The executive committee of the Naval History Society having decided to publish for its initial volume the logs of the three ships commanded by John Paul Jones during the years 1779 and 1780, the owner has consented to edit this publication, with a description of the book itself, together with its history, so far as it can be ascertained, believing that it will add something of interest to the voluminous records and the literature relating to the life and services of the distinguished hero of our Revolutionary navy. Besides these logs of the Serapis, Alliance, and Ariel, there are, in the Library of the Navy Department, copies of the log of the Ranger, beginning November 26, 1777, and ending May 18, 1778; also of the log of the Bon Homme Richard, beginning at L'Orient May 18, 1779, and ending September 24, 1779. The original log-books, as shown by notes and a copy of a letter accompanying and attached to them, are stated to have been purchased by Captain Boyd, of Greenock, from a person of the name of Harding, a baker, in New York, in 1824; and to have been presented to Lady Isabella Helen Douglas, daughter of the fifth Earl of Selkirk, by William John, ninth Lord Napier, on March 17, 1830; they are now supposed to rest among the manuscripts of the Selkirk family. Had the editor known of the existence of this log of the Bon Homme Richard, covering the period of her commissioning and cruise prior to the engagement with the Serapis, he would have deemed it proper to have included it in this publication. The information came to him too late to have it fully transcribed and prepared for the printer. A few excerpts from it are placed in the Appendix.[1] The log-book now published is one of the few relics known to exist of the engagement between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis, as most of the records and official papers of both ships were lost when the Bon Homme Richard sank, or following the confusion on the Serapis after her capture. The book is fourteen inches tall, nine and one quarter inches wide, bound in old vellum, stained, warped, worn with age and hard usage on land and sea. The paper is rough, greenish in color, the hand-made linen paper of the period, with a watermark showing it to be of English manufacture. Upon the exterior of both covers are numerous scribblings: "R. D. June 2d, 1779"—"R. D. June 26, 1779"—"Richard Dales book"—"September the 3d—1780—This book belongs to Mr. Henry Lunt, Lieutenant of the Ship of War, the (Ariel)." Richard Dale's name is also found in several places on the pages of the book. It was first used to enter the names of the officers and crew of the Bon Homme Richard, giving their rank, rating, and the dates and places of their enlistment.[2] It evidently constituted the muster-roll of that ship when Robert Robinson was the first lieutenant, and, after the dismissal of that officer by sentence of court martial for "negligence of duty," it passed into the keeping of Richard Dale, who succeeded Robinson as first lieutenant, he entering therein, on the pages immediately following the muster-roll: "A List of The Men Names that has Desarted from The Bone Homme Richard, Lorient July, 19th. 1779"[3] When the Richard sank off Flamborough Head, the muster-roll was saved and taken on board the Serapis, as constituting the official list of those entitled to prize money—then as now the great incentive to naval enlistment and activity. As may well be imagined, a blank-book suitable for a log was not available at that moment of supreme confusion, so that the muster-roll book of the Richard, with only a few of its pages in use, was seized upon and used to enter the daily transactions on board the Serapis, from the time of her capture until, as a result of the political situation between Holland and England, she was turned over to the French, and, under the command of Captain Cottineau, hoisted the French colors in the Texel Roads. The book was reversed, and the log of the Serapis begun at the other end, preceded by a brief memorandum—"Some Remarkable Occurrences that happened on the 23d day of September, 1779,"—which briefly records the capture of the Serapis. No other or more circumstantial account of the fight existed in the book when it came into the possession of its later owners, but a close examination showed that, besides minor mutilations, two leaves, immediately preceding that containing the statement of "Some Remarkable Occurrences," had, at some time, been torn out. In order to incorporate into the book a clearer and more circumstantial account of the fight, a former owner caused to be copied on several blank leaves the narrative found amongst the Peter Force Collection of Manuscripts, "John Paul Jones Papers," Volume VI, number 29. The authorship and penmanship of this document have been ascribed by various biographers of Jones to Richard Dale.[4] The present owner's attention was specially called to it by seeing a small photographic reproduction, published in a book by Professor Marion entitled, "John Paul Jones' Last Cruise and Final Resting Place," Washington, 1906. The author describes this valuable and historical document as a "manuscript written on two pages of rough, greenish paper, evidently torn out of a log book," and attributes it to Richard Dale, the first lieutenant of the Bon Homme Richard. The compiler of the "John Paul Jones Manuscripts" in the Library of Congress attributes it possibly to Jones' secretary.[5] The author of the "Memoirs of Rear-Admiral Paul Jones," published in Edinburgh and London, 1830, Volume I, page 192, states "that the fact of Landais' firing into the Bon Homme Richard is also confirmed by the log-book, which was preserved when the ship sunk, and by a very interesting and seaman-like narrative of the engagement, drawn up by Mr. Dale." He adds in a footnote in reference to the log-book: "This battered volume, after many adventures by land and water, is now (1830) in the possession of Mr. Richard Napier, Advocate." As this author bases his book upon documents then in the possession of Mrs. Jeanette Taylor, the sister of Paul Jones, which she came into possession of when he died in Paris, the "battered volume" referred to must have been amongst Jones' papers, and is undoubtedly the same log-book now under review. As will be shown later, it was surely in the possession of Richard Dale as late as 1782, and at some time after the war he probably restored it to Jones, who certainly had a good claim to it, as the muster-roll of the Bon Homme Richard, contained in it, was necessary in the prosecution of his prize-money claims in France. However this may be, the present owner procured a photograph of the narrative of the engagement, of the exact dimensions of the sheets upon which it was written, and on comparison of these sheets with the leaves of the log-book it was found that in dimensions, in the color and quality of the paper, even in the indenture of the torn edges, there could be no possible doubt that the document was torn from this log-book, and found its way into the Peter Force Collection, and thence to the possession of the Congressional Library. The facsimile is now where the original was, and the narrative is included in this publication of the Serapis' log.[6] Still there was doubt as to its authorship. A comparison of the handwriting with that of Richard Dale, to whom it was attributed, showed conclusively that he was not the writer. Amongst the various scribblings upon the covers of the log-book is found: September the 3d, 1780. This book belongs to Mr. Henry Lunt, Lieutenant of the Ship of War, the (Ariel) a memorandum undoubtedly written by Lunt himself, who was, on the date named, the second lieutenant of the Ariel, commanded by Jones, Dale being her first lieutenant.[7] Comparisons of letters of Henry Lunt, also in the Peter Force Collection, with the narrative establish beyond any doubt that it is the penmanship of Lieutenant Henry Lunt. Mr. Gaillard Hunt, chief of the Manuscripts Division of the Library of Congress, in a letter to the editor, in reply to his suggestion that Lunt may have been the writer, states as follows: That the two pages of the Serapis log are in the hand of Lieutenant Henry Lunt. They have been compared with a letter of Lunt to Jones, October 7, 1779, and there can be no question of the identity of the hand. A few words as to Lieutenant Henry Lunt. As is well known, he was not on board the Bon Homme Richard during the engagement, having been sent, with fifteen of the crew, to take possession of a brigantine which had been chased inshore, and, although recalled by signal, he did not return until after the action. His conduct in this respect has been properly criticized. He states himself: Having, on the 23d of September, 1779, been ordered in a pilot boat with a party of men after a brig, but some time after I set out from alongside, a signal was made for me to return back to the Bon homme Richard, she being then in chase of two British ships-of-war, the Serapis and Countess of Scarborough, and before I could get on board the Bon homme Richard she commenced the engagement with the Serapis. It being night, I thought it not prudent to go alongside in time of action.... This is signed, "On board the Serapis, at the Texel, 25th of October, 1779. Henry Lunt." Jones indorses this as follows: This certificate of Lieut. Lunt, who was a mere spectator, is of great weight and importance, it being only in the power of this gentleman to give a true account of the respective positions and manoeuvres of the ships engaged. J. P. Jones.[8] The question naturally arises, Who dictated the narrative of the fight which Lunt wrote in the Serapis' log? It is an authentic and truthful narration of the principal occurrences, and corresponds with Jones' own accounts of the battle. It is written in the first person, and must have been written by some one who was on board the Bon Homme Richard, and copied by Lunt into the Serapis' log at some time subsequent to the engagement, in order to have a circumstantial account recorded in the log. Lunt's statement that the log-book belonged to him on September 3, 1780, when second lieutenant of the Ariel, nearly a year after the fight, would lead us to suppose that, as he was surrounded by the officers who were on the Bon Homme Richard, he simply copied a description dictated by one of them, probably by Jones himself, as the latter's well-known proclivity for self-adulation would naturally show itself in a desire to have his personal efforts spread upon the official record. It is further worthy of note that almost the only tributes to the officers of the Bon Homme Richard, or recognition of their services, are to be found in Jones' charges and proofs against Landais, where his object was to give force to their testimony.[9] His apparent unwillingness to commend others, or award to each of his officers a just meed of praise, has been noted by some of his biographers as his great fault. It is a matter of interest to a collector to be able to identify the author or writer of this narrative of the engagement, and to place it, after a long separation, where it originally was written. The first regular entry in the Serapis' log is on the 26th of September, when, dismasted, crowded with prisoners, and encumbered with wounded, her people, assisted by men from the other ships of the squadron, were employed in erecting jury masts and repairing the damages sustained in the action. The wind was for several days light, from the southwest, and the sea fairly smooth, the speed recorded being from two to four knots. Jones decided to make the port of Dunkirk, but his colleagues overruled him, and upon making the land, owing to bad weather and contrary winds, the squadron, after being tossed to and fro by contrary winds for seven days, anchored in the Texel Roads on the 3d of October. That the ship should have been safely taken to a harbor under such circumstances is not the least of Jones' exploits as a seaman; while the failure of the English cruisers to intercept and recapture her brought much obloquy upon the British admiralty. Safely anchored in the Texel, Sir Joseph Yorke, the British ambassador at The Hague, who persistently referred to Jones as "that pirate, Paul Jones: a rebel subject and criminal of State," immediately demanded the surrender of the prizes and the release of the prisoners.[10] The demand was refused by the High Commissioners, and after much correspondence Jones obtained permission, under certain restrictions, to land his prisoners and wounded, and to mount guard over them on an island in the Texel. Jones may fairly be said to have added to his fame by being mainly instrumental in bringing about an open rupture between England and Holland by the stand taken by him during this trying period. As will be seen by the entries in the log, the crew, with assistance from the other ships, were for many days busily employed in cleaning up her decks and in repairing and refitting the ship. She was in a dreadful condition of filth and disorder. Jones desired to refit her, and again to cruise in English waters, as she was a fine, stanch ship, recently built, and would have been a valuable substitute for the lost Richard. Jones states that she was the best ship he ever saw of her kind. Complications between the Dutch and English governments, however, became acute. Jones was ordered to sail from the Texel, then blockaded by an English fleet, and the Dutch Admiral was ordered to use forcible measures, if found necessary, to compel him to do so. With Dr. Franklin's approval it was decided to turn over to the French the prizes, and all the ships except the Alliance, which, having been built in America, was accepted as a properly commissioned Continental ship-of-war. In pursuance of this decision Jones turned over to Captain Cottineau the command of the Serapis, who hoisted the French flag over her on November 21, 1779. Landais was deposed from the command of the Alliance, to which ship Jones transferred his flag, having first stripped the Serapis of everything movable and useful and sent the same on board the Alliance.[11] The log-book now continues with "A Journall Kept on Board the American Continental Frigate of War, Alliance, of 36 guns, under the Command of the Honble. John Paul Jones, Commencing in the Road of Texel in Holland." Commencing on the 22d of November, the log states the daily occurrences until June 12, 1780. According to Jones' account the ship was in a deplorable condition, which he attributed to the incapacity of Landais, whom he had supplanted, and with whom he was on bad terms, having charged him with being responsible, in part, for the collision with the Richard on her first cruise; with cowardice during the action with the Serapis; with intentionally firing upon the Richard; with disobedience of orders, disrespect, and insolence. Jones states that the Alliance had not a good cable or sail; the officers and men were intemperate and idle; filth, insubordination, and epidemic diseases prevailed among the crew; she was badly supplied with arms; and her powder was of bad quality. Some of these deficiences Jones supplied from the Serapis. The remaining officers and crew of the Richard were transferred to the Alliance, except the French volunteers; and the French volunteers and marines on the Alliance were sent to the Serapis, as it had been arranged that no French subject was to remain on the Alliance. Until the 27th of December the ship's company and mechanics from shore were busily employed in making necessary repairs, refitting the rigging, making new yards, and altering the old ones. Every effort was apparently made to get the ship ready for sea. Gales of wind and rotten cables placed her often in peril. Her bottom being foul, the ship was careened and the bottom scrubbed. The English kept a squadron cruising off the port, but Jones determined to get to sea as soon as the weather would permit. He thought he had recovered the trim of the ship which had been lost under Landais. He states that the ship was well manned, and would not be given away; that the Holland squadron had been drawn up ready for battle for more than a month to drive him out if he should attempt to remain after the wind became fair, while the English fleet was almost constantly in sight of the harbor. He was requested by the Dutch Admiral to declare whether the Alliance was a French or an American vessel, and if French to display the French flag, and to omit no occasion of departing. To this Jones replied, declining to display French colors, and saying that he would get to sea whenever a pilot would take the ship out of the harbor. On the 27th of December, the wind serving, he set sail from the Texel, fell foul of a Dutch merchant ship, lost the best bower-anchor and cable, and had other mishaps, owing to the ignorance or drunkenness of the old pilot. The Alliance passed along the Flemish banks, got to windward of the enemy's fleet in the North Sea, and passed through the Strait of Dover in full view of the enemy's fleet in the Downs. He then ran the Alliance past the Isle of Wight, in view of the enemy's fleet at Spithead, got safe through the Channel, and cruised about the Bay of Biscay and Cape Finisterre, overhauling many neutral ships and making a few unimportant prizes. On the 17th of January he came to anchor in the harbor of Corunna, Spain. Here he remained until the 28th of January. He received and entertained visitors; again careened the ship and scrubbed her bottom; made changes in her spars; obtained a new anchor; and gave his men liberty. The men were complaining that their wages and prize money had not been paid, and were in a mutinous condition. On the 19th of January they all refused doing duty, but Jones succeeded in satisfying them, and they returned to duty the following day.[12] On the 28th of January, after entertaining the governor, the Alliance again put to sea, and cruised in the neighboring waters, overhauling several ships, capturing a few unimportant prizes. She met the American letter-of-marque ship Livingston, and in company with her anchored within the Isle of Groix on the 11th of February, and on the 19th moved up to the harbor of L'Orient, and moored the Alliance to the King's Moorings. Jones' first object now appears to have been to repair and refit the ship and make extensive alterations, the extent and cost of which were the subject of remonstrance on the part of Benjamin Franklin, who positively forbids his sheathing the ship's bottom with copper, buying new canvas and cordage, thus adding to the extraordinary expenses already incurred in Holland, especially as Jones seemed to impute the damages the Alliance had sustained more to Landais' negligence than to accidents of the cruise; Franklin concludes his admonitions with an appeal to Jones—"For God's sake be sparing unless you mean to make me a bankrupt, or have your drafts dishonoured for want of money in my hands to pay them."[13] Notwithstanding this appeal for economy, from the 19th of February to the 12th of June the Alliance remained at anchor at L'Orient, and the repairs, renewals, and refitting were prosecuted with energy by the crew of the ship, assisted by carpenters and mechanics from shore. The log relates the work done day by day with some precision. The essential repairs were completed in April, and Jones states that, when finished, judges allowed that everything about the frigate was perfect, and that he knew not what was the amount of disbursements. In his journal for the King he says: "She was thought one of the completest frigates in France." Meantime, it was Mr. Franklin's intention to send the Alliance back to America with large supplies of arms and clothing. Mr. Arthur Lee, one of our commissioners, also desired to return in her. Landais was annoying Franklin with importunities to such an extent that the latter wrote Jones that he was determined to have nothing further to do with him. On the 4th of March Franklin wrote the President of Congress that Jones would carry the Alliance home, and that Landais had not applied to be replaced in her, but on the 17th of March he asked Franklin to be replaced in command of the Alliance. To this request Franklin replied that he considered him so imprudent, so litigious and quarrelsome a man, that if he had twenty ships-of-war in his disposition, he would not give him command of one of them. Franklin, on the 18th of March, states that he knew of nothing to prevent Jones from proceeding immediately to such part of North America as he could reach in safety. The prize-money question was in abeyance; Franklin in his letters to Jones referred to it, and stated that the ships-of-war he had taken were to be valued, the King intending to purchase them, but that the muster-roll of the Bon Homme Richard was wanting in order to regulate the proportions to each ship. At the same time Franklin authorized Jones to draw on him for 24,000 livres in advance to the people of the Bon Homme Richard, and stated that M. LeRay de Chaumont had authorized his correspondent in L'Orient to advance 100,000 livres for the Americans of the Alliance and Bon Homme Richard, on account. This prize-money question, as shown by the voluminous correspondence of the time, was a troublesome matter, the cause of dissension, controversy, and insubordination amounting to mutiny in the ship's company. The subject is fully treated in the various biographies of Jones, and it is unnecessary to do more than allude to it here. It was, however, the cause which induced Jones to go frequently to Paris, ostensibly to hasten proceedings for the adjustment of the claims for prize money. In his absence on shore at L'Orient Captain Landais, acting under the advice of Arthur Lee and Commodore Gillon, of the South Carolina navy, took possession of the Alliance on the 12th of June. The log entry on that day is the last of the Alliance's journal. It forms a terse but accurate account of this extraordinary transaction. A more detailed account, by a participant in this event, will be found in the Appendix.[14] It appears from the correspondence of Mr. Franklin that Landais had been furnished with money to enable him to return to America for trial upon the charges preferred by Jones, and Franklin had, in May, expressed his astonishment that he continued to remain at L'Orient. To this Landais, on the 29th of May, coolly replied that he had been waiting for orders to retake command of the Alliance! Franklin replied to this, "I charge you not to meddle with the command, or create any disturbance on board her, as you will answer the contrary at your peril." Arthur Lee, as well as Commodore Gillon, had previously quarreled with Jones, and detested him. Lee, in a written opinion discussing constitutional questions as to the authority of Congress, and that of Mr. Franklin, advised Landais that he might lawfully treat our minister's orders with contempt. As Jones was constantly absent from his ship, spending much time in Paris, where he was the recipient of marked attentions, it was not difficult for Landais to work upon the mutinous spirit of the crew by charging Jones with neglect of their interests regarding prize money due them, to such effect that they addressed a letter to Franklin, signed by one hundred and fifteen of the crew, declaring that they would not raise the anchor, nor depart from L'Orient, until their wages and the utmost farthing of their prize money had been paid them, and until their legal captain, P. Landais, was restored to them. This mutinous document was undoubtedly instigated by Landais; it bore unmistakable evidence of being penned, and was forwarded to Franklin, by Landais himself. On the morning of the 12th of June Jones, at L'Orient, assembled his crew, before going on shore, and asked them if they could say a word to his disadvantage. They answered that they could not, and, according to Jones' account, showed every appearance of contentment and subordination. Jones then went on shore, and Landais, taking advantage of his absence, seized the command during the afternoon of that day. Jones heard of the transaction from Dale, who informed him that he and some others had just been turned ashore. Jones immediately despatched by express to Franklin a statement of the occurrence. Upon its receipt Franklin procured an order from Versailles for the arrest and imprisonment of Landais, as a Frenchman and subject to French laws. Lee, under whose legal advice Landais had acted, wrote a long letter to Jones, in which he claimed that it was clear that Landais commanded the Alliance under the full and express order of Congress, and no other authority existed which could dismiss him from the command. Some attempt was made by the commandant of the port to arrest Landais and prevent the departure of the Alliance. Jones declined to employ means to prevent her departure, interposing, he says, "to prevent bloodshed between the subjects of allied powers." The Alliance was hurried out of port with a mutinous crew—many of them in irons—taking Arthur Lee and a number of civilians as passengers. On the voyage homeward the officers and crew became dissatisfied with Landais' conduct, and compelled him to relinquish the command. Mr. Arthur Lee was particularly incensed against him, and principally upon his testimony, on his trial by court martial, Landais was dismissed from the service on the score that he was insane. The conduct of Jones in thus abandoning his command has been commented upon at length by his biographers, and variously accounted for, the consensus of opinion being that, had he really wished to recover the command, he could have gone on board the Alliance with his officers as soon as he heard that Landais had taken possession of her, and would have met with no opposition from Landais, or, if he had ventured upon personal violence, Jones, being in the right, would not have been blamable for the consequences. The conduct of Jones during this extraordinary transaction seems inconsistent with his general character as a bold and determined fighter, and does not add to his reputation. Following the entry in the Alliance's journal, recording the taking possession of her by Landais, the log continues with "An account of occurrences in L'Orient, respecting the Bon Homme Richards Officers & Crew" during the three days they were on shore waiting for orders. On the 16th of June they were ordered to, and removed on board the Ariel frigate, that ship having been loaned by the French to assist in transporting to America clothing and munitions of war, for which room could not be found on the Alliance and of which our army was sorely in need. The Ariel was a small frigate, formerly captured from the English by the squadron under d'Estaing. The log-book now contains A Journall Kept on Board the American Continental Ship of War, Ariel, of 26—Nine Pounders, Commanded by the Honble. John Paul Jones Esqr. commencing in the Port of L'Orient June the 16th: 1780. Although under the date of the 16th, in the account of the occurrences on shore, is written "Commencement of the Ariels Journall," the first entry following the complete heading is on June 18th. The remarks on the following days are full of interest. The ship could hardly have been more than a hulk, in no way prepared for sea, for until the 8th of October—nearly three months—they show that she was remasted, sparred, altered, repaired, and refitted with sails and new rigging, besides receiving on board quantities of stores, clothing, and munitions of war, destined for America, that the Alliance had been unable to take. The movements of the Alliance under Landais are also recorded prior to her departure. On the 2d of September a grand entertainment was given by Jones, during which he endeavored to represent the battle with the Serapis to a large and distinguished company. An amusing description of another entertainment, about December 10th, appears in Fanning's narrative,[15] who figures in the log entry on the 2d of September as having been kicked by Jones and ordered below. Although apparently ready for sea early in September, the ship was moved only to the Roads of Groix, where she lay until the 8th of October, apparently detained by contrary winds or foul weather. On that day she got to sea, and on the very night of her departure encountered a heavy gale which increased to a hurricane the following day, in which the ship was nearly lost. The remarks of the 9th and 10th of October describe the distress of the ship, with some particularity for a formal log entry, but a more detailed account of this great storm is found in a report signed by the officers of the Ariel which Jones procured, possibly to confirm his own report of the gale and its effects, which he gives in his journal for the King. He sailed from the Roads of Groix with such a quantity of arms and powder as filled the ship even between decks; the wind was fair and weather pleasant, but the next night the Ariel was driven by the violent tempest close to the rocks of Penmarque, a terrible ledge between L'Orient and Brest. The ship could show no sail, but was almost buried under water, (p. xxviii) not having room to run before the wind, and having several feet of water in the hold. Finding the depth of water diminishing fast, Jones in the last extremity cast anchor, but could not bring the ship's head to the wind. Sometimes the lower yard-arms touched the water, and Jones had no remedy left but to cut away the foremast. This had the desired effect, and the ship immediately came head to the wind. The mainmast had got out of the step, and now reeled about like a drunken man. Foreseeing the danger of its either breaking off below the gun-deck or going through the ship's bottom, Jones ordered it to be cut away, but, before this could be done, the chain plates gave way, and the mainmast breaking off by the gun-deck carried with it the mizzenmast, and the mizzenmast carried away the quarter-gallery; two additional cables were spliced and veered out. In that situation the Ariel rode in the open ocean to windward of perhaps the most dangerous ledge of rocks in the world, for two days and two nights, in a tempest that covered the shore with wrecks and dead bodies, and that drove ships ashore from their anchors, even in the port of L'Orient.[16] This terrible gale was felt nearly all over Europe. In the Gentleman's Magazine for November, 1780, it is stated that "this dreadful hurricane was one of those tremendous tempests of which two or three occur in an age." In England it occurred on the night of Sunday, October 8th, and did immense damage by sea and land. It is a singular coincidence that, while Jones was experiencing this dreadful hurricane on the French coast, his opponent of a twelvemonth before equally felt its effects on the English coast. In a letter to the Admiralty, dated on board the Alarm, at Plymouth, October 10, 1780, Sir Richard Pearson states as follows: I arrived here on the evening of the 8th, it blowing very hard at S. E.; the next morning the wind shifted suddenly to W. N. W. and blew a gale all yesterday from that to W. S. W. and S. W. and continued until one or two o'clock this morning; in which I had the misfortune to part my two Bowers and Sheet Cable, and was reduced to my spare anchor, which I had providentially got two cables on, which brought me up at eleven o'clock last night, when I found myself under the necessity of cutting away all my masts for the preservation of his Majesty's ship and the lives of my people. I am now in the same distressing situation as I was last night.[17] The storm continuing until the morning of the 10th, notwithstanding the heavy sea Jones succeeded on that and the following day in getting up jury, fore, and mizzen masts, and on the 11th, at noon, cut the cable, got under way, and anchored the Ariel on the 13th of October in the harbor of L'Orient. The journal of the Ariel ends on the 14th of October. She remained at L'Orient until the 18th of December, when she again sailed, and arrived safely in the United States, having encountered an enemy's ship, supposed by Jones to be named the Triumph, which, after a short resistance, struck her colors, and a few minutes afterward (according to Jones) her captain had the baseness to fill his sails and run away. This voyage in the Ariel was the last service at sea performed by John Paul Jones under the American flag. He arrived in Philadelphia on February 18, 1781, having been absent from the United States three years, three months, and eighteen days. Following the last entry of the Ariel's log, several leaves have been torn out. The book was reversed again, and immediately following "A List of The Men Names that has Desarted from The Bone Homme Richard, Lorient July, 19th. 1779" we find, in the identical handwriting of the logs of the Serapis, Alliance, and Ariel, "A List of Officers, & Men, belonging to the American Continental Ship of War, Ariel, Commanded, by the Honble, John Paul Jones." A comparison of this list with the muster-roll of the Bon Homme Richard shows that most of the officers and many of the crew of the former still followed the fortunes of Jones. Upon several pages are also inscribed the following receipts:[18] Recd. from Capt. Richard Deal the sum of Twenty one pounds seventeen and sixpence for thirty five days work on Board the Ship Count De Artois. July 27. 1782. Theobald Jennings and Reserved, August the 11—1782 of Mr. Richard Dale twenty Eight pounds as an Advance to gow in the Ship Queen of France—— £28.00.00. James Dick Another log is also contained in the book. It immediately follows the "List of the Officers and Crew of the Ariel," and is headed, "A Journal Kept on Board the Ship Queen of France, from Cape Henlopen towards Lorient." Beginning on August 20, 1782, it records the courses, distances run, the latitudes and longitudes of each day, up to and including September 10th, when the ship was in latitude 47° 19' N. and longitude 19° 15' W. There are no entries in the column under "Remarks." Importance is attached to this log because it shows conclusively that the book was in the possession of Dale until the end of the cruise of the Queen of France, in February, 1783, about the time of the end of the Revolution. From Cooper's "Life of Richard Dale" we learn that after his return to the United States in the Ariel Jones was anxious to take him with him to the ship America, to which Jones had been appointed, but Dale declined the service and was employed on the Trumbull, which was captured by an English fleet, and for the fourth time Dale was made prisoner, but was exchanged in November, 1781. No new service in the regular navy offering, Dale obtained a furlough and joined a large letter-of-marque called the Queen of France, that carried twelve guns, as her first officer. Soon after he was appointed to the command of her and, in company with several other letters-of-marque, sailed for France, making many captures by the way. Dale's ship, however, parted from the fleet, and, falling in with an English privateer of fourteen guns, a severe engagement followed, in which both parties were much cut up, and they parted by mutual consent.[19] Upon the termination of hostilities, in common with most of the officers of the navy, Dale was "disbanded," and engaged in the East India trade until 1792, when he was restored to the navy as captain in the reorganized marine. It was probably during this period that our log-book passed into the possession of Jones, who was urging his claims for rank and prize money before Congress.[20] Failing to obtain what he termed "proper consideration," after a cruise with the French fleet Jones was commissioned as agent to look after the prizes made on his cruises in European waters and sailed for France November 10, 1783, in the Washington, late General Monk, the ship captured by Barney in the Hyder-Ally and then commanded by Barney. Jones left in the care of a Mr. Hyslop of New York a portion of his papers, being the same which later turned up in the keeping of the baker in New York, and upon which Sherburne based his life of Jones, and from him the logs of the Ranger and Bon Homme Richard appear to have been purchased in 1824 by Captain Boyd, before alluded to. But Jones took with him those papers which he deemed most important to the discharge of his mission to France, not the least of which was the book containing the muster-roll of the Bon Homme Richard, which probably was the only authentic and official list then in existence, and indispensable to the proceedings in the French prize courts. The papers and property of Jones, upon his death in Paris in 1792, passed to his sister Mrs. Taylor, and upon them as a base followed the Edinburgh "Life of Jones," also that by Sands—by all conceded to be the best of the numerous biographies of Jones—while Sherburne's book, published in 1825, is properly criticized as a chaotic compilation, creating inextricable confusion in the mind of a reader. There has always been some difficulty in finding a correct muster-roll of the Bon Homme Richard.[21] The list published by Sherburne he states is made from "official sources," and is shown by the correspondence on the subject to have been made from "a certified copy of a copy." This is undoubtedly the document now in the Congressional Library, being a copy, written by a Frenchman, of the muster-roll filed by Jones in the French prize courts and certified to by him as correct. As this list corresponds with great exactness to the muster-roll of the officers and crew of the Bon Homme Richard, making due allowances for desertions, men sent away in prizes, and possibly new enlistments, it seems evident that the original basis of the lists was that contained in the log-book. The names of the French volunteers and marines were not entered in the muster-roll, but were probably ascertained by Jones in France, and added to the copy filed by him. The editor has alluded to the fact that the logs of the Serapis, Alliance, and Ariel, as well as the list of the officers and crew of the Ariel, are all written by the same hand. The penmanship is remarkably good, the orthography correct, showing the writer to have had some pretensions to scholarship and clerical ability, much more than that shown by either Dale or Lunt. It had been conjectured that the writer was Midshipman Nathaniel Fanning, who served under an appointment by Jones (p. xxxiii) on the Richard, Serapis, Alliance, and Ariel. He it was who, stationed in the maintop, threw, or caused to be thrown, the bomb which, exploding on the gun-deck of the Serapis, created such havoc as to have been largely instrumental in bringing the action to a close. Fanning has left a narrative of his life, in which he claims to have been Jones' private secretary, and to have had close and intimate relations with him. He also refers to the journal kept by him, and the dates of the occurrences, as stated at length in his narrative, correspond with some accuracy with the same events as recorded in the several logs.[22] The journal of the Ariel ceases when Fanning left the Ariel, probably because of the slight misunderstanding recorded in the Ariel's log on the 2d of September, an occurrence which sufficiently accounts for Fanning's severe criticisms of Jones, given in his narrative, with frequent allusions to his ungovernable temper. Another reason for the conjecture arose from the fact that the name of Nathaniel Fanning, as well as that of Beaumont Groube, both in the muster-roll of the Richard and the Ariel, are in the unmistakable handwriting of the penman of the logs. As opposed to the conjecture, however, the name of Nathaniel Fanning is spelled Fenning in the Richard's list, while in that of the Ariel it is correctly spelled. This caused the editor to make further investigations, as it was apparent that if Fanning was not, possibly Midshipman Groube was, the writer of the logs, particularly as he had been considered competent to act as judge-advocate of a number of courts martial, and, inferentially, was a better scholar than other officers under Jones' command. Availing himself of the cordial assistance of Mr. Putnam, the Librarian of Congress, and Mr. Hunt, chief of the Manuscripts Division, the editor procured a facsimile of a long letter written by Beaumont Groube to Captain Bell, commanding the privateer Luzerne, then at L'Orient, dated May 3, 1780, when both Groube and Fanning were attached to the Alliance, asking his good offices in accommodating a quarrel with Lieutenant Degge, one of the officers then on the Alliance. Upon comparison of the penmanship of this letter with that of the logs, it was established, beyond any possible doubt, that Midshipman Groube was the scribe of all three logs, the handwriting being identical.[23] There is a certain amount of interest attached to Midshipman Groube, growing out of the fact that there are a great many contemporaneous prints which represent Jones in the act of shooting a Lieutenant Grubb for attempting to haul down the colors of the Richard. As there was no Lieutenant Grubb in the ship, Groube has been made, by writers of numerous chap-books, the victim of this act of Jones. These chap-books are mainly fabrications of their authors and engravers, and may properly be called the "dime novels" of the period. Groube probably returned to the United States with Jones in the Ariel, although he discontinued keeping the log on the 14th of October, 1780. He seems to have disappeared, as no further trace of him can be found, nor is there any account of his previous life. It is evident, however, that he was a young man of good education, as shown by his handwriting and correct spelling—unusual accomplishments of the sailors of that period—as well as from his selection as judge-advocate of the many courts martial held on the officers and men of the Richard[24] when that ship was fitting for sea at L'Orient. The editor would call attention to the fact that, although the greater part of Jones' voluminous correspondence is now deposited in the Library of Congress, Mrs. Taylor, or her daughter Jeanette Taylor, parted with many interesting documents, and there are also to be found in the hands of individuals many others which have never been published. Besides the log-books here printed—as well as the log-books of the Ranger and Bon Homme Richard heretofore referred to—Miss Taylor informed Mr. Cooper that she had given Jones' original commission as lieutenant, dated August 8, 1776, to some one in Scotland as an autograph of President Hancock. The original certificate of Hancock, appointing him to the command of the Providence, is in the editor's collection, while his commission, dated October 10, 1776, of which Sherburne in his edition of 1851 prints a facsimile, is now in private hands. On the following four pages are reproduced for the purpose of a comparison of the handwriting facsimiles of the first page of the Serapis' log, and opposite it a page from a letter by Beaumont Groube. On the two subsequent pages are the continuation of the letter and a page from the ship's muster-roll. Almost at a glance it can be seen that the two signatures were written by the same hand and that the writing in the log and that in the letter are identical as to penmanship. Miss Taylor also presented to a relative the original certificate of Jones' membership in the Society of the Cincinnati, signed by Washington, dated October 31, 1785, which is now owned by Colonel N. Arnott of Edinburgh, a descendant of the Paul family.[25] The original commission of Jones authorizing him to arrange the difficulties with the Barbary powers is in the remarkable collection of Mr. Grenville Kane, of New York. Eighteen autograph letters from and to Jones are now offered for sale by a London dealer for the modest sum of $5,000; these evidently escaped from the Taylor family. The editor has deemed it not uninteresting, although not immediately connected with the principal object of this publication, to refer to the dispersion of Jones' letters and public documents, and to print in the Appendix an interesting letter to Commodore Esek Hopkins,[26] also a letter from Captain James Nicholson to Commodore John Barry relating to Jones' efforts before Congress to be placed at the head of the navy, both of which are in the editor's collection of manuscripts. In the Appendix will also be found a copy of a letter of Jones, addressed to John Wendell—which as a composition may be considered as one of the most remarkable of all his epistolary effusions. The original letter is now in the possession of the Wendell family. None of these letters have ever been published.[27] In concluding this preamble to the logs, it will be noted that the editor has supplemented the ship's stories by drawing largely upon the accounts of the events, barely touched upon in the remarks to be found in the numerous biographies of John Paul Jones, and upon the papers relating to his career now deposited in the Congressional Library. This has been done because it was possible that, as the biographies are out of print and rather scarce, they might not be readily available to many of the readers. The first authentic "Life of Jones," throwing aside the numerous so-called chap-books, was that of AndrÉ, published in French in Paris, 1798, translated and republished in "Niles' Register" for the year 1812. Following the discovery of Jones' letters, Sherburne produced his first edition in 1825. The manuscript of this first edition he sent also to John Murray in London, who caused it to be edited by Disraeli, later the Earl of Beaconsfield, and published the book in the same year, 1825.[28] The preface of this book, according to the editor of the "Life of Disraeli," was the earliest appearance of Disraeli as an author. Sherburne was aware of the existence of the papers in the possession of the Taylor family, and endeavored to obtain them; but his request was refused, as they were already in the hands of the author of the Edinburgh "Life of Jones," published in 1830. Then followed the "Life of Jones" by Robert C. Sands, from the original letters and manuscripts in the possession of Miss Jeanette Taylor—New York, 1830. Mackenzie's "Life," in 1845, and Cooper's "Life," in 1846—both based upon Sands and Sherburne—contain but few additional matters of interest. Sherburne's "Life," published in 1825, was so freely criticized that a second edition, corrected and enlarged, was published in 1851. Several other lives of Paul Jones, simply reproductions of the foregoing, with illustrations, and in cheaper popular form, have also appeared, worthy of place only in a bibliography. Later we have the "Life" by Buell, which, although he calls it a history, is simply a pleasing, popular romance. The history of the logs here reproduced may be thought somewhat obscure, being founded upon some conjectures, deductions, and probabilities, as well as absolute facts. The editor purchased the log-book at the sale of the library of Mr. S. L. M. Barlow, of New York, in 1889, it being item No. 2760 in the catalogue prepared by Mr. J. O. Wright. Mr. Wright states that Mr. Barlow acquired the book through Mr. Harrisse or Mr. Stevens, of London, some time previous to 1869. The portrait facing the title-page has been selected from the numerous engraved portraits of Jones as not only the best authentic likeness taken from life, excepting perhaps the bust by Houdon, but the earliest in point of execution, having been drawn by a celebrated artist, Moreau le Jeune, in May, 1780, when Jones was in command of the Alliance, at L'Orient. The portrait by Charles W. Peale, now in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, was executed seven years later, and has been reproduced many times. A comparison of the two with the Houdon bust demonstrates at once that the Moreau le Jeune portrait is by far the more faithful likeness, and of a greater personality than Peale's painting, with which we are more familiar. The great number of engraved contemporaneous so-called portraits of Jones attest the interest attached to his career in Europe. Many of them are purely imaginative, and exist in all forms of engraving from the grand folio mezzotint to the absurd caricature, and have formed the special object of pursuit by many collectors of Americana, with the result of extraordinary values for the rare ones, including the one here reproduced. The most remarkable collection of Jones' portraits, and pictures relating to Jones' career, is that of Mr. Grenville Kane, of New York. The picture of the engagement is a rare print, and has been selected instead of the more familiar one taken from the painting by Richard Paton. The original painting by Paton is owned by the heirs of Lord Amherst, whose ancestral estate included Flamborough Head, off which the famous battle was fought. It has recently been offered for sale for the sum of £3000. In concluding this introduction to the logs, it has been the editor's purpose to avoid repeating the incidents of Jones' life related in his numerous biographies or quoting literally from his voluminous correspondence, but he has referred to them only in so far as they seemed to be connected in some measure with the log stories. The letters given in the Appendix have been copied from the originals and have never before been printed, while the extracts from Fanning's narrative are taken from a book of which very few copies are in existence. A reprint of this narrative has been contemplated by the executive committee as one of the future publications of the Society, it being the only known autobiography of a man and officer who served under Jones in European waters. It remains for the editor to express his acknowledgments to Mr. Robert W. Neeser, the secretary of the Society, for his very able assistance in the preparation of this volume for the press, in correcting and revising the proof-sheets, and in verifying the references. To Mr. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of the Congressional Library, and his able assistants Mr. Gaillard Hunt and Mr. J. C. Fitzpatrick, the editor's thanks are due for their interest and assistance, as well as to Mr. Charles W. Stewart, the Librarian of the Navy Department. The absence of Rear-admiral Goodrich, at whose instance the Naval History Society was organized, this publication undertaken, and whose coÖperation was expected, has contributed to the delay in the publication, for which the editor begs the indulgence of the members of the Society. Print Published in London, First of December, 1781 By John Harris, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill. "To the Merchants trading to Russia, this Print representing the gallant Defence of Capt.n Pearson in his Majesty's Ship Serapis, and the Countess of Scarborough Arm'd Ship Capt.n Piercy, against Paul Jones's Squadron, whereby a valuable Fleet from the Baltic were prevented from falling into the hands of the Enemy, is with the greatest respect Inscribed by their Humble Servant. John Harris." Ships. THE LOGS OF THE SERAPIS—ALLIANCE—ARIEL (List of Officers and Men of the Continental Ship, Bon Homme Richard) (July the 26th, 1779) Place & Time of Entry | No. | Mens Names | Qualities | | | Robert Robison[1] | Lieutenant | Nantes March 4th | | Richad Dale | | Pimbauf April 5th | | Henry Lunt | | Ditto Ditto do. | | Cutting Lunt | Master | | | Matthews | Purser | | | Lawrence Brooks | Surgeon | | | William Smith | Masters Mate | | | Samuel Stacey | Ditto | Dinan March 16th | | John White | Ditto | Pimbauf April 5th | | Joshua Carswell | Ditto | Fugere March 19th | | Reuben Chase | Midshipman | Pimbauf April 5th | | Benjamin Stubbs | Ditto | Havar Degrace April 11th | | Thomas Potter | Ditto | L'Orient June 5th | | Beaumont Groube | Ditto | Lorient June 15 | | John Meyrant | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 15 | | John Linthweith | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 15 | | William Daniel | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 15 | | Richard Corum | Ditto | Nantz | | Nathl. Fenning | Ditto | Antreum March 19 | | Stepen Lee | Captains Clark | Fugere May 21 | | John Peacock | Surgeons Mate | Pimbauf April 5th | | John Burbank | Master a Arms | Nates February 22th | | John Conner | Gunner | Fugere March 19th | | John Robinson | Coxswain | Ditto Ditto | | Andrew Lendsey | Boatswain | Pimbauf April 5 | | John Gunnison | Carpenter | Ditto Ditto do. | | Joshua Brewster | Cooper | Brest March 2d. | | William Sturges | Armourer | Nantes April 5th | | Daniel Russell | Steward | Havar Degrace April 1st | | William Clarke | Sailmaker | Pimbauf April 5 | | Jacob True | Yoeman powder roome. | Fugere March 19th | | John Thomas Cook | Cook—— —— | | | | Gunners Mate | | | | Ditto | Brest March 2 | | Richard Williams | Boatswain Mate | Fugere May 21 | | Richard Williams | Boatswain, Mate | Brest March 2 | | Edward Garrett | Ditto | | | | Ditto | | | | Ditto | Nantes March 15th | | Thomas Miller | Carpenter Mate | Ditto Ditto 15 | | William Physick | Ditto | Pimbauf April 5th | | John Madden | yoeman at Armes | | | | Ditto | Fugere March 19th | | John Haynes | Boatswain Ditto | | | | Gunners Ditto | Nanys April 5th | | Icabad Lord | Carpenters yeoman | Brest March 2th | | William Roberts | Coopers Ditto | Fugere March 19th | | Thomas Davis | Armourers Ditto | Haver Degrace April 1th | | Hugh Woulton | Sailmakers Ditto | Brest March 2d. | | George Campbell | Cooks—Ditto | Ditto-Ditto do. | | Joseph Holland | Ditto—Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | John Williams | Quarters Masters | Nants April 15th | | James Conner | Ditto | Ditto. Ditto do. | | Robert Steel | Ditto | Ditto April 5th | | George Tufathan | Ditto | Lorient ditto 20th | | Robert Towers | Ditto | Haver Degrace ditto 23th | | William Thompson | Ditto | Fugere March 19th | | John Woulton | Ditto | Brest Ditto 2th | | Robert Stevens | Quarter Gunner | Ditto. Ditto 2th | | Arthur Randall | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 2th | | | | Nants ditto .. 15 | | James Whelton | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 15th | | Thomas Mc.Carthy | Ditto | Lorient April 20th | | Jonathan Wells | Ditto | Haver Degrace April 1th | | Robert Mc.Cormick | Ditto | Denant May 23th | | William Barry | Ditto | Ditto-Ditto 23th | | Thomas Cooks | Ditto | Pimbauf April 5th | | John Down | Quarter Gunner | Lorient July 19the | | Francis Campbell | Ditto | Fugere. March 19the | | William Lee | .. Yeoman Forecastle | ditto. ditto 19the | | John Robinson | ... Yeoman Main top | ditto. ditto 19the | | John Murphy | ditto | ditto. ditto 19the | | Thomas Jones | ... Do. Mizen top | Nants. ditto 15the | | William Johnston— | ditto Fore top | Fugere March 19the | | John Brown | ditto—ditto | ditto May 21th, | | James Nicholson | ditto after guard | Dinan March 16th | | John Balch | ditto—ditto | Brest March 2th | | Michael Woolf | Seaman | ditto, Ditto 2 | | Thomas Turner | ditto | ditto ditto. 2th | | Jacob Andrews | ditto | Ditto Ditto 2th | | John Sheas | ditto | Denaunt March 16th | | James Waggarell | ditto | Ditto—Ditto 16 | | Hugh Gorman | ditto | Ditto—Ditto 16 | | Gilbert Crumb | ditto | Ditto—Ditto 16 | | Thomas Bartlet | ditto | Ditto—Ditto 16 | | James Smith | ditto | Fugere March 19th | | Barnaby Kirk | ditto | Ditto Ditto 19th | | George Hayes | ditto | Ditto—Ditto 19th | | Thomas White | ditto | Ditto—Ditto 19th | | Henry Martin | ditto | Denant March 16th | | Robert Weatherhead | ditto | Fugere March. 19th | | Isaac Lane | Seaman | Lorient, April 20th | | Arthur Young | Ditto | Ditto.-Ditto do. | | Richard Fell | Ditto | Ditto..Ditto do. | | Robert Hill | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | William Fox | Ditto | Ditto..Ditto do. | | James Yuney | Ditto | Ditto..Ditto do. | | Duncan Taylor | Ditto | Ditto..Ditto do. | | John Mc.Kinlay | Ditto | Nants, March 15th | | George Walker | Ditto | Ditto.-Ditto do. | | William Adamson | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Michael Thompson | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | William Wilson | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | James Kirby | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | David Kirk | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | Lewis Brown | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | John Harriment | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | James Evans | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | John Hart | Ditto | Haver Degrace April 1th | | William Hamilton | Ditto | Brest March the IId. | | John West | Ditto | Fugere May 21th | | John Whright | Ditto | Fuger March 19th | | John Pierce | Seaman | Fugere May 21th | | Robert Dougherty | Seaman | Ditto Ditto do. | | Richard Hughes | Ditto | Ditto..Ditto do. | | John Brown | Ditto | Ditto..Ditto do. | | Adam Mc.Creight | Ditto | Ditto..Ditto do. | | William Clidodale | Ditto | Ditto..Ditto do. | | John Williams, the 2. | Ditto | Ditto..Ditto do. | | Michael Slater | Ditto | Ditto..Ditto do. | | Joseph Landcraft | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Ezra Abbot | Ditto | Denant May 23th | | John Conner | Ditto | Ditto | | Lawrence Driskell | Ditto | Ditto-Ditto do. | | Henry Phillips | Ditto | Lorient May 27th | | John Jonathan Stell | Ditto | Ditto April 20th | | Jacques Morean | Ditto | Ditto June 14th | | James Johnston | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 14 | | George Kelson | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 14 | | Joseph Walker | Ditto | Nants March 13th | | Andrew Thompson | Ditto | Pimbauf April 5th | | John Mc.Caffrey | Ditto | Fugere, May 21th | | Thomas Cane | Ditto | Ditto March 19the | | Benjamin Morris | Ditto | Fugere May 21th | | John Hall | Ditto | 1779. | | | | Dinant March 16th | | Edward Conner | Ordinary Seaman | Fugere March 19the | | James Mc.Kinzee | Ditto | Lorient April 20the | | Robert Mc.Colloch | Ditto | Brest March 2the | | Robert Rowen | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto 2 | | David Prichard | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 2 | | Nicholass Lawless | Ditto | Ditto..Ditto 2 | | Andrew Ryan | Ditto | Ditto-Ditto 2 | | Samuel Mathews | Ditto | Dinant March 16th | | John Hayney | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 16 | | Thomas Cane, the first | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 16 | | Lawrence Furlong | Ditto | Fugere March 19the | | W. Thomas Forrest | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto 19 | | Stephen Ously | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 19 | | Thomas Harris | Ditto | Lorient April 20th | | Robert Jones | Ditto | Paimbauf April 5th | | Robert Mahany | Ditto | Lorient April 20th | | John Colbreath | Ditto | Fugere May 21th, | | Edward Loyd | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | John Hammond | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do | | Daniel McCarty | Ditto | Ditto Ditto d | | | | Lorient June 12th, | | Lawrence Vernus | Ditto | Lorient June 14th | | James Kindrick | Ordinary Seaman | Ditto-Ditto 14 | | Joseph Love | Ditto | Ditto. Ditto 14 | | John Lighton | Ditto | Ditto-Ditto 14 | | Joseph Louen. french man, | Ditto | Dinant March 19th | | George Johnston | Ditto | Lorient June 12th | | Joseph Love | Ditto | Lorient July 19 | | Francis Campblle | Seaman | Brest March 2th | | Anthony Jeremy | Landsman | Ditto-Ditto 2th | | William Mallet | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 2th | | John Ridway | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 2th | | George Munnical | Ditto | Ditto-Ditto 2th | | Richard Williams | Ditto | Ditto-Ditto 2th | | Robert Marshall | Ditto | Ditto-Ditto 2th | | James Power | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto 2th | | John Jordan | Ditto | Fugere March 19th | | James Parry | Ditto | Fugere March 19 | | George Williams | Landsman | Do. Do. | | James Martin | Do. | Do Do. | | Henry Couzen's | Do. | Do. Do. | | Alexr Cooper | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | John Mc.Donnald | Ditto | Lorient April do. | | Stephens Graves | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Meacum McDonal | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Thomas Davis | Ditto | ditto ditto do. | | William Thomson, | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | William Morgan | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | Robert Mastres | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto—do. | | John Gray | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Peter Richardson | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | John Damster | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | Joseph Stewart | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | Samuel Fergurson | Ditto | Pimbauf April 5th | | Samuel Fletcher | Ditto | Ditto. Ditto do. | | Ichabod Shaw | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | Thomas Hammet | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | Stephen Loley | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | Abisha Rogers | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | Aron Goodwin | Ditto | Ditto. Ditto do. | | Nathl. Kennard | Ditto | Dinant March 16th | | William Smith | Landsman | Ditto—Ditto 16 | | Simon Searle | Ditto | Ditto. Ditto 16 | | Simon Williams | Ditto | Ditto. Ditto 16 | | Joseph Crooks | Ditto | Fugere May 21the | | Peter Corster | Ditto | Ditto. Ditto do. | | Andrew Maison | Ditto | Ditto. Ditto do. | | William Woodhead | Ditto | Lorient April 20th, | | William Cullingwood. | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | John Smart | Ditto | Dinant, March 16th | | | | Ditto..Ditto. do. | | Stephen McCoy | Ditto, Taylor | Fugere March 19th | | Charles Ryley | Ditto, Taylor | Pimbauf April 5the | | Thomas Knight | Carpenter | Nants March 15the | | James Linn | Barber | Lorient April 20th | | Joseph Collison | Carpenter | Ditto..Ditto 20th | | John Handerhan | Joyner | Ditto..Ditto 20th | | John Rice | Cooper | Ditto..Ditto 18the | | Jacques Connou | Carpenter | Ditto Ditto do. | | | | Dinant March 19 | | Thomas Cole | Landsman | Brest March 2the | | Peter Nuddle | Boy | Dinant March 16the | | Chales Finch | Ditto | Fugere March 19th | | Patrick Condon | Ditto | Brest March 2th | | Daniel Swain | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Joseph Brussen | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | William Totten | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Richard Jeffers | Ditto | Fugere March 19th | | John Jones the 1d. | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Joseph Burns | Ditto | Ditto-Ditto 20th | | John Flood | Ditto | Ditto—Ditto do. | | Samuel Higgens | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | John Duffy | Ditto | Ditto-Ditto do. | | A List of Officers and Men, belonging to the American Continental Ship of War (Ariel) Commanded by the Honble John Paul Jones Esqr[29] A List of The Men Names that has Desarted from The Bone Homme Richard, Lorient July. 19th. 1779 Place & Time of Entry | No. | Mens Names | Qualities | Place & Time Desarted | Time Returned | Pimbauf April 5th | 1 | Richard Soward | Midshipman | Lorient July 9th | | Fugere March 19th | 2 | Andrew Lindsay | Boatswain | Lorient July 9 | | Nantes | 3 | Ebenezer Hoog | Stewart | Lorient July 10th | | Lorient | 4 | | Surgeons, Mate | Lorient July 7 | | Ditto | 5 | | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Pimbauf March 15th | 6 | James Ennion | Seaman | Ditto Ditto 3th | | Ditto Ditto do. | 7 | Thomas Powel | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Ditto Ditto do. | 8 | William Campbell | Landsman | Ditto Ditto do. | | Dinaunt March 16th | 9 | Cooper McConnell | Seaman | Ditto Ditto 4th, | | Nantes Ditto 15th | 10 | Joseph Curtis | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Lorient April 20th | 11 | Alexander Mcnarren | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Ditto Ditto do. | 12 | William Hudgson | Ditto | Ditto Ditto do. | | Nantes March 15th | 13 | John Lumbley | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 6do. | | Brest March 2th | 14 | William Hannover | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 6do. | | Ditto Ditto 2the | 15 | John Timlen | Ordinary Seaman | Ditto Ditto do. | | Fugere Ditto 19the | 16 | John Campbell | Seaman | Ditto Ditto do. | | Haver Degrace April 1th | 17 | Archibald Mc.Kinlay | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 11th | | Lorient April 20the | 18 | William Gibson | Ditto | Ditto Ditto 9the | | Ditto Ditto do. | 19 | William Lister | Landsman | Ditto Ditto do. | July the 19 | Brest March 2th | 20 | James Sommers | Ordinary Seaman | Ditto Ditto 11the | | Lorient April 20th | 21 | Vaughan Bell | Landsman | Ditto Ditto do. | July the 19 | Fugere March 19the | 22 | Emanuel Miles | Ordinary Seaman | Ditto Ditto do. | | Nantes March 15th | 23 | William Hall | Quarter gunner | Ditto Ditto do. | | Lorient April 20th | | John McIntire | Seaman | Ditto Ditto do. | | Nants April 5the | | Elischa Johnston | Quarter gunner | Ditto Ditto do. | | Pimbauf April 5th | | John Atwood | Landsman | Lorient July 6the | | A List of Officers, & Men, belonging to the American Continental Ship of War, Ariel, Commanded, by the Honble, John Paul Jones No. | Mens Names | Qualy. | No. | Mens Names | Qualy. | No. | Mens Names | Seamen | | Richd. Dale | Lieut. | 0 | Jno Bourbank | Masr Arms | 0' | Willm. Lee | do | | Henry Lunt | do. | | Edwd. Garrett | Bon Mate | '0 | Danl. Willott | do | | Saml. Stacey | Mastr. | 0 | Martin Shaw | do. | '0 | Jno Wilson | do | | Mattw. Maize | Purser | 0 | Wm. Roberts | Coopr. | '0 | Jno Mosey | do | | Amos Windship | Surgn. | 0 | Jno Gates | Gunrs Mate | 0' | Gerlano Bairdo | do | | John Frankford | Mrs Mte. | | Preservd Syssell | Gunr Mate | 0' | Antonio Sponza | do | | | | Dd. | Josh. Walker | Gunrs. Yeon. | — | Pier Locby | do run Augt. 5 | | Thos. Potter | Mid | | | | 1 | | do Hoste. | | Beaut Groube | Mid | 0 | Jno Woulton | Qr Masr. | '0 | Pedro Ambregue | do. | | Natl. Fanning | Mid | 0 | Valente. Strong | do | 0' | Antonio Mazzingay | do. | | Joseph Hitchborn | Mid | 0' | Elizh. Johnston | Qr Gunr. | 0' | Augustino Martino | do | | Artr. Robinson | Mid | 0 | Jno Down | do | '0 | Bernardo Jo Vera | do | run | Jonathn. Lander | Mid | 0' | Wm. Clarke[1] | do | 1 | Thos. Golligan | | | Khervillon | Dischd. | 0' | Thos. Austin | do | 1 | Richd Stephens | | | John Peacock | Surge Mat | 1 | Thos. Knight | Carpr | — | Jno Duboy | run August 10 | run | John Daily | do | 1 | Jno Handerham | do | —' | Harry Tommy | run Sep 14 | | Abisha Perkins[1] | do | 1 | Wm. Priest | do. | 0' | Louis Groa | | run | John Chester | Carpr. | 1 | Edwd. Cooney | Sean. | 0' | Jno Obrey | | | Jno. Wheeler | Gunr | 1 | Wm. Pool. | Sean. | 0' | Josh. Antoine | | run | Danl. Russell | Stewd | '0 | Banj: Stubbs | do. | | | | 0 | Jno Gunnison | Carprs. | 1 | Lawe. Furlong | do. | | | | | | Mate | '0 | Jno Browne | do. | | | | | | | '0 | Andrew Ryan | do. | | | | No. | Mens Names | Quality | No. | Mens Names | Qualy | No. | Boys | | '0 | Aaron Goodwin | Ory. Sean. | '0 | John Thompson | Landn. | '0 | Saml. Getchell | | 1 | Geo. Johnston | do. | 1 | Wm. Mc.Cullock | do. | '0 | Jno. Wier | | 1 | Saml. Matthews | do. | 1 | Chas. Riley | do | '0 | Jno Dupee | | '0 | Danl. Swain | do. | '0 | Jno Warren | do | '0 | Saml. Gray | | 1 | Jno Rudderford | do | '0 | Isaih Jordan | do. | 1 | James Chester Run | | '0 | Peter Nuddle | do | | Nichs. Caldwell | do | 1 | James Mahany Run | | 0' | Richd. Wilson | do. | '0 | Lewis Pastillo | do | '0 | John Duffy | | 0 | Jno Hatton | do | 0' | Alexr. Mayson | do. | 0' | John Hackett | | '0 | Jno Ungey | do | 1 | Vinun Marc | do | 0 | Elizh. Middleton | | 0½' | Lewis Lennard. | do. | '0 | Pier Villerett | do. | 0 | Wm. Ears | | '0 | Dominique Portuguese | do | 0 | —Gulliam Langlois | | | Chas. Glover—Capt Clerk | | '0 | Joseph Morea. | do | 0 | —Noehauless | do. | | Jno Gilbin | | '0 | Lewis Marlin | do. | | | | ½ 0 | Tusan Lucas | | 0' | Jacob Henry | do | | | | ½ 0 | Jno Mai | | | Francoi Bullon | do | | | | | Josh. Cushon | | 1+ | Jno Thomas | do | 0 | Jas. Makenzy | Cripples | ½ ½ | 0 | Sam: Hammon Aaron Burges | | 0 | Amos Wait | do. | 0 | Jno Jordan | do | | ½'0 | John Marlin+ | do Run | 0 | Joseph Brussen | do | | Louis Cushon | | '0 | Joanna Cushero | do. | | | | ½ 0 | Jacque Blorga | | 0 | Jean Romaine | do. | | | | | Joseph Courdavieta | | | Andrew | | | | | | Tixtheren | | Oct. 7 | Edward Roach | | | | | ½ 0 | Titzerre | | | Michal Mc. Graw | | 0 | Abrm. Martell. | Servt. | 0 | Robert Cudriaux | | Oct. 18 | Robert Tommas | | | Antoine Jeremy | do | 0 | Claud Le Maitre | | | | | | Chas. Priley | do. | | | | | | | | Chas. Steward. | do | | | | The first part of this 24 Hours light Breese of Wind and clear Weather At 2 P.M. sent away the Pilot Boat with the 2d. Lieutenant and a number of Marines Arm'd; after a Brigg to the Windward lying too under her Fore Topsail At 3 P.M. saw a Fleet to the leeward among them appear'd to be two Ship's of War made a Signal for the Alliance to give Chase at ½ past 3 P.M. fir'd a Gun at the Boat for the Boat her to return to us; she Bore away for us & at Do. we made Sail gave Chase to the two Ships that were to the leeward of us that appeard to be Arm'd Ships of War; The Pallas and Brigg Vengeance gave Chase likewise at 5 P.M. The Fleet stood in for the Land & the two Arm'd Ships of War hove too ready for engaging of us we Bore away for to meet them & got the Ship ready for engaging (all Hands being at their Quarters) at 6 P.M. spoke the Pallas and Ordered her to Keep astern of us; at ½ past 6 P.M. hoisted a Signal for the rest of the Squadron to form a line at Do. hailed the largest Ship One of the Ships hailed us; Answers of no great Consequence return'd. The The Capt. of the Ship; that appeard to be the largest said tell me Instantly from whence You came and who You be or i'll fire a Broad side into You; finding her to be an Enemy discharg'd a Broadside into her which She return'd after exchanging three or four Broadsides came to Yard Arm, & Yard Arm, in which posture both ships lay the rest of the engagement; lash'd the Enemies Ship to Ours; after we had engag'd about an Hour the Alliance came up and rak'd us twice; kill'd and wounded a Number of our Men; The engagement was so hot that both Ships got on fire several times; which was put out with as much expedition as possible by the Men belonging to each Ship; all this time the engagement was exceeding warm. Both ships keeping up a heavy fire with Cannon and small Arms; just before the engagement ended saw the Alliance coming down upon us hailed her and Orderd her to Board the Enemy immediately but she return'd no answer; shot ahead of us and raked Both Ships; the Enemy then crying for Quarters Capt. Jones said, haul your Colours down then; which was granted immediately & our People took possession of her; She afterwards fir'd three Guns & wounded several of Our Men while they were Boarding of her; She struck to us at ½ past 10 P.M. at Do. cast the Ship off from us, and as soon as we got Clear of her; her Main Mast fell over her Side; She prov'd to be the Serapis of 46 Guns the latter part of the Night all employed in putting out the fire in different parts of the Ship and in Pomping she having not less than two three foot of Water in her Hold; The Carpenters employed in stoping the leeks with the assistance of the Carpenters from the Other Ships; The leek still gaining on us; we were supply'd with Men from the other Ships; who assisted in heaving the Lower Deck Guns overboard & the Dead Men &c—— 25th. The first part of this 24 Hours Moderate Breeses & Clear Weather. The leak still increasing got assistance from the other Ships of Officers & Men some of whom assisted in Pomping The leak still gaining on us Notwithstanding all the Pomps were at work. The Carpenters crying out that it was impossible to stop the leak At 2 P.M. Capt. Jones with the Capt. & Lieutenant of the Prize; quitted the Ship & left Orders to keep the Pomps agoing & the Carpenters at Work; at 7 He return'd and found the leak increasing in Consequence of which He Order'd the wounded to be Carried on Board the different Vessels & things that was most Necessary to be taken out of the Ship; Boats from the rest of the Squadron were employed for that purpose. At ½ past 7 P.M. the Capt. left the Ship with several more of the Officers & repar'd on Board of the Prize; At 10 P.M. the Capt. sent for the Master of the Ship; & Orders for the Officers then on Board that did not belong to her, to repair on Board their respective Ships with their Men, they immediately quitted the Pomps and Obeyed Orders; Boats were employed the latter part of the Night in Carrying the Men & things that were most Necessary from the Ship to the different Vessels in the Squadron; At 4 A.M. quitted the Pomps the Water then being almost up to the lower Deck; At 10 Do. every Man left the Ship At ½ Past 10 A.M. there was a Boat sent from the Commodore The Serapis to go on Board the Bon homme Richard But before the Boat got along side She Sunk which was about 11 A.M. latter Part Fresh Breeses and a large Sea—— Note:—This account, in the handwriting of Lieutenant Henry Lunt, was originally written in the Serapis' log, from which it was torn, and now is in the John Paul Jones Papers, Peter Force Collection, Vol. VI., No. 29. These pages, in facsimile, have now been inserted in their proper place in the original logs. Some Remarkable Occurrences that happened on the 23d day of September 1779—relative to the Bon Homme Richard, and the Serapis.—Commanded by Richard Pearson Esqr At ½ Past 1 being off Scarborough, discovered the Serapis, and a Number of Vessels under her Convoy— The Bon Homme Richard at ½ Past 7. P M. came up with and Engaged her, at 8 P M. Laid the Serapis along side and lashed the Bon Homme Richard to her, At ½ Past 12 at Night the Serapis' Colours, were Halled down and some of the Bon Homme Richards Officers & Men boarded her, A Journall Kept on Board the Serapis, an English Ship of War, of 44 Guns taken the 23rd. of September, (by the Bon Homme Richd.,) now Commanded by the Honble. John Paul Jones H | K | [HK] | F | Courses | Winds | Remarks on Sunday 26th Septr. 1779 | 1 | 2 | | | ESE | SSW | These 24 Hours Cloudy Weather, Fresh Breezes Wind, in Company with the Frigate Alliance and Pallas, the Brig Vengeance, and Countess of Scarbro' of 20 guns, one of the Prizes | 2 | 2 | | | | | 3 | 2 | | | | | 4 | 2 | | | | | 5 | 2 | | | | | 6 | 2 | | | | | 7 | 2 | | | | | 8 | 3 | | | | | People Employed refitting the Rigging &c. of the Serapis, which Ship Capt. Jones, as Commodore, had Hoisted his Flag. the Bon Homme Richard sinking from the damage she received the Night of the Action | 9 | 2 | | | | | 10 | 3 | | | | | 11 | 2 | | | | | 12 | 2 | 1 | | | | 1 | 2 | | | | | 2 | 3 | | | | | 3 | 2 | | | | | The Master at Arms was put in Irons for letting the Prisoners, loose on the Night of the Engagement | 4 | 2 | | | | | 5 | 2 | | | | | 6 | 2 | | | | | 7 | 2 | | | | | 8 | 2 | | | | | Carpenters Employed repairing the damages the Serapis had sustained during the late Action. | 9 | 2 | | | | | 10 | 2 | | | | | 11 | 2 | | | | | 12 | 2 | | | | | | Remarks on Monday 27th Septr. 1779 | 1 | 2 | | | SEBE | SWBS | These 24 Hours begins with Moderate Breezes of Wind, Dark Cloudy Weather. | 2 | 2 | | | | | 3 | 2 | | | | | 4 | 2 | | | | | All Hands Employed, fitting the Ship | 5 | 2 | | | | | 6 | 2 | | | | | 7 | 2 | | | | SSW | 8 | 2 | | | ESE | | At 6 P.M. got the Mizen Top Mast on End, the Rigging over head and set it up | 9 | 2 | | | | | 10 | 2 | | | | | 11 | 2 | | | | | 12 | 2 | | | | | 1 | 2 | | | | | 2 | 2 | 1 | | | | At 3 A.M. Saw a Large Sail fired 3 Guns found her to be a Dutch Merchantman | 3 | 2 | | | | | 4 | 2 | | | | | 5 | 2 | | | | | 6 | 2 | | | | | 7 | 2 | | | | | 8 | 2 | | | | | 9 | 2 | | | | | 10 | 2 | | | | | 11 | 2 | | | | | 12 | 2 | | | | | | Remarks on Teusday 28th. Septr. 1779 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | SBE | SW | The first Part of these 24 Hours, Clear and Pleasant Moderate Gales and fair Weather, | 2 | 2 | | | | | 3 | 2 | | | | | 4 | 2 | 1 | | | | 5 | 2 | | | | | 6 | 2 | 1 | | SSE | SWBW | 7 | 2 | | | | | 8 | 2 | 1 | | | | Peope still Employed refitting the Ship, with the Assistance of the Alliances People | 9 | 2 | | | | | 10 | 2 | | | | | 11 | 2 | 1 | | | | 12 | 2 | | | | | One Boat Employed, passing and repassing from Ship to Ship in bringing Necessarys for the repair of the Ship | 1 | 2 | 1 | | | | 2 | 2 | | | | | 3 | 2 | | | | | 4 | 2 | | | | | 5 | 2 | 1 | | ESE | SW | 6 | 2 | | | | | 7 | 2 | | | | | A M. at 1 Gott up a Jury Main Mast | 8 | 2 | | | | | 9 | 2 | 1 | | | | 10 | 2 | | | | | 11 | 2 | | | | | 12 | 2 | 1 | | | | | Remarks on Wednesday September 29th: 1779 | 1 | 2 | | | SEBS | SW | These 24 Hours begins with Moderate Breezes and Hazy Weather, | 2 | 2 | | | | | 3 | 2 | | | | | 4 | 2 | | | | | 5 | 2 | | | | | 6 | 2 | 1 | | | | People employed cleaning the Ships Decks, and repairing the Ship &c. | 7 | 2 | 1 | | | | 8 | 2 | 1 | | | | 9 | 2 | 1 | | WBN | | At 9 A M. Hoisted 5 Lanthorns. at the Mizen Peak and fired a gun as a Signal for the Squadron to Heave in Stays, and stand to the Westward | 10 | 2 | 1 | | | | 11 | 2 | 1 | | | | 12 | 2 | 1 | | ESE | SBW | 1 | 2 | 1 | | | | 2 | 2 | 1 | | | | 3 | 3 | | | | | 4 | 3 | | | | | At 1 A M made the same Signal, Wore Ship and stood to the Eastward again. | 5 | 3 | | | | | 6 | 3 | | | | | 7 | 2 | 1 | | | | 8 | 2 | 1 | | | | Latter Part People Employed. bending a Jury Main Sail | 9 | 2 | 1 | | | | 10 | 2 | 1 | | | | 11 | 2 | | | | | 12 | 2 | | | | | | Remarks on Thursday Septr. 30th. 1779 | 1 | 2 | 1 | | ESE | SSW | These 24 Hours Pleasant Weather, and a smooth Sea | 2 | 2 | 1 | | | | 3 | 2 | 1 | | | | 4 | 2 | 1 | | | | At 2 P. M got the Main Sail, and bent it, and sett it | 5 | 2 | 1 | | SEBS | SWBW | 6 | 2 | 1 | | | | 7 | 2 | 1 | | | | 8 | 2 | 1 | | | | At 12 P M made the Signal for Heaving in Stays | 9 | 2 | 1 | | | | 10 | 2 | 1 | | | | 11 | 2 | 1 | | | | 12 | 2 | 1 | | NNW | | At 4 P M made the Signal for the Squadron to Tack and stand to | 1 | 2 | 1 | | | | 2 | 2 | 1 | | | | 3 | 3 | | | | | 4 | 3 | | | SEBE | SWBS | At 8 A M swayed up the Main Top Mast and got the Main Top Sail Yard athwart | 5 | 3 | | | | | 6 | 3 | | | | | 7 | 3 | | | | | At 10 A M set the Main Top Sail— | 8 | 3 | | | | | 9 | | Arthr. Randall | | Remarks on Friday October 15th. 1779 | Vble. | Fine Pleasant Weather, this day bent the Fore Sail. Fore Top Sail Fore Stay Sail & Jibb, and then got the Main Top Gallt. Mast up instead of a Main Top Mast. | Received a Lighter from Amsterdam the folowg. Articles | 2 | Trebble Blocks | 522 | lb. Cheese | 1 | Barrel. 1 Firkin of Butter | | Remarks on Satarday October 16th. 1779 | WBS. | First Part of this Day. Dark Cloudy Weather | Received from Amsterdam as follows Vizt. | 3 | Teirces of Bread | 2 | Teirces of Beef | 50 | Casks of Beer | At Noon 2 French Cutters came into the Road, and Anchord a Stern of us, Latter part of the day Blows a Gale, at 4 PM. Struck the Fore Top Mast and got the Sheet Anchor, ready to let go | | Remarks on Sunday October 17th, 1779 | West | This Morning the Lieut. of the Pallas, came on board, with Orders from Capt. Cottineau, to get the Jury Main Mast out again which was done by 4 PM. | Fresh Gales and Clear Weather, Cleaned the Upper, & lower Gun Decks | | Remarks on Monday October 18th. 1779— | Fine Moderate Weather, got the Stump of the Main Mast out again Commodore Jones returned from Amsterdam | Received from Amsterdam the following Articles vizt. | 40 | Quarter Cask of Beer | 16 | Pine Plank | 1 | Barrel of Tar | 9 | Oak Plank | 3 | Barrels of Pitch | 16 | Oak Boards | 20 | Single & double Blocks of difft Sizes | 10 | Pine Boards | 1 | small Cask of Bread | 11 | Slips of do | 1 | small Cask of Nails | 5 | Tice | | Remarks on Teusday October 19th. 1779— | EBS. | This Day Moderate and Fair Weather, People employed Cleaning the Ships Decks, Hoisting in Water &c. &c. 7 Dutch Carpenters at work on Board Received on Board from Amsterdam as follows Vizt. | 30 | Barrels of Pork | 1 | Barrel of Butter | 2 | Bags of Cuff Irons | 10 | Barrels of Flour | 3 | Kegs of Barly | 1 | Large Chest marked D N | 1 | Barrel of Rice | 1 | Keg of Sugar | 2 | Canvas Bales | 218 | Cheeses | 12 | Oars | 24 | Handspikes | 8 | Bags of Potatoes | 6 | small Spars | | Main Truss & Cross Trees | 7 | Bags of Pease | 8 | Oak Plank | | Main Top | 1 | Firkin of Butter | 24 | Bundles of Spun Yarn | 1 | Bundle of Cork | | | 2 | Bags of Hand Irons | | a Turning Machine | 59 English Prisoners taken on Board the Serapis sent on Board the Scarborough | | Remarks on Wednesday October 20th. 1779— | SE | This Day fine Pleasant Weather, People variously employed, Received on Board the following Articles from Amsterdam | 1 | Iron Hoop— | The Main Mast, and 2 Large Spars were Towed off and veered a Stern | 4 | Bolts of Iron | | Remarks on Thursday October 21st. 1779— | WBS. | This Day begins with Moderate Weather, and small Winds, at 10 A M unmoored, and moved up the Road farther, as did the rest of the Squadron, at 1 PM. came too an Anchor, and moord Ship | A Journall Kept on Board the American Continental Frigate of War, Alliance of 36 Guns, under, the Command of the Honble, John Paul Jones. Commencing in the Road of Texel, in Holland,— Winds | Remarks on Monday November 22nd. 1779— | WBN. | Dark Rainy Weather, this Day Cottl, Wybert. came on Board, with a Number of Prisoners. that had been a shore ever since we came into the Road, Likewise a Number of Marines. that had been sent on Shore to Guard them, People employd on sundry Occasions, The Remaining Part of the Late Bon Hommes Richard Crew. came on Board. Except the French Volunteers: which stayed on Board the Serapis with Capt. Cottineau | | Remarks on Teusday November 23rd. 1779— | WSW. | This Day thick Foggy Weather, People employd on Sundry Jobbs. The French Maines. that were on board, sent on board the Serapis as were also a Number of Prisoners. Latter Part Fresh Gales. & thick Weather | | Remarks on Wednesday November 24th. 1779— | | Cloudy Weather. People employd Hoisting in Provisions, and stowing them away | | Remarks on Thursday November 25th. 1779 | SSW. | Dark Cloudy Weather People Employd in stowing away sundry Articles in Order to make Room for the Officers of the Late Bon Homme Richard the After part of the day settled down the Fore and Main Yards as the Wind blowd very Flesh and the Weather lookg. very bad | | Remarks on Friday November 26th. 1779— | SSW. | This Day Heavy Gales of Wind, with Showers of Hail & Rain People Employd on Sundry Necessary Jobbs. at 5 A M. Struck Yards and Top Masts. Continues to Blow hard all Night | | Remarks on Satarday November 27th. 1779 | | The Weather this Day Moderate, Got the Main Yard down Fore and Aft The Carpenters employd to reduce it. People Employd in sundry Jobbs | | Remarks on Sunday November 28th: 1779 | | Fair Weather People Employd on Sundry Jobbs. the Carpenters as before. Mr. Blorgett paid the People. 1 Ducat each. as part of Wages, at 3 P.M. the Carpenters finished the Main Yard, got it Rigged and athwart, Broachd a Cask of Rum, & 1 Box of Candles | | Remarks on Monday November 29th. 1779— | SEBE. NNW. | AM. Rainy Dirty Weather, bent the Main Sail, Swayed up Yards and Top Masts. Cleared Hause, and got all ready to get under Sail. PM the Wind Shifted, and Blows a Hard Gale, Struck Yards & Top Masts | | Remarks on Teusday November 30th. 1779 | | AM. Plenty of Rain, Moderate Breeze of Wind, Swayed up Yards & Topmts. Cut 12 Fathom off. of a Condemnd Cable for Junk. P.M. Fine Weather Loosed the Sails to Dry. the Barge went on Shore, with an Officer, in search of the Cutter, Received 853 lb. Beef. Broachd 1 Cask of Rum. 2 Boxes of Candles, 1 Sack of Barley the Barge returned, but no News of the Cutter | | Remarks on Wednesday December 1st. 1779— | | AM Fresh Gales and Squally struck Lower Yards. & Top Gallt. Masts, the Armourer, and a Seaman Died P.M. Clear Weather, People employd variously Recd. a New Mizen Top Mast and a Rough Spar. for a Top Sail Yard. | Broachd 1 | Firkin of Butter | 1 | Sack of Barley | | Remarks on Thursday December 2nd. 1779— | West | Fresh Winds and Plenty of Rain. People employd getting down the Mizen Top Mast, and getting up a spare Main Top Gallt. Mast. in its Place at 4 P.M. Struck Top Masts | | Remarks on Friday December 3rd. 1779. | | Fresh Gales and Squally People employd variously. Carpenters reducing the Cross Tack Yard, & Mizen Top Sail Yard, Broachd 2 Bbls. of Beef 1 Sack of Pease, 1 Pipe of Brandy. 111 Gallons. | | Remarks on Satarday December 4th. 1779— | NBE WNW | First Part Moderate Breezes, and Plenty of Rain, swayed up Yards and Top Masts, Parted our Fore Tears At 9 AM. the Wind Hauled Westward a Fresh Gale, Struck Yards & Top Masts again, Carpenters employed repairing the Barge, and reducing the Cross Tack Yard. at 10 P.M. Veered 50 Fathom out of our small Bower Cable, Housed the Guns. Fore & Aft Broach 2 Barrels of Pork, 1 Tierce of Rum. 1 Firkin of Butter | | Remarks on Sunday December 5th. 1779. | NW | Fresh Gales and Squally. Hove in the Cable that was veered out last Night got down Top Gallt. Masts Recd 2181 lb. Beef & 50 Cabbages. | | Remarks on Monday December 6th: 1779— | | AM. Squally. Fresh Breeze of Wind, People Employed rigging the Mizen Top Mast, and Cross Tack Yard, a Dutch Boat took all the Prisoners taken in the Serapis, and carried them on Board the said Ship PM. Pleasant Weather, Bent the Mizen Top Sail the Boat that carried away the Prisoners. returned with 100 more taken in the Merchant Ships. Broachd 1 Pipe of Gin 3 Bbls. of Beef 1 Box of Candles. | | Remarks on Teusday December 7th. 1779 | | AM Moderate Breezes and Dirty Weather, People employd variously sent some Casks on Shore for Water, Recd. 1207 lb. Beef 77 lb. Mutton 400 Loaves of Bread 1218 lb. of Salt—Expended 1 Bbl. of Flour | | Remarks on Wednesday December 8th: 1779. | NNE | Fine Weather Swayed up Yards & Top Masts, unmoord Ship and got all Clear for going to Sea, PM do. Weather Received Recd. 10 Gang Cask of Water, &c. 307 Loaves of Bread, in the Evening Moored Ship again with Starboard Tacks to the Westward, | | Remarks, on Thursday December 9th. 1779— | NW to SW. | Dirty Rainy Weather, People Employd in Arranging the Sparrs, on the Booms and other Necessary Duty, Carpenters repairing the Barge. in the Evening Cleared Hause, | | Remarks on Friday December 10th. 1779 | SEBE —— SBE | AM. Pleasant Weather, and small Breeze of Wind, unmoord Ship and Hove short on the other Cable, expecting to go to Sea, but the Wind Hauled to the Southward, & the Pilot refused to carry us out in the Afternoon, Hove up our Anchor, went a little farther to the Northward, and Moored Ship, Two of our People Died, Recd 1370 lb of Beef & Mutton 312 lb. Candles Broachd ½ Pipe of Brandy | | Remarks on Satarday December 11th.. 1779 | NNW. | A M. Hazy Weather, People Employd variously. Recd. on Board several Planks, sent the 2 Dead Men on Shore, P. M. Fair Weather Exercised the Cannon | | Remarks on Sunday December 12th. 1779— | SSW | Small Breezes of Wind attended with Rain, unbent the Main Top Sail, and Bent another, Recd. 3 Hhds. of Gin 2 Cask of Sand | | Remarks on Monday December 13th. 1779— | SW | Small Breezes & Rain, Hands Employd, Sundry Jobbs. Sail Makers Enlarging the Fore Top Sail, 4 Men Deserted, Broachd 2 Bbls. of Beef 1 Bbl. of Flour 1 Box of Candles | | Remarks on Teusday December 14th: 1779— | WNW | AM. Fresh Gales, and Squally. Lowerd down the Lower Yards P.M Hard Gales Veered out. 10 Fathom of our best Bower Cable, soon after Perceived the Cable to be stranded, Just forward of the Bitts, Ten or Twelve Fathom from the End, hove it in Cut it off and spliced another Cable too it. and veered out about 18 fathom of said Cable, and the whole of the small Bower, both Anchors a Head. | | Remarks on Wednesday December 15th.. 1779— | NNW | AM. Fresh Breezes and thick Weather, at 7 Got to Work Heaving in our Cables, a Boat came off with Beef and Bread, sent in her Part of our Prisoners, to the Serapis P.M. Pleasant Weather, sent the Remainder of our Prisoners, to the Serapis except some Sick and Wounded, in the Evening Hove up the small Bower Anchor, and Moored Ship again | Recd. 1828 lb. Beef 350 Loaves of Bread Broachd 1 Firkin of Butter | | Remarks on Thursday December 16th. 1779— | SSW NNW | AM Moderate Breezes of Wind, and fair Weather, People variously employed, Carpenters repairing the Barge, PM Clear Weather Swayed up Yards & Top Masts, Recd. 12 Gang Cask of Water | | Remarks on Friday December 17th. 1779— | Westy | AM Pleasant Weather, People variously employd, Recd. 1700 lb. Beef 950 lb Bread. Broachd 1 Teirce of Rum 1 Pipe of Gin | | Remarks on Satarday December 18th.. 1779— | | Moderate Breezes and Rainy Weather, all Hands Employd as most Necessary. | | Remarks on Sunday December 19th: 1779— | WSW | Moderate Breezes and thick Weather, AM. Careened Ship, and Scrubbed her Bottom, the Larboard Side People employd Cleaning Decks Broachd 1 Box of Candles. Carpenters shutting up the After Hatchway | | Remarks on Monday, December 20th. 1779 | | First Part Fresh Gales, and Dirty Weather, at 5 AM. Lowerd Down the Fore & Main Yards, at 8 Cleared Hause, the Middle of the Day Clear Weather Loosed Courses to Dry. People Employd as most necessary Carpenters as Yesterday in the Evening Squally Roove one New Fire Geers | | Remarks on Teusday December 21st. 1779 | WSW NEBN | First Part small Breezes. Swayed up the Lower Yards; and began to unmoor Ship, but before we could accomplish it the Wind Changed to the Westward, Moored Ship again Loosed, the Sails. P.M. Creened Ship and scrubbed her Bottom on the Starboard Side, a Dutch Boat Brought 13 Cask Gang Water, Handed Sails and Righted Ship, Carpenters employd Caulking up the After Hatchway, Broachd 1 Teirce of Rum | | Remarks on Wednesday December 22nd. 1779— | ENE North NEBN NWBW | Begins with thick Weather, and Rain—at 4 AM. Got up the Larboard Anchor At 8 the Wind came North, fresh Breezes. Lowerd down. the Fore and Main Yards. P.M. Fresh Gales from N. to NWBW struck the Top Masts Veered out 100 Fathom. of the Starboard Cable, and let go the Larboard Anchor at 10 Hove a Head, with the Starboard Cable to the Moorings. Recd. 2108 lb. Beef & 1375 lb. Bread | | Remarks on Thursday December 23rd. 1779— | WNW. | Fair Weather, all Hands variously Employed Broachd one Barrell of Beef | | Remarks on Friday December 24th. 1779— | WNW | Fine Pleasant Weather got up Yards & Top Masts at 7 AM. a Dutch Lighter came along Side with 11 Gang Casks of Water, Hoisted them in and started them, at 8 Recd, from Amsterdam the following Articles Vizt. | Easty | 7710 | lb. Bread | | | 60 | Barrels of Beef | 11 | Boxes of Candles | 22 | do. of Pork | 10 | Casks of Liquor | 8 | do. of Flour | 5 | Casks of Water | 2 | Teirces of Salt | 16 | Sacks of Pease | 1 | do. Vinegar | 45 | lb. Coffee | | | 50 | lb. Sugar | | Remarks on Satarday December 25th. 1779— | Easty. | Pleasant Weather, unmoored Ship expecting to go to Sea, at 4 P.M. a Lighter from Amsterdam, came along side with Water and Wood People Employd discharging her, Broachd 1 Cask of Brandy | | Remarks on Sunday December 26th. 1779— | "-" | Pleasant Weather, all Hands Employd Clearing the Lighter, and starting the Water into Casks in the Hold, still Riding by a Single Anchor, at 5 PM. Finished Discharging the Lighter, sent away in her 26 Bbls. of Pork that was received from Amsterdam, it being much damaged, owing to it not being propperly Salted, Just as the Lighter put off from a Long Side, the Ship struck a Drift. Let go another Anchor, but could not stop her, before she got fowl of a Dutch Merchant Ship, that lay to the Eastward of us, Carryd, away her Jibb Boom and Sprit Sail Yards and damaged us in our Starboard Quarter, at 10 got Clear of her, and Hove in the Starboard Cable, found that was it cut off about 8 or 10 Fathom, from the Anchor, Let go the Sheet Anchor, and brought her up with her two Anchors a Head, close in with the Helder, Received 1014 lb. Bread | | Remarks on Monday December 27th. 1779 | "-" | Fresh Breeze of Wind at 4 AM. Hove up our small Bower Anchor at 9 Got a Spring on the Sheet Cable, from our Starboard Quarter to Cant the Ship, at 10 Cut the Cable, and got under Way. with several Dutch Men of War, and a Number of Merchantmen, at 11 Got Clear of the Bay and Hove too for a Boat to take out the Pilot Recd. 1665 lb. Beef | H | K | [HK] | Courses | Winds | Remarks on Teusday 28th. Decemr. 1779 | 1 | 10 | | SW | East | These 24 Hours fresh Breezes of Wind & Cloudy Weather the Pilot left us. and we Bore away under 2d. Reef Top Sails & Fore Sail, At 1 PM. Camper Down Bore ENE at 2½ Leag. at 4 P.M. Handd. Miz. Top Sail. & Close Reefd, Fore & Main Top Sails, in doing it Split the Fore Top Sail, and got it down to mend, at 5 Handd. Main Top Sail, at 6 the Maze Lights Bore, South. Distt. 2 Leage. got a New Cable, bent to the Remaining Anchor, Broachd 1 Box of Candles At 3 A.M. Sett Main and Mizen Top Sails got the Fore Top Sail up to Bend, and Let the Reefs out of the Main & Mizen Top Sail, Set Stay Sails, and Fore Top Mast Steerg Sails. at 9 saw Land on Both Sides of us, several Vessels in Sight At 10 Past by Calais in Fore Top Mast Steerg Sail Bent a Cable to the Stream Anchor, At Meridian Calais Clifts bore, SEBS. Distance 2 Leagues | 2 | 9 | | | | 3 | 9 | | | | 4 | 9 | | | | 5 | | | | | 6 | 8 | 1 | West | EBS | 7 | 5 | 1 | | | 8 | 5 | 1 | | | 9 | 6 | | | | 10 | 5 | 1 | | | 11 | 6 | — | W½S | | 12 | 6 | | | | 1 | 9 | — | WSW | East | 2 | 9 | | | | 3 | 10 | | | | 4 | 9 | — | West | | 5 | 6 | 1 | WSW | ESE | 6 | 6 | | | | 7 | 7 | 1 | SWBW | | 8 | 7 | | | | 9 | 7 | | | | 10 | 6 | | SSW | | 11 | 6 | | | | 12 | 6 | | WSW | | | Remarks on Wednesday 29th. December 1779 | 1 | 7 | | SWBW | EBS | Begins Moderate Breezes & thick Weather, Set Steerg. Sails & Driver, at 4 PM. a High Point of Land to the Eastward of Bolougne, bore East about 9 Leags Diste.—took in the Driver, | 2 | 7 | | WSW | | 3 | 5 | 1 | | | 4 | 5 | | | EBN | 5 | 6 | 1 | | | 6 | 5 | | West | | 7 | 3 | 1 | | | 8 | 3 | | | | 9 | 4 | | | | 10 | 5 | | | | 11 | 5 | | WBS | | Saw several Sail of Vessels in the Run of the Night At 9 A.M. Saw the Isle of Wight Bearg. NBW At 10 do. all Hands to Quarters up all Hammocks Exercised the Cannon— | 12 | 5 | | | | 1 | 5 | 1 | | | 2 | 5 | | | | 3 | 5 | | West | | 4 | 3 | 1 | | | 5 | 3 | 1 | | | 6 | 4 | | | | 7 | 4 | | | | 8 | 5 | 1 | WSW | | 9 | 7 | 1 | | | 10 | 7 | | | | 11 | 7 | | | | 12 | 7 | | | | | Remarks on Thursday December 30th: 1779— | 1 | 6 | | WSW | SEBE | First part of these 24 Hours, Modte. Breezes and Hazy Weather, at ½ PM. Cape La Hogue Bore, WSW Distt. 5 Leagues At 2 A.M. Squally, took in Steering Sails. Set Stays Sails Hauld up as p Log. Took in Top Gallt. Sails | 2 | 6 | | | | 3 | 5 | 1 |
| | 4 | 4 | | | | 5 | 4 | | | | 6 | 4 | | NWBW | SE | 7 | 6 | | | | 8 | 7 | 1 | | | Latter Part Fresh Breezes & Clear, Weather, at 5 Reefd Top Sails | 9 | 8 | | | | 10 | 8 | | | | 11 | 9 | | | | 12 | 9 | | | | At Meridian give Chace, to a Ship & a Brig | 1 | 9 | | | | 2 | 9 | | WNW | EBS | People Employd Scrubbing their Hammocks, Expended 1 Barrell of Pork | 3 | 9 | | | | 4 | 7 | | | | 5 | 9 | | | | 6 | 9 | | | | 7 | 9 | | | | 8 | 9 | | | | 9 | 10 | | WSW | East | Lattd. Obsd. 49°. 14" North. | 10 | 10 | | West | SE | 11 | 9 | | | | 12 | 9 | | WBN | SEBE | | Remarks on Friday December 31st: 1779— | 1 | 7 | | WSW | SEBS | Fresh Breezes and Cloudy at 2 P.M. Spoke with the Ship She was a Sweede from Stockholm, at the same time spoke a Brig from Dantzick, at 1 Spoke a Dutch Galliot at 4 Handed Main Sail, at 8 Handed Mizen Top Sail and Hauled up Fore Sail, a Large Sea, Housed all Guns | 2 | 7 | | | | 3 | 7 | — | WBN | | 4 | 5 | | | | 5 | 9 | | West | | 6 | 9 | | WNW | | 7 | 9 | | | | 8 | 9 | | | | 9 | 9 | | | | 10 | 8 | | | | 11 | 7 | 1 | | | Expended 1 But. 1 Puncheon 12 Gang Casks of Water and 1 Barrel of Salt Beef | 12 | 8 | | | | 1 | 7 | 1 | | | 2 | 8 | | | | At ½ Past 7 AM. Layed the Main Top Sail Aback Sounded 80 Fathom, Gray Sand, and small Shells At Meridian Close Reefd Top Sails | 3 | 8 | | | | 4 | 7 | 1 | | | 5 | 8 | 1 | 3 | | SBW | SEBE | 9 | 3 | | South | ESE | 10 | 3 | | SSE | East | 11 | 5 | | | | 12 | 6 | | | |
7 | 5 | | | | 8 | 6 | | NBE | EBN | 9 | 4 | | | | 10 | 3 | 4 | North | | Water in the Fore Hold | 11 | 4 | | | | 12 | 4 | | | | 1 | 5 | | NBW | NEBE | 2 | 5 | | | | 3 | 5 | | | | 4 | 5 | | SE | | 5 | 4 | | NNW | NE | 6 | 4 | | | | 7 | 4 | | | | 8 | 3 | | EBN | NEBN | Lattd. Obsd. 42°. "33 No. | 9 | 3 | 4 | | | 10 | — | | | | 11 | 4 | | | | 12 | 3 | | | | | Remarks on Teusday Janry. 11th. 1780 | 3 | 3 | | ENE | North | Pleasant Weather, and Moderate Breezes of Wind, Expended 2½ Butts of Water, 1 Barrel of Pork, 1 Barrel of Beef | 2 | 3 | | | | 3 | 3 | | | | 4 | 3 | | | | 5 | 3 | 4 | EBN | | 6 | 4 | | | | At 10 P M. in all Stay Sails | 7 | 4 | | | | 8 | 5 | 4 | | NBW | 9 | 7 | | | | 10 | 7 | 4 | | | At 12 Fresh Breeze and Squally | 11 | 7 | | | | 12 | 7 | 4 | | | At 8 A.M. Saw a Sail a Head, and two on our Lee Bow | 1 | 7 | | East | | 2 | 7 | | | NBE | Sett Top Gallt Sails & Staysails | 3 | 6 | 4 | | | 4 | 6 | | | | 5 | 6 | | | | 6 | 5 | | | | 7 | 5 | | | | 8 | 5 | | | | 9 | 5 | | | | 10 | 3 | 4 | | | 9 | 3 | | | | 10 | 3 | | NWBW | | 11 | 3 | | SE | | 12 | 3 | | NWBW | | | Remarks on Sunday Janry. 16th. 1780 | 1 | 2 | | NWBW | SW | Begins Fresh Gales and Dirty Weather, we under Fore Sail and Close Reefd Top Sails & Mizen Stay Sail. at 4 PM. Reefd the Fore Sail, and sett the Main Sail, and Handed the Main Top Sail, Launch Top Gallt Masts. at 10 more Moderate a Large Sea, at 4 A M. Wore Ship, sett the Top Sails, at 6 AM Saw a Ship to Leward, Run down to her, and shewd English Colours. she shewd Dutch. Hauled our Wind and sett Stay Sails, and let one Reef out of the Top Sails Swayed up the Top Gallt. Masts | 2 | 2 | | | | 3 | 2 | | | | 4 | 2 | | | | 5 | 2 | | | | 6 | 2 | | NWBN | SWBW | 7 | 1 | 4 | | | 8 | 1 | 4 | | | 9 | 1 | 4 | | | 10 | 1 | 5 | | | 11 | 1 | 4 | | | 12 | 1 | 5 | | | 1 | 1 | 4 | | | 2 | 1 | 4 | NBW | WBN | 3 | 1 | 4 | | | 4 | 1 | 4 | | | 5 | 1 | 4 | SBW | | West Expended 2 Bbls. of Beef 1 Bbl. of Flour, 1 Box of Candles. 1 Firkin of Butter | 6 | 1 | 4 | | | 7 | 2 | | | | 8 | 3 | | South | WBN | 9 | 3 | 4 | | | Lattd: Obsd. 43. 32 No | 10 | 6 | | | | 11 | 7 | | | | 12 | 7 | | | | Winds | Remarks on Monday January 17th: 1780— | West | Begins fresh Breezes and Squally, at 1 P.M saw the Land near Ferrol at 4 came to an Anchor in the Harbour of Corrunna, At 7 let go our Stream Anchors, at 8 A M a Spanish Boat with a Number of Gentlemen came on Board, Hoisted out the Barge, and the Captain went on Shore, People Employed getting the Fore Yard, Fore and Aft in Order to reduce it, the Sail Maker Employd, Repairing the Sails, Ends Fresh Breeze of Wind, Expended 1 Barrel of Pork. 2 Bbls. of Flour, 1 Barrel of Beef | | Remarks on Teusday January 18th: 1780— | WBS WSW | Fresh Breezes of Wind attended with Rain in Squalls P M. People variously employed, A M. ditto Weather, spread the steering Sails, and other Light Sails to Dry. broke up the Upper Tier of Water Casks, and sent 20 a shore in a Spanish Boat. unbent Fore and Main Top Sails, Carpenters reducing the Main Yard, an Inch in the Slings, and 6 Feet from the Length, Received 606 lb. Beef | | Remarks on Wednesday January 19th. 1780 | WNW | PM. Fresh Breezes of Wind and Clear Weather, People variously employd AM. Ditto Winds attended with Plenty of Rain, all the People refused doing Duty, untill they got some Part of the Money due them Recd 597 lb. Beef and some Vegetables | | Remarks on Thursday January 20th. 1780 | | PM Small Breezes of Wind, and Plenty of Rain. the People were satisfyd by the Captain, so as to appear chearfully to Duty AM Pleasant Weather, Careened
top_no right"> | NBE | EBN | 10 | 4 | | | | At 10 Fresh Gales and Cloudy Expended 1 Bbl. of Flour, Broachd 1 Pipe of Gin & 1 Cask of Beans | 11 | 4 | | | | 12 | 4 | 4 | | | 1 | 4 | | | | At 6 A M. Saw a Sail on the Quarter Wore Ship and gave Chace, Sett the Main Sail Mizzen Top Sail & Jibb | 2 | 4 | | | | 3 | 4 | | | | 4 | 4 | | | | 5 | 4 | | | | At 9 AM. came up and spoke her, she proved to be a Letter of Marque, Ship from Virginia. Bound to Bourdeaux, out 33 Days. John Gale Commander, | 6 | 4 | | SSE | | 7 | 6 | | | | 8 | 7 | | | | 9 | 8 | | | | 10 | 8 | | NBE | | Lattd: Obsd. 45°. 46" North | 11 | 3 | | | | 12 | 3 | | | | | Remarks on Thursday Febry. 3rd. 1780 | 1 | 2 | | NNW | NE | Begins Fresh Breezes and Squally, at 1 P.M made a Sail on our Larboard Quarter, Wore Ship gave Chace, Out all Reefs, Set Steering Sails got Top Gallt. Yards athwart set Top Gallt. Sails, at 5 P M gave over Chace, Wore Ship to the Eastward, Reefd the Top Sails Light Winds & Squally | 2 | 1 | 4 | | | 3 | 4 | 4 | West | | 4 | 3 | | NW | | 5 | 2 | | SSE | | 6 | 4 | 4 | | | Top Sails Light Winds & Squally | 7 | 2 | 4 | | | 8 | 3 | 4 | | | 9 | 3 | | | | 10 | 3 | | SBE | EBN | 11 | 3 | 4 | | | 12 | 3 | | | | Expended 1 Barrel of Beef | 1 | 3 | | | | 2 | 2 | | | | Departed this Life Benjn. Powers Master at Arms At 4 A M. Light Winds & Clear Weather, the Ship in Sight | 3 | 1 | 4 | | | 4 | 1 | 4 | | | 5 | 4 | | | | 6 | 3 | | ENE | EBS | At 6 A M. Tacked Ship to the Southward | 7 | 3 | | | | At 8 Small Winds & Pleasant Weather, | 8 | 3 | | East | SE | 9 | 7 | 5 | | | | 8 | 5 | 4 | | | 9 | 5 | 4 | ENE | | Broachd 1 Bbl. of Beef 1 Cask of Wine | 10 | 5 | | | NW. | No Observation | 11 | 6 | | NE | | 12 | 6 | | | | | Remarks on Teusday Febry. 8: 1780 | 1 | 4 | 4 | ENE | SW | Begins Moderate Breezes thick & Hazy Weather, at 1 PM saw the Land bearing from NE to E. which we Judge to be the Penmark, At 5. we were within 1 League of the Rocks, WBN from thence, we Halled by the Wind, to the Southd. Sounded 45 fathom Water, fine Gray Sand, our Consort in Sight, at 9 Sounded 50 fathom, at 10 same Depth Muddy Bottom, Thick Weather, attended with Rain at 11 Tackd At 6 AM. Wore Ship to the Southd. Sounded 60 Fathom of Water, fine Gray Sand, Do. Weather, at 9 Sett Main Sail & Main Top Mast Stay Sail & Jibb Discovered the Land Head to be Loose Broachd 1 Bbl. of Pork 1 Box of Candles 1 Cask of Wine | 2 | 4 | 4 | | | 3 | 4 | | | | 4 | 4 | | | | 5 | 3 | | | | 6 | 3 | | South | WSW | 7 | 3 | | | | 8 | 3 | | SBE | | 9 | 3 | | | | 10 | 2 | | SSE | SW | 11 | 2 | | | | 12 | 2 | 4 | West | SSW | 1 | 2 | 4 | | | 2 | 2 | 4 | | | 3 | 3 | | | | 4 | 3 | | | | 5 | 2 | | | | 6 | 2 | | WNW | SWBS | 7 | 2 | | South | SW | 8 | 2 | | | WSW | No Observation | 9 | 5 | 4 | | | 10 | 5 | 4 | | | 11 | 5 | 4 | | | 12 | 5 | 4 | | | | Remarks on Wednesday Febry. 9th: 1780 | 1 | 3 | | SBW | WBS | Begins Moderate Breezes and Rain Sounded 63 Fathom Water, fine Sand, at 6 PM. Close Reefd the Top Sails | 2 | 3 | | | | 3 | 3 | | | | 4 | 2 | 4 | SSW | West | 5 | 3 | | | | 6 | 3 | 4 | | | 7 | 3 | | | |
mployed AM. Foggy Dirty Weather, | | Remarks on Satarday April 22nd. 1780 | SW. | PM Fair Weather, the People Received one Months Pay Recd 108 lb Bread, and 6 Bushells of Salt, A M Do. Weather, got a Craft with Water along side, filled all our Gang Casks Except 6 Gang Casks, | | Remarks on Sunday April 23rd. 1780— | West | P M Fair Weather, sent the Craft on Shore, Carpenters at work on the Quarter Deck, and Gangways Recd. 2030 lb Beef, Broachd 1 Cask of Brandy, A M. Dirty Weather, People variously employed | | Remarks on Monday April 24th: 1780— | Vble, | PM. Fair Weather, People Employed on Sundry Jobbs. M M Thick Weather | | Remarks on Teusday April 25th..1780— | | PM Fair Weather, People Employd on Sundry Jobbs, A M Thick Foggy Wear. | | Remarks on Wednesday April 26th. 1780— | W.SW | PM Fresh Breezes attended with Rain, Struck Top Gallt. Masts Recd. 108 lb. Bread, & 278 Candles, and 2 Casks of Brandy. A M Fair Weather got up Top Gallt. Masts, Mr. Blodgett the Purser, and the Master of the Lusanne came on board, to Survey Provisions People Employed Trimming the Casks. | | Remarks on Thursday April 27th.. 1780 | SW. | PM Fair Weather, Coopers Trimming the Provision Casks, Carpenters Employed as usual, Recd. 2047 Beef Broach 1 Cask of Brandy AM Fresh Winds and Rain | | Remarks on Friday April 28th. 1780 | "-" | PM Dirty Weather, variously Employed, Recd. 324 lb. Beef 108 lb. Bread A M Ditto Weather, | | Remarks on Satarday April 29th.. 1780— | | PM Fair Weather, Coopers Employed, Pickling & Trimming Provisions Carpenters Building the Gang Ways; Recd. 14 Bushells Salt Broachd 1 Box of Candles, A M Do. Weather Employd as usual | | Remarks on Sunday April 30th.. 1780 | | P.M Fair Weather Carpenters Employed as usual, | A.M. Ditto Weather, | | Remarks on Monday May the 1st: 1780— | SE. | PM Fair Weather People Employd variously, Recd. 1484 lb. Beef & 105 lb. Bread, AM Dirty Rainy Weather | | Remarks on Teusday May the 2nd. 1780— | ENE | AM. Dirty Weather, People variously Employed, Recd 2845 lb. Bread A M Fair Weather, surveying Provisions, Condemnd 1 Hogshead 2 Teirces & 5 Barrels of Beef | | Remarks on Wednesday May the 3rd. 1780 | Easty. | PM. Fair Weather, People variously employed, Broachd 1 Cask of Brandy AM Ditto Weather, came on Board one of the Harbour Pilots, with Orders for us to leave the Kings Moorings, to make room for a 74 Gun Ship from the Port, Bent our Cable we received in Holland, to our best Bower Anchor, and an Old one to the Small Bower and Moored the Ship in 9 Fathom Water, put Service on the best Cable, | | Remarks on Thursday May 4th.. 1780 | SSW | PM. Fine Weather, 2 Plumbers on board Pulling Leads in the Hause Holes Recd. 1229 lb. Beef & 108 lb. Bread. AM Do. Weather People variously Employed | | Remarks on Friday May 5th. 1780— | SW. | PM Fair Weather People variously Employed, AM Thick Weather small Rain, a French Boat came along side with an Eighteen Inch Cable, a Rope for a Messinger 2 Buoy Ropes. a Coil of Bolt Ropes very poor Rigging gave a Receipt for all Except the Messinger, Carpenters Employed finishing the Gang Ways. Caulkers Employd Caulking them. Surveyd some Provisions. Condemnd 2 Barrels. | | Remarks on Satarday May 6th. 1780 | SW. | PM. Fair Weather People variously Employd. Recd. 1032 lb. Beef & 108 lb. Bread AM Thick Weather | | Remarks on Sunday May 7th: 1780— | SW | PM Fair Weather, the Caukers finished Caulking the Gang Ways. Coopers Trimming Provisions, A M Thick Weather Mustered the People several Missing | | Remarks on Monday 8th. 1780 | | PM Fair Weather, Recd. 806 lb. Beef 80 lb. Bread & 4 Teirces of Rum Contg. 216 Galls. Broachd one, A M. Thick Weather, some Rain. Recd. 459 Starr Shott, Twelve Pounders. & 262 Nine Pounders. | | Remarks on Teusday Monday May 9th. 1780 | | PM Fresh Gales and thick Weather, People variously Employed. Recd. 33 lb. Beef & 8 Bushells of Salt. AM. Ditto Weather, finished. Overhauling the Provisions, one Barrel more Condemnd. | | Remarks on Wednesday May 10th. 1780— | | PM. Fresh Gales and Dirty Weather, People variously Employed Recd. 407 lb. Beef 12 Teirces of Brandy. A M Ditto Weather,— | | Remarks on Thursday May 11th. 1780 | WSW. | PM Fair Weather, Carpenters and others Employed as most Necessary Recd. 154 lb. Bread. Broachd 1 Barrel of Pork, A M Ditto Weather. People Employed, Cleaning the Guns for Painting | | Remarks on Friday May 12th. 1780— | SSW | PM. Fair Weather, People variously Employed, Recd. 1070 lb. Beef Broachd 1 Tierce of Rum. 1 Box of Candles, found. 1 Barrel ¾ of another of Flour has been taken out of the Brig along Side AM Ditto Weather Employd Painting the Guns—— | | Remarks on Satarday May 13th: 1780 | SSW | PM. Fresh Gales. & Dirty Weather, Struck Top Gallr. Masts, Struck Yards and Top Masts, miss a Half Bbl. of Pork, out of the Brig, AM. Fair Weather, People variously employed, gave the Lusannes Carpenters Certificates for thier Work, (Vizt. James Barry 20 days Jas. Clark 20 days. Natl. Boyd 12 days. Christ. Marlin 12 days Wm. White 10 days | | Remarks on Sunday May 14th: 1780 | SSW North. | PM Fresh Gales and Dirty Weather, Employd Painting the Ship and other Necessary Duty Recd. 1121 lb. Beef 108 lb. Bread, A M Ditto Weather Swayed up Yards & Top Masts | | Remarks on Monday May 15th. 1780 | | PM. Fresh Gales & Dirty Weather, Struck Yards & Top Masts, AM Fresh Breezes and Fair Weather People variously employed | | Remarks on Teusday May 16th. 1780— | An Account of Occurrences in L'Orient respecting the Bon Homme Richards Officers & Crew Winds | Remarks on Teusday June 13th. 1780— | WSW | Begins with Clear Pleasant Weather all the Officers on Shore waiting for Orders | | Remarks on Wednesday June 14th. 1780— | | Begins with Clear Pleasant Weather, the Officers as before, | | Remarks on Thursday June 15th. 1780— | | Begins Clear & Pleasant Weather, still Waiting for Orders Commencement of the Ariels Journal | | Remarks on Friday June 16th. 1780 | | Begins Clear & Pleasant Weather, Orders to the Officers, to Attend on Board, the Ariel Frigate, in the Port of L'Orient, being taken in the Service of the United States | | Remarks on Satarday June 17th. 1780— | SW | Begins with Clear and Moderate Weather, People Employd getting in 6 Chord of Wood, and the Top Mast Rigging, Shrouds and Stays Likewise got 2 Anchors to the Bow. and bent the Cables to them and then Hauled the Ship out in the Stream. | Received on Board | 24 | Sheets of Lead | | 1 | Bar of Lead | | 5 | Cables | | 4 | Hausers | | 63 | Water Casks | A Journall Kept on Board the American Continental Ship of War, Ariel, of 26 ... Nine Pounders, Commanded by the Honble. John Paul Jones Esqr. Commencing in the Port of L.'Orient June the 16th: 1780— Winds | Remarks on Sunday June 18th. 1780— | | Begins with Clear and Moderate Weather, went on Board the Ship Alliance, with an Order from the Commandant, to Capt Landy, for the People that belongd. to the late Bon Homme Richard but Capt. Landy refused letting them come on Shore, without an Order from Capt. Jones, at 3 PM. the Alliance fired a Gun and Hoisted, an American Jack, at the Fore Top Mast Head, being a Signal for a Pilot in Order to go down to Port Louis, at 5 in the Afternoon, the Alliance fired a Salute of 15 Guns | | Remarks on Monday June 19th. 1780 | | Messrs. Lunt and Stacey went on Board the Alliance, and got their Cloaths on Shore, the Alliance fired a Gun, and Hoisted a Signal for a Pilot, to carry her to the Isle of Groa, | | Remarks on Teusday June 20th. 1780— | | This Morning the Alliance Halled down to Port, Louis at ½ Past 7 Capt Jones Arrived from Paris—— | | Remarks on Wednesday June 21st: 1780— | | This morning the Alliance Halled outside of Port Louis, and got under way with all Sail Sett, Mr. Lunt & self went on board the Alliance after the People belonging to the late Bon Homme Richard, Capt. Landy refused the men to come on Shore, as likewise Capt. Jones Stores, or Barge | | Remarks on Thursday June 22nd. 1780— | | This Day the Serapis was Sold here for 240,000 Livres. Nothing more Particular, | | Remarks on Friday June 23rd. 1780 | | Nothing | | Remarks on Satarday June 24th. 1780— | | The Alliance Sailed and Came to an Anchor under Groa, | | Remarks on Sunday June 25th. 1780— | | This day Commodore Gillon set out for Amsterdam, waited on the Commandant, Concerning Men that belonged to the Late Bon Homme Richard, Entered in the Service of the State of South Carolina, under the Command, of the Commodore, | | Remarks on Monday June 26th. 1780 | | Halled the Ariel into Port and received Orders to Commence Rigging her, | | Remarks on Teusday June 27th. 1780— | | This Day fine Weather, and a fresh Breeze of Wind French Riggers on board the Ariel, | | Remarks on Wednesday June 28th: 1780— | | This Day begins with a fresh Breeze, & fine Weather, this Morning the News of South Carolina being taken by the English Arrived in Town.—getting Guns on board | | Remarks on Thursday June 29th. 1780— | | This Day Capt. Jones Orderd to send on Board the Alliance for 80 of the best Seamen, and the Carpenters and Joiners to assist in fitting the Ariel for Sea, and for the Alliance, to come to Port Louis, these Orders were sent on board by Mr. Livingston, an Officer in the Service of America, Capt. Landy sent 23 Men. | | Remarks on Friday June 30th: 1780— | | This Day begins with Cloudy Weather, and some Rain, Orders were given to pay the People 5 Guineas pr. Man. | | Remarks on Satarday July 1st. 1780— | | This day Cloudy Weather, and some Rain. People Employed setting up the Lower Rigging, Over Hauled the Shott on board and found there to be 780, Round for the 9 Pounders & 200 Double Headed Shott | | Remarks on Sunday July 2nd. 1780— | | This Day Cloudy Weather, and some Rain, and a Fresh Breeze, of Wind,— | Winds | Remarks on Monday July the 3rd. 1780— | | This Day Cloudy with Rain. People Employd Rigging the Ship Received on Board the following Stores. Vizt. | 1 | Cask of Rum Contg. 60 Gallons | 12 | Cans | 12 | Crows | | 1 | Gallon of Salt | Remarks on Teusday July 4th. 1780 | 1 | Quart | People Employd Rigging the Ship, Received Top Masts & 3 Lower Caps. got them over Head and Swayed the Top Masts up, | 1 | Pint Pot | 3 | Gill 1½ Pint Pot | 1 | Funnell | 40 | lb Fresh Beef | Recd. | 42 | lb Fresh Beef | 42 | lb. Bread | | 42 | Bread | | Remarks on July 5th. 1780 | | This Day Cloudy Weather and Rain. People Employd Rigging the Ship 5 French Boys came on Board, Received the following Stores Vizt. | 2 | Fore & Main Top Gallt. Caps | 3 | Top Sail Yards | 2 | Pair of Top Gallt. Cross Trees | 3 | Lower Yards | 2 | Top Ropes | 1 | Jibb Boom | 2 | Top Mauls | 42 | lb. Bread | 3 | Iron Fidds | | 32 | small Dead Eyes | | | Remarks on Thursday July 6th. 1780 | | This Day Fine Weather, all Hands Employed Rigging the Ship Received the following Articles Vizt. Lanyards for the Top Mast Shrouds | 12 | Baskets | 24 | Scrapers | 1 | Lanthorn | 12 | Brooms | 52 | lb. Fresh Beef | 54 | lb Bread | | Remarks on Friday July 7th: 1780 | | This Day Rain and thick Weather, all Hands Employed Rigging the Ship, the Officers and Men who were Confined in Goal were released, and Came on Board, Recd. the followg. Articles Vizt. | 12 | Crow Bars | 12 | Hand Spikes | 58 | lb. Fresh Beef | 60 | lb Bread, | | Remarks on Satarday July 8th. 1780 | | This Day begins with fine Weather, all Hands Employd Rigging the Ship, French Carpenters at work, | Expended | 58 | lb. Fresh Beef | | 60 | lb Bread | | Remarks on Sunday July 9th. 1780— | | This Day Fine Weather, the French Carpenters at work | Received | 58 | lb Beef | | 100 | lb Bread. | | Remarks on Monday July 10th. 1780— | | This Day Fine Weather, all Hands Employed Rigging the Ship,—— Entered Mr. Wheeler, as Gunner, Martin Shaw as Boatswains Mate 3 Americans & 6 Seamen, (French) Cleaned out the Hold, for Stowing, Received 2 Carpenters from an American Brig, called the Duke of Leinster. French Carpenters & Riggers as before, | Recd. | 63 | lb. Beef | | 73 | Bread | | Remarks on Teusday July 11th: 1780— | | This Day Fine Weather, Hands Employed Rigging the Ship, Cleaning the between Decks, Coiling the Cables. in their propper places, a Number of French Carpenters at work, and some from the Duke of Leinster | Expended | 67 | lb. Fresh Beef | | 66 | Bread | | Remarks on Wednesday July 12th. 1780— | | This Day Hands Employed fitting the Ship, Blacking Yards Masts &c. Mr. Wheeler the Gunner, set out for St. Maloes, to recruit Men French Carpenters, and the Joiners from the Duke of Linster, | Provisions Expended | 67 | lb. Fresh Beef | | 66 | lb. Bread | | Remarks on Thursday July 13th: 1780— | | This Day Fair Weather, and Clear, Hands Employd as Necessary French Carpenters & 2 Joiners from the Duke of Leinster as before, | Provisions Expended | 140 | lb. Beef | | 140 | Bread | | Remarks on Friday July 14th. 1780 | | This Day Fine Breezes and Clear Weather, Hands Employed as most Necessary. took in 147 Pieces of Iron Ballast, Received a Cask of Brandy. French Carpenters &c. as before | Expended | 163 | lb. Beef | | 161 | lb Bread | | 1 | Cask of Rum | | Remarks on Satarday July 15th. 1780— | | This Day fine Weather, Hands Employed taking out some Large Iron Ballast, | Provisions Expended | 160 | lb. Beef | | 160 | Bread | | Remarks on Sunday July 16th. 1780— | | This Day fine Weather, No People at work. | Expended | 101 | lb. Beef | | 161 | Bread | | Remarks on Monday July 17th. 1780— | | This Day fine Weather, and Moderate Winds, Hands employed setting up the Rigging, Carpenters as before, | Provisions Expended | 160 | lb Beef | | 160 | Bread. | | Remarks on Teusday July the 18th. 1780 | | This Day Cloudy Weather and some Rain, People Employd as Necessary Received from Port Louis, as follows | 37 | Cases with | 33 | Arms in each | 16 | do ... with | 25 | do.. | Provisions Expended | 188 | lb Beef | | 191 | Bread | | Remarks on Wednesday July 19th: 1780 | | This Day Cloudy Weather, People variously employed. Received from Port Louis as follows. | 34 | Cases with | 33 | Arms in ea | 23 | Cases with | 25 | Do | 1 | Cases with | 24 | do | 2 | Cases with | 34 | do. | Provisions Expended | 210 | lb Beef | | 200 | Bread | | 1 | Cask Rum 55 Galls. | | Remarks on Thursday July 20th: 1780— | | This Day fine Weather, Hands Employed about the Rigging stowing the Hold, &c. French Carpenters as before, Received from Port Louis Vizt. | 24 | Cases with | 33 | Arms in ea | 6 | Cases of do. | 34 | do | 1 | Cases —— | 19 | do | 1 | small do. with Pistols | Provisions Expended. | 118 | lb. Beef | | 118 | Bread. | | Remarks on Friday July 21st: 1780 | | This Day fine Weather, People Employed as Necessary. At 11 OClock Hoisted Jack, Ensign, & Pendant, Manned Ship in Complement to a French Admiral passing by. Received 5 Chord of Wood | Expended | 118 | lb Beef | | 118 | Bread. | | Remarks on Saturday July 22nd. 1780— | | This Day Fine Weather, the People stowing the Hold, Received the following Provisions VIZt. | 40 | Bbls. of Beef | 100 | Kegs of Barly | 20 | Do. of Pork | 110 | Do. of Pork | 2 | Do. of Pease | 110 | Bread | 12 | Do. of Flour | 6 | Gallons of Salt | 2 | Hhds. of Potatoes | | Remarks on Sunday July 23rd. 1780 | | This Day Fine Weather, the French Carpenters at work as usual | Provisions Expended | 118 | lb Beef | | 118 | lb Bread | | Remarks on Monday July 24th. 1780— | | These 24 Hours fair Weather, People Employd about Necessary Jobbs French Carpenters as usual Received on Board 5 Firkins of Butter, Entered 6 Englishmen from a French Prison | Received | 110 | lb. Beef | | 198 | Bread | | 1 | Cask of Rum | | Remarks on Teusday July 25th. 1780— | | These 24 Hours fine Weather, People Employed, about Necessary Jobbs French Carpenters as usual, Recd. 5,000 lb Biscuit, Bent Fore Top Sail and Jibb, Fore Top Mast stay Sail & Mizen, Fore & Main Sail Received several Robins & Earings, Recd 212 lb Beef 212 lb Bread Received the following Gunners Stores | 40 | Gun Takles | 15 | Thimbles | 2 | Skanes of Hambro' Line | 24 | Breechings | 2 | Hooks | | | 1 | Pair of Slings | 9 | Rings | 1 | Hammer | Beds & Coins for 20 Carriages | 8 | Crow Bars | 2 | Spare Carriages | | 2 | Hammers | 4 | Spare Beds. | 2 | Spunges | 4 | Bundle Rings of Wire | | 2 | Worms | 3 | Sheep Skins | | 2 | Ladles | 1 | Piece of Cork | | 30 | Cartridge Boxes | 30 | Wax Candles | | 15 | Powder Horns | 1 | Piece of Bees Wax | | 3 | Bouch Barrels | 6 | Seives | | 116 | Grape Shott | 2 | Peices of Marline | | 84 | Cannister Shott | 2 | Lamps | | 1600 | Wads | 9 | Side Lanthorns | | 3 | Axel Trees | 1 | Pair of Jack Screws | | 15 | Priming Wires | 10 | Aprons of Lead | | 6 | Gimbletts | 1 | Sheet of Lead | | 8 | Spare Rammers | 1 | Keg of Black Paint | | 3 | Marline Spikes | 1 | Keg of White Paint | | 2 | Axes | 2 | Skanes of Hausing | | 4 | Scrapers | | | a | Quantity of Matching | | | 1 | Cold Chissell | | |
right">No. 2 a Box marked WP | 2 | a Case FL | | Box marked <C> | | a Box MD | | a Trunk marked PT | | a Box PB | | a Trunk W | | a Trunk TR | 6 | Cases of Wine V | No. 1 | a Box WP | | | 2 | a Box......TR | | | 1 | a Trunk ....FL | | | | Remarks on Wednesday August 30th: 1780— | Westy- | Begins with Clear Weather, and Fresh Breezes from the Westward, People variously employed. Received on Board the following Articles | 1 | Pipe of Wine | 8 | different Ensigns | 3 | Pendants. | 1 | Cask of Brandy | | Remarks on Thursday August 31st: 1780—— | —"— | Begins with Clear Weather, and Light Winds from the Westward People variously Employed | | Remarks on Friday September 1st: 1780—— | —"— | These 24 Hours. Hazey. with Rain, People Employed fitting the Quarter Deck, for a Grand Entertainment, Received 16 Cases of Wine— | | Remarks on Satarday September 2nd. 1780— | EastY- | These 24 Hours begins with Clear Weather, and Moderate Breezes from the Eastward, had a Grand Entertainment on Board.. Expended 2 Cases No. 7 & 20, Fired Salutes, Exercised Great Guns, and small Arms. the Capt. Kicked Mr. Fanning, Midshipman, and Ordered him below,— | | Remarks on Sunday September 3rd. 1780— | "—" | ... These 24 Hours. Clear Weather, People & Carpenters variously employed clearing the Ship, Exercised the Guns. | | Remarks on Monday September 4th. 1780— | Westy. | These 24 Hours Modte. Weather. Winds from the Westwd. People variously employed. Mr. Potter. Mid Orderd in Irons. by the Capt. for a Thermometer being broke in his Cabbin | | Remarks on Teusday September 5th: 1780—— | Easty— | These 24 Hours. Clear Weather, and Moderate Breezes from the Eastwd. a Pilot came on board, took the Charge of the Ship, in Order to carry her to the Isle of Groa', Sett the Top Sails, Cast off the Moorings and went without Fort Louis, then set all Sail, made 3 or 4 Tacks and Came to Anchor under Groa', Received on Board, 1 Cask and a half of Brandy | | Remarks on Wednesday September 6th.. 1780— | Southy. | Begins with Moderate Breezes from the Southward, a Tumbling Swell at 10 A M freshened the Hause, People variously employed on Sundry Necessary Jobbs. | | Remarks on Thursday September 7th: 1780— | —"— | Begins with Clear Weather & fresh Gales from the Southward, Sent the Yawl on Shore, for 2 Casks of Water, Struck Top Gallt Yards | | Remarks on Friday September. 8th: 1780— | —"— | Begins with Cloudy Weather, Showers, of Rain fresh Gales from the So.ward Sent the Jolly Boat to L'Orient for Bread & Beef.. Sent up Top Gallt. Yards. People variously Employed. about Sundry Jobbs | | Remarks on Satarday September 9th. 1780—— | Westy. | Begins with fresh Gales from the Westward, sent the Boat for Water. afterwards sent her to L'Orient, for Bread & Beef, Hove up the Anchor, and let it go in 15 fathom Water, Dryd the Sails,—Latter Part. Cleared the Decks. Handed Sails, Struck Top Gallt. Yards—the Boat returned—with Beef & Bread. | | Remarks on Sunday September 10th: 1780— | Northy- | Begins with Cloudy Weather, and fresh Gales from the Northward People variously employed, the Boat came off. with. Bread & Beef | | Remarks on Monday September 11th: 1780—— | —"— | Begins with Moderate Weather.—Light Breezes from the Northward Sent the Jolly Boat on Shore, for Bread & Beef. Struck Top Gallt Yards the Jolly Boat came off,—with Beef & Bread. | | Remarks on Teusday September 12th. 1780 | —"— | Begins with Moderate Weather, Clear, and Light Winds from the Northwd. Hoisted out the Barge, and sent her to L'Orient, Loosed Sails to Dry, at Noon Handed them, the Barge came off with Money to pay the Wages. to the 16th. of March of the Officers & Men. of the Late Bon Homme Richard, Struck Top Gallt. Yards | | Remarks on Wednesday September 13th: 1780— | —"— | Begins with fresh Gales from the Southwd. Cloudy Weather, a Craft came a long side. with 20 Casks of Water. and Releiving Takles for the Gunner, filled up all the Water Casks, Employed Clearing the Booms, and stowed the Barge, Sent the Jolly Boat on Shore for Beef & Bread. | | 9 | | | | | 10 | | | | | 11 | | | | | 12 | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | At 6 In Top Gallt. Sails, Halled down Staysails At 7 AM Double Reefed, the Top Sails, Isle of Groa, bearing NEBE: distt 6 Leagues | 5 | | | | | 6 | | | | | 7 | | | | | 8 | 5 | 1 | WSW. | South | At 9 Struck Top Gallt. Masts & Yards: Handed Top Sails & Jibb | 9 | 5 | 1 | | | 10 | 4 | 1 | | | 11 | 1 | 1 | | | Ends with Heavy Gales | 12 | 1 | 1 | | | No Observation— | | Remarks on Monday October 9th: 1780— | 1 | 3 | 1 | WNW | SW | Begins with Heavy Gales. and a great Sea, shipped much Water the Ship under her Courses. one of the Brigs in Sight. | 2 | 3 | 1 | | | 3 | 3 | | | | 4 | 3 | 1 | | | 5 | 4 | | WBN½N | SWBS | At 6 P.M. Wore Ship. Sounded 50 fathom Water. | 6 | 4 | | | | Housed the Guns | 7 | 2 | 1 | | | At 7. Down Fore Top Mast & Mizen Stay Sails, | 8 | 2 | 1 | NWBW | SWBW | Haulled up the Mizen | 9 | 2 | | SSE | SW | At 9 the Ship Water Logged, up Main Sail & Reefed him At 10 Handed the Main Sail, the Gale still Increasing, sett the Chain Pumps to work, the Ship making much Water, at ½ Past 11 Handed the Fore Sail, finding the Ship would not right let go the Lee Anchor, in 40 fathom, and Cut away the Fore Mast at 2 AM. the Gale Increasing, the Ship making much Water Cut away Main & Mizen Masts, Hands Employed Pumping and, Clearing the Rack,—the Ship then bringing up and Riding to her Anchor, with a Heavy Sea,—— | 10 | 2 | | SBE | | 11 | 2 | | | | 12 | 2 | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | 6 | | | | | 7 | | | | | 8 | | | |
  | |