128, 130, 220, 274, 360, 365, 375, 378, 386, 401-402, 452, 456
Druids, the, 18, 45, 46, 271
Duddon, the Valley of, 6, 473
Dunkirk, 35
Dunning, Charles Stacey, 511
Durham, George, 208, 213, 219, 229, 239-241, 244, 246, 248, 249
Durham, Mrs. George, 206, 237, 241
Dwyer, Charles, 453
East Orange, N.J., 3, 427, 428
Ecclefechan, 90
Eden Hall, 44
Edinburgh, 97, 109, 193, 307, 374, 398, 399
Edward, the Confessor, 3, 454
Edward III, King of England, 26
Elgin, Betty, of Austin, 240, 248
Elwyn College, 437, 438
Emancipation of 1833 in England, 42
Emancipation Proclamation, 251, 264
“Epiphany in the West Riding, The,” 314
Erkmann-Chatrian, 475
Errani, 336
Estabrook, Dr., 291
“Eunice Leslie,” 334, 490
“Evangeline,” 423, 424
Everglades, the, 374
Fackler, Calvin, 165, 169, 171, 172, 215
“Farmer, The,” 496
Farrar, Dr., 82-85, 95, 97, 107
Fashion, 436 518
“Feet of Clay,” 413, 417, 418, 488
“Femmentia’s Experience,” 429, 490
Fenwick, Lord, 360
Fife, 392
Fife, Lydey, letter from, 392
Fifth Avenue Hotel, 441, 442, 445, 446, 451, 459, 511
“Fishers of Fife, The,” 376
Five Points Mission, 331, 332, 339
Fleuhrer, Dr., 376, 379, 385, 388
Flinders, Penelope, school of, 63
“Flirting Wives,” 431
Florida, 225, 375, 382, 408, 417, 457
“Flower of Gala Water, The,” 431, 490
Ford, Howard and Hulbert, 344, 345, 490
Fort Donelson, 236
“Fortune Teller, The,” 364
“Four Champions of Justification by Faith,” 441
Fox, Mr., of Manchester, 309, 311
Fox, George, 417
Free Kirk, founding of the, 107
Freelander, Max, 341
French Revolution, 40
Freund, J. C., 408, 410
“Friend Olivia,” 410, 417, 418, 420-422, 423, 488, 499, 502
Frissel, Dr., 446
Frohman, Charles, 408, 441, 443, 437, 439
“From Greenland’s Icy Mountains,” 17
Froude, 51
Furness Abbey, 384
Gage, Lyman, 461, 462, 503
Gaines, Professor, 434
Galveston, 175-178, 200, 257, 261, 262, 319, 325, 409
life of the Barrs in, 263-300
Garden City, 463
General Theological Seminary, 430
Georgia, 225
Gettysburg, battle of, 228
Gilder, Richard Watson, 414, 420, 421
Gillette, Mrs., 237
“Girls of a Feather,” 431
Glasgow, 36, 88, 89, 91, 103, 104, 106, 198, 200, 247, 270, 285, 297, 298, 305, 319, 328, 332, 333, 339, 341-343, 370, 371, 374, 414
Glasgow Normal School, author’s attendance at, 88-102
Globe, the, 458
Gloucester, the Duke of, 25
Glover’s Theatre in Glasgow, 109
Godey’s Magazine, 431
“Going to Church Together,” 379
Goldschmidt, Mrs., 432, 433
Goliad, 409
Good Words Magazine, 414
Goodrich, Lucy, 236
Goose Dubs, 93
Grammaticus, Galfridus, story of, 73
Grand Central Station, 386
Great Harry, the, 2, 439
Great North Sea, 453
Green, Mrs., 253
Green, Mrs. Tom, of Austin, 206
Greenock, 127
Greenwich, 434
Greenwood, Grace, 344 519
Greenwood, Jonathan, 13-17 20, 22
Gregg, Bishop, 237, 244
Gregg, Mary, 240
Grey, Peter, 155, 160-162, 165
Grey and Ripon, Earl of, 47, 48
Greyfriar’s Kirk, 109
Habberton, John, 389
Halifax, 422
Hall, Mr., of Austin, 272-274
Hall, Reverend Father, 446
“Hallam Succession, The,” 385, 393, 490
Hampton School, 446
“Hands of Compulsion, The,” 461, 488
Harper Brothers, 216, 390, 394
Harper’s Bazaar, 490
Harper’s Monthly, 364, 368, 369, 385, 386, 435
Harper’s Weekly, 216, 233, 338, 360, 405, 406
enberg@html@files@35706@35706-h@35706-h-19.htm.html#page_439" class="pginternal">439
Jackson, General, 424
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 357
Jacobus, Professor, 440
James, Professor, 457
“Jan Vedder’s Wife,” 97, 301, 333, 376-380, 383, 388, 393, 397, 464, 488, 509, 511
French translation of, 413
“Janet McFarlane,” 378
Jerusalem, Palestine, 470, 471
Jewett, Dr., 430, 443
Jewett, Miss, 445
Jewett, Rutger Bleecker, 430, 432, 436, 442, 443, 445, 452, 453, 455, 457, 458, 505
John, King of England, 400
John’s Island, 359
“John’s Wife,” 364
Johnson, General, surrender of, 249
Johnson, Robert Underwood, 443
Johnson, Rossiter, 430 521
Johnston, John Henry, 327-329, 331
“Judith of Keyes Grif,”
June, Jennie (Mrs. Croly), 436
Kansas City, 159, 162
Keble, 51
Kendal, 23, 25, 31, 67, 68, 78, 85, 88, 89, 97, 101, 107, 108, 109, 127, 129, 131, 134, 136, 137, 139, 193, 322, 399-402, 414, 437, 438, 502
Kendal haver cake, 400
Kendal Syndicate, the, 420
Kendal wigs, 22
Kennedy, Mr., of the Christian Union, 314
Kentucky, 172
Key West, 301
King, Dr. Booth, 436
King William’s College in the Isle of Man, 57
“King’s Highway, The,” 438, 439, 488
Kipling, 433
Kirk Malew, the churchyard at, 2, 439
Kirkcaldy, 398
Kirkpatrick, Thomas, 412, 451, 452, 455
Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Thomas, death of, 450, 451
Klopsch, Dr. Louis, 435, 436, 438, 440, 443, 444, 452, 453, 458, 461, 462, 501, 503
death of, 464
Klopsch, Mrs. Louis, 441, 458, 461-464, 503
Knight, Professor William, 475
“Knight of the Nets, The,” 433, 434, 436, 437, 488
Know Nothings, the, 153
Kramer, Lieutenant, of Austin, 258
Kruger, Paul, 449
La Grange, 261
“Lacordaire Dying,” 378
Lancashire, 309
Larcom, Lucy, 475
“Last of the McAllisters, The,” 363, 390, 393, 394, 423, 488
Lathrop, Mr. George Parsons, 433
Lawyer’s Club, 424
Ledger, the, 364, 378, 382, 388, 389, 393, 394, 490
Lee, Mrs., of Galveston, 263, 281, 282, 285
Lee, Mrs. Harry, 455
Lee, General Robert E., 249
Leeds, 11, 14, 343
Leisure Hour, the, 376
Leith, 97
“Lending a Hand,” 369
Leslie, Mrs. Frank, 432
Leslie’s Magazine, 405, 444, 490
Letters, 499-511
Leyden University, 396
Libbey, William, 304-311, 389, 501
Libbey, Professor William, 306, 307, 308, 356, 440, 445, 448, 458, 502
Libbey, Mrs. William, 436, 442, 445, 448, 458
Lidstone, Mr., of Galveston, 298
Lincoln, Abraham, 223
election of, to the Presidency, 225
“Lion’s Whelp, The,” 409, 449, 452, 453, 488, 504, 509
Lippincott’s Magazine, 364, 428
Litten, Dr., 210 522
“Little Evangel, The,” 369
Liverpool, 35, 55, 69, 126-128, 138, 139, 417
Lockhart, Mrs., 445
London, 3, 35, 69, 149, 307, 343, 374, 376, 390, 393, 394, 403, 434
“Lone House, The,” 432, 488
Lone Star, the, 176, 177, 179
Longfellow, Henry W., 422
Lonsdale, Earls of, 3, 25, 46, 47, 60
Los Angeles Evening Express, the, 511
“Lost I. O. U., The,” 444
“Lost Silver of Briffault, The,” 390, 393, 490
Louisiana, 87, 225
“Love for an Hour Is Love Forever,” 429, 488
“Loved Too Late,” 387
Lovell, Mr., 458, 490
“Lover That Comes in the Morning, The,” 364
Lowther Castle, 45, 46
Lubbock, General, 250
Lynn Regis, 69, 72
Lyons, 307
Mabie, Mr., 375, 376
Mackay in “Rob Roy,” 109
Madden, Mrs., 255
“Maid of Maiden Lane, The,” 449, 488
“Maid of Old New York, A,” 464, 489, 504, 510
“Maids, Wives and Bachelors,” 488
“Man Between, The,” 458, 490
Manchester, 35, 37, 70, 127, 140
Manx, the, 456
“Margaret Sinclair’s Silent Money,” 313
Marks, Mr., 354
“Master of His Fate, The,” 405, 488
“Mate of the Master Bell, The,” 429, 490
Matthieson, Mr., 404
Maurice, Mr., 461
McAfee, Professor, 405, 406
McClellan, General, defeat of, 240
McClure, S. S., 424, 430
McClure Syndicate, the, 423
McCulloch, Ben, 237
funeral of, 238
McCutcheon, George, 461
McGlyn, Father, 444
McIntosh, Peter, 93, 414, 415
McIntosh, Mrs. Peter, 95, 98, 106, 135
McKenna, Father, 484
McLaren, Ian, 441
McLeod, Dr. Donald, 121, 414
McNeill, William Stoddard, 454
Mead, Mr., 390, 413, 422, 428
Memphis, 159, 164-171, 197, 198, 201, 214, 215, 240, 296
Mengins, the Reverend Mr., 332, 338, 341
Mercantile Library, the, 313
Meredith, Reverend Mr., 414
Merriam, George, 315, 316, 435, 509
Methodism, 4, 5, 15-17, 35, 68, 351, 385, 414-416, 429, 444, 476
Methodist Book Concern, the, 37, 385, 390, 490
“Michael and Theodora,” 407, 431, 490
Michigan University, 342 523
Millican, Mrs., of Austin, 241
Millom Castle, 3
Mississippi, state of, 225
Mississippi River, the, author’s first trip on, 167-168
Moir, Mr., of Blackwood’s, 234
Moody and Sankey, the evangelical movement of, 372, 441
Morcambe Bay, 400
Morgan, Captain Frank, 385, 393-394, 408, 430
Morgan, Miss Sarah, 152
Morley, Sir William, 59
Morris, Colonel, 255, 257, 447
“Mother England,” poem on, 193
Mount Holyoke AlumnÆ, 445
Munkitterick, Mr., 388, 389
Munro, Edward A., 433, 459, 460, 463
Munroe, Kirk, 364, 374, 378, 379, 457
marriage of, to Mary Barr, 375
Musgrave of Eden Hall, 51
Roman Catholicism, 383, 384, 402
“Romance of the Salad Bowl, The,” 405
“Romances and Realities,” 380, 490
Roosevelt, Theodore, 465, 467, 503, 510
“Rose of a Hundred Leaves, A,” 428, 488 525
Ross, Sir John, 70
Royal George, the, 62
Runnels, Governor, of Texas, 222, 223
Rushen Castle, 57
Ruston, the Reverend Mr., 349
Rutherford Park, 345, 346, 348-354
Sage, Alick, 93, 106, 343, 344
Salt, Sir Titus, 417
Saltillero, Mexico, 221
Saltus, Mr. and Mrs., 445
Salvation Army, 371-373
San Antonio, 256, 294, 296, 409
San Jacinto, 180
“Sandiland’s Siller,” 375
Sandside, 400
Santa Anna, 180
Sargent, Miss, 356
Saturday Review, the, 48
Saunders, Mr., of the Astor Library, 315, 316, 390,
Scarlet Rocks, 2, 439
Scot, Lawyer, of Austin, 199, 200, 201-202
Scotch Highlands, the, 376
Scotch Universities, 391
Scotchman, the, 200
Scott, Captain, 97
Scott, Michael, 398
Scottish Disruption, the Great, 107
“Scottish Tales,” 380, 390
Secession, 223-226
Semple, Mrs., 92, 94, 97, 98, 107, 121
Semple, Willie, 94
“Seneca,” 58
Sepoy Rebellion, 125, 216
“Servant in the House, The,” 462
Shap Fells, 31
Shaw, Mr., of Galveston, 267, 269
“She Loved a Sailor,” 424, 425, 488
Sheffield, 70
“Sheila Vedder,” 97, 464, 489
Sherman, General, 409
Shetland Islands, 18, 97, 313, 505, 510
Shipley, Yorkshire, 11, 12, 13-24, 215
Shipley Glen, 416
Sickles, General, 443
Sierra Leone, 4, 332
Simcox, Mr., of Austin, 208, 245
Sinclair, James, 104
“Singer from the Sea, A,” 430, 431, 488
Singleton, Mary, 456
marriage of, to William Henry Huddleston, 5
death of, 217
Singleton, Dr. Will, 23, 29-31
“Sister to Esau, A,” 427, 428, 488
Slave market, in Memphis, 169
Smart Set, the, 458
Smith, Adam, 398
Smith, Alexander, 399
Smith, Orlando, 462, 475
Snedeker, the Reverend Mr., 444
“Song of a Single Note, A,” 455, 457, 488
Sorosis Club, 436
“Souls of Passage,” 488
South Carolina, 225
Southey, 46
Spiritualism, 451
“Squire of Sandalside, The,” 396, 488
St. Andrews, 97, 475
St. Ann’s-by-the-Sea, 2 526
St. Nicholas, 407
St. Nicholas’ Church in Lynn Regis, 73, 74
St. Paul’s Cathedral, 425
Starr, Major, of Austin, 258
Stedman, Mr., 403, 404
Stedman, E. C., 500
Sterne, Julius, 338
Stevenson, Dr., 375
Stewart, A. T., 304, 307
Stoddard, Mrs. Richard, 438
Stone, Dr., of Cornwall, 323, 434, 458
Stone, Messrs., of Chicago, 451, 490
Storm King Mountain, 341, 410-412, 430, 446, 449, 461
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 111, 389
“Strawberry Handkerchief, The,” 458-460, 489
“Strawberry Idyl, A,” 405
Stromberg, Maria, 67, 75, 76
Stuart, Prince Charles, 94, 398, 453
Studley Royal, 48
Stuyvesant, Peter, 464, 465, 503, 504, 510
Success, 455
Suffrage, woman, 467, 468
Sultan, the dog, 426-427, 433
Sunday Magazine, the, of London, 376
Swartmoor College, 437
Swartout, Mr., 331
Swenson, Mr., of Austin, 255
Swisher, Mr., 255
Sykes, Mr., publisher of the New York Democrat, 310, 313, 321, 338, 345, 352
“Take Care,” 369
Talmage, Dr., 372, 431
“Tap at the Door, A,” 369
Taylor and Company, 452, 490
Teche Bayou, the, 424
Tennessee, 172, 237
Tennyson, 401, 468
Tenter Fell, 78
Terry, Frances A. M., 511
Texas, 95, 159, 164, 176, 180, 409
Mrs. Barr’s trip through, 182-185
purchase of, by the United States, 201
state’s rights controversy in, 218-219
entrance of, into the Confederacy, 226
General Houston in, 219-229
Texas Cavalry, the Sixth, 244, 254, 255, 259
Texas Company, the, 228, 229
Theosophy, 451
Theyer, 412
Thom, John, 40
Thomas, August, 408, 439, 441-443
Thomas, Edith, 430
“Three Wishes,” 375
Throckmorton, Senator J. W., 213
“Thyra Varrick,” 97, 453, 454, 490
Tiffany’s in Union Square, 327
Tilton, Theodore, 345
“’Tis God’s World After All,” 364
Tourgee, Mr., of Charleston, 359
Tract House, 490
Tractarian Movement, the, 51, 82
Tribune, the, 500
“Trinity Bells,” 449, 452, 489
Trinity Church, 148
Trinity House, 70
Truth, the, 470 527
Tupper, Martin F., 403
Turkey-in-Asia, 455
Twain, Mark, 458
Twiggs, General, 226
“Two Ships,” 369
“Two Talifers, the,” 405
“Two Workers,” 368
Tyler, ex-President, 225
Tyler, Moses Coit, 341, 342, 421-422, 435, 440, 508, 510
Tyng, Dr. Stephen, 333, 334, 350, 352, 384, 490
Ulverston in Lancashire, 1, 5, 43, 354, 502
Unionist Party, the, 218, 223
Urner, Nat, 385
Valentine, Professor, 390
Van Duzen, Mrs., 385
Van Dyke, Dr. Henry, 424-425, 440, 449, 505, 507, 509
Van Dyne, Miss, of Harper’s, 385
Van Siclen, Mr., 424
Van Wagenen, Mr., of Dodd, Mead and Co., 447
Vaughan, Dr., 425
Venice, 307
Victoria, Queen of England, 34, 40-43, 52, 71, 99-10
0, 389
Vincent, Dr., 385
Virginia, 172
Walcott, the Reverend Mr., 353
Wales, Prince of, 99, 100
Walpole, Horace, 395
War, the Civil, 228-257
Ward, Dr. William Hayes, 431, 508
“Was It Right to Forgive?” 452, 490
Wash, the, 69
Watts, 51
Waul, General, 290-295
Webster, Albert, 339-341
Wedding of author, 104
Wentworth, Long John, 457
Wesley, John, 36, 37, 216
Wesleyan Chapel, 82, 87
West Indies, the, 41
West Riding, the, 11, 16, 47, 70, 101
Westmoreland, 360, 460
“We’ve Always Been Provided For,” 364
Wheeler, Professor, of California University, 440, 510
“When Mother and I Were Married,” 364
“When to Drop the Bridle,” 364
White, Andrew, Minister to Berlin, 443
Whitehaven, 59-64, 177
“Why Literary Women Do Not Marry,” 431
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 433
Wilde, Mrs., 432
Williams, Mayor, of Galveston, 285, 290
Willis, Mr., of Galveston, 298, 303, 305
Wilson, Samuel, 14, 374
Windermere, 102, 103, 109, 136, 193, 256, 325
Winter, Dr., 463
“Winter Evening Tales,” 490
Wise, Mr. John, 432
“Women’s Weapons,” 432
Wordsworth, 37, 45, 46, 334
Working Church, the, 333, 334
“Woven of Love and Glory,” 413