First produced at the Royal Surrey Theatre, Feb. 5th, 1844. COSTUME.Scrooge—Brown old-fashioned coat, tea colour breeches, double-breasted white waistcoat. 2nd.—Dressing gown and slippers. Frank—Private dress. Mr. Cheerly—Blue coat, cord breeches, and gaiters. Mr. Heartly—Green coat, black breeches, top boots. Bob Cratchit—Black old-fashioned coat, black trousers. Dark Sam—Dark green shooting coat and breeches, ragged. Second dress—Shabby black coat. Euston—Shabby private clothes. Mr. Fezziwig—Black coat, black breeches, double-breasted waistcoat, and striped stockings. Marley's Ghost—Slate coloured coat, waistcoat, and pantaloons, black boots, white frill, white band. Christmas Past—White dress trimmed with summer flowers, rich belt, fleshings and sandals. Christmas Present—Long green robe, trimmed with ermine, flesh body and legs, wreath round head. Christmas to Come—Very long black gown. Tiny Tim—Blue jacket and trousers. All the Ladies—Modern dresses. |