Foreword xiii List of Officers and Men of the Continental Ship, Bon Homme Richard, July the 26th, 1779 3 A List of The Men Names that has Desarted from The Bone Homme Richard, Lorient July. 19th. 1779 18 A List of Officers, & Men, belonging to the American Continental Ship of War, Ariel, Commanded, by the Honble, John Paul Jones 20 Some Remarkable Occurrences that happened on the 23d day of September 1779—relative to the Bon Homme Richard, and the Serapis.—Commanded by Richard Pearson Esqr 24 A Journall Kept on Board the Serapis, an English Ship of War, of 44 Guns taken the 23rd. of September, (by the Bon Homme Richd.,) now Commanded by the Honble. John Paul Jones 25 A Journall Kept on Board the American Continentall Frigate of War, Alliance of 36 Guns, under, the Command of the Honble, John Paul Jones 42 An Account of Occurrences in L'Orient respecting the Bon Homme Richards Officers & Crew 90 A Journall Kept on Board the American Continental Ship of War, Ariel, of 26.... Nine Pounders, Commanded by the Honble. John Paul Jones Esqr. 91 Appendix A.—Copies of the remarks in the log of the Bon Homme Richard for the 22d, 23d and 24th September. The log is now in the possession of the Selkirk family, at St. Mary's Isle. A typewritten copy, with facsimiles of several pages, is in the Library of the Navy Department 123 Appendix B.—A letter of Captain James Nicholson to Captain John Barry, dated June 24th, 1781—relative to Jones' efforts before Congress to obtain higher rank in the reorganized navy 125 Appendix D.—A letter of Jones to John Wendell, Esqr., Portsmouth, N. H., dated on board the Ranger, Nantes, 11th Decr., 1777 130 Appendix E.—Extract from Nathaniel Fanning's Narrative, describing the entertainment given by Jones about the 10th day of December, 1780 132 Appendix F.—A relation of the voyage of the Ariel to the United States, and her encounter with a ship called Triumph 134 Appendix G.—The storm which wrecked the Ariel. An account given by Fanning in his Narrative 135 Appendix H.—Fanning's account of the taking possession of the Alliance by Landais 137 |